
Stripper asked to see my teeth.

Monday, August 1, 2016 4:55 AM
Basically just explaining the topic. Went to a strip club a few months back and a cute, energetic asian dancer came out of nowhere and sat on my lap. Asked if I wanted a dance and I said, "sure". As soon as I sat down and she got herself situated, she was making conversation and in the middle of it asked to see my teeth. She wasn't repulsed or overly-excited judging from her reaction of seeing them (two front teeth are a little crooked to the side, teeth overall are kinda yellow). In the moment I thought it was a little weird and pushed it to the side but looking back on it maybe she was using it to see if maybe my teeth were "better than normal" or if they looked fake to gauge how much money she was gonna get from me. Anyone else had that happen?


  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Never, but my guess is she wanted to see if you were a meth head.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I wouldn't doubt the meth connection. My guess is she was gauging to see how well you take care of your teeth since the wealthy tend to take very good care of their teeth.
  • socrates17
    8 years ago
    Meth use rots your teeth pdq. OTOH, maybe she her other job is dental hygienist and she's become obsessive. .
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    Another way to see how much money you may have. Rich people usually have perfect teeth because they can afford it.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^ thank you. That was really want I was trying to say. Most people take care of their teeth but the rich can afford perfect teeth.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I would have refused unless she could tell me why she was asking about my teeth.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Once when I was laughing she stuck her finger in my mouth and ran her finger along the edge of my incisors, and said "I love your teeth". I have had a lot of work done, but I'm not wealthy. I'm sure some are savvy enough to spot telltales of disposable income. I would question this particular method of gauging wealth since some of the wealthiest people have bad teeth because they don't like spending their money, and some poor people have great teeth because they have time to wait in line for dentistry students to practice on them for free.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Show me yours, honey, smile !
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I've never been asked that to answer the question, Johny2x4, I'd think WTF, babe?
  • K
    8 years ago
    besides a health check, she did cement herself in your memory. You will never forget her.
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    Maybe she is form Alabama and has a tooth fetish. :)
  • MrBater2010
    8 years ago
    LOL She is a gold digger.. Looking for gold fillings.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Maybe she was checking to see if you meet her standards, unfair as they might be, because she wants to start DFKing you, to make it all happen. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    But no, I have never experienced that or heard of that. SJG
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    In the other direction, sometimes tell a dancer who has spent some time with me that the first two things I notice on a woman are "titties and teeth". If a stripper has obviously rotten or missing teeth, she's not doing any dances for me.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Not teeth but I have had a stripper inspect my finger nails to make sure that they were clean.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Girl wanted me to wash my hands, prior to hands on DATYing her. I did as she asked, but I also first showed her my hands, as I had already prepared for such a contingency. About the above, lots of Asian girls have judgmental views socio-economic status. Their culture is different. How one dresses, and teeth too, would factor in. Girl may have been particular about who she fucked. But I still suspect she was preparing for DFKing, to make things happen. And especially since she helped herself and jumped into your lap. Likely she mean business, just so long as it was on her terms. SJG
  • Longball300
    8 years ago
    All true; although not with the same dancer: 1) Removed hand sanitizer from her purse and had me use some before the "dance". 2) Pulled my jaw down to look in my mouth similar to what you described. 3) Used her phone to examine my junk prior to activities in the VIP. I was not offended in the least and had a great time with all three as I recall.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^^ I wouldn't be offended either. I'm a hygiene snob, too. I'd call it professionalism on her part. But that's just me. *shrugs*
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I had a dancer tell me that I was likely to attract dancers because I wear glasses. Rational: I probably have a vision plan which means I probably have a good job which means I probably have disposable income.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Longball300, that sounds like a fun place you were in, and a girl who really wanted to get into it with you. :) Maybe at least give us some idea where it was? Johnny2x4, So what did happen? Did you show her your teeth, and did she say anything and could you sense any reaction? And then how much more time were you with her for, and what ensued? Any experiences with, or observations of, the other girls at that club and how they do things? SJG [view link] [view link] Jean Gebser's Ever-Present Origin by John David Ebert [view link] Lady Love [view link]
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Glad to hear that she asked to see your teeth, not your tooth (as in the only one).
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Since you had misplaced, yellowed teeth, perhaps she thought you were English?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I've met some weird dancers. One dancer a long time ago one night said she liked my two pointy teeth. Another night a dancer dressed in black seemed to be watching me a lot. When I tipped her, she bit me. Maybe she thought she was a vampire. She didn't bite anyone else that I noticed so I wondered why me? Maybe I'm so pale I look like a vampire.
  • Johnny2x4
    8 years ago
    K: I had only gotten two other dances from one other girl before her, which she was cool enough to talk to that it felt more like getting a dance from a from a female friend that I know, so not gonna lie, she really did. Sad thing is that compared to the first girl she pushed for the VIP room way to quick, actually took me out of the dance a little bit (was a strip club virgin at the time). A co-worker and mine are thinking about going back to this club for my birthday since I didn't really have anything major planned for that day anyway, turning 23. dallas702: lol ever gotten an Alabama kid confused for English? sharkhunter: sounds like an interesting club to be honest lol. san_jose_guy: I did show her my teeth because, like I said before, they weren't bad enough for me to be embarrassed about them, also the whole thing between her and my teeth was kinda like a weird opener to talk to me about before the next song played for her to start her dance for me. Weird but more shruggish weird. Also DFKing, SJG? TIGOLBITTYS: ....what? lol vincemichaels: lol I did too, but it happened so fast and she didn't dwell on them enough for me to honestly be weirded out about it that much. skibum 609: methheads go to clubs in casual business wear? Honest question. MrBater2010: IM the one from Bama! lol. Timex345: Thats what I was thinking. It was my first time going but from what I could find online and what I saw inside, didn't look like that kind of place that ALOT of rich guys would go to, maybe the occasional guy doing great for himself. Maybe she thought she lucked out? *shrugs*
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Thinking more about this, maybe the girls are looking for mouth sores. The one running her fingers inside, looking for them? I used to have a dentist who would always do that sort of a check with the routine cleanings. Bad teeth are not contagious, but mouth sores can be. So what happened with these girls who were doing these inspections. 3 of them have been mentioned, and was DFKing the issue on the table? SJG
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