
Comments by motorhead (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    @s1utmuffin on IG! Long Island, NY
    tip for VIP room and CBJ
    GMD - the first time I ever heard that term used was not here on TUSCL describing how men feel about a certain dancer - but from one dancer talking about another dancer.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Two loads during OTC
    “Curious how you afford OTC, if you cannot afford apartment with washer/dryer” — Find an HE washer and dancer
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ESPN: The masses have spoken. “We want sports not politics”
    Yeah. I really liked most of the 30 for 30 documentaries. I hate the University of Miami football program - but the 30 for 30 on the “U” was one of my favorites
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    ESPN: The masses have spoken. “We want sports not politics”
    I guess I still try to catch PTI most evenings at 5:30. Wilbon and Korneiser are tolerable. Haven’t watched SC in years. For some reason the powers that be removed the only decent shows. I always like the Sports Reporters with Mike Lupica on Sunday mornings but it’s long gone. And I liked the original Mike & Mike early morning radio show. I’ve only see a few minutes of Greenie’s new show but it was unwatchable I’m glad they got rid of Le Batard a couple of years ago. Le Batard created a show that was a safe place for wokes to accuse people of racism and bigotry without an ounce of pushback
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    a year ago
    Affirmative Action
    “In the course of American history, racial minorities have been discriminated against by society” — On one hand, that’s a true statement. But it fails to explain how many first generation Asian - whose parents often may not even speak English - come to America and are wildly academically successful. So much so, they are discriminated against when it comes to college admissions. Could the disparity be explained by family and cultural values rather than discrimination and white privileged?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dead man found in strip club parking lot.
    There’s also an Alma Michigan. Coincidentally, US 12 runs thru Michigan but no where near Alma. US 12 runs close to the Indiana border then thru Wisconsin and Minnesota
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    a year ago
    Affirmative Action
    Let’s end this discussion now - if you aren’t willing to pay a black dancer $400 more for a dance than an Asian or White dancer then you can’t be for Affirmative Action in college admissions either
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: RIP Alan Arkin (1934 - 2023)
    Loved him in “Little Miss Sunshine”. I always remember him from a made for TV movie from the ‘80’s “Escape from Sobibor” Arkin leads an escape of prisoners from a Nazi concentration camp. Intense.
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    “are you suggesting that both drugs AND prostitution stay criminalized?” No - I think you missed the crux of my argument. I never suggested drug use should be a crime. You stated that drug use only harms the person using the drugs - no one else. I just pointed out that’s false. Drugs, alcohol, smoking all do harm to the greater good of society - but I never suggested they be made illegal
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    a year ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    “Look at all the people incarcerated for simple possession - not selling, but *using* drugs - that aren't harming anyone but themselves” — That is a very narrow-minded, short-sighted view. The economic impact of illicit drug use is in the hundreds of billions of dollars - primarily from loss of productivity, over-burdening the health care system and even environmental impact. To say drugs only harm the user is an extremely false narrative
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip Club Installs Pinball Machine To Occupy Shy Customers
    I saw it was the Onion so knew it was satire - but still reminded me of the scathing review I wrote years ago on a dive bar. They had the arcade golf game Golden Tee. (I’m probably dating myself). I wrote if the girls were so ugly (which they were) you needed arcade games to keep the customers from leaving then you might as well shut down.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Twitter - Do you Tweet ?
    I never post on Facebook for friends or the public. I’m just in some private sports groups. But I’ve put most of the groups on snooze. People just can’t be civil. You cannot have an intelligent discussion on baseball or basketball. If don’t agree with the original poster you are just labeled as a “hater” or “not a true fan”. Kind of getting sick of it
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Twitter - Do you Tweet ?
    No Twitter or Instagram. I’ve only used Facebook. Sometimes it’s annoying because I click on a story or photo and without an account you can’t access it It seems many news stories these days require a paywall to read. I guess I got spoiled with free news over the years and always figured the time would come when paid subscriptions would finally be the norm. I just wasn’t ready for it yet. I have a friend on the east coast that still subscribes to real newspapers. He gets a couple of New York papers plus a Philadelphia paper and msybe some others. He spends over $1200 per year on Papers
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Affirmative Action
    As far back as the 70’s, my school, a Big 10 university, created a program, that still exists today, for underrepresented students. The mission statement claims it assists students from families with no college experience. Meaning it should also apply to white students whose parents never went to college. But in practice, for 40 years, the program is mostly all black students with a small handful of Hispanics. No whites. No Asians. There were kids in my freshman dorm who were a part of the program. They were stigmatized and profiled. How does that help matters? There were special math and English classes that no student outside of the program could take. So a white kid from a poor rural school could be just as in need of a remedial math class as the urban black kid but he was prohibited from taking it. Isn’t that blatant racism?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Affirmative Action
    Certain STEM majors are very unrepresented by some minority groups. I still like to keep up on course offerings and changing curriculums in my college major so I enjoy looking at websites of some of the top grad schools. It’s entertaining to look at Stanford, Berkeley or Cal Tech. This is copied right off the Stanford department website - “We have committed to a holistic admission strategy, accounting for known biases, combining scientific merit with life experience/personality traits” Basically they are saying to some groups - “we know you don’t really qualify for admission but we will make up some BS criteria to get you in” If I was a minority (except Asians apparently) I’d be pissed off at the progressives who are basically telling me I’m not smart enough to qualify on my own merits so we need to give you some made up bonus points.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    According to a story on Apple News every living ex President except for Trump
    Woodrow Wilson is often considered “the Father of Modern Liberalism” yet he was also one of the most outwardly racist presidents in the modern (20th century) era. He was the last president born to a household that used the services of slaves. I just wanted to point out that many liberals today think all people on the right are racist and people on the left are not - but you cannot paint a picture with broad strokes
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    A credit card is required with Barnes and Noble - Kristy sounds more open to creative forms of payment
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    a year ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New LGBTQ Acronym
    After strippers, my mind always thinks food over politics It’s a lettuce, guacamole, beef, tomato quesadilla
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    a year ago
    AI generated people by state
    Not one obese person or even overweight person in the entire bunch? West Virginia, Mississippi, and Kentucky have obesity rates of around 40% and 70% are overweight. AI didn’t do a very good job
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why NBA Players End Up With IG Models And Strippers
    “She's fucked half of the Charlotte Hornets” Are you referring to Rachel Nichols ? (You’d have to be an NBA fan to get this reference)
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Not having to pay for a drink(cover drink)
    “OP = troll” And a poor one at that. It’s summertime. Stop being bored and posting stupid shit. Go out and enjoy the season
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    a year ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What’s happening in Russia?
    In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity Sun-Tzu - “The Art of War”
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    a year ago
    New York
    Assuming Alice is a stripper, it will never get painted
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    a year ago
    Worst music videos of all time
    Roar. Rick’s favorite music video https://youtu.be/GxwoxWOd_dc
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Worst music videos of all time
    I actually saw a dancer dance to this song all dressed on pink https://youtu.be/ZyhrYis509A