

Avatar for madmoneyg

I’ll be heading to Oahu and staying in Honolulu for a week long vacation. Does anyone know if there is a k-org or c-org, similar to what’s in LA and the Bay Area?


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Avatar for shailynn

You staying at Oprah’s house?

Avatar for madmoneyg

What’s with the all hate? I’m just asking if Oahu has k-orgs/c-orgs that are similar to LA or the Bay Area.

Avatar for shailynn

No hate - 90% of the people on here don’t even know what k-orgs/c-orgs means.

Avatar for From978

I'm one of the 90%. I suppose it makes sense to ask a question that can only be understood by people who might be qualified to answer.

Avatar for NickysHardLife

Kissing Orgasms?
Cunt Orgasms?
Korean Orgys?
Chinese Orgys?

Avatar for shailynn

Man I have no idea - did a Google search and nothing came back solid.

This is what the results leaned towards:

Sex trafficking

Being attracted to Korean people

Korg - meaning “big” male genitalia

Something to do with a pimp and prostitute situation

Avatar for motorhead

I googled it too and nothing. Instead of the OP calling us all haters maybe he should stop being a dick and “enlighten” us.

Avatar for madmoneyg

I really thought this was known thing amongst mongers. Korean organization or Chinese organization: they are massage parlors with that run out of an apartment instead of a store front. Which is why they’re called AAMP Apartment Asian Massage Parlor vs AMP Asian Massage Parlor

Avatar for 8TM

Not all mongers are into AMPs and this board is a bad place to discuss them. Anyway, if I had good info I would DM you, but I can only suggest you check the usual sites like rubmaps and ampreviews.

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