
Comments by dallas702 (page 13)

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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    I don't think this one can be "called." Trump may get the majority of votes, simply because his one liners about terror and illegals do resonate with a majority of voters and the distrust of Hillary seems to be growing every press cycle. But - and it IS a big butt - the demographics of the Electoral College are extreme. The Democrat machine in most large cities is very effective and delivers majority votes in urban precincts, whether the voters show up or not, and those cities are often enough to carry entire states. Then you have to add in the powerful attacks that will be delivered over the next 3 months by both the liberal press and the the Soros and friends funded Political Action Committees. It will be difficult for the RNC or Trump to counter the coming flood of negative "news." This will be compounded because the Kochs and several other major Republican backers appear to be "sitting this one out." Trump has succeeded to date against "only" the press attacks and primary candidates, but against the combined: press, "opinion media," DNC attack ads, Democrat PACs and the Hillary campaign, I don't know if The Donald can keep his kool. I think the only path to the White House for Trump will have to include a new, and really big, "Hillary scandal" And I am not even sure that will be enough. The Clintons seem to have a special Teflon coating that prevents any kind of indictment or scandal from sticking.
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    8 years ago
    Hoes on the street.
    While driving through Baltimore back in the 90s, I took a wrong turn in the downtown area (Yes, I was headed for the Block) and while retracing my route I stopped at a traffic light. A knock on the passenger side brought my attention to a pair of tits at the window, so I rolled the passenger window down about half way. Thank God I didn't roll it all the way down!!!!! The face that leaned down to solicit me was a principle source of nightmares for weeks after! The numerous large acne scars were barely notable only because of the blotched, creased skin and twisted, stained teeth. If that wasn't bad enough, I think she was cross eyed and had a broken nose. I actually ran the light to escape - then went back to my hotel, skipping the Block that trip.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Melania Trump
    SO the very hot - and perhaps soon to be First Lady - mentioned what her parents taught her, and the words were similar to what Moochelle said 8 years ago. The liberals are going nutz about it. I wonder whether they are also claiming Moochelle was born in Slovenia under communist rule, or are they claiming plagiarism based on two sentences describing parental advice? OTOH, if both got the same advice, I think Melania seems to have followed it with greater success than Queen Obama. Note that Melania was already an international star in fashion modelling, and was running her own business in addition to modelling, before she met Trump. Plus, even though she chose to be a "stay-at-home" mom, Melania is STILL making money with several business ventures. The liberal screamers might have just bitten into the wrong fight! I'm with JS69 on this. I am not a Trumpster, but I cannot stand the Clintons. Best advice is to vote for the best choice of First Lady. While Slick Willie would be no more disgusting in a dress, his assaults upon common decency (not to mention the women) and money grabbing, favor buying blathering would be painful. I don't care what Melania will do as First Lady, as long as she does it in front of cameras often over the next 8 years!
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    8 years ago
    Would you consider me still new to the club scene?
    Loplaw, the reason you, "can never really recapture that lost innocence" is because whenever you get a lap dance your blood still flows all the way up to your brain. For the schlong slinging apes here, all our blood is needed to erect our alter-ego and the brain is pretty much shut down - so we don't remember how stupid we are acting and can "recapture that lost innocence." An erect, horny male is incapable of reasoned thinking or remembering that "this" dancer just met him 10 minutes ago and only wants the money!. For rcp309pvp, just save up a few bucks and drive over to COI (check reviews, the hottest club constantly changes) to experience a different club. That's the only way you can move from newbe to rookie!
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    I'm not racist, I love all races!
    I'm not completely on board with the, "hot women run races" thing. First, most women I've seen at marathons look emaciated, with no tits and almost no hips. When they stretch before a race, it's all tendons and corded muscle. Then there is that endurance thing. When I was young and healthy, I couldn't get it up - and keep it going - for over two hours without a break. Those women can - it's intimidating! ;<)
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Summer Blues
    Right now it should be a "b'. I really want to hit the clubs, but I am afraid because chessmaster has a "2AMer" hit out on me. Seems I made the tragic mistake of offering facts to dispute one of his delusions and I am now on his enemies list. I am at this moment cowering in my crawl space, tapping softly on my keyboard, in fear that aw shucks will find me and give me "what for." In the real world, I have been through periods similar to your malaise. It stinks. But be consoled by the fact that you will shortly encounter something that will get the testosterone flowing again. For me right now, the heat is oppressive, the humidity is sapping my stamina, the bright summer sun is blinding and I can't wait to get into an air conditioned, dimly lit place with stupid music, overpriced drinks and nekkid' titties on young women who love my money. So the truth is, I score a "c."
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    8 years ago
    dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
    chessmaster, your last comment was biased and untrue. I never said nor implied anything that could be reasonably interpreted as black = gangbangers and criminals. I grew up in the 60s in a racially mixed area, and remain in communication with many of my friends - of more than two races - several of them have achieved greater financial successes than I (and I ain't broke). These lifelong friends are neither gangbangers nor criminals, but several of them are Black. You suggested that poverty was the (sole offered) reason for the extreme violence of a certain sub group of black culture. I asserted that facts do not support that position. Then I offered a specific and verifiable alternative explanation that applied to certain members of a specific, limited group and the violent subculture they have created. What "thought process" do you engage.that allows you to ignore facts, avoid reality and make false accusations against me?
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: This shit is getting out of control
    25 - honest ,I DID put a smiley face at the end of my last remark. I don't know why it got cut off. Maybe it is some vast conspiracy? But I doubt Newt is involved, either in your position or the conspiracy! What? are you trying to imply it isn't flat?
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    8 years ago
    dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
    @Chessmaster, I think that if you go to the US census website that you will find that more people in the Smokies (WVA, KY, TN, PA) live below the poverty line than Blacks in Chicago. Yet, the murder rate is less than one twentieth (5%) of Chicago. There are far more whites living below the poverty line than blacks, yet nowhere are the murder rates anywhere near the black on black rates seen in every urban center in the US. In fact - NOWHERE in the US can you find any non-black population murdering its own ethnic or racial group at anything near the rate blacks murder blacks! Even the Mexican drug dealers in LA (second most violent sub-group) don't kill other Mexicans at nearly the rate blacks kill blacks. But chessmaster, if you want to see this fixed, more will have to be done than is now happening. If you only want to pass blame, that is much easier. Welfare! The LBJ Democrat "Great Society" socialism that started paying poor people money if they didn't work, then started paying more to poor mothers - if daddy wasn't around - then started paying more for more children, and added "free" health care, discounted apartments (but only in certain buildings) and food coupons; is where the fatherless, hopeless ghetto culture began. The welfare system began with liberal Democrats promising (in the mid 1960s) that their social welfare plan would completely eliminate poverty in less than 10 years. While welfare was, from the start, supposed to be "color blind," Blacks were disproportionately enrolled in Section 8, AFDC, Welfare support, and food stamps (now SNAP). Within a generation, an entire sub-culture was created. It is the descendants of the housing project welfare moms who are living lives of violent desperation, who are murdering each other over turf, drugs, or just because, "he dissed me." Blaming "white privilege" is both a cop out and a lie. It is a cop out because no matter whether it is true, or not, that does not excuse the behavior of any black. It is a lie because, in towns where black officers outnumber white police (there are several) the rates of blacks arrested and the rates of whites arrested are little different than elsewhere. Unless you now want to claim that just being a cop makes a black officer hate other blacks! I agree police probably stereotype. Any cop who is willing to put his life on the line and chooses to ignore an easy to identify group representing less than 2% (young black males) of the population that assaults cops 85% of the times cops are assaulted - is a fool! And likely to become a dead fool.
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    8 years ago
    dallas702 you got some splainin' to do!
    OK, moron (aka aw snap) try this URL for your viewing pleasure. When you get there just pick the relevant chart - idiot! https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/violent-crime or try this table from 2014 that shows Blacks committed over half of all murders . https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/table-43 If you are too stupid to actually read a web page and locate "statistics" I find it amazing you can type comprehensible words! And GACA, actually the 87% figure was from 2007 - that is the last year that stat was provided on the FBI statistics pages. But no matter how much you want to be "sure it's not," it is simply a statistic. You are right, statistics do not tell everything. But when Black gangbangers are murdering 500 Black people - every year - in Chicago alone, and no other identifiable racial, ethnic or cultural group is identified in committing murders at even one fourth as often - the problem isn't with the statistics, nor is it the cops! (Note "illegal aliens" - presumed to be overwhelmingly Hispanic - do commit a large number of crimes and several hundred murders every year - but the FBI classifies Hispanics as "white" and does not track illegals as a crime group. Homeland security "dhs.gov" does partially track this but the information is now buried in their website making it impossible to actually see how many crimes are committed by Hispanics illegally in this country.) Your OPINION that white kids get a "break" when they commit crimes - cannot be supported by any facts. I know you want to claim that is because the cops don't file reports when they give white kids a break, but your claim is false. White kids who are caught as teens committing crimes get arrested, booked and processed just like any other race, culture or ethnic group. Even racist cops, simply don't have time to make crimes disappear, no matter who commits them. I didn't take cops for me to catch Hell when I shoplifted as a 7 year old. My father caught me. After he pounded my ass until it was bruised he took me back to the store where I had to pay for that damn piece of candy, apologize, and commit to never steal again. Then I had to go back every damn week, for two months, and pay for a piece of candy which I was not allowed to eat - I had to give it to the clerk and ask her to give it to the next "nice" kid who came in. All the money I used to pay for that candy came out of the lunch money I earned doing chores - that meant I couldn't afford what I wanted for lunch - for two months. It didn't take police to teach me not to steal. It didn't take police to teach me not to bully, or sell drugs, or beat up others, or vandalize, or commit murder. I didn't do that shit because I learned - very early in life - that I am responsible for my actions and I will face consequences for what I do wrong. I do NOT see that early behavioral learning happening in "black culture" environments. Pulling isolated, distorted incidents out to "prove" an invalid position, is absurd. You could just as easily claim that O.J. was not convicted, so Blacks always get a break. There are racist cops. There are even racist BLACK cops. Police are humans, with all the foibles and skills of humans. I don't think the cops are as big a problem as the people who do commit crimes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: This shit is getting out of control
    No 25, I think Mark's point is valid. Obama and Hillary and Bernie (socialist), and most of the current crop of Democrats, spend a lot of time proclaiming inequalities that only they can fix - (with your vote, your campaign contribution, and later with almost all your money confiscated in taxes). The fact that they never manage to fix anything is not relevant to their argument. I think Mark is detailing accurate facts, in context, about one area that the "liberals" (Obama, Hillary, et al) distort the truth and take certain facts out of context in order to create a problem for them to "fix." And just for your information, everyone doesn't have to agree with me. If you want to be a total idiot and disagree with me, that's your problem! ;<)
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    8 years ago
    Old timers
    And kid, I catch you one my lawn again - - - I got a shotgun!
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hypothetical question
    First, there are no "9s" my age! Hell, that's why I go to strip clubs - to find 9s who want my attention (or money - and for my purposes - same difference) Second, If you want your dream civie AND you want to go play at strip clubs, know the risk you run if you hide the strip clubbing from your girlfriend and she catches you! Then make an informed decision and go for it. Just be prepared for consequences, and be prepared to reevaluate your decision often. I really don't understand your issue. You are supposedly nearly a grown-up (I have lately discovered that adulthood usually begins about age 45 for men). You are capable of misdirection, deceit and lies, since any functioning male does this daily. Hit the strip clubs - or don't.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: This shit is getting out of control
    What is getting out of control is the biased, agenda driven media and their mega rich, wanna' be controllers. I am not claiming that there is some hidden conspiracy. I am pointing to the facts anyone can look up, if they take the time. First, there are hundreds of thousands of police officers nationwide. Those officers have dozens of encounters with citizens every day. Most of the officers are NOT biased or racist. Most officers do their jobs extremely well, all day, all night, every day and night. But if you point enough cameras at these officers it is possible to find the rare mistake, the even more rare bigots, and the few horrifying abuses of police trust - out of the many millions of daily police encounters with the public. You have to ask the question - Why does the media push, for hours - everyday - reports on bad or apparently biased encounters between police and blacks? Second, the police DO disproportionately shoot blacks almost 30% of the time cops shoot people.(Blacks represent only 13% of US population). But that is a statistic without context. In context, - - (from FBI.gov and CDC.gov) -.- almost two-thirds of all violent crime is committed by young black males -.- 87% of illegal weapons confiscated were last in the possession of young black males -.- over half of all murders are committed by young black males -.- two-thirds of all rapes are committed by young black males -.- over 60% of all known gang members are young black males -.- over half of all young black males have a criminal record -.- over three fourths of all assaults on police are committed by young black males. Note that while blacks are 13% of US population, young black males (not currently in jail) actually represent somewhere between 1.4% and 1.7% of the population. Is it any wonder that police are nervous when encountering young black males? How can anyone be surprised when police overreact to the actions of a young black male? Taken in the context of ALL police encounters with young black males, the number of "bad" interactions is surprisingly small. Why does the media totally ignore context? And honestly - Is it racism - or self preservation that has police (BOTH white and black officers - bet you didn't hear that fact on MSNBC) treating young black males differently? With two recent shootings of young black males by police and a president who proclaims racism is the root cause of just about every problem he can name - how surprising is it that another violent young black male takes a gun and starts shooting police in Dallas? I started by saying I am not claiming a secret conspiracy. Personally, I believe there are several competing agendas that create this nightmare of media bias. The media, of course, is competing for a larger percentage of a dwindling market in order to charge more for ad time. Upper management is unwilling to lose their high paying position by allowing for "unpopular" context, so all the outlets hammer the same sensationalized stories 24/7. The money behind the media has an agenda. Soros, Mediamatters and a collection of "behind the curtain" players encourage the "racism" message for their own purposes. Mostly, those purposes are about control - they already have lots of money. There is a minority movement to "disarm" or "ban guns" or keep "assault weapons" from the "bad guys" or in some other way overturn the 2nd amendment. A few are truly sincere, if misguided citizens, but much of the anti-gun agenda is driven by big money and politics. That agenda demonizes the NRA, but ignores the fact that the NRA is just a club with 80,000,000 members - and if the NRA has any influence it is because politicians realize that HALF of their voters are members of the NRA. Bloomberg and a collection of Washington liberals, want to promote a message of a violent US that will be different if you let them ban some weapon, control who is legally allowed to own weapons and make it illegal for a dad to give his son a rifle. Part of the anti-gun noise is is distraction. The politicians pushing that message have other problems or platforms they do not want people to dwell upon. Part of the message is about "easy press." The media is already sensationalizing violence at every opportunity, why NOT jump on that band wagon with sound-bite worthy anti-gun remarks? Free face time on TV, why not? Part of the "racist cop," "anti-gun," "violent America" narrative also has a more sinister purpose. There are people - in charge of several media outlets, in politics, and with the money behind several politicians - who really want to change this country into a government controlled, government directed nation. You can guess who they want in charge of that government. My bottom line is - what really needs to change are: The black culture that pushes so many young black males toward violence. The media that pushes their agenda before facts. The voters who vote without real facts. I may not have the answers, but at least I know some of the facts.
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    8 years ago
    Contact and Clothing Rules
    Very few state have any statutes at all relevant to activities between dancers and customers in a strip club. Those state laws that do occasionally apply are specifically prostitution laws. In almost every state, the laws that restrict nudity and contact between dancers and customers are local (county, parish, city or town). In some states, the state courts have routinely upheld certain types of restrictive laws and local governments throughout the state will copy the language already upheld by a state court - but it is still a local issue. As busta_nut described, the rules vary across any state. Maryland communities have used alcohol sales laws to limit strip clubs in addition to "morality" statutes, but enforcement is more important than law even in boring, restrictive Maryland!
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    8 years ago
    Dating civvie Latinas
    IME, Latina women, far too often, match the stereotype. Hot looking, hot in bed, hot tempered, and highly motivated to make any man's life magic in bed and misery everywhere else! I dated a Latina for two years and found her to be extremely high maintenance and often very expensive! I finally found myself on the receiving end of one too many screaming fits and broke it of with her. I still miss the sex!
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    8 years ago
    The men that ask for extras
    I don't ask for extras, I just ask how much they cost.
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    8 years ago
    FBI fail.... Obviously Hillary's server was scrubbed too clean for them
    Depressing that the Director of the FBI would admit that an FBI investigation revealed violations of Treason statutes and then attempt to attribute supposed lack of "intent" as an excuse for not prosecuting. The Hillary emails currently in the public domain, even though heavily redacted, clearly show more than 200 criminal violations of federal law prohibiting mishandling of classified material. Interestingly, the federal statute does NOT excuse anyone mishandling classified material, but instead specifies that negligence IS a criminal act. The "Hillary" extremeophiles will insist that Comey's comments "exonerate" Clinton. A very large crowd of benefit receivers, (from welfare checks on one end to targeted mega tax breaks on the other) will now be encouraged to vote for the woman in November. I am just hopeful that enough American citizens recognize that this felonious woman in the Oval Office would be a worse disaster than the current president.
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    8 years ago
    All over
    Polyester is just so 70s. Or is that 90s? Whichever, I didn't wear it then and I will not wear it now. There is something about polyester that just doesn't "feel" right on my skin. Other plastic fibers don't bother me, but I don't wear Polyester, not even the expensive blends. I did find, over the years, two good options for pants to wear in strip clubs. The "old" standby is summer weight "tropical" wool dress slacks. The thin, very lightweight, fabric can be very easy on a dancers nether regions and generally do not restrict sensations any more than fine silk. The other option I found is "microfiber." This plastic fiber feels more like cotton or silk than most other plastics, is more flexible, and can be woven in many different thicknesses. Again a "summer weight" cloth works well. Whether wool or microfiber, I generally wear dark, double pleated slacks with a very long zipper along with a button front, loose fitting cotton shirt with my shirt-tail out. The look is acceptable in almost any club. Most dancers think it is office or dress wear so I am not as obviously a SC perv PL when I walk in. When dancers sit on fine wool or lightweight microfiber they almost always comment on how nice it feels.. More important, it feels - to me - like I have almost nothing between my willie and the dancer and it allows fast easy access for the dancer with plenty of room for her to operate. BTW - just for LDK and his army of followers - microfiber does not change color as much as other materials when wet. If you splooge in you pants, it will not be as obvious! For the rest of us, both fine wool and microfiber, in dark colors, are less likely to look as "stained" by dancer cream, BBBJ spillage or dancer drool, when we leave the club.
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    8 years ago
    Screamers, gigglers, grunters, breathers...
    A few years ago I enjoyed a motel room OTC with a very well endowed but petite young woman who squeaked as she came. I admit I laughed at her when we slowed down, but it really was both funny and sexy. As we started "round two" she apologized for making funny noises but said if she tried to stop squeaking she got the hiccups.
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    8 years ago
    4th of July?
    Vincemichaels has the right answer. There will be fewer customers, and the few dancers working will be there because they are broke and desperate to earn the already overdue rent money. That makes for a very good hunting environment. And for you "BBQ, fireworks and family" guys, cook out, take the kids to see the big fireworks show, then let their Mom put them to bed while you explore the good hunting environment! (And women think us guys can't multi-task!)
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    8 years ago
    No ho like an old ho
    I ran into a dancer about 8 years ago in an ESL club who looked 25 and - eventually - showed me her drivers license to prove that her 50th birthday was the week before! (That cost me another $20!) She didn't try to come across "old and wise" or offer any depressing news about the "lifestyle." She was instead one of the most skilled "limited extras available" lap dancers I have ever encountered (she wouldn't do FS).. She was smiling, seemed happy and was very upbeat. She claimed that she planned to dance until she was 60 and then live off her (she claimed) substantial savings. I haven't been back to the Illinois side of St Lou since, but I wonder if she is still dancing.
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    8 years ago
    Titty fucking
    I once had a dancer with big soft "DD"s do a combo titty-fuck and blow job. She kept drooling on my tool and that did lube the titty slide. I was impressed when she swallowed my load, but when she moved away, the crotch of my pants were soaked from her "lube" drool!
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    8 years ago
    When do you know your addicted to stripclubs
    Perhaps one answer to the OP's question is; When you cancel a date with a hot civi chick so you can go to the SC - you might be a Strip Club addict! OR: If you go to a SC whenever there is nothing else you have to do - you might be a strip club addict, OR; If the first question on your mind when you wake in the morning is - which SC do I go to today? - you might be a strip club addict. OR: If you can't stop watching the clock, waiting for you favorite strip club to open - you might be a strip club addict. OR?
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    8 years ago
    Who thinks this is true?
    I almost certain that everything I read here is true. Don't you?