Greatest compliment a stripper has given you...
Atlanta suburb
Knowing my real name, remembering it and calling me by it. I hate being called baby etc. I don't mind being known as the candy man. Just as long as they remember who I really am. And the ones that call me by my real name make more money that those who don't. I have started a reeducation program at my favorite club. "Call me by my real name" and it is working.
I remember one dancer said she really likes me. She said she liked me better than all the other guys she's been with. Then she said that's really saying something because she's been with a lot of guys. All of which was supposed to be a compliment but actually alarmed me a bit. hmmm, the same dancer was 30 years old but told me she remembered seeing me for the first time, when she was 16. I thought Wow. She spotted me walking out of a strip club and remembered me all that time.
I thought remembering me for 14 years when I didn't even recall her ever dancing for me was impressive. She even knew where a picture of me was in one club I used to go to and I never even knew it was there.
Most of the compliments were in reference to my appearance, clothing, and perfume. On one occasion, I was complimented on my Mr. Happy, the best SS ever!
Then again, I met one girl who was new to town at club A on a Wednesday, had a good two-hour talk-and-dance session with her without alcohol, but when she turned out to be working at club B on Tuesday she didn't know me at all.
The best compliment a dancer can give me and not be able to hide it as stripper shit (SS) is a very wet orgasm (climax) while she is riding Mr Happy or fucking me. Can't beat that!!
I've been told, like many others, that I don't look nor act my age. My massage technician says I have the body of a 40 year old. She never told me how old my face looked..... and I ain't asking either!!! LOL
I am with bobbyl - - Do we REALLY care what we hear in a strip club? In truth, I say no. In reality, even if it's SS, it does pump the EGO as well as the flow of blood for Mr Happy!!
First, three girls to whom I gave my "intimate" photo spread it around the club and then several girls came up to me and told that they wanted to "dance" with me.
Second, lots of girls will masturbate for me; I love it.
Third, lots of girls think that I'm handsome (particularly when I dress up).
Not sure about the dumb ones, but I suspect the moderately bright and organized ones, the types that log in what certain regs pay them each visit,number of dances, what outfit they wore each shift, and how that relates to earnings - those type I suspect sometimes might be writing down a few notes here and there about the substance of certain conversations with regular type customers that they quickly review when they know a reg (for example) is due to come to the club the next day.
However, in any case, it can still be a compliment if they bring something up that would otherwise seem obscure, but it might be them just doing their homework as any good businss person might do
I remember another dancer told me a few times "you should be dancing for me" I took that as a compliment after asking what she meant by that. At first I thought that was a weird comment.