
What does it take for you to remember a dancer?

Atlanta suburb
Looks, personality, sexuality? I was just reflecting on my last vist to my favorite club 10 days ago. I remember all of my favorites that I got dances with but there were 3 new to me. All 3 were 7 or better and had nice personalites. Fun to talk to. 2 of the 3 did really good lap dances. I mean high mileage. But I cannot remember any of their names. Old age? Too many favorites? Does it take more than one meeting for the name to sink in and stay? Maybe I need a spread Sheet!


  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi Book Guy,

    I'm probably on a much tighter budget or am just a lot cheaper. :) The dancer with the boyfriend issue really convinced by actions. She would just stop counting dances and let herself go.

  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I concur with the first characteristics, but for me the home-run wouldn't be that she doesn't overcharge, etc. Rather, for me, the home-run is that she convinces me that she "really wants" to spend time in my company and kind of "regrets" taking my money after it's all over. I know, it's just a fantasy. That's why I said, "she convinces me" ...
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I don't see the need for a spreadsheet, because by the time I got it down, I probably forgot half the stuff anyway. I always remember girls by their look. Of course, that becomes a problem if they change it, but some things, like height or skin color, can't change. I usually have their name down by the third visit. Then again, if they got an interesting name, it might be less than that.
  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    fortunately I still have a memory like a steel trap!
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I remember a stripper more by her face than her stage name. I don't usually bother trying to remember stripper names, because A) They're fake, and often sound fake, B) Chances are I'll never see her again, and C) If I do, I'll know it's her by her face, not her name.

    As for what makes me remember a stripper, it's usually a memorable experience I've had with her, and I don't mean a nice chat.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I have a very good memory, so I remember them all...it's nothing personal about the dancer, just one of my little idiocyncracies.
    17 years ago
    She has to be nice to me and she has to be attractive. What's so hard about that?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If she looks very pretty, I might remember her longer than many others. The more time I spent with her especially outside of any busy club, the better the odds are I'll remember her. Maybe I should start taking pics so my mind will be like a steel trap. If it's not, I could just pull out the pic. :)
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I don't even bother trying to remember stage names unless they're one of my favorites. I've had a few dancers tell me both their stage name and their real name as they introduced themselves to me. If a dancer tells me her real name, she should also tell me if she's minds me using her real name in the club. Perhaps her first name is ok. Not that I would remember it longer than an hour or two. Maybe less if I was drinking and 20 more dancers told me their names.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Like most of you, I don't try to remember strippers' names (except to post a review). Their physical make up and my experience with them are more important, and will tell me if I want another round with them. And......... no, I ain't going into that either!!!! :-( LOL
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    "What does it take for you to remember a dancer?"
    I'm not sure. I forgot already.

    One good trick at least to make me remember for at least a day or two is too wear a top where your nipples keep popping out without any effort. That was a neat trick. Maybe her breasts were too big for the outfit. I keep remembering she would adjust herself and then her nipples would suddenly pop back out after about 30 seconds. I didn't say much since I was so distracted.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Her being Asian is always a plus for me! You know, the beautiful, long, straight, jet black, hair and the perfect skin. Friendly and pleasant to be around.

    Ah, I remember her well!
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    It is a combination of looks--near perfection (short, no fat, skin not marred by scars or tats, good teeth, etc.) and sensitivity--her heart races, breasts harden. Innocence also would count for a lot in a slow club where you can get to know her.

    The homerun is if she doesn't overcharge and throws in an extra dance or a little more heat than normal.

    All of this can go down the drain with inconsistency--level of contact, appreciation of business, difference in personality, etc. Unless there is a good reason. One dancer would only ask me for dances when there was a gap in her serious dating--boyfriend cheated, boyfriend took off, boyfriend is too new, etc.

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