
Totally forgetting a stripper who says she knows you?

I've had this happen to me a few times where I go to tip a stripper and she says "remember me?" I may say no or say something like "from where?" Then she may say something like "you don't remember?, then either she tries to refresh my memory or gives up. The last time I heard "that's pretty sad." I don't really think it's sad to totally forget someone. I've met hundreds or possibly over a thousand to two thousand different strippers. It's hard to remember that many people especially if you've been drinking when you met.

So do you think the line "do you remember me?" is more of a line a stripper may use or do you think a number of dancers expect to be remembered months or years later?


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Lol, I just remembered a female customer once asked if I remembered her. When I seemed to not immediately remember, she flashed me her tits and then asked again. Now that was a great way to refresh my memory. :)
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Just a few months ago, returning to Christie's Cabaret in Memphis once afternoon, a dancer approached me and started berating me for promising her a LD on my last visit. I could not remember this bimbo from Adam (or rather should I say Eve).

    I don't know if this was a trick of hers to get me to buy a LD, but it didn't work. I don't like pushy dancers.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I saw this one ROB who used that line on me and I told her no even though I was lying. I think they just use that line to get you to buy more, but the fact they actually used it is proof they aren't really worth it.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    "Do you remember me?"
    "Have you ever been here before?"
    "Have you ever had a lap dance before?"
    "Have you ever had a dance HERE before?"
    "Have you been to our town before?"
    "Are you married?"
    "Do you have children?"
    "What do you do for a living?"

    All of it can be innocuous banter or mining for information, depending on how cagey or underhanded a dancer is, or is not. I realized a while back that my lame-ass excuses for jobs ("writer" "volunteer demolishing Katrina houses" etc.) actually make me a GOOD mark. I had assumed that the fact that the jobs sounded like I wasn't making much money meant I would be thought of as someone who didn't have much money to spend on dancers. But it went the other way 'round. BECAUSE I was (supposedly) "rich enough" to spend time in a strip club EVEN THOUGH I had a low perceived income, I must have "trust fund" money of some sort, and therefore can spend willy-nilly, so the ladies assumed. Also, because I'm "self-employed" I don't have to get up too early in the morning and can wait until crowds have thinned out for higher-price intimacy. Or so do some of them seem to think, on the basis of a few seemingly innocuous answers.

    I am now more careful about what I say to things like that. In fact, I often deliberately pose as a tourist from out of town at clubs where I've been before, just to hear the ridiculous tales of waffling offers, changing rules, and preposterous regulations, invented off the cuff. It's nutso how many lies are flying about a strip club at any given time.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Only once did it happen to me, but I did remember after a bit. Problem is, in my opinion, most dancers look so different in street clothes.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    It's a sign that you're a world class stud. For us mere mortals, we're the ones asking, "Remember me?", and it's the strippers who totally forget us. If it's the other way around, even including female customers gone wild for crying out loud, that proves you must have more hot women than you can keep track of wanting to be with you. Only possible explanation: you're a sex god.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    A while back I was in a srip club. Not my favorite. I met a dancer, She told me that she remembered me from last week and told me what my name was I told that, that was not my name and that I wasn't in the club last week. She looked puzzled. Did she really confuse me with someone else or just more stripper shit?
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Naw chandler, you're just patronizing strippers with poor business sense. Smarter ones would always yelp with glee and huggy kissy you, whether or not they REALLY did remember you.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Instead of sex god, maybe I did actually forget a couple of people. I wouldn't even recognize former roomates from college over 10 years ago.

    I do like the way some dancers remember so well. I remember one dancer who used to work at PP in Columbia. I think she went by the stage name Ivy (not referring to any dancer that may by coincidence be using that name now). I got a few dances from her off and on over a couple of weeks. Maybe just 2 different days. Then I didn't visit the club for a while. When I tipped her on stage she said something like "where have you been? It's been 4 months." It was hard to forget someone who stood out as a bit unusual (I think she had a bunch of piercings.) When I first met her I believe she told me I had to massage her breasts. She said she just had breast implants and her doctor said they needed to be massaged. I wasn't arguing. Now something like that I can remember.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Sex god? Lol, ha ha, very funny.

    Most of the time I suspect the dancer is simply prying for information. A few times a dancer may be sincere but if she doesn't offer any evidence it would be hard to know.

    I do remember one of my past friends was sleeping with a different hot girl about every week. He didn't go to strip clubs because I think he was too busy. He moved away and moved in with 2 female roomates to help pay the rent.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    This may be revealing a little too much about how weird I am, but I keep an Excel spreadsheet on strip clubs -- one worksheet for each club. Each time I meet a new dancer, I try to remember her name and anything about her. When I get home, I record the information about her. It helps me to remember names and whether I liked her dances or not -- especially for girls at clubs I visit infrequently.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Nothing weird about that, David. I think half the fun of this hobby is all the extraneous things -- your spreadsheet is just another way to relive the positive experiences. And it of course will be a useful tool for future visits! You should find a space to share your information with interested parties. They might be able to fill out some of the gaps in that chart!
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    david120 - I agree with BG. Nothing weird about keeping a spreadsheet. I look at SCing as a hobby also. I wonder if "Founder" would consider instituing a 'spreadsheet' on this site. NAH, better not, mentioning things about a particular dancer might turn to 'slander'. :-)
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    CG; I haven't experienced your scenario, exactly, but I've had several dancers who dyed their hair a different color, in some cases coupled with a dif. hairdo come up to me, initially drawing a blank. When they say, "I'm so&so," that jogs my memory.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    David: Man, that is weird. Obviously, it's a job for Filemaker Pro, with its more robust handling of text fields and many-to-one relational structures. Excel?!? Pshaw! Weirdo.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    FileMaker Pro? No way man. You need to program your own CGI application ...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I would need a pic of the dancer to go along with any file to keep remembering many dancers. So far I haven't been taking any pics of dancers I've met outside the clubs. I did get one on my camcorder but that was by accident. I had it going while at the beach one day and she walked right into view. Wasn't too much of a coincidence since she did go to the beach with me.

    There is apparently a pic of me in a strip club in NC I was a regular at about 11 or 12 years ago. A dancer told me about it. I never even knew it when I was a regular there. The club took pics of dancers and customers around their grand opening and put them under the glass at their bars.
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    The spread sheet idea is a high tech version of my little notebook which has names and little bits of info. If I see a dancer who is hot and I vaguely remeber doing a dance with her, my note book reference has kept me from getting another bad one if that was the case. Too many times I'd gone back and done another lap before realizing that I didn't care for her technique or whatever. The note book helps refresh the memory. It also lets me seem like I really remember favorites when I ask about things from their personal life that they discussed the last visit. I once brought a dancer her favorite candy bar based on previous information. She showed her gratitude immensely in the LD room.
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