It's That Time Again - New Years Eve (NYE)

Decided to start a new discussion about New Years Eve, since it's getting closer to that time. The original discussion is too far down on the board now.
What are your plans for NYE?
If you're going out, where to?
Are you taking anyone with you?
Are you going to drink and drive?
I'll go first.... Just set up a NYE date with my massage technician. She'll get a babysitter to keep her kids for the entire night. I'm now searching for a nice bar/lounge for us to celebrate in. Afterwards, who knows...... we'll get to that point when it comes!
last commentI just hope that there is something good on TV.
I might decide to party at PP in Columbia or somewhere. My relatives and in-laws will all be home by then I think.
I've given thought to going to the local BYOB strip club, but I don't have the cash due to the fact I went out to a different club last weekend. I could just raid my savings account (all it does for me is accumulate money) and just take cash from there. On the other hand, one of my coworkers typically has a party at his place, so I might just go there.
Bones, suggest you make reservations at a nice hotel that's hosting a party and get a room for the night since you'll both be drinking heavily and don't want to get in trouble. That would be the thoughtful thing to do. Bring massage oil.
FONDL - Great idea. Never even gave that a thought. I'll bring that up to her Saturday. She's quite the drinker and I had planned on being our designated driver and keep down the liquor or just non-alcholic. BTW, email to come this weekend. Things are heating up between us, more ground gained! Thanks.
Taking the missus to SCORES CHICAGO on Sunday, then we have a hotel suite for Monday night. No I do not drink and drive. But I can get fucked up at the hotel if I so choose.
TUSCL Friends: Please be safe! If you kill yourselves on NYE think of all the titties you will miss in the coming year.
It's not the titties you'll miss, it's the blowjobs.
That too Book Guy, although I do not partake myself.
I'll probably end up staying home. It's a lot of hassle to watch out for drunk drivers and the police and stray animals all at the same time.
Changed to Plan B - Decided to forgo my massage tech and spend NYE with my SO in the midsouth. Guaranteed fuck then!!!
I'm sitting in a hotel room in downtown Honolulu. Visiting my in-laws here. Got a great view of the harbor, so we'll probably just hang out here & watch the fireworks on NYE.
Yesterday I tried to sneak away for a bit to check out some local SC's. My SO figured out what I was up to and killed that idea right quick. Damn. :(
Your in-laws didn't come to NOLa for the Sugar Bowl? The paper here called it "The biggest thing to hit Hawai'i since statehood." ROFL