-95% of the girls on there are fake. They want you to send money before meeting and make up all kinds of reasons you need to send it electronically or with a gift card first. They won't do anything to confirm they are real. Don't fall for this if you try these sites. -4.9% of the girls are actually hookers who will meet with you but they may or may not be using real photos. For people who want this that is fine but I was not looking for this especially on these sites. Why pay to meet hookers when they are all over the internet and world without paying to be connected. -0.1% - are real but these are the least attractive girls who you prolly wouldn't want to hang out with for free let alone pay for it or be a sugar daddy for them. Some of them spring on you that they want to have an equally unattractive friend come along.
Learn from my mistakes and stick to the strip club lol
I think in general, an attractive, practical, non-toxic sex worker, after weighing all the pros and cons, will prefer marriage as the best form of sex work. Especially if she wants to pop some (happy) rugrats along with doing well $-wise. The exceptions are the ones who are freedom-loving. But people who are very freedom-loving are rare. You'd think there would be more escorts who'd want to screen clients by meeting them in a public place first. But they seem to prefer to rely on some level of screening to get tolerable clients. It does seem like many (most?) PLs want someone they can vent on and/or be demeaning to, at least as much as they want straight-up sexual gratification. That drives women, particularly unpimped, non-toxic ones, away from sex work. So we must make due with sex workers with strict boundaries, who can nevertheless set their rates high.
Apple blocked the Seeking app two years ago, and Android just removed it from Google Play a couple months back. These two events have caused the number of ctive SB's to plummet, since most young people prefer apps to manually logging in on their web browser.
Seeking was awesome from 2011 to 2018, but as sugaring became more mainstream, more scammers and johns showed up. More recently the rampant sugar baby TikToks falsely led young women to think they could make $2,000 just going on a platonic date. The site has also faced criticism that it facilitates prostitution. Recently, the site changed the 'friends with benefits' tag to just 'friends'.
Depends where your at. Some markets it's a ghost town but I will say in those the success rate is higher. Dogchain if your in Jersey there's a lot options at least. I'm in the tri state area too I've met enough good ones to say it's worth it to have an account active from time to time.
Agree with Mud. It depends on your city. Miami and Orlando are fantastic SA cities. Tampa is OK. There are some fakes, but you can easily tell those very quickly. And whether they are strippers or escorts also, I not sure I' really care.
I had tried SA a few years back I believe I posted about it at the time, it wasn't terrible, but it was full of catfishing scammers, and delusional girls who highly over estimated their actual worth
WYP is completely useless. "A chump's game", to quote the great one.
SA has lots of scammers, escorts, catfishers, and various horrible platonic feet-pic girls. You will either 1. learn how to quickly figure those girls out so you don't waste time on them, or 2. get frustrated and quit. It sounds like you picked option 2. It does take a little while, but once you learn how to vet out the useless girls quickly, it stops becoming so annoying
"Apple blocked the Seeking app two years ago, and Android just removed it from Google Play a couple months back. These two events have caused the number of ctive SB's to plummet, since most young people prefer apps to manually logging in on their web browser."
Sinclair, Seeking is still on google play, it's only Apple that's blocked it. But SBs all have iphones, so as a practical matter, none of them can use the app.
Subra, I read this article and several similar a few months back. If you say it is still in the Google Play store they are either not enforcing the ban or Seeking had to wiggle out of being considered a site with "compensated sexual relationships".
@subraman It wasn’t very difficult for me to weed the useless girls out, I just feel like I have terrific talent all around me and I have enough money that I often get sought out, since I retired I actually have more tail than I can handle, plus my tastes run more towards the women who are over thirty in great shape and where I live there’s an abundance of women that more than suit my tastes.
Sinclair: yes, exactly -- they wiggled out. Ever since fosta/sesta, Seeking has been re-framing themselves as a dating site. No mention of PPM is allowed, people get banned for discussing it even in messaging, they no longer discuss sugar at all. They were well positioned to claim they're not a sugar site, and so far, google is buying it. You can find them on the playstore right now!
i was surprised that recently a girl messaged this to me on SA and then didn't get suspended, "what are u giving for ppm?" i quickly replied that whatever messages/texts we send to each other from now on we have to outside the site.
but yeah the site has gone downhill the past 3 years. majority of the girls you wouldn't even want to cough up a $1.99 to pay for a cup of gas station coffee.
@Subraman: " It does take a little while, but once you learn how to vet out the useless girls quickly, it stops becoming so annoying"
Part of the problem I have with them now is with the stories I've heard about them taking your membership payment (which is now $90 per month) and then banning the account for some infraction, with no refund. I totally get that it's in their ToS, which is why I don't bother anymore. I myself had my account banned once for an infraction they wouldn't reveal. Since my account wasn't active, and you can't even *favorite* a profile anymore when you're not paid, it couldn't have been for something I actually did, so no clue what that was about. They reinstated me after I refuted it though, but I still haven't reactivated.
Which is sad really, I did find a really nice young lady, a cute, petite redhead who treated me all kinds of right. We still text once in a while, and she did say that if she ever comes back to Louisville (she moved for family) that she'd like to meet up again. While I'm near certain that won't happen, it would be nice to see her again.
3 years ago I had some luck on S/A I met 3 girls , 1 20 something 1 about 25 and a mid 30s had fun with all,A 4th real youung one,dancer at a local club and her boyfriend robbed me! Since then , no more for me!
hey i just wanted to chime in as a 26 year old guy and my experience with Seeking. It is the complete opposite of sucking for me. There have been weeks where I have had a girl come over every night of the week, and no I have not paid a single dime to them directly. I usually spend around 40-80 on the date (drinks, dinner etc.) and make an attempt to charm them. Seeking is like shooting fish in a barrel. I can't even begin to describe how my life has changed with this website. With Tinder if I wanted a hookup or fwb i'd have to settle with whoever came my way. I get like a match every couple of weeks and have to go with whoever is available (usually overweight or not very pretty). On Seeking I have ultimate selection over my exact type, preference and the women are usually very promiscuous and sexually open. I don't know how it works, but I make sure to let them know that I am not looking for a sugar baby, but rather something genuine. Not sure if my anecdote changes anything but this has been my experience
Most hookers on social media are probably Indian 9r Nigerian men. Just pick a hoe up on the blade. Cheaper and you can check to see big she has a real pussy
> I don't know how it works, but I make sure to let them know that I am not looking for a sugar baby, but rather something genuine.
It works because you're misleading them. You may be truthful that you're not looking for a SB but you're not looking for something genuine either. They may interpret 'genuine' as a long term real relationship in which they would still benefit.
As has been mentioned..... it varies considerably by the city you're in ( or visiting)
You have to be patient. You probably have to work the site for a week or so prior to your visit . Assuming you are not doing it in the city you reside.
I’ve had some success on WYP. I met one really nice girl. We had a nice lunch, she wanted another date, but she really wasn’t my type. I met another who was just looking for a platonic relationship with an allowance. While on a scale of 1-10 she was a strong 9, Eastern European, that’s not for me. The last one was a complete freak in bed. No limits whatsoever, but the caveat was she was so far past batshit crazy, it required a restraining order to get rid of her.
So I guess I’m sort of 1.5 for three on WYP. One crazy sex machine, and one really nice girl with her head on straight, but just not my type and one unrealistic sugar baby.
I think I’ll stick with strippers from here on out. At least you know what you’re getting with them.
It seems to me like "sugaring" generally is a form of commercial sex where both the sex worker and the PL are bougie and high drama. From my personal experience, I recommend: 1. Escorts are the most likely to work out. 2. Even with that, with an escort you haven't been with before, well over a 50% chance you will just waste your money. 3. Be careful where you live. A metro area with at least a million people. Not a place where they all want you to come to Jesus, even if they have to push your nose in a big steamy pile of Jesus. 4. Be prepared for a hard look at the dark side of life. You will met women with severe addictions or other severe mental illnesses, who society/family have just thrown under the bus. You will met malignant psychopaths and sociopaths.
I haven't used seeking much but it is frustrating to hear it has gone to shit. I used to fantasize about one day having a sugar baby when my finances are better but now it is just strippers (an no I don't get extras). Still would rather "convert" a stripper to a part time SB or go on dates or something.
last commentI think in general, an attractive, practical, non-toxic sex worker, after weighing all the pros and cons, will prefer marriage as the best form of sex work. Especially if she wants to pop some (happy) rugrats along with doing well $-wise. The exceptions are the ones who are freedom-loving. But people who are very freedom-loving are rare. You'd think there would be more escorts who'd want to screen clients by meeting them in a public place first. But they seem to prefer to rely on some level of screening to get tolerable clients. It does seem like many (most?) PLs want someone they can vent on and/or be demeaning to, at least as much as they want straight-up sexual gratification. That drives women, particularly unpimped, non-toxic ones, away from sex work. So we must make due with sex workers with strict boundaries, who can nevertheless set their rates high.
Seeking was awesome from 2011 to 2018, but as sugaring became more mainstream, more scammers and johns showed up. More recently the rampant sugar baby TikToks falsely led young women to think they could make $2,000 just going on a platonic date. The site has also faced criticism that it facilitates prostitution. Recently, the site changed the 'friends with benefits' tag to just 'friends'.
SA has lots of scammers, escorts, catfishers, and various horrible platonic feet-pic girls. You will either 1. learn how to quickly figure those girls out so you don't waste time on them, or 2. get frustrated and quit. It sounds like you picked option 2. It does take a little while, but once you learn how to vet out the useless girls quickly, it stops becoming so annoying
Sinclair, Seeking is still on google play, it's only Apple that's blocked it. But SBs all have iphones, so as a practical matter, none of them can use the app.
It wasn’t very difficult for me to weed the useless girls out, I just feel like I have terrific talent all around me and I have enough money that I often get sought out, since I retired I actually have more tail than I can handle, plus my tastes run more towards the women who are over thirty in great shape and where I live there’s an abundance of women that more than suit my tastes.
i quickly replied that whatever messages/texts we send to each other from now on we have to outside the site.
I don't want the competition when I need to refill my rotation of 20-ish hotties.
(ever been to Manhattan, KS?)
Part of the problem I have with them now is with the stories I've heard about them taking your membership payment (which is now $90 per month) and then banning the account for some infraction, with no refund. I totally get that it's in their ToS, which is why I don't bother anymore. I myself had my account banned once for an infraction they wouldn't reveal. Since my account wasn't active, and you can't even *favorite* a profile anymore when you're not paid, it couldn't have been for something I actually did, so no clue what that was about. They reinstated me after I refuted it though, but I still haven't reactivated.
Which is sad really, I did find a really nice young lady, a cute, petite redhead who treated me all kinds of right. We still text once in a while, and she did say that if she ever comes back to Louisville (she moved for family) that she'd like to meet up again. While I'm near certain that won't happen, it would be nice to see her again.
It works because you're misleading them. You may be truthful that you're not looking for a SB but you're not looking for something genuine either. They may interpret 'genuine' as a long term real relationship in which they would still benefit.
You have to be patient. You probably have to work the site for a week or so prior to your visit . Assuming you are not doing it in the city you reside.
So I guess I’m sort of 1.5 for three on WYP. One crazy sex machine, and one really nice girl with her head on straight, but just not my type and one unrealistic sugar baby.
I think I’ll stick with strippers from here on out. At least you know what you’re getting with them.
1. Escorts are the most likely to work out.
2. Even with that, with an escort you haven't been with before, well over a 50% chance you will just waste your money.
3. Be careful where you live. A metro area with at least a million people. Not a place where they all want you to come to Jesus, even if they have to push your nose in a big steamy pile of Jesus.
4. Be prepared for a hard look at the dark side of life. You will met women with severe addictions or other severe mental illnesses, who society/family have just thrown under the bus. You will met malignant psychopaths and sociopaths.