Obama's speech at the convention.
Like him or not, many here don't, to put it mildly. President Obama gave a positive speech at the convention. Not surprising. Trump on the other hand, repeatedly downgraded the USA. Nice to know what we think. Trump remains a racist bully, with too many disturbing parallels to Hitler during his rise.
America is not weak..We let Iran humiliate our navy and wreak havoc in the region and we reward them hoping they will be nice
America does not back off. we were going to punish Asad for gassing his own people but Obama backs off and lets a dick like Putin dictate terms.
America does not quit. Obama's crew doesn't even try to save Americans from being killed in Benghazi
You can bash Trump but you cannot refute this
Think about this for a moment...
It's not angry old white men who have:
Ambushed police officers in Dallas
Ambushed police officers in Baton Rouge
Targeted and shot young black teenagers in Fort Myers
Killed and wounded gay Latinos in Orlando
Murdered 14 people in San Bernadino
Terrorized Europe with deadly attacks in Nice, Paris,,and Munich
Let's stop and think who *really* are angry
Don't any of you Trump supporters find that troublesome?
I do find it troublesome that well over half of all voters in the presidential primaries chose to vote for non-establishment candidates Trump and Sanders, yet the Democrat establishment ignores the popular vote and the Republican old guard ignores their own candidate. I do find it troublesome that the only candidate NOT obligated to rich insiders is constantly attacked by surrogates for those rich players. I do find it troublesome that the Democrats chose to ignore decades of scandal, insider dealings, and outright criminal behavior to nominate a candidate intimately tied to those very same political power players.
No, the Republican old guard recognizes that Trump is unstable and nuts. When Trump's not reading from a teleprompter, he's unhinged. Yesterday's press conference, Trump got Hillary's running mate Tim Kaine mixed up with the New Jersey governor Tom Kean. Trump then went on to ask the Russians to continue cyber-espionage to help him win.
This should be non-partisan. Trump is crazy.
Let's all face it. Neither candidate is a great choice, not even a half decent choice. It's the epitome of the lesser of 2 evils. Although I don't like Trump i'd rather take my chances with his unknown qualities as opposed to the facts I know of Clinton based on her history.
For the record, it is common knowledge that Michelle and Barry are lousy orators. They are unsurpassed at reading a teleprompter, but take away their scripts and they are reduced to stumbling, stuttering, incoherent fools. Everyone knows this. Why do you think they never do press conferences?