
Is it kind of sad to think most human life on this planet will be dead within 40

Avatar for sharkhunter

I believe most will die within 40 years. I expect a massive battle around 2055 or 2056. Most dead before then. Billions dead.

If this is true, it does seem like some of the things we are arguing about now seem petty.

It could get bad long before that though. I could imagine a civil war breaking out after Hillary gets elected and tries to take away gun rights from everyone. Those without guns won't have the gun owner next door using his or her guns to defend the Hillary supporter. It would just be a matter of principal. I wouldn't want someone using a gun to defend someone who doesn't believe in gun rights.

In the later years we get all into the world war with Chinese armies marching across the Middle East, Russia invading South, etc, etc.

I thought I would post something to make all the strippers at stripper web feel better that they were using their life for something productive knowing it will all end within 40 years except for a small percentage of the planet. I heard there is bible code indicating Armageddon in either 2055 or 2056. Sounds about right for China to build up a large army of maybe 200 million and march into battle.

RIP strip clubs 40 years from now. I doubt they will exist since almost everyone around now will be dead. I may die of natural causes before 40 years is up.

On the other hand some of my crazy relatives said something about a paranormal supernatural event called the 3 days of darkness when no electricity will work and only one Holy candle will burn in a house and only if the people inside do not have ghastly sins. Supposedly most men will not stay indoors and will get killed. Everyone will be made young again and the surviving men will have lots of girls around. Supposedly all the demons from hell will be let loose to clean the earth and kill people caught outside. They will be like the terminator able to call out from outside your house as if it was your spouse, mother, father, boyfriend or girlfriend asking you to either come out or let them in. You're dead if you listen to them.

Not sure if any of this will happen but one thing is certain. We will all meet the grim reaper. I just hope she's wearing a sexy black stripper outfit. :)


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Avatar for Corvus

I agree with everything you have written above. Except for the crazy stuff.

Avatar for rockstar666

If we don't get climate change under control, the petty political differences won't matter.

Avatar for ppwh

^ agreed! If we don't do something about the assholes trying to criminalize science while jetting around to pat each other on the back at carbon-hating summits, this planet is done!

Avatar for mikeya02

When we are on the verge of learning how to live in peace and uncover the secrets of the universe, a giant meteor will crash into earth thus killing everyone......cosmic joke

Avatar for Dominic77

You are all rong. What will kill of the human race is all young men will turn into emo fags who just masturbate to online porn 3 times a day and never bother to have sex with real women.

It will be up to you guys to repopulate the earth using strip clubs!

Avatar for RandomMember

Yeah, when I read the title, I thought this thread was about climate change or about prez. Trump getting us all killed.

But the demons-from-hell theory where people caught outside get killed makes a lot more sense. Good point. It could happen.

Avatar for mikeya02

^^^ good plan

At 2:06, you can see the Soviet ambassador trying not to crack up at Peter Sellers. lol

Avatar for Player11

no I wb dead by then

I don't believe world wb dead by then. planet has about 1 bill left b4 life extinct from sun getting hotter

hopefully in 40 yr aids wb cured, prostitution legalized

Avatar for skibum609

I doubt I will be alive and 98 and having had a fucking blast in life I couldn't possibly care less when the world ends. Today, tomorrow, next week, next year, never are all fine with me.

Avatar for dallas702

Sharkhunter, I've been on that hill called Megg where it will all come to a fiery end. I didn't know it was gonna happen in just 40 years. I'm gonna' have to hurry and start gathering acorns right now!

Oh - wait - 40 years? Dude, I'll be over a hundred. I think I'll go strip clubbing instead. I am sure the strippers will use my money to prepare for the end much more wisely than I.

Avatar for vincemichaels

I'll join you, dallas702 if I can still move.

Avatar for RandomMember

@Mikeya wrote: At 2:06, you can see the Soviet ambassador trying not to crack up at Peter Sellers. lol

lol! Good catch. Dr. Strangelove was a masterpiece, no?

Luckily someone with a personality disorder could never gain access to nuclear weapons IRL.

Avatar for Skyrbuoy

Go ahead and hate your neighbor

Go ahead and kill a friend

You can do it in the name of heaven

You can justify it in the end

There won't be any trumpets blowin

on the judgement day

one tin soldier rides away

Avatar for rickthelion

Frankly, there are too damn many of you apes. The council of ricks would prefer similar numbers of each ape species. Maybe more bonobos than you hairless apes. Bonobo hookers are a blast. Just ask rickdugan about his last OTC with a bonobo. He told me it was some good fuckin'.

Regardless, the council is counting on you to kill yourselves. The planet will be better if there were fewer of you damn dirty apes. If you don't kill yourselves the cats will go wildebeest on your asses.


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