
BLM Manifesto

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Holy hell! Has anyone followed the links from the news stories and read everything on the page of the BLM manifesto? That is the craziest left wing hippie communist new afrika crap since the fall of the soviet union. We want everything for free. We want everything we want retroactively. After all the free shit we want no taxation with representation. And we don't want whitey to have shit because we don't want that. What a load of entitlement bullshit. Yet, no one else is calling bullshit on them. Is our nation truly screwed when we have become afraid to call a spade "a spade"?


  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Their peak was probably when Bernie looked like he had a shot at the Democratic nomination.

    Democrats know they have blacks and gays locked down and don't have to pander to them and their issues. The general election really is about swing voters, mostly working class whites.

    I do hope they can stay more focused on the winnable, actionable item of "let's try to decrease the number of police who kill black people during arrests".
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    @JSD, Actually that was released earlier this week, well after the convention had ended
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    JamesSD-- > " actionable item of "let's try to decrease the number of police who kill black people during arrests"."-->

    This should be our immediate focus. Then we can re-group and address what the other issues are.

    We'd need to measure the other problems before a solution can be found. Some of it is (1) impulse control (maybe) and (2) the breakdown of the black family (maybe) from lack of father influences. It's hard to take the "work hard and bootstrap yourself" until those 3 items are in check and improving.

    It seems like a hard problem to solve or at least define. But these are just a wild-assed guesses. Any of our esteemed black members can slam me or correct me as I'm just an observer.

    Sorry I can't add more to the discussion.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    It seems to me that the winnable, actionable item should be black stop resisting arrest, obeying lawful instructions from cops, stop breaking laws and being repeat offenders. Now I'm not saying that cops haven't unlawfully killed black people in the past. I'm not saying cops haven't unwisely resorted to lethal force when it was unnecessary recently. I am saying that the current spate of white cops killing blacks a myth. A falsehood. An unreal made-up narrative. Freddie Gray was a repeat offender who caused his own death. Michael Brown in Ferguson caused his own death by leaving the cop no other choice after Brown repeatedly attacked him. Trayvon Martin earned his bullet when his attack made Zimmerman defend himself. Alton Brown was killed because he was resisting arrest and reaching for his gun. Sandra Bland was high af, resisting arrest, and killed herself. That cat in New York was resisting arrest. The cop didn't kill him, his fatass 450lbs killed him. Julio Castille in MN would still be alive if he hadn't been a dumbass ans told the cop he has a gun while reaching behind his back. And everyone knows that Cambridge police acted responsibly, ut was the activist professor who was seeking confrontation and Obama stupid fucking habit of speaking without knowing any of the facts..
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Sorry or the typos, gotta hop on a conference call
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    BLM is a racist organization, no better then the KKK. The New York Times did a study on police shootings and found exactly zero evidence that race played any role at all in police shootings. These are people who have been empowered by the dirty rats we call Washington democrats.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago

    I agree, except I would call that impulse control.

    I would like to hold the police to higher standards than the populace though.

    but some civilians do have a problem with impulse control / anger.

    I am not sure how to solve it though. I wish bootstrapping was the answer. Maybe it is? How do you teach impulse control to a grown adult. I sounds stupid to even have to say that, but we do. How do you address that?

    Do we put time in timeout / detention / make then stand in the corner with a dunce cap? Spankings? Lectures? I don't want to 'baby' a grown adult.

    I do know, what we are currently doing isn't working.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    skibum has a point. It's not really race. It's people behaving badly. But how to address that?
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Read it for yourselves, it should be interesting to see any comments regarding this news article.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ...ok. Clearly race relations will never move in the right direction as long as we have attitudes like this. Its sad that so many people are willing to condone the murder of minorities. I can only hope none of you nor I have to go through what those parents have.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^exactly. (not sure if you think I'm part of the bad attitudes or not).
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    And again, it was not murder. It was lawful self-defense. Saying it was murder will never change the fact that it was not. That is why all the judges and juries have exonerated the REAL victims - which happened to be the Ines that pulled the triggers. The shame, and I literally mean these prosecutors should be ashamed to show their faces in public, is what those cops and Zimmerman were put through to appease lawless mobs. That's right, innocent men were mercilessly prosecuted to make criminals and liars happy! Shame on everyone who facilitated and participated in that malicious prosecution.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I have had the Op on ignore for months and this afternoon after checking in without logging in, I see this new thread posted by the OP. I thought you were going to refrain from posting off topic and inciting hopeless bullshit and as evidence I submit your thread .


    I guess you couldn't help yourself sort of like Donald Trump who can't shut up and stay on topic, whom you seem to admire so much. I am sure you will revert back to form, and call me a whole bunch of names but that won't change the fact that you cant keep your word, or at least stay with a topic that you understand.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Gammanu, despite your "facts" and "statistics"(outright lies, in some cases) you are not the expert in this matter. I am. You will believe whatever you want based on your statistics and facts. And nothing will change your opinion. I understand this and accept it. But I know the truth. Like I said though, I truly would never wish these incidents on anyone.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Here is the deal in a lot of the "racial" shootings that have happened this past couple of years.
    1. Like mentioned before.... the criminals or victims (depending on situation) didn't listen to police commands.
    2. The criminals or victims were resisting arrest.
    3. The criminals or victims had weapons.
    4. The police are there for a major complaint or warrant....ie: assault, robbery, etc.

    What I love is how when you read comments on these articles on how dumb people are or think Hollywood is real life.
    LE are trained to shoot to eliminate the threat.
    - So all those people who think they can just "wing" a person are wrong... but that also opens up a whole can of legal issues if cops just "winged" people....ie: shoot them in the leg or arm.
    - Also people who think cops are "crack" shots or snipers are 100% mis-informed. Many just barely qualify with their side arm.

    Now I am like others.... I don't think every LE out there is 100% a saint or never does anything wrong. But they need to be wired tight and be on their toes in all situations. So mistakes can and will happen. But many times they need to be the aggressor to control a situation and bring order back into light.

    I also see BLM as a "racist" group. Just like KKK, Neo Nazi's, etc. They are pushing for a the betterment of one race. They don't talk about betterment of other races. I mean it is right in the title of their movement. Also they do things that don't help their cause (in MN shutting down an airport and shutting down a interstate highway). I mean the examples in MN they caused people to miss flights and be late for work and appointments. Do you think that these people that were effected by the demastration will say... OH YEAH I WILL GET ON BOARD.....I DONT MIND I MISSED MY FLIGHT OR GOT YELLED AT FROM MY BOSS OR EVEN GOT FIRED.

    I am all about people protesting and what not. But be constructive with it.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^another expert with no first hand experience who just believes whatever they want.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Oh, please chessmaster, enlighten us on how you became an SME on race relations. By living as a slave in the democrat party plantation your whole life? That doesn't cut it, bro. If I posted anything untrue, please refute it, and provide your sources. But you won't because you can't.
    As for twentyfive, welcome back! I post and comment about politics and societal issues because they matter. Because there is too much ignorance. Because the truth needs as much air time as it can be given. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.". Except for a fondness for beer and strippers, I am an upright and moral person. I must do something, I have an obligation to participate. The liberal media, BLM, globalists and socialists in the democrat party are evil - truly maliciously evil. Trump, Ryan, and McConnell are bad, yes, but Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and Clinton are abhorrently vain and dishonest. They treat the public and the media like idiots because so many of you go along with it. I'll never understand why you won't stand up and demand the truth. So I'll do it for you. That's why I post. That and I like your puttering madness while I troll you with the Truth.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Now lets talk about how people are saying that cops are "targeting" blacks....

    Per Washington Post:

    "Castile is at least the 506th person shot and killed by police so far in 2016, according to a Washington Post database that tracks such shootings.

    He is one of 123 black Americans shot and killed by police so far in 2016, according to the database. About 10 percent of the black Americans shot and killed were unarmed at the time of the shooting, while about 61 percent were armed with a gun"

    Ok... lets look at the above..... 506 cop killings this year... and 123 were black... That is 24.3% have been black people.... so is that targeting??? When less than 25% have been black???? I don't think so. When about 18% of the population identify themselves as "black". So it is a little higher than the average per population goes. But not too far off. (I am not throwing in stat about % of crime committed by race etc.... but just using per population) Population figures came from google search... roughly 42 million identify themselves as "black" and total population of 231 million. 2010 numbers. They could be off but wont be by too much.

    Now lets break down the 123 killed...... 10% were unarmed...So out of 123 people killed... 12.3 were not armed. Now that is still too many but 12 people were unarmed. that leaves 111 that were armed or had a weapon.

    Also with the fact of "unarmed" doesn't mean a person can do harm. I have seen guys beat the crap out of people. I have seen guys walk thru tazers before. I have seen guys walk thru pepper spray. So to say only use no lethal force isn't always the answer either.

    So again to cry that there is racism with police or "targeting"... isn't 100% accurate for the media and people to cry.

    ***** DISCLAIMER *****
    I am not saying racism doesn't exist or that there are cops that are racist and do "target" a certain racial group.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Let's not forget about the black cops targeting white people in Louisiana. I need to find that article and link it.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Oh please spare me your morality, you don't even have the decency to disagree, without commenting adversely on the right of another to disagree with you. You do nothing positive, just mock anyone who has a divergent belief from your own. In your own words anyone who disagrees with you is dishonest, or an idiot, and that's sad.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago

    So please enlighten us on the "facts" of the cases that were discussed.
    didn't evidence show that people were resisting arrest? People had weapons? People were criminals? Some law was broken?

    Please show me how you know LE officers are "crack" shots and can hit a pop bottle every time at 15 paces?? Because I have seen it first hand.... THEY CANT.

    Please show me where in MN that the BLM protests that shut down I94 and the Airport didn't cause people delays and to miss flights or get in trouble at work because of tardiness and what not?

    Yes everything I am basing my discussion off is FACTS. These FACTS were delivered in courtrooms. Not on social media.

    I am also waiting to see how the Castile case in MN turns out. Not all the facts have been presented.

    I am one who waits for investigations and Trials to happen before I jump to conclusions.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Do a web search for Jeremy Mardis, Chris Few, Marksville LA
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Aww, twentyfive, did I make you cry? Poor widdle bay-bee. Man up. Yes, I mock you, because you have yet to provide any facts. Hell, you have yet to provide a thesis! Also, what you are doing is called "projection". You and chessmaster lack the intellectual capacity to process divergent data and critical analysis. You prefer to be spoon fed by the liberal media. In layman's terms: It is actually you lashing out at others whose opinion does not support your narrow little worldview. It's typical of liberals and racists, so I actually kind of expect it.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Well since what I said clearly went over your heads, I give up. All your facts and statistics are what you want to believe and nothing else. Certainly not the truth. I'm not going to waste anymore bandwidth having one way arguments.

    Happy clubbing and God bless.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    These people are the same sociopaths that wanted Martin Luther King killed because he wanted equality not free not restitution and Malcolm X killed because he wanted Black Men to be men first and and respect each other and then demand the respect of 'whitey'. They both said (paraphrasing) how can you expect the white man to respect us when we do not respect ourselves, our wives and support our children! They were both murdered for it and the Black community was stuck with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the rest that only care about the person they see in the mirror each morning and as long as they get a large peice of the pie they could careless about the rest of the community.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    ^ What? Facts, especially facts, and stats aren't believable? Then what is believeable? Made up stories and word of mouth that changes and gets embellished as it goes from one mouth to another?
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    My post was @ chessmaster.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    TiredTraveller is 100% correct. It's chilling to think that our country lost two of, if not the two best, civil rights leaders we had because they were not radical enough.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    @ chestmaster.....

    So you disputing the facts that were presented in court cases which our judicial system based a ruling off of??? You are disputing facts from the Washington Post which is a paper who is known for causing racial issues. You are disputing facts that the BLM movement in MN did shut down the roads leading to the MSP Airport which caused people to miss flights.... they shut down I94 a major highway which again caused people to miss appointments, be late for meetings, late for work, etc. I mean they shut down these things not for minutes but hours!!
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    crsm, not just court cases, the Obama justice dept. went hard after some of those cops trying to find reasons for charges and ensuing convictions and came up empty. Just facts but obviously facts don't matter when there's an agenda to follow.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Asshole same tired shit from the same ignorant poster back on ignore
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Well that fixed things LOL
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    If you want to anger a conservative, tell him a lie or tell lies about him.
    If you want to anger a liberal, tell him the truth or tell the truth about him.
    Chessmaster and twenty-five have proven my point definitively and conclusively.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Twenty five..... I don't know what you and gammanu have going on or what ever.

    But do you think that the stuff that is coming out about the BLM movement and what not is showing that they are actually trying to divide instead of unite??

    Now I read (cant remember where or how valid it is)... that in Kansas there was a ground roots type BLM or that group identified themselves as BLM.... they held a "night out" where they gathered police, community leaders, activists, etc. They all met in a park, had food provided, talked about the racial divide and tried to come to conclusions and move forward to make relations better..... Well then either the state or national BLM came out and said that... that group didn't represent them.

    Again I am not sure 100% where I read that or the validity of that. But if there is truth behind it. Then what is BLM about?? Are they a "radical" group??? That is why I said they are like the KKK..... or Neo Nazi's.... those two are "extreme" or "Radical"... and pushing for separation and not coming together and unite an nation.

  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Sooo much ignorance in this thread.

    Crsm27 - face palm @ your ignorance. Comparing BLM to the KKK is incredibly idiotic and shows your complete lack of historical knowledge. The KKK is a hate group who burned crosses on lawns, spread their hatred for minorities, had the goal of keeping the minorities oppressed, and actually murdered people. BLM is the complete opposite. They are against everything the KKK stands for, as exemplified by the fact that people of all colors, religions, etc are welcome to join BLM. Nor does BLM go around raping and hanging others who are different from them as a part of their cause.

    Gammanu95 is crowned the absolute idiot of this thread, maybe the most deluded, idiotic person on this entire forum. I don't even feel like getting started on him and picking apart his inaccurate, hateful, unintelligent bullshit spewing from his fingertips.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Why doesn't anyone ever answer the question about why BLM and the liberal media totally ignores black on black crime?

    We're just 8 or 9 days past the Club Blu shooting in Fort Meyers. Try a GOOGLE search. You can't even find a news article newer that about July 26. Two kids are dead and 16 injured. innocent kids

    Yet almost 2 full years after Michael Brown and Ferguson, the story remains prominent in the news.

    Which shooting was more tragic?
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Black on black crime is a tactic anti-BLM people use to distract from the current situation, which is that blacks are far more likely to get shot by police than whites, regarldess of whether or not they have a weapon or even resist. To the normal person, that is looked upon as a problem. To closet-racists, it's no big deal, and blacks are somehow at fault no matter what and should bend over and take it up the tailpipe to appease cops so they don't get shot, because yeah that makes sense and yeah that's totally what freedom and liberty are all about.

    What about white on white crime, motorhead? That's an issue too in poor white communities. What are you doing about that? You haven't even mentioned it.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Nina. Why should I do anything about white on white crime? You're the one that's deflecting. I'm not part of a group called "white lives matter"

    Answer the damn question instead of calling me a racist
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    To crsm27 we have nothing going on except for the fact that your boy is a bigot and a hate monger subscribing to neo Nazi propaganda and looking to find other ignoramus's to align his hateful rhetoric with.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    BLM is a direct response to the senseless killings of black people at the hands of authority figures who face no consequences for the brutalities.

    Do you understand? It is quite simple for a logical brain to receive, process, and understand what I just said.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    That was to motorhead.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    @twentyfive.... got it.

    Nina.... I used KKK and Neo Nazi as comparison to get your attention....and I did. But BLM is using tactics to intimidate and also push an agenda. If you don't think so... again I bring up shutting down a highway and an airport.

    Also you bring up how "blacks are shot more than others by Police"... did you not see they are only 24% of the total (at the time 506) people shot????

    So 76% of the people shot by police were not "black"..... where is the BLM movement crying or demostrating for them????

    Again why is BLM only going after "blacks" and not all the senseless killing of people by police.

    Also Nina.... you are not looking at the facts that I posted in reguards to police shootings. It was posted by a liberal outlet too. All I did was break it down.

    Nina....and others...... How would a group called WLM (White Lives Matter) be precieved doing the same thing BLM is doing? This group is protesting to stop the white on white crime and also the senseless shooting of white people by cops...... Would they be deemed racist??? Now please answer that honestly.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Dumb bitch
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    here is my thing... since nobody is answering my last question... ..on how would "WHITE LIVES MATTER" be looked upon....

    Give it all the alien test. What I mean is an alien comes to visit the country.... they see a movement saying BLACK LIVES MATTER.... they will ask what it is about.... then they will ask... is there a WHITE LIVES MATTER movement...... and people will say... NO.... that is racist...... so... how can one be racist and the other one not???

    Again... why isn't BLM trying to stop all sensless Police killings???

    ******* Racism is alive in the world... have it be whites on black....blacks on whites..... whites on Asians..... blacks on Asian... etc.

    One of the things that made me scratch my head... is I had an educated black man tell me once.... it is impossible for a black person to be racist...... I just about fell out of my chair. Being racist is putting one race above another... or pushing for the betterment of ONLY one race.

    But until we as a country can see this we will never move forward and unite as one.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    I love how white people love to completely ignore history 1964 (some of were born way before then) is when blacks were granted civil rights.

    And I'm supposed to believe that after the day it was signed all the racism in America went away after 300 years of thinking niggas ain't shit. Treating them like animals and surprised that they are anti social?

    This isn't a bit fckn aliens this is about the USA. Yes after 50 years things are a lot better than they used to be. But the attitude law enforcement holds for blacks is incorrigible. Blacks gets shot when a whites get talked to and negotiated with.

    Here's my caveat, after centuries of complete and utter dehuminization ya blacks need to get over it and learn to lift ourselves up. There's a victim culture foe sure (but again they were truly fckn victims for centuries ) that needs to be changed. We do it the way Cosby (no not by drug raping women) did, by placing a high value on education and class, and we get there by telling these dumb gangbangers that there's a better life than dying on the street or getting ass fucked in jail.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Nina, you ignorant slut. I employ others and bring jobs and prosperity to the commerce that enriches the rainmakers. You spin around a pole and live off your tits. Do you really think you can judge me? HAH!
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "Nina, you ignorant slut."

    Yes, I think I can judge you. In fact the only reason I'm the slightest bit comfortable with someone like you inhabiting this planet is because at least strippers take your money.

    You go get 120 credits towards a political science degree, and get legal internships like I have, and then you can come and try to have a logical debate with me about politics. Each post on the topic that you contribute furthers your bitter and hateful agenda.

    In fact, I think I have done more good for mankind by spinning around a pole and showing my tits for the last few years than you have your entire life.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    The problem with talking about anything BLM is they aren't a cohesive unit. One "leader" says this, another "leader" says that. One group protests peacefully, another one doesn't. They're too fluid and too ill-defined to discuss as one group.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Poly sci? lol.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Yes Poli Sci.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    The party platforms no doubt switched. If Abe were alive today he'd be a democrat.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    The party platforms did indeed switch when Nixon deployed the Southern Strategy to win over racist white southerners.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Still nobody answering my question about would a White Lives Matter movement be considered racist.....HMMMMMMM

    GACA..... the aliens was to prove a point.... how can one be considered ok....and another racists....

    jester..... 100% correct..... That is why this thread came about...... One part of BLM is saying one thing... another is this "manifesto" we are taking about.

  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    nina..... and others.... what do you think about many of the comments and speechs made by Sheriff David Clarke?

    Just curious.....
    - he talks about profiling (which police and investigators do or have to do to help solve crimes.)
    - He talks about how Sharpton, Jackson, Holder and even Obama.... are helping to divide instead of unite
    - He talks about BLM isn't for social progress but more for social divide.

    Just curious what people think of his comments.....

    And people who don't know..... He is a black sheriff
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Lmao. He's a house slave for Fox news, are you joking?
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "House slave"? REALLY????
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    lol. You realze he's a Democrat, right?

    So when he uses his own mind and speaks up you call him the "house n*****"

    You're the worst kind of racist Nina
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    ^^^ jester that was actually an appropriate use of the term house slave
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Yes, house slave.

    Motorhead, you don't know what racism is. Please explain to me how I am racist. Lmao. Furthermore please explain how I'm "the worst kind of racist" and point out how I systematically oppress people of color (even though I am one) and act like my race is superior to those of color (even though I am one).

    I'll wait. ;)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    And Motorhead, do NOT put words in my mouth. I did NOT call him a house n*****, I called him a house slave. There's a big difference between using the word "slave" and using the word "nigger." Please do not act like those are interchangeable words and don't have the audicity to quote me using words I did not say.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    You speak the truth.

    Yes, blacks have been oppressed and dehumanized. But it's been over 150 years since slavery end. More than 50 years since the Civil Rights Act. When is the "poor me" attitude going to end?

    Koreans, Pakistanis, Vietenamese and others come to this country with the added disadvantage of not knowing the language. Yes there are problems. Yes there are gangs and crime among those cultures. But not to extent of the black community. There are countless examples of success in those communities. Black leaders need to take a hard look at what is happening
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    House slave??!! Get real guys, not even MSNBC would use that term
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    And this is tuscl, not MSNBC.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Really? Ok, you and CAGA just accurately defined Obama. Have it your way
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Please explain the difference between a "House Slave" and a "House Nigger"?
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    ^^^How is Obama a house nigga? GTFOH Mikey
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    House slave is the PC term
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    nina.....that was exactly what I was expecting to people who are some what blinded by everything.

    Now you go off on me.... let me explain....

    You or others with your same view will call anyone of color going against their beliefs a "house slave" or an "uncle tom". That attitude right there IMHO is why I personally believe is one of the major reasons why there is the attitude of the Police vs Black Community..... or a reason why people think the "black culture" is pulling others in that community down. Because if they don't "follow" suit they get brought down. I mean he is trying to break the "thug culture" down and make a new one..... yet people call him a "house slave". I know this isn't explaining my point too well....but that is part of the problem... by people calling someone who speaks against the "norm" is now called a "house slave".

    Nina... Please answer me this....can a person of color be racist???

    And holy shit we are way off topic....HAHA.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    No a person of color can't be racist
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Sure they can be prejudice ass hell
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    No, we actually didn't... I don't think you're really grasping the concept.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    That was to mikeya
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Racism is about people in the position of power systematic oppression (meaning purposely keeping a person down through laws, social norms, and hiring practices) of another based solely on the color of skin
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I'm with GACA on this.

    And I'm still waiting to hear from motorhead how I am "the worst kind of racist" and why he decided to misquote me as calling someome a "nigger" which I didn't do and won't, especially considering that I am half black...
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    GACA... you proved my point and why there is a divide in this country. Until some people of color can grasp that they can be racist too the country will never move forward on this debate.

    Nina..... I don't think you are grasping the concept or point I am trying to make. And you haven't answered that question yet...... Can one group be considered racist and the other one cant? When the only word changed in the group is "white" and "Black"..... or how one human can have feelings, thoughts, actions that are considered racist.... yet another person can have those exact same thoughts, feelings, and do the same actions and not be racist.... the only difference is color of skin.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    People of color can't be racist? WHAT?

    You guys are laughable. .
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    GACA...... that is discrimination.....

    Again.... I am not saying racism isn't alive today in our country.... I am not saying discrimination isn't alive in our country today as well.....

    But with what I talked about how one "race" or "color" with feelings, attitude, thoughts and does actions based on race is considered racist..... Yet if another has the same feelings, attitude, thoughts, and does actions based on the color of skin.... isn't a racist. That right there is why we as a nation are not moving forward.

    You have to recognize a problem before you can help fix it.... IMHO... that is a huge problem.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    CAGA. if you're not going to get real then zip it. Some blacks are very racist. Where did you grow up, Bel-Air?

    Nina, You're just a little dragon spouting fire and smoke. You need to relax
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Yeah mikeya02 I should, you don't want any smoke.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    @ Mikey ...Grew up in San Fernando Valley (west side of course. ..studio city is ewww)
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    And no...people of color can be prejudice and even discriminate based on those prejudices. ..but they don't own enough capital or have the legal weight to actually practice racism...ergo they can't be racist. Look it up.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ Overheard at work.." typical white boy, runs like a popsicle stick is up his ass" That;s racist no matter what you say. But on the other hand,no big deal, I understand
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I'm sorry, that's idiotic.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Racism defined fined by oxford dictionary:

    1.prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior:
    •the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

    So your belief that thinking Blacks (race) cant be racist is actually a racist statement. You are saying that a member of your race is supieror than other races because other races (whites) are the only one that can be racist.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    So again... if a white person rapes, murders, discriminates, does actions based soley on color of skin... they are racist..... yet if a black person does the exact same thing... they are not.....

    That is what is wrong and why we cant move forward in this nation is attitudes like that.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    also GACA..... practicing racism has nothing to do with economics..... because racism is beliefs....it is thinking one is superior over the other.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Actually crsm27, the suffix "ism" is defined as distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology...

    Racism is systematic. Racism keeps blacks at the bottom of the socio-economic scale, so yes, it relates to economics.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    BLM=KKK! Everyone in the BLM are ghetto niggers! We let you black people be able to use the same bathrooms and go to the same schools as us, but yet you still complain about racism in America today?! Read my lips, racism doesn't exist anymore!! Mexicans have it rough, but you don't see them complaining. They'll go work for 5 dollars a hour with no complaining. Why can't blacks be more like that? Be thankful we let you have some food on your table!
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Websters dictionary defines "ism"

    : a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory

    : an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief

    There is a black president.... there are black or people of color that are CEO's, CFO's, Owners of forbes Top 100, there are people of color making millions, billions, of dollars., people of color hold power positions, are senators, govenors, mayors, police chiefs, sheriffs, etc..... Yet blacks are kept down. Please excuse me while I go fucking throw up.

    Again I am not saying racism isn't happening.... but FUCK THAT you are saying the system is "keeping people of color down" I would say culture is keeping them down.... the same attitude presented when talked about Sheriff Clarke..... The culture dictates he is called a "house slave" or "uncle tom". That attitude is what is keeping the black community down.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    So again for GACA and Nina.... if you don't think anyone can be a racist.... You are apart of the problem..... Anyone can have a discriminoatory attitude or belief.... if that belief is based on race... then that person is doing or practicing RACISM.... and their for are a RACIST.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Let's talk about the drug war then. It was created to put blacks and minorities in prison at disproportionate rates and this happened AFTER the civil rights movement. Don't believe me? Google it.

    Let's talk about the government (CIA if we're being specific) creating crack cocaine and forcing it to be sold in black neighborhoods, while conveniently because of the war on drugs, blacks got addicted to crack or went to prison for selling it which helped the deterioration of the black family.

    How about the fact that although the rate of drug use among blacks and whites is the same, blacks are up to 13 times more likely to be arrested for drug charges. That is a well-documented fact that you may look up if you don't believe me. And what about the fact that, on average, blacks are given much harsher sentences for drug-related crimes (and crimes in general) than whites. This, also, is well documented.

    Or how about the booming city of Detroit who segregated the city by forcing blacks to stay in "the bottom" neighborhoods (ghettos), then built highways ON TOP OF THE BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS, so whites could go live in the suburbs and blacks were left with destroyed communities and little if any resources to rebuild them.

    Let's not dare talk about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment that only ended in the 1970s where black men where fooled into thinking they were receiving healthcare when the experimenters did not tell them they had syphilis nor did they treat them... this went on for decades and many of the men eventually died.

    And what about the racial quotas some police departments have, where they HAVE to profile certain races, like blacks and hispanics, and are given actual numbers of how many they need to arrest. This has been admitted by countless former cops.

    These examples should sound like horrible injustices to the rational mind.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Man I miss the old days when everyone would be appreciative of what they have! You know you have it way better than the slaves right? Shit even the slaves were more appreciative than you black people today! Like O Reily said recently, the slaves were fed well! So slavery wasn't such a bad thing, not nearly as bad as the BLM aka ghetto niggers. BLM=KKK!

    As a police officer, if I pull over a black guy, and I don't like his attitude or demeanor, I have the right to kill him. Don't you know black guys always have guns on them? I'm just protecting myself and the neighborhood!
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    @Gammanu .....you brave keyboard warriors calling Nina a slut, I hope I accidentally run into your cowardly faggot pussy bitch ass in a FL SC. Homo...probably going there just to grease bouncers faggot
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Exactly LFM - Yes, O'Reily really hit it on the nose. Lol! Those slaves should've been so appreciative of the freebies they were given during their labor at the ole White House. Given adequate food? Ugh, they were just ASKING for those handouts!

    And GACA, it's ok. The sentence was utted years ago by Michael Scott on the tv show The Office; instead of "Nina, you ignorant slut," he said, "Dwight, you ignorant slut." One of my fave quotes from The Office. Gave me a chuckle.

  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Well then.... I rescind that offer of an ass beating. Gamms, I know your disappointed, probably fantasize about a person of color dominating you....homo
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Nina: "let's ignore everything else and bring up something irrelevant where I might have a leg to stand on!"

    The government didn't create crack, drug dealers did, because it was profitable.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Lol, that is false. The CIA manufactured crack cocaine.

    And it's funny that you misquoted me and put words in my mouth but accidentally admitted that I do in fact have a leg to stand on. Bravo, Jester!

    And those things are completely relevant to this discussion. They also help those who cry "what about black on black crime?!" (as if they care) because many of the atrocities I mentioned have a direct correlation to the deteriorating of black communities which leads to crime. More instances where blacks were oppressed, even violently so, and these didn't even take place very long ago. It is not rocket science.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Don't be coy Nina. Everyone here knows what meant when you said "house slave".
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Your remarks were racist because it's obvious that you believe a black person should only have views that you agree with. When they offer a counterpoint, you result to insults.

    You are judging the man by the color of his skin. You would not have used those words if Clarke was white. Yes Nina, that makes it a racist comment
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    But getting back on topic. BLM

    What have been the two most high profile incidents that sparked riots and the BLM movement?

    Freddie Gray in Baltimore and Michael Brown in Ferguson.

    It's rather interesting to see what has happened. In the Freddie Gray case, three polce officers were found innocent and all charges have been dropped against the remains officers. Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby has been accused by some of professional misconduct and is being compared to Michael Wifong, the prosecutor in the Duke lacrosse case.

    We are approaching the two year anniversary of Ferguson. Now that state and federal investigations have been completed, will MSNBC and Rachel Maddow actually go on the air and present the actual facts of the case. After lengthy investigations it was concluded the police officer was not guilty of any wrongdoing. Numerous black witnesses have come forward to state Brown did not have his hands up as was reported. He was being the aggressor and was moving towards the police office. He ignored numerous warnings to stop and get down. MSNBC and CNN should be held accountable in their role in encouraging the protests.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    And Nina, is Dallas police chief David Brown a "house slave" too?

    His comments were on point.

    "We're hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. We’ll put you in your neighborhood and help you resolve some of those problems.”
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Nina, you ignorant slut, for the second time. You really proved how ignorant you are. In so many ways, But it was your misplaced origin of "you ignorant slut" that inspired me to correct you, as wasted as the time is. The origin was SNL weekend update line, "Jane, you ignorant slut" spoken by Dan Aykroyd to Jane Curtin.
    GACA perfectly demonstrates the laughably piteous hypocrisy of the left when he hides behind his keyboard threatening my with violence, when the only reason he is comfortable threatening violence is because he is safely anonymous behind his keyboard.
    The ignorant slut (Tis) even insults one of the nations best law enforcement officers by calling him a "house slave." That is more racist than anything else posted on this thread. She is unable to see past her own prejudices and hate. Just like GACA is a democrat party plantation slave who voted for Obama because he was black, Tis is the type of cunt who will vote for HIldebeast simply because she is a woman. BTW - it was Valerie Jarret and Michelle Obama who coined the nickname "Hildebeast".
    Nonetheless, back to my original post. Gaca and the ignorant slut have perfectly proven my point, while I comfortably slept, that BLM manipulates their useful idiot supporters into defending even their most abhorrent acts and statements. Their uninformed defense of a violent, hateful, terrorist -yes, terrorist- organization enables said organization to continue undermining 50+ years of progress and advancing their anti-American agenda. go to their website and read their platform: https://policy.m4bl.org/ , then come back and tell me I'm wrong. It is communist. It is racist at its core. It is utterly anti-American. Anyone who supports it should be completely ashamed. Even the liberal media, and yes it is a known fact that the mainstream/network media has a huge liberal bias, has barely spoken of it because eve they recognize the damage it would cause. BLM has finally begun falling towards the lunatic fringe.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Ok Gammanu95, we get it. You're a hateful piece of shit and I'm an ignorant slut and you need to stop recycling insults used on tv years ago. Also convenient that you ignored all the atrocities mentioned by me, because you probably don't think any of that is a big. Go wave that Trump flag boy, wave that Trump flag high.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "Your remarks were racist because it's obvious that you believe a black person should only have views that you agree with."
    That is not racism. Disliking someone because they don't believe with your views is not racism. I implore you to register at your local community college and take a cheap social science course. LEARN something about what racism is. Racism is discrimination based on race with the thought that one's race is superior to another. Please, understand terms before you use them.

    "You are judging the man by the color of his skin. You would not have used those words if Clarke was white. Yes Nina, that makes it a racist comment"
    For of all, I was not judging him by the color of his skin. I was QUITE CLEARLY judging him by the statements he made and the fact that he works Fox News, kisses the ass of his white superiors there to gain acceptance, and is used as a pawn (like Stacey Dash) for Fox News to say "hey, even though we are pretty racist, here's a smiling black person to prove blacks need to get over racism!"

    The "house slave" is a term a lot of people use in the black community to describe other blacks who are not for the black rights movement, but instead do whatever they can to please whites / racists. It stems from, obviously, house slaves in actual slavery times. The house slaves stayed inside, and stayed so far up the masters' ass, while the field slave worked outside picking cotton and eating scraps. (When the master was sick, the house slaves didn't say "master is sick," they said "we are sick.") The house slaves loved their masters and would please them to no end. Hence the term being used today.

    Again, I said nothing racist. Nothing I said was discriminatory and/or aimed at implying that blacks are inferior. If he and people like Stacey Dash are house slaves, I guess that makes me a field slave. Oh well. Malcom X even wrote a piece comparing the house slave vs the field slave of current days (it was different times, so he used the term "negro"). You do a simple google search of "Malcom X explains house negro vs field negro" and find his words on the better and perhaps get a better understanding of what the term "house slave" might mean today.

    *if you don't feel like enrolling at a cheap community college, feel free to pick up a couple of textbooks and read them. Knowledge is power, and since you didn't even know the definition of racism, I'd say you could learn a lot from reading one of those textbooks. I can recommend to you some names of good, informative social science books - I've taken plenty of those classes.

  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    After all the written "screaming and yelling" from both sides, I have a very scary thought.

    In the early 20th century radical ideas put forward by extremist terrorists Fredrich Engels, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin were considered by ALMOST all as crazy, unthinkably stupid and certainly nothing anyone would support. By 1915 Russia was in turmoil fighting "Marxist" terrorists. In 1917 Marxism and Lenin took over Russia, murdered most opponents - including the entire royal family - and began a reign of terror that lasted 40 years and was responsible over 40 million political murders (not counting 20 million WWII combat casualties). The Marxist regime controlled Russia over 70 years and many people argue that Putin is simply an extension of that same totalitarian socialist regime.

    Could the BLM demands become a 21st century socialist manifesto?
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    NINA.... wow....way to flip the script.... But I will play along....

    Funny how you think the CIA created crack.... No my dear they didn't not. The CIA had involvement with the Contras down in South America by supplying them with guns, military training, and what not. Then the "contras" used those tactics to help push their drugs (cocaine) and rise to power. The price of Cocaine was high and dealers wanted a way to sell it for cheaper and maximize profit. So they developed "crack"... which the dealers sold to minorities. My dear.... google that and you will see many articles pointing out what I stated more than what you are....most of yours comes under "conspiracy theory's".

    Detriot and the "segregation"..... WTF... if that was 100% true... any developer, the city, etc would be thrown in jail and fined.... There are law specificly targeting what you have just stated. The Fair Housing Act.... The Civil Rights Act.... etc.

    Police and "racial" quota's..... WTF..... I cant even take u seriously on this one. In 2016 a government agency that is monitored still has "racial" quotas...... BULLLLLL SHITTTTT. Also after they pull over a person of color for speeding they sprinkle crack on them and also place an unregistered gun on them too...... For Christ sakes.

    Again you are talking all about "conspiracy" theory's...... OMG.

    I bring up cold hard facts....and you come back with conspiracy theory's......

    I am so done with this discussion.... When people cant see that their own beliefs and thinking is a big part of the racial divide in this country. then we can't move forward....

    ****** Nina was 100% correct with the difference with drug convictions vs race. That is something that needs to be addressed. It is more likely that a person of color will end up in jail vs a white person when it comes to drugs. I don't know if this is a problem with our judicial system or what. Or is the availability of out/in patient programs in certain area's and not in others. Or is it the type of drugs being used.... ie: pills vs more hard core drugs... I can't put my finger on it.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Sorry one more thing.....

    " Racism is discrimination based on race with the thought that one's race is superior to another. Please, understand terms before you use them" - nina

    So to say a person of color CANT be racist.... isn't that a racist statement because you are saying people of color are superior???? Again.... think about it.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "Detriot and the "segregation"..... WTF... if that was 100% true... any developer, the city, etc would be thrown in jail and fined.... There are law specificly targeting what you have just stated. The Fair Housing Act.... The Civil Rights Act.... etc."
    ...and yet, in current times the government in Flint, MI let the entire city unknowingly drink poisoned water for years, and the problem remains unsolved.
    Anyway, here is a cited source on the destruction of black neighborhoods in Detroit (many of which where thriving before they were destroyed).

    Here is an example of a class action lawsuit against the NYPD about having illegal (racist) quotas on arrests.

    Snip from article:
    "They’ll tell you to your face: blacks, Hispanics, from 14 to 21, they must get stopped,” said NYPD officer Pedro Serrano.

    The things I said are all factual. The Tuskegee syphilis experiment happened, and only stopped in the 70s... it is well documented, has been accepted by science, and is one of the best examples of unethical experiment. This was discussed (even in the textbooks) in a couple classes I took at my university.

    Every thing I said is well documented, the drug war race disparities are present, you even admitted it. It is so disproportionate BECAUSE OF RACISM; minorities are profiled, stopped and frisked more often, and even given harsher sentences than whites when the rate of drug use is the same. Institutionalized racism.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Ok so Gam-gams is a total idiot and not worthy of my obviously superior intellectual skills.

    Crsm, still holding out the hope that you can clearly see the logical fallacy in your reasoning.

    It isn't racist to say people of color can't be racist when the "givien" is "only people in power can be racist." (Clearly implies that blacks are in the subordinate position )

    To implement racism one needs power and politcal/economic influence.

    Again blacks can be prejudice and discriminatory but they cannot be racist (until the world flips and black inexplicably gain control of all the capital )
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Oops, here is the link to the NYPD quota lawsuit:
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Well, the manifesto and the group is one thing. That aside. Let's consider the BLM "movement." That aside. Does the data not show (a trend) that blacks under police questioning/detainment/investigation seem to die at a rate that is unacceptable? We can argue whether or not the rate is different versus other races or different when "ghetto niggers" as Larry suggests, etc is higher, lower, or statistically not different.

    But when we look at the numbers of blacks killed by police under those circumstances, given that the number is over some threshold (and really '1' is too many), can we not look at that figure and say to ourselves: "this is not acceptable."

    Nina --> "BLM is a direct response to the senseless killings of black people at the hands of authority figures who face no consequences for the brutalities." --> end quote Nina
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I agree with Dominic on this. Anyone looking at that objectively would agree that these types of occurences are problems.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Chessmaster and GACA, I agree with your concerns that your first hand experience and accounts are being discounted. I think that is unfair and dishonest of those arguing the other side of the debate to be doing that to you. To me, that is almost like discounting first party, original research. That seems academically dishonest to me.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Larry: you provide a nice counter example. What do you feel about yourself or the environment around you that separates someone like you from the caricature of the "ghetto-nigger?" And I am being serious and am in not way trying to be offensive. You are successful. Perhaps both sides can learn a thing or two from you. I am sorry to put you on the spot.

    (also assuming you don't have me on ignore. you never know these days...)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Dominic77, Larryfishermans's posts on this thread are satirical.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    OK, I missed that part. I thought that was that case but I was not sure. Thanks Nina.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    In Che's long exposition on the consistency with which the Democratic Party has opposed the best interests of black Americans from the beginning, I especially liked this:

    Civil rights in the '60s? Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.

    I was aware that the Civil Rights Act garnered greater support among Republicans than among Democrats in Congress, contrary to the prevailing mythology. It's nice to see the figures in black and white (so to speak).

    I also agree with the mythical nature of the so-called "switch of the parties" on civil rights. It never happened! It is a convenient myth of the Left that, beginning with Nixon's "Southern strategy" in 1968, the GOP became the party of racism and the Democrats became the party of racial enlightenment. The reason that the South became solidly Republican is that the old segregationist New Deal *liberals* like Stennis, Eastland, Fulbright, etc. and their followers died off and were replaced by a rising generation of much less racist, much less segregationist Southern whites who overwhelmingly voted for the party that best represented their interests, originally economic and later also moral: the Republican Party.

    It is also a myth, by the way, that these [mostly] Southern segregationist Democrats were conservatives. They were, in fact, liberals in their avid support of the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the Great Society and of a strong central government -- and they were also ardent supporters of Segregation Now, Segregation Forever! There is in fact no contradiction between progressive economic views and racism. Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, and Lyndon Johnson are but three of countless examples of racist progressives.

    I have one more point to make. As I read through this interminable thread, I noticed that those on the Left who claim that only white people can be racist try to imbed this notion of systemic economic oppression into the very definition of racism. The definition of racism is simple enough -- "the belief that some races of people are better than others" -- and implies nothing about power structures or economic oppression. If you wrongly define "racism" so that it includes this extraneous notion of oppression, then you can use this new definition to wrongly conclude that only whites can be racist. Even if you define a cow as having five legs because you're counting its tail as a leg, it is still the case that cows have only four legs.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Proves my point how angry and vitriolic the libs are getting when exposed to the truth. They just cannot handle it, and they respond the only way they know how- with lies. Look what I hath wrought.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Being serious for a second, let me try to bring some different insight to this thread.

    Is Gammanu really trying to defend Zimmerman? Lol. Do your research, Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law a lot, not just the Martin case. So basically a 14 year old is beating him up, and then he kills him. That makes him a pussy and murderer in my book. Take the beating like a man.

    Motorhead you make some good points. Black on black crime is the most devastating issue in the black community right now, a lot more needs to be said and done about this. Having said all that, the BLM is focusing on the police, because the police's job is to protect and serve the community, but BLM and a lot of other people feel the police are just killing black males without just cause and getting away with it (not getting locked up). Motor your claim that Nina is a racist and your continued blaming everything on the "liberal" media is cringeworthy. You're better than that.

    Some of you bring up that the people killed by police a lot of times were armed and/or resisting arrest. That's fine, but to me that does not justify killing them, cmon that's senseless. If the police really feel their life is in danger, shoot the guy in the leg, and then if he reaches into his pockets after that, then kill him. If you pull over a guy and he tells you he's armed, why the fuck are you telling him to take his license out while he's still sitting in his car? The proper thing to do is have him get out of the car with his hands up, and then you take the gun out of his pocket. Then you can ask him to pull out his license.

    Some of you may not realize this, but not all police are good people. Some of them just get in the police field just to be able to intimidate people, and to feel like they're above the law. I grew up with a guy that was a bully and a punk. He's not a good guy, but he's a police officer now. If I called the police now, and he came over, I wouldn't feel like he has my best interests at heart. I think the police need to be retrained on when is the right time to shoot, better awareness etc, because it's not just blacks that are being killed unfairly.

    I don't really support the BLM because the looting and burning of things ain't right, but for the most part it's peaceful. With the killings it's not a group of people that go around and kill the police officers like a hit list. It's one idiot that goes and kills a few police officers, that guy was probably already a criminal. The BLM doesn't stand for that. But I don't know what's inside your brain if you think BLM=KKK.

    As a guy who's half black, I will say yes black people do bring up the race card way too much, sometimes in those situations race has nothing to do with it, but the police shootings is not a good example for you to point out black people bringing up the race card. I'm also proud of my people for always fighting for what they believe in, and not just settling. Right now in America, a lot of Mexicans have it tough, I wish there were more outspoken Mexicans that would speak about their struggles.

    If we really want to go deep into this, the "no snitching" campaign in the streets is one of the big causes for the black on black crime, but that's another topic for another day.

    I'll end with this. Imagine that your son got pulled over by the cops. He has a gun on him, he could have it legally. He resists arrest and the cops kill him because they know he has a gun. As a parent are you gonna say, "well he deserved to die, he should have listened to the cops". No, you're going to say, "he should have listened to the cops, but he did not deserve to get killed".

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    MrDeuce --> "I also agree with the mythical nature of the so-called "switch of the parties" on civil rights. It never happened! " -->

    It's not exactly true but it's not exactly false. The real answer is more nuanced that that. The two party system isn't really enough. They are just labels and a diversion.



    The Straight Dope - "How Did Republicans/Democrats Switch?"
    by various contributors

    Fact / Myth - "Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact"
    Researched by Thomas DeMichele; Last Updated August 3, 2016

    The Straight Dope - "Why is the Republican party called the GOP? And why the elephant?"
    by Ian (Straight Dope Staff)
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Gammanu is a perfect example of why politics are so bad today. After all the insight, all he gets out of it is that it's a left right thing.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Excellent post contribution from larryfisherman. I appreciate your insights. Thanks.

    He's right that the examples I've seen of police with a white man who tells the police that he has a gun is the police first disarm he then get his license and proceed with the balance of their investigation.

    Also for a whole host of things these individuals are doing to police officers. Those being detained do not deserve the Death Penalty for their infractions from police, in many (if not nearly all) cases.They are police officers which are part of the executive powers. They are not the judicial powers. Yet they are out there executing people as if they are.

    Maybe someone should tell them "executive" branch isn't the "execution" branch. /s

    I have seen first hand and example of the police officer larry mentions. My roommate in college (white) had a cousin (also white) who is best described as a "white-man-on-a-power-trip." Even my roommate was "afraid" to be stopped by his own cousin. We also recently let go a VP at my company. He was once a sheriff and could best be described as a white man on a power trip. Many people were genuinely afraid of him, he was intimidating and rude, but he had these paper and electronic files of dirt on everyone when he left. The man know how to hold power and abuse it.

    Some of those people are out there right now with badges. This is not the best way to staff a police force!!
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Larry, your "being serious" post contains far too many errors of politic position for me to let slide. First, suggesting that cops "shoot the guy in the leg," exposes your ignorance about what an individual police officer is capable of doing with a handgun in an extremely high stress situation. Studies of police shootings show that police completely MISS their opponent in real life situations over 65% of the time, and that the average distance between the officer and the person he/she is shooting at is only 7 feet. How can you expect a cop to shoot a specific body part when the officer usually can NOT hit anywhere on the body, most of the time. (Note; that civilians in self defense shootings are much more accurate, hitting their attacker over 80% of the time when shots are fired.)

    In the same paragraph you assert that, "BLM and a lot of other people feel the police are just killing black males without just cause and getting away with it " The key word here is "feel," facts do NOT support that feeling. As has been repeated often in these political threads, the FACTS prove, beyond any possible doubt, that police DO NOT target blacks - or any other race - for shootings. The key data point, reported by the very liberal Washington Post, is that of 506 people shot by police so far this year, about 125 identify as black. The 25% black/total ratio is little above the ratio of black/total population. If fact, when you consider that other statistics, like the percentage who are armed, it becomes apparent that police are less likely to shoot a black suspect! Facts simply do NOT support the BLM claims, and "feelings" are not sufficient cause to override the US Constitution, or endanger civilians or police.

    To accuse police as a "cause" of civil problems, is dishonest and does a disservice to this nation. Yes, "bad cops" are out there, but seldom last on police forces more than a few years. Those "bad cops" also come in all colors. There are far more GREAT cops, again in all colors. The honest answer to the issue of so many black people dying has to address the welfare programs originated destruction of the integral black family and the presence of gangs, drugs and the "'hood" rap culture. If young black males had a positive male role model maybe they wouldn't be killing each other so often. Perhaps if young black males didn't believe they had to sag their pants, wear colors, dis' on cops and strut around with a piece in their pants, there would be fewer young black males on metal tables in morgues.

    The perception that black are being targeted by cops, like its predecessor, whites are targeting blacks, is a political tool of the progressive movement, attempting to divide people into classes that can be better influenced. This Alensky tactic is obviously effective, but anyone who considers the facts must realize the truth.

    Cops ain't the problem. Old white males are Not the problem. The GOP is not the problem. And whose great, great, great granddaddy owned who 155 years ago - ain't the problem. If my son feels he is justified in resisting knowingly armed police, and then is incapable of out-shooting notoriously poor marksmen in police uniforms, I will be heartbroken at his loss. But I, and my former Marine son both, know that when bullets fly, there is no right or wrong, just death or not!
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I'm letting much of this topic go, because people are going to believe what they want to believe regardless. That's each and everyone's right to their bias, which are also tied to their experiences. Kind of like how some people should get back on their SSRI's if they've stopped, or increase their dosage to calm down a little. Some of you go to bed thinking about this shit, and writing at all hours of the day. Not good for your mental sanity.

    Shut the media off for a while and maybe find something that will help make you take a nap. I'll be thinking about an afternoon of extras-supplied clubbing for the biggest PL out there! What would his name be?
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    "political tool of the progressive movement"

    That's all I need to see to know I can't have a conversation with you without a lot of bias. So I won't.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    "...each and everyone's right to their bias.." Well said.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "Lol, that is false. The CIA manufactured crack cocaine.

    And it's funny that you misquoted me and put words in my mouth but accidentally admitted that I do in fact have a leg to stand on. Bravo, Jester!"

    Repeating a conspiracy theory doesn't make it true. The CIA didn't create crack cocaine. What's debatable is to what extent they allowed the Contras to bring cocaine into this country which created a glut leading to the creation of crack cocaine.

    I wasn't misquoting you, I was mocking your blatant attempt to pivot. I'm glad you found it amusing. I didn't accidentally admit anything, I clearly said you MIGHT have a leg to stand on with some of your points.

    Before you tell Motor to go learn what racism means you should probably take a refresher course, since your under the delusion that only white people can be racist.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    No one is using RAW data and publishing the results using the scientific method and allowing for peer review. I think people are short-cutting and using biased reports.

    Not everyone is capable of authenticating the report in front of them. So biased reports are slipped and present as fact. It happens. It's human.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    You realize that when you use the term "house slave" (and all the times I've heard people say that they were black and said "house nigger") you're suggesting that a black person can't reach an opinion or attitude on their own because YOU perceive it to be a "white" opinion/attitude.

    That's RACIST.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Yeah, fucking racist bitch
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I'm sure Sheriff Clarke could easily teach GACA and Nina a lesson about manners and racism. He looks like he's been through some shit
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Jester says:
    "You realize that when you use the term "house slave" (and all the times I've heard people say that they were black and said "house nigger") you're suggesting that a black person can't reach an opinion or attitude on their own because YOU perceive it to be a "white" opinion/attitude"

    We acknowledge that House Slaves have reached a very SELF SERVING opinion of being a sycophant to the very people who have little regard for their humanity or dignity and only want then around to as "yes-men", so that they suffer and are persecuted less than other blacks.

    Better to be a the lower than a dog on the winning side, than to fight for justice and humanity on the losing side.

    That's why they are disgusting, no principles no pride, they are cocktail roaches only looking to survive the struggle, rather than do the hard work of fighting for what's right
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Yo, how's slaves don't respect anyone, they'll turn on their masters too, is they feel the tides are turning.

    Again white-people, if there are millions of angry blacks saying one thing, and only one or two of your "black friends" saying another, chances are they're telling you what they think you want to hear
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    *damn auto correct. ..

    House slaves don't respect anyone. ...cowards who only want to save their own skin
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    ...and I grew up in a neighborhood most if you only see in movies. It's not about the good life for me it's about everyone being treated equally regardless of hue and culture (white people hate the way most blacks speak I notice)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "You realize that when you use the term "house slave" (and all the times I've heard people say that they were black and said "house nigger") you're suggesting that a black person can't reach an opinion or attitude on their own because YOU perceive it to be a "white" opinion/attitude."

    I didn't suggest or imply such a thing, jester214 --- you're confusing me with mikeyea02. When I called Sherriff Clarke a house slave, mikeyea02 said GACA and I described Obama, which is false. Just because Obama is a hard working, successful black man does not mean he is someone of Clarke's character, who kisses the ass of racist white folks. Remember, Clarke works with Fox News. Fox News doesn't like Obama, and Fox News has a conservative agenda to regularly defend killer cops and paint the dead victims as "thugs."

    So again, calling a black person a "house slave" is not racist, as it doesn't implicate any feelings that blacks are inferior to whites. In fact, as I stated, if Clarke is a house slave I am a field slave. If you guys still think me calling him that is somehow racist (lmao), you still are not comprehending the concept. Again, I will say even Malcolm X wrote a speech about the differences, where he too referred to himself as "a field negro."

    Was Malcolm X also racist in saying that? Those of you with narrow minds aren't even grasping the point of the word because it doesn't concern you. White people don't have to live with every day racism that blacks and other minorities do, so you can choose to refute every thing I've said, the proof I've gathered and showed you, and some of you still won't care. Some of you will at least try to understand the plight of blacks, and I commend those who do so as you will be helping black civil rights matters.

    I am mixed with black and white, and have not anywhere in this thread implied that one race is superior to another. Not once. Do not tell me that I am the racist one because you are not the one who's had to deal with it. I am learned on the topic through first-hand life experience as well as collegiate education.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    And what facts did you provide us about Clarke, Nina? A bullshit opinionated rant about his character which isn't close to the truth

    And house slave is racist. Why you feel this is a debate you have to win is beyond me
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Well, for starters, he supports Trump, who regularly makes completely bigoted and misogynistic remarks...

    He denies police brutality even though there is a plethora of documented evidence that it not only exists, but is a dangerous threat to civilians...

    He uses his completely dishonest agenda to kiss as of the same Fox News chronies that are so often being racist (and hateful in general, of other discrininated groups) and of course got a book deal about it where he writes about cops being in danger and his skewed perception of race relations which is completely out of touch with the reality of the the vast majority of black Americans... but he banks off it.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    He also seems to often get faced with actual data and say, "that's a lie," despite the display of data he is presented with.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
    This is a terrific thread. Congrats to OP for getting it started.

    This thread effectively illuminates us all as to why we are so far from anything resembling harmony in this country. SO many DEEPLY held viewpoints and so little willingness to even hear the other side of each coin. How are we EVER going to reach win/win solutions to our issues??

    Would anyone argue that the United States is more racially harmonious than it was 8 years old? I surely would not.

    Albert Einstein warned that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Maybe it is time we all -- citizens, politicians, law-enforcement, bad guys -- all try something different.
  • jester214
    8 years ago

    You realize it's a pejorative right? You're using a pejorative that revolves around skin color and trying to suggest that's not racist? Are you fucking kidding me?

    Another pivot! The old "your opinions aren't valid because you're white". Now if I said the reverse I'd be a racist right? But when you do it its cool?

    You should try the logic in the courtroom some day, I'm sure it will serve you well.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "He also seems to often get faced with actual data and say, "that's a lie," despite the display of data he is presented with."

    LOL. Pot meet kettle.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^ 100% correct ^^^^
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Jester it's funny that you respond to what I say without addressing my what I actually said, and pretending I told you, or ever said "your opinions arent valid because you're white." ...I in fact said the opposite, as I said, "Some of you will at least try to understand the plight of blacks, and I commend those who do so as you will be helping black civil rights matters." THAT is what I said. That describes an opinion I value. I value the opinion of a person by the sustance of the opinion. If your opinions aren't valid to me, it would be because they're asinine. But I'll let them be valid opinions, as they exemplify the stupidity that furthers institutionalized and societal racism. Unfortunately, not all white people will even take the effort to open their minds and even try to understand the disadvantages of the black community and how unjust it actually is. This thread is a perfect example.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    You know,for someone who claims 120 credit hours of PoliSci and multiple legal internships, the ignorant slut SUCKS at making substantive arguments, rebutting unfavorable data, or using charisma and persuasion to win arguments. I guess that why she SUCKS in the VIP instead!
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "Unfortunately, not all white people will even take the effort to open their minds and even try to understand the disadvantages of the black community and how unjust it actually is."

    I agree. But I don't think this thread is a perfect example of that.

    I do think your posts in this thread are a perfect example of your youth and inexperience. Or perhaps your complete sense of denial. Maybe they go hand in hand.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Aw you're so butthurt by me that you're resorting to blatant lies. I'm flattered. Your thread that started as bitching about black people turned in to a Talk About Nina thread. :) Oh and buddy before you start fantasizing, you can ask some of the guys here who have actually met me, I don't suck in the VIP in ANY context of the word.
  • jester214
    8 years ago

    Really dude? That's not any better.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Hey, you're the one who claimed so many credit hours and internships, amiright? And you're the one who is unable to provide and decent arguments to whatever the fuck it is you think you fighting. So, no lies, you suck at real jobs so you're a sex worker instead. Hey, at least you're working and paying taxes. That's more than some other folks, but you're still an ignorant slut. And do not forget, you asked for my undivided attention, and now you've got it. You attacked me first, so like chessmaster and twentyfive you now get to find out what an asshole I can be. I can be your best friend - buy you groceries, bail you out of prison, help you fix your car; or, I can make you wish you were never born.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Jester214 you don't know anything about my experiences. If you did, you'd know that my experiences are very relevant to this thread. My dad and most of his family is white, my mom and most of her family is black. I've moved like 26 times (that's more than once every year), I've gone to private schools, public schools, predominantly white schools, predominantly black schools, diverse schools; I've lived in ghetto Detroit neighborhoods, even public housing once when I was a kid, and I've lived in a 4500 square foot house in one of the highest income cities in metro Detroit. When I was 10/11 I regularly flew on private jets. I have siblings who are half Filipino, I have cousins who are white, black, Indian, etc. Yes, I am youthful. However, I still have PLENTY of experience on the matter, from both sides of the spectrum. Don't presume to tell me about my experiences.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    You are probably right, Jester, but she took it down to that level first. I am only more than happy to take it there. I can argue at either level. Besides, she's not gonna budge. She, as a liberal, gets angered by the truth. She only wants to hear lies that support her twisted petty, racially-stained worldview. So I won't waste any brainpower rebutting her foolish ideas, when it is easier and more fun to belittle her as an ignorant slut. Another truth she cannot handle.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Gammanu95, you've called me an ignorant slut about 5 times. It's not original, it's so cliche that it's not even an insult. Now you're telling me you can make me wish I was never born (hilarious) and assuming that I suck at a real job (I've been at every job I've ever have, brilliant genius, I just would rather make six figures BEFORE I become an attorney because, why not make great money and work whenever I want?) Ok, rise up to the challenge gammanu95. I hurt your wittle feelings so baaad, make me wish I was never born you big bad tough bitchy bigot. Come on, big boy!
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Been good* at every job I ever had. Excellent, in fact, at most of them.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I call it like I see it. I was also speaking towards general inexperience, which is related to your youth.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    House salve isn't about color Jester, it's about position . The house slave is black because that who slaves the US slaves were?

    So house slave is in fact not racist at all
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Also Jester I notice so many flaws in your argument techniques that you too are getting to the level of Gammy gamms.

    Your using intentional misquote to formulate and view that wasn't even stated.

    Maybe you have to resort to these fallacies because you know you're wrong
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Attacking Nina as a person isn't winning an argument either. She's running circles around you...just embarrassing.

    I'm guessing you never went to college, and if you did (which I really doubt) it was a pitiful one like NC State
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    "So I won't waste any brainpower rebutting her foolish ideas, when it is easier and more fun to belittle her as an ignorant slut. Another truth she cannot handle."
    Right, because you don't have that much brainpower to begin with. You are far more ignorant than anybody in this board except maybe dallas, meat, jester and motorhead (i don't know which of you is the most ignorant). And the sluts at the bottom of society are worth more than you. You are a waste of damn sperm cells. You are not even worth the air you breathe.

  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    The world would literally be better without you gammanu95.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    "I was also speaking towards general inexperience, which is related to your youth."

    What every old guy who just got out witted says to young people because they have nothing valid to argue
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    The scary things is people as dumb as Gammy gamms get to vote.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    And gammanu95 you can call me an ignorant slut all you want to, it doesn't phase me at all. You're the one coming across as angry. I never have sucked or fucked for cash and can count on one hand how many guys I've ever fucked in my life. But if grinding on a guy's dick and putting my tits in their face is being a slut, I guess I am one. I'm paying for school, I'm living in an affluent city paying my own bills working whenever I feel like it. I'm living comfortably, some might say luxuriously. So again, if grinding on guy's dicks makes me a slut (and I'm realllly good at all that grinding, that's a reason why I'm so paid), I guess I'm a huge slut. I'm a successful hot smart slut. I'm a super slutty slut. I'm a great slut. I'm great at slutting.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    "so like chessmaster and twentyfive you now get to find out what an asshole I can be. I can be your best friend - buy you groceries, bail you out of prison, help you fix your car; or, I can make you wish you were never born."

    No I stopped responding to you not because you're an asshole(anybody can be an as whole on the internet) but because you are a waste of my (black) superior brain power. I honestly Don't know why this topic is still going. You and your opinion and facts and statistics mean absolutely nothing.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Starting to see that Ken Kesey had a real point. ..
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I actually wish you were never born after this garbage.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Dayum, Nina...now I'm way too turned on to keep an argument going. .
  • GACA
    8 years ago
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    It's like talking to a wall... Calling someone a "house slave" (again, nobody uses the word slave, you're just trying to make it more palatable) is inherently about skin color. You can claim it's not all day long but it doesn't change the reality.

    I've seen Nina argue well in threads before, I can safely say this isn't her best. She isn't running circles around anyone here. Neither are you.

    I have multiple degrees... Though I'm not sure why it's relevant.

    On your last comment: I took classes at State because they offer a Masters degree in History that you can do at night. I didn't need the degree but I enjoy History and thought it would be fun. Sadly I started traveling too much for work to be able to really take live classes so I pretty much gave up on it. That said I can say firsthand that State is a fine school, certainly not pitiful, particularly in Engineering.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    So, Nina..umm......do ya do any camming?
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Haha no camming for me. :)
  • GACA
    8 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    "What every old guy who just got out witted says to young people because they have nothing valid to argue"

    I'm not old by any standard. I haven't been out witted by anyone in this thread.

    Especially not by the two people who think only white people can be racist and/or thinks it's a fact that the CIA invented crack cocaine.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Ok, here's will I'll add a bit of snobbery

    #MixedLivesMatterMore :)
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Gammanu95, would your brain be worth more if you became a brain donor?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Sorry, Jester, lost interest in debating you once you admitted you didn't go to a real university.

    Guessing you score average SAT's
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    GACA, everyone on Fox says the same thing, but it's the BLACK guy who get's called a house slave. Please stop being obtuse on purpose
  • GACA
    8 years ago
  • GACA
    8 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Yet Jester, you conveniently ignore ALL the other numerous atrocities I mention, which are ALL true and well documented. Or are you suggesting otherwise? You know, I talked about the drug war putting blacks in prison at disproportionate rates, the Tuskegee experiment, the demolishing of black neighborhoods to build freeways, the disproportionate rate at which blacks are arrested for drug use while the rate of drug use among whites and blacks is the same, the harsher sentences given to blacks for the same crimes, and the racial profiling and illegal racial quota practices by police departments. All of those things are well documented with evidentiary support, what do you have to say about any of that?
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    I'm obtuse? When a black person calls another black person a house nigga, field nigga....that is not about color. It literally is about position, inside or outside .

    How is that obtuse?
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    Where did I admit I didn't go to a real University? Go back and read carefully.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Ya I'm trying to get an intellectual orgasm and god you big talkers gave my brain blue balls with just dishonest debating styles....now I know how my high school girlfriends felt....fuck...
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Gammanu is just trolling now, don't feed him anymore.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    I'd say it was almost fun....can't wait for y'all to brush up on your debating skills. Done with this thread...and now I can finally put Gammy gamms on ignore
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    You seem to think that I have some massive disagreement with you on race or BLM. My first comment addressed my feelings about BLM. My subsequent comments were simply addressing the more ridiculous statements made by you and GACA.

    I suppose out of fairness I probably should have mocked some of the other more ridiculous statements, for example: skibum's assertion that BLM is as bad as the KKK. I basically stopped reading Gammanu the first time he addressed you as slut.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Holy schnikees, Nina! I swear if you were talking instead of typing this I would say, "Take a breath!"
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I apologize to GACA. I forgot he was black and can say whatever he wants and spin it as something else
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I think someone needs to interject the term "Faggot" to break up this thread. WTF??!!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Nina: "You go get 120 credits towards a political science degree,"

    Lol! As if a basic weaving subject at what community college Nina attends is supposed to impress us. Hint: if they have to try so hard to put "science" in the name it ain't one.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Nina: " I'm living in an affluent city "

    Detroit's an "affluent" city? Ok, maybe the standards for political "science" majors.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Sorry....didn't read the thread. Just wanted to be the 200th comment. Woo hoo!!
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Gammanu can say any fucking ignorant thing he wants. His hero George Zimmerman just got his clock cleaned at a Florida restaurant for bragging about shooting Treyvon, and on the same day (today) Dylan Roof was beaten in jail. Karma is a bitch and its time that those who incite racial violence have the chickens come home to roof. Gamma, if Zimmerman had said what he did to my face I would have clocked the ignorant bastard myself. Couldn't have happened to a nicer couple of guys!



  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Just to interject some humor here: You know you are old when you realize conservatives were butthurt about BLM back in the Reagan administration (only then it stood for Bureau of Land Management).
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Now the libertarians are butthurt about the Bureau of Land Management BLM. Wait... are the libertarians appropriating Indian (feather not dot) culture by being blocked by the BLM? Libertarians are racist!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    "Karma is a bitch and its time that those who incite racial violence have the chickens come home to roof" -Hugh Rection
    okay, first it is "home to 'roost'", you dim-witted tool. Also, I agree. However, I doubt that American has the guts to call out Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, BLM, and the rest out on the carpet for the discipline they so richly deserve. At least it looks like the Baltimore DA Mosely will receive some justice from the bar association for malicious prosecution.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    Why were you flying on private jets when you were 10/11?
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I find it interesting that some on here like to pick and choose the statistics that benefit their agenda.

    They put forth the black incarceration rates, especially for drug crimes to demonstrate that racism exists. But yet everyime in past threads when FBI crime statistics are posted that clearly show a disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by young, black males, someone will always claim those stats are lies -- posted on the Internet by white hate groups. LMAO
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    OK, we've had it with all you people. Get out of our country, what you did to us Indians deserves expulsion or the death sentence. :)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Vince is right about the genocide, but, the winners write the history books.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Motohead --> "I find it interesting that some on here like to pick and choose the statistics that benefit their agenda." --> end quote

    ^Motorhead, that's been my complaint with many internet "debates" especially political ones, Tuscl included. I am glad to see another member pointing this out, too.

    Otherwise we're arguing two tautologies, which doesn't even make sense.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    The only ignorant slut here is you, gammanu95.
    Nina for the win!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Before I married I was a man-whore, yes, and I. Had. Fun.
    However, you are just a sad sack 2 club PL sucking up to Nina, who is, most likely, a catfish.
    Your argument is invalid.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    Lol you got owned gammanu95. Accept it and move on.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    ^^^ I'm going to call Bullshit on the last 3 responses. Taking score here is worthless. Nobody wins in a pissing contest!

    (and yeah I get the whole spiel about 'participation trophies' being meaningless but its still a pissing contest--- Nobody wins!)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Let's let it all go, people, I'm bored with it. It won't bring back the dead, it won't influence the election, it distracts from the important topics like Cara Delevingnes nipple sensor and the ricochet awards. It's Friday, let's get drunk, get laid, and buy someone brunch tomorrow. I'm skipping out work early. #SaltLife
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