Digital currency

Janet Yellen ( Treasury Secretary ) is promoting something called Central Bank Digital Currency. It would eliminate paper money and require all transactions to be processed through the government.
What would that do to strip clubs if the government had a record of every dance and tip ?
What would that do to strip clubs if the government had a record of every dance and tip ?
last commentAt this point the discussions around it use words like "could" and "should" not "will". Based on how slow government moves, this will not be coming anytime soon.
It's one thing to use Bitcoin the way it is secured, FedCoin will have an open window to the US Treasury, Federal Reserve, IRS and of course, the DOJ. These orgs have created so much trust, right?
As far as strip clubs go, your exchange for pleasure and FedCoin will be tracked and stored forever. Get arrested and your entire life will just be a few clicks away. So much for any privacy of any sort. The amount of snooping the gov't can do today on SM, Internet traffic and cellphones is beyond imagination. This is just one more track of breadcrumbs that will be used to hurt and take more "freedoms" of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" away.
This (Central Bank) has been an issue for over 250 years: POTUS Jefferson, Jackson and Wilson understood, a central bank has the power to destroy lives and freedom. And this was pre-Internet, computers, SM and digital transactions.
Be afraid, be very afraid. Vote OUT anyone who even thinks this is a reasonable, let along good, direction for America. The House GOP'ers need to bring this up in a public debate/discussion.
...and yes, folks, that was satire....😒
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do