
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SuperDude - You got one hell of a son there, just for asking. You should be VERY proud of him for taking responsibility for his own care as well as others. BG - If you ever make it to Columbus, you will have a DATE for sure with some of the prettiest and horniest dancers from The Exotic Pearl, I promise. Hope you don't mind getting fucked in the club. For the past 2 months, I can't explain why, but it just seems I fell into a "pot of gold" when it came to dancers. It seems to be slowing up a little, which I welcome. It's hell when you enter your regular club and they have your favorite drink on the bar ready for you. I spend some money, but not a bunch, that's the surprising part. My next TARGET at the club? I met this new club waitress (9), short, reddish-brown short hair, body to kill for (spinner type). She loves showing her tiny tits and ass out on the main floor while serving. She told me last Thursday evening that she wasn't making much money. I told her that T_____ (my current club ATF) & I were headed back to our favorite LD cubicle and that she could visit us on our second song & make a nice tip ($20). I explained her upcoming visit to my bouncer friend, P______, and he had no problems with her coming back in the middle of T______'s and mine 2fer. Low and behold, that 'tart' did come back. She started going down on the ATF and grabbed and stroked Mr Happy while in the trousers. We weren't too sure how 'true' she was to the club, so we kept Mr Happy inside during her visit. I got the chance to suck on her tiny nipples also. I would have put the aforementioned in a club review, but I have too many reviews of this club on there and don't need the count. I'll keep you posted on this new waitress because I am targetting her a proper introduction to Mr Happy. Sorry for rambling on, didn't mean to go this far.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is It Me Or. . . .
    CT - Quit your 'bitchin'! LOL I can deal with the new shit and so can you DUDE! You'd bitch if a dancer had 2 hairs on her pussy! Just kiddin' of course. Happy 2008 to my Cleveland buddy. In all honesty, every new aspect of this website is not going to be agreeable with everyone to begin with. But, I can get used to the new features over time. Good job founder.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you perfer to be approached?
    daddy313 - Congratulations on your Christmas gift. By joining TUSCL, you will find many glorious and fun hours posting and taking part in the discussion board. I prefer to be approached by the HORNIEST of dancers! Sometimes, their looks are immaterial to me, depends on my 'state of being' or 'state of erection?'. I don't care for the "pushy" dancers, as they are the epitome of 'it's all about the money'! And besides, I can't expect much being as ugly and old as I am, and most dancers don't want to fart around with an erect 2 1/2 in prick, do they now?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A very very happy New Year to you also Greg and to all of <youse> friends and members of the world's greatest strip club website (to include our own founder)! I have had a 'blast' here at TUSCL and plan on continuing having a great time messaging all and adding some humor to the discussion board. I want ALL OF YOU to cheer on the Buckeyes as we proceed to the championship game in Louisiana. I am a staunch Buckeye fan and know that WE are going to need all the help and luck in winning this GAME! Happy 2008!!!!! Uncle Bones
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Format -- Page Layout
    founder - Happy 2008! Good job, as always.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get over them....
    Dancers are sometimes like wives and girlfriends. You either get tired of them or they get tired of you, then it's time to move on and get a fresh start. The only problem with x-wives, we usually have children to follow-up on, and that's the sad part.
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    17 years ago
    It's That Time Again - New Years Eve (NYE)
    Changed to Plan B - Decided to forgo my massage tech and spend NYE with my SO in the midsouth. Guaranteed fuck then!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    I agree with the pics of us who want to post them, only official members though. Gotta' pay the fee for the pic posting. I'm sure this would add some additional time on the TUSCL staff, as they would have to review the pic(s) for clarity, sensitivity, and censorship. Believe me, I won't be pasting any nudes of me on here. My SO has all of those.
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    17 years ago
    What is the largest sum you spent in one night at one or multiple club(s)
    Don't give out on me now housemom! LOL Tell the ladies to keep it simple for the first 10 dances, then go from there! If they start pulling 'the pipe' early, just start thinking of a big dive into an ice cold ocean!..... with sharks! LOL I know exactly what you mean on the high mileage. Make a 4 day trip out of it! Get off twice a day, so at the end you would have accomplished 8 nuts on one trip, provided you don't OTC with you know who!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Local Club gets busted
    I know how you guys feel exactly! When Platinum Plus and The Tunica Cabaret were opened and operating (especially Tunica Cabaret), I was spending a lot of money every frigging month getting tuned up! They got busted for dope and money laundering. Probably just as well they closed, or I would have been $$$$ busted long time ago. LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks for your concern for us Parodyman. Appreciate that. Just changed my plans for NYE. Will be in Memphis with my SO while she works that evening at her casino! As she can't drink, she's my designated driver and fuck. Ooooops, I mean driver!!!! :-)~ I too, encourage all of you to becareful if out celebrating. Please don't drink and drive, call a taxi, use a designated driver, bum a ride from a sober driver, or walk. AND, when the BALL drops, watch who you KISS..... I may be standing beside you!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    founder - Thanks for adding the Private Messages. Site gets better and better all the time. Now, if we can just add a photo of ourselves...... to go along with our nicknames.......
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is the largest sum you spent in one night at one or multiple club(s)
    I can't say for sure, but while I was doing my road trips back in 2006, I think I hit about 10 or 12 clubs in one day, probably spending close to $1200 for ALL expenses. Myself, even being a strip club junkie, I just am too damn frugal to spend a whole bunch of $$$$ in one day. However, now that I think about it more, I may have topped that $1200 mark while celebrating my 60th birthday at Columbia PP with shadowcat. My goal was same as his on his 65th birthday. One lap dance for each year I lived (60). But, it took two days to complete that feat, so it doesn't count as far as $$$$ spent in one club, one day.
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    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    casualguy - Careful pal. Massages can become just addicting as strip clubs, maybe more so. One guaranteed thing about massages - you definately get one-way hands on action, but not necessarily where you prefer!!! LOL I've been going with to regular therapist, S________ for six months now. No happy ending so far, but am not ruling it out. $50 per hour ($43 + $7 tip) full body massage (almost). Deep-tissue relaxation massage. Muscle knots will disappear with these type massages. Other than than, intimacy has increased slowly.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Pride in Poverty
    I can only guess it comes with the territory (dancing). One exception is <evilcyn> though. Of all the times I have visited with this lovely lady, she never once has burdened me with her problems, nor have I burdened her with mine. We both just forget our problems and thoroughly enjoy our time together!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    It's That Time Again - New Years Eve (NYE)
    FONDL - Great idea. Never even gave that a thought. I'll bring that up to her Saturday. She's quite the drinker and I had planned on being our designated driver and keep down the liquor or just non-alcholic. BTW, email to come this weekend. Things are heating up between us, more ground gained! Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Greatest compliment a stripper has given you...
    Like shadowcat, I hate being called 'Baby' or any other club 'John' name. They get points by calling me by my first name. I might be considered a 'John' in a strip club, but you don't have to make me feel that way. The best compliment a dancer can give me and not be able to hide it as stripper shit (SS) is a very wet orgasm (climax) while she is riding Mr Happy or fucking me. Can't beat that!! I've been told, like many others, that I don't look nor act my age. My massage technician says I have the body of a 40 year old. She never told me how old my face looked..... and I ain't asking either!!! LOL I am with bobbyl - - Do we REALLY care what we hear in a strip club? In truth, I say no. In reality, even if it's SS, it does pump the EGO as well as the flow of blood for Mr Happy!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stranded in a Strip Club - What City ?
    Houston - good club reviews & they got massage parlors w/happy endings Miami - good club reviews with great mileage according to reviewers
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    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    FONDL - That's why I used "expectations". I just cheated on the massages and adult websites. LOL BTW, no body paint yet, but getting my second 4-handed massage by Steph and Angela at noon tomorrow. There might be a surprise on this one. I'll keep you personally posted.
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    17 years ago
    Did the Old Man get his Christmas Wish ?
    Well Cat & Greg, as you know I won't be there to join you both, so fuck 'em once for me pals! Please give the girls my regards and best wishes. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Weird comments you've heard dancers say
    shadowcat - I like that term, "field trip". I'm going to start using that term when clubbing. I believe I can guess who A***** is! LOL If we all start using "field trip" regularly, we might get TUSCL to add it on their approved list of abbreviations.
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    17 years ago
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    And a happy holiday greeting to the entire TUSCL staff. You are a fantastic group and perform a great and fun service to us all. Keep up the great work!
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    17 years ago
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    Merry Christmas and a safe and holiday season to all my friends on TUSCL. I wish to thank each and everyone of you for helping me stay entertained with your reviews and discussion posts. "Ya'll" are like family to me and I wish to keep it that way. For those of 'my family' I have had met this past year, I think of you often and hope we may gather again in a spirited SC fashion. For those of 'my family' I haven't had the opportunity to meet yet, I certainly hope we may succeed in meeting during 2008 and becoming good friends and coharts!
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    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    Uncle Bones' New Years Resolutions: 1) stay fit - expectations of success 2) stop smoking - expectations of failure 3) club less and spend less - expectations of failure 4) spend less time surfing adult websites - known for failure---LOL 5) start working again (part time) - reasonable success 6) eat healthier - expectations of failure 7) spend less on massages - NO FRIGGING WAY - gotta' have 'em!!!