
'Tis the Holiday Shopping Season

Anywhere there are Titties.
Monday, November 29, 2021 1:07 PM
I joined [view link] about 2 and a half years ago. It's been a lot of fun. But as many have noted, Seeking can be a lot of work. Some girls don't check their profile often, there are fake profiles, and some girls have unrealistic expectations. They think they are going to meet some Walmart heir or some movie star thru the site. They do care what you look like. And they tend to want a good "experience". Nice dinner or fun event to go to. When I want to meet someone, I go thru the profiles and search for what I'm looking for. I've been on there long enough to notice the obvious scams and escorts, so I'm pretty good at avoided them. I'll send out messages to 10 different girls, hoping that about four will respond back in 2-3 days, then end up with a date with one of them. I refer it to the law of numbers. You have to make some sales pitches before you make the sale. I've seen about 50 different girls thru Seeking using this method. It's been fun but a lot of work and time. Last week, I was in Tennessee with family for Thanksgiving but coming back to Florida yesterday (Sunday). I"m wanting to meet someone new for this week, so on Saturday night I start my normal routine. I send out 10 messages to 10 different girls. Within 24 hours, I had heard from eight of them. And all eight want to see me. Now. I've already lined up three dates for this week, have 3 others that have said Yes, but I don't have time to fit them in. Two others, I've decided No on myself after they said Yes. It's never been this easy. The girls need cash to do their holiday shopping. I wonder if strippers are more willing to do OTC now .


  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Just ask Rick Dugan and you’ll get your confirmation.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    They're all escorts. You're paying them to fuck. And you're playing yourself thinking you're the only one they do it with.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "I wonder if strippers are more willing to do OTC now." It's way too early for most strippers to start worrying about holiday gifts. The hotter ones just assume they can go into the club at any time and earn. Xmas probably won't take on too much urgency for most of them until the 19th or 20th, at which point, rather predictably, the clubs will be much less busy than they had hoped. Rinse, repeat, every year, lol.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    it’s going to be hard for them to find new xBoxes and PS5s to buy for their baby daddies and kids this year too!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I've not had luck with Seeking, but I'll admit that I haven't put in the time / work. With some rare exceptions, I've found that a lot of the women on Seeking are escorts who are just lying to themselves. A few are fine with being escorts, but just want to be pickier.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    CMI, Yes , it's a lot of work. But it's the hunt that actually makes if fun also. And Yes, many of the girls on Seeking do not want to think of themselves as Sex Workers. In the end, they are. But you do have to approach them differently. I'm not having any trouble this week. But I know this will not last. I'm just in a lucky streak. And Icey. I never said I was their only one. You really need to get better at Reading Comprehension. It's a sign of intelligence . Or lack there of with you.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Congratulations on making Seeking work for you. I tried a few years ago and had no luck at all. I guess I'll have to stick to strippers.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I met up with and slept so many pretty girls off there. But I had to go through a lot of bullshit to do it but I think it’s worth it. A recent threads of mine “how do you take an L” thread was inspired by one girl I met up with. Pretty in the face but after I took off her clothes she just did not have a body that I’m into at all. Not fat but just no curves at all. It wasn’t enjoyable for me tbh. But it got me thinking that would never happen at a strip club doing OTC. You get a full view/feel of what your getting and I want to get back to that now with clubs coming back to normal. And there’s just an excitement factor to going to a strip club. I’ve been shifting gears a little bit now. I’m still gonna have my beak in it but it’s seeking is going to be the secondary again instead of the primary that it became during CoVid for me.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I appreciate Warrior sharing his method, and his insight, regarding seeking. It makes sense, as it’s not one of those obvious sex worker sites, so the girls expect a different approach. They are less likely to be pump and dump girls. I think the seeking girls (the non-prostitute types) to be a little better at planning. They likely are thinking about holiday spending now, and are accepting more offers. These girls might be legitimate college students, so they understand a bit more than the crazy stripper types who shop for their kids on Christmas Eve. I think stripper otc gets very busy during the 11 days from 12/20-12/31. The combination of Christmas presents for their kids and rent both hit hard at that time! Obviously a giant bag of weed for the baby daddy is a bonus for those who make bank at year end.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @Warrior so many questions. Can you tell us their typical $ expectations? How is the drama level? You say you avoid the obvious escorts, but that would be more what I would want to find, a somewhat escort-like dealio. Given how people are, I'd expect that with a monthly allowance, she'd be playing a constant game to try and do as little for me as possible without the $ stopping. One of my dancer favs was on seeking, she said she didn't want anyone who was more than 10 years older than her. So yeah, if that's typical, I'm out. I tried whatsyourprice for a while, wasted a lot of time and $500 - 1000, met a few interesting women, but no actual naughty time. I met one woman who had a fixation on much older men, because of a twisted relationship she'd had with some Woody Allen type guy when she was a teenager. She wasn't a basket case or anything, but I got spooked, felt like it would be walking into a mine field. Went out with another chick who had a great picture. But it was from the waist up, and it turned out that 80% of her body weight was outside the picture. It was almost fun how hard I laughed at myself for falling for that one. But she was actually pretty interesting to talk to. I only gave $100 for each first date, so no big loss. One dancer I was already doing OTC with signed up for whatsyourprice (as well as seeking), but she didn't come up when I searched for her. Who knows what's up with that. I wonder how some women get the idea that man are so desperate that they're going to pay hundreds or thousands just to talk to a woman. But I guess, they get to eat in nice restaurants for free, so they can go for their longshot without it costing them anything.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    And I would say for most people strip clubs > seeking for most people unless you live in a large market it’s gonna be slim pickings. LA, NY, Miami, Boston it can be so worth it. It just gives you access to girls who are not about that stripper life and it doesn’t have to be an escort type thing either. A lot of these girls are hooking up all the time in college campuses, bars, and they got no problem doing it with you especially if your paying them.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    ^^ ilbbaicnl You can tell from the profiles if they are escorts. They will say things in the profile like. " we both know why we are on this site " The true sugar baby's will say they are looking for Long Term, Emotional Connection. It's not obvious all the time. I have met some escorts and strippers that were using the site to advertise. When you are messaging back and forth, you will discuss expectations. PPM means they get paid for the meeting. Some true sugar baby's want a monthly allowance, but they all start out as a PPM. I only send messages to girls that have a photo of their entire body. I want a good view of that figure. If I'm not 100% sure that she's not fat, then I dont even start the conversations. And I ask for text photos when I'm talking to them. Body is very important to me.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    @Warrior15 You wrote and I quote: “Within 24 hours, I had heard from eight of them. And all eight want to see me. Now.” Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times, Good Times
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Yeah, that's the thing, I'm not sure how long of a term there's going to be between now and when I die. So hard for me to sign up for that.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Don't let that stop you. I've seen local SBs come back to Seeking and post that they had returned because their previous SD just died. As far as I can tell, the SB mourning period is mere moments.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I wonder if there are more SBs saying yes this time of year b/c there are either less SDs are they are less available during the holidays b/c of family-obligations and thus the SDs don’t have the time or maybe the $$$ during this time of year?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    It'll be interesting to see if SBs will start to appreciably increase their prices in these current inflationary times
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    I'm thinking the supply of sugar daddy's might have lower last week because of the holiday. But not this coming week. I guess when I put out my initial messages, it was still Thankgiving weekend, so maybe there were fewer out there replying at that time. That's a plausible explanation for the short term success. The inflation hit earlier. Pre-covid, the range for a sugar date PPM was 300-400. Now the range is 400-500. Let's hope it doesn't go up from here for a while. But I'm kinda pessimistic when it comes to future inflation. The current regime is going absolutely nothing to combat inflation. And they are doing several things that are promoting it. Inflation is good for me. My investments go up in value, my real estate cashflow increases, my business can raise prices. I'm OK. The average worker is hurt. The retiree should be scared shitless.
  • herbtcat
    3 years ago
    I have been successfully using Seeking for over 10 years. I've dated and fucked at least 120 hotties from the site, and another 10-15 less-than-hotties. :p It's not an UTR hooker site, though there are hookers who play in the Sugar Bowl. It's a dating site with a very open and transparent mutually beneficial structure. If you use it to find "bang & dump" ho's you will be frustrated with the work required versus a hooker ad site. If you want a sweet, charming 20-ish who will adore you and fuck like she invented the sport while you help her pay some bills and learn how to balance her checkbook, Seeking will be the best resource you will ever find. I have 3 SB's in my active rotation, and 5 more who are on-call if I want to see them. All are PPM for between 200-400 for a 3 to 8 hour date. Plus 2 active porn star SB's who get a bit more - 600-800 ppm. You just can't help but enjoy your SB's feedback that you eat pussy better than any bar-pickup douche bag she's ever dated, including her current boyfriend. The cash brings them to you the 1st time, but the multiple O's from an experienced older guy brings them back for round number 2, 3, 4, 5, etc... and the cash. You always need to provide the cash. I have pics, vids, worn out sex toys and more as proof... But no, CJK, you will not get to see any of them. The Sugar Bowl relies on discretion and trust.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I tried this when it was in its infancy and it’s just not for me. I like MILFs and while a 22 year old may just want a good time with little expectations, I found most 30+ year olds on there want to lock a man down to some sort of “arrangement” to compensate for their own failures in life (harsh statement but I feel it’s mostly true). Also making it complicated was refusing to do this locally or semi locally and only when I was traveling not being in the same place for an extended period of time. For reasons in the past I’m also not really into getting someone involved in my personal life anymore and this is the one place going to a strip club has its advantages. For guys like Warrior this works well, he’s alone in the same town away from home all the time, and the efforts can be well rewarded.
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