COVID Lockdown Part 2

avatar for shailynn
Blah thinks she’s stirring the pot…

I read news from some wise and some crazy conservative people around the ‘net and several of them (mostly crazy, a few wise) and going nuts today saying lockdowns are coming again soon.

I guess Rutgers (NJ) and Morris Brown (ATL) schools are implementing masks on campus. I believe a studio in Hollywood is requiring masks on all property as well.

I just got over COVID, my 3rd time in 11 months (I’m vaccinated, and 1 booster). I got it the day after I was in an airplane/airport and when I went to the doctor they said a lot of people are getting it again. My symptoms were like a bad sinus infection and body aches (the aches only lasted about 4 days). Strangely to the best of my knowledge I never had COVID prior to Sept 2022. When I went to the doctor I thought the t I just had a sinus infection, I was quite surprised when they said I had COVID.

I find it highly unlikely everything will shut down again, the economy can’t handle that, and after all it’s been through the past 3 years, it still could be much much worse IMO. I do find it possible masks will be required in some parts of the country but I bet people will be more resistant this time around to being required to wear them.

What do you think?


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avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
I did my 6 month checkup with my primary doctor 2 weeks ago. To my surprise he and the office staff were not wearing masks for the first time since COVID struck. However the 2 lab techs were wearing them. I'll get another booster if my doc recommends it but no masks for me. At least for now.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
I might finally get another boostie when the new one drops.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
And to be clear we never had covid lockdowns the first time. China had lockdowns. We had travel restrictions and some stuff shut down.

If you're healthy you should be fine. If you are old or have respiratory issues, be careful out there
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
“We never had lockdowns” is at best a political slogan.

You commenting above — JamesSD, Shadowcat — wear your masks, be comfortable around only those wearing masks, go get checkups and injections and do whatever is best for you. But myself and many many others won’t be go along this time with your non “lockdowns” (parks, beaches, stores etc) or attempts at seeing people lose their jobs and more (according to polling regarding opinions of the masking and injection crowd). Being fooled by the foolish again is not an option. Bluntly put: if you are afraid of the air and paper cloth over the face is the only way you feel safe? you stay home, you stay out of public, problem solved for everyone. See how that works?
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
I didn’t know this was happening - but I have been seeing people with masks. Enough to notice
avatar for From978
2 years ago
My doctor got COVID two weeks ago (I think: she didn't exactly say). I saw her yesterday, and in the middle of the exam she started coughing violently. She and I were both masked, but I definitely would have been happier if she had locked herself down until the symptoms stopped.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Sweden had it right from the beginning. Protect the most vulnerable. Let everyone else go about their business. Build natural immunity. Move on.
avatar for Meshuggah
2 years ago
Doctor said so far same symptoms as omicron, (cold symptoms) but with loss of taste and smell in some.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Given how "accurate" the CDC. NIH, gov't ect were on vaccines, lockdowns and masks: wear a mask if YOU think it helps YOU. People still get COVID-19 variants who have been vaccinated multiple times, get a shot if YOU want. Lockdowns, no way. Masking children, no way.

Learn from what worked and what didn't work. Look at what Sweden did to protect the vulnerable - elderly and those who have co-morbidities that make them suspectable to viruses.

Me: no more shots, no more masks. It's up to the individual not some bureaucrat who may be bought off by Big Phama and pressured from The Party.

BTW, calling out conservatives you've heard/read about as "mostly crazy, a few wise" really exposes your beliefs that Conservatives are mostly wrong and the Liberal agenda is mostly correct. I'll leave it at that.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I was grocery shopping yesterday, and I did a double-take at all the people I saw wearing masks. I know of one primary care office locally that shut down for a day to test all of their staff when one received a COVID diagnosis. It's endemic, it's like the flu or common cold, get over it already.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Left wingers love control and fear of poverty, fear of war, fear of illness, fear, fear, fear is a basic tenet of 1984. None of this is done for the welfare of people, just left-wing violence and control. Kind of funny that if you beat a school age child to a pulp, you'd go to jail, but democrats who shut down schools and killed the future for untold millions of children are still walking around free.
avatar for Nobodygtyu
2 years ago
It's so sad how many people are brainwashed into thinking their political team is the correct team and the other side is evil.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
- c19 - one of the most successful and profitable global experiments ever. to those here that took the 1st, 2nd, and the boosters and are still living all should thanks the lords above that y'all survived.

- sweden got it right - ok cool. but so did peru and india, their people were treated with the banned medication and the results were what all the rest of nations in the world should strive for. there was a doctor who testified in front of all these political shitheads about the benefits of this medication, well he wrote a book that was just published recently about this medication and the staunch opposition he got for his beliefs. for those interested below is a link to that book:…

-don't know if the leaked emails are real or not but in one of them fauci said the masks don't work.

avatar for erg
2 years ago
avatar for erg
2 years ago
Biden will save us!!!
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
“BTW, calling out conservatives you've heard/read about as "mostly crazy, a few wise" really exposes your beliefs that Conservatives are mostly wrong and the Liberal agenda is mostly correct. I'll leave it at that.”

- the people I’ve read that are saying the government is going to shut everything down are the same nuts that believe in Jewish space lasers and QAnon bullshit. (Think of morons like Dave on here). IMO they are crazy, that doesn’t make me want to push a liberal agenda just because I think they’re nuts.

avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
"Biden will save us!!!"

don't cha mean obama, currently on his 3rd term? check this out.
ex presidents - someone brought this up - these guys when they're done presidenting they usually wind up at another area to reside in that's relatively far from DC. the only exception to this is obama. is it true that he own and is living in some multi-million property in DC?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
The COVID vaccines were a typical political misreaction to a highly publicized, high probability, minor impact event. It was driven to both parties by big pharma who saw an opportunity to receive billions in free funding for experimental research with millions of forced/coerced test subjects.

The adverse reactions to vaccines are comparable in number and severity to number and severity of worst COVID cases.

We should know now to never accept forced stay home orders or mandatory inoculations with new and unproven medications.

If you want to wear a mask, then wear a mask. If you want to stay hone, stay home. If you're business owner who wants tonlose business by turning away people without masks, you can do that, too. But we can never again allow big pharma, ass-covering bureaucrats (Fauci), and power hungey politicians amd fearmongerers to take over our lives and bodies.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Facts and science 100 percent need to lead the decision making. Unfortunately there's a few on the left and a lot on the right who only trust their gut and feelings.

Covid never should have been political and I still rage at the politicians who chose to make it so to try to score cheap political points. The irony being some of them lost elections when too many of their supporters tragically died.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Please tell me what's involved in proving a new medication so I know where the bar is and you can't move the goal posts
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
I heard the same about wave of outbreaks coming soon, and some people starting to push hard on masks again.
avatar for Context21
2 years ago
If you ask an Amish person how they made it through the pandemic they will say “we don’t watch the news”. I think this is all some wag the dog shit to distract from how horrible this administration is. It’s jut a cold, put down the cheese burger, take some vitamins, and make an effort to do some kind of exercise.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
Some fuckin nut jobs out there, and on here.

But I have been noticing an increase in the number of people I'm seeing masked up again. I don't really know how it'll play out, but I think just the threat of it will get the extremists on both sides all worked up fighting about dumb shit instead of focusing on real issues. Which is great for the people in power on both sides of the aisle & the people with money. Not so great for the rest.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Skibum609 made a good point about fear, fear, and “1984”.

“Unacknowledged: The Worlds Greatest Secret” is about how UFOs are used to strike fear into us. Not that they exist or not just fear with a message they are monsters from space. Fear creates & drives power and control The Boogie Man. The reality is IF UFOs are real the technology they possess makes ours like we just discovered fire. If they wanted us dead or captured they would have by now. However this is a fear government can use to gain power and control.

Watch the trailer to 1996’s “Bulworth” with Warren Beatty. The way he spells out “follow the money” is exactly how politics works.

Back to COVID: 3+ years ago no one really knew how and what to do, Operation Warp Speed seemed reasonable. Lockdowns and masks. Today we know the vaccine isn’t what it was marketed as yet we still are feared into taking a drug that has clearly killed and seriously injured young people and athletes - the sharp rise happened in lockstep with these new high tech mRNA vaccines. Poo Poo it and you are a heretic. Masks that we see don’t work effectively, they give a false security as the are the wrong kind; viruses are smaller than the fibers unless you have an N95.

Why would anyone who believes COVID-19 as big a threat as they say should steer clear of strip clubs given the close contact with strangers.

BTW I will get the annual flu shot.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
Please elighten me about how the vaccine isn't what it was marketed as?

I mean there's a very legitimate critique that the current approval process is too SLOW regarding new variants. Manufacturing and distribution will never be real time for variants, but we definitely have an opportunity to do better.

The dosing also was definitely rushed. There's lots of evidence it wasn't as effective on the obese because there was no adjustment for mass in dosing.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
Th vaccine was "marketed" by the gov't and Big Pharma as solution protectant to COVID-19. We told to get vaccinated, forced in some cases or lose your job. We were told that this was as good as those who developed immunization after surviving COVID-19 when Israeli studies showed survivors were 27x more protected. Then, we had to get boosters. People under 21 and even younger were not as susceptible as those over 50. Under 21, males were suspectable to myocarditis and pericarditis yet these studies were suppressed by the MSM. There has been a very high/fast rise in athletes' deaths who were vac'ed, and this data was never distributed as hard, no where near as hard, as "Get Your Shot at all ages."

There were a lot of unknowns about the mRNA vaccine as well as how deadly COVID-19 would be as so many were dying, primarily elderly and those with co-morbidities. Look what Gov Cuomo did by sending COVID-19 infected elderly back to care/nursing homes that didn't have the proper PPE to protect staff and residents - people dropped like flies. Yes, the hospitals were totally overwhelmed in NYC, however these facilities had no preparation.

I'm not here to prosecute the failures of masks and how effective mRNA is, only, at this point we know a lot more that is being ignored. This is more about inducing fear for control & power.

And yes, there was a rush to get a vaccine out ASAP. As time went on, we learned a lot about how effective, or not, the mRNA vaccine is.
avatar for 5footguy
2 years ago
Children 0-19 death rate attributable to covid was 1.0 per 100,000 (per a March 2023 Oxford article). Yet children were required to distance and wear masks, while politicians had parties (UK, remember?). An entire generation of children had their social and mental (and possibly physical) growth stunted. For what? Can't any reasonable person see that the "cure" did far more damage than the disease?

Once again, humans as a species showed that we are not ready for prime time. We are emotionally driven, alarmist, and severely flawed. We have brilliant people but we elect our leaders more on their likability than their abilities, and they fuck everything up.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
“We have brilliant people but we elect our leaders more on their likability than their abilities, and they fuck everything up.”

This is an excellent statement.
avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
@5footguy writes “COVID 0-19 death rate attributable to covid was 1.0 per 100,000”.
Yep and that’s one they’ll not talk about (and if they do it’s excellent theater). They being a majority of the masses who either shouted it at everyone or their tacit supporters with their passive words/actions. It was and remains despicable, that’s just the truth regarding what was done to the young(among others). Yes, some of this crowd calmly write it off. See they were against politicians being involved. They didn’t like the crazies out there on “both” sides (they presumably followed the “science”). Sure, they are just as guilty for the years of suffering and anguish (and death) potentially coming up for an amount of children too numerous to count, but they speak it with poise.
Anyone who would let this happen again, how in the world do you spin your minds to make it ok? One must have been exposed to a lot of inculcation along with a lot of rationalization to get to that point.
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