
Comments by herbtcat (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bourbon Collecting
    Single-Malt Scotch guy myself. Maybe 25 bottles in my collection, including a 1979 Glenrothes with a market value around $750. But sticking with my everyday Craggenmore, Jura and the occasional Walker Blue (yes it's a blend - sue me) for now. Oh and I have an bottle or two of Woodford Reserve and Buffalo Trace around for the common folk as well.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Is Vegas open yet?
    Vegas is open. Strip Clubs in Vegas are not.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    Deja Vu all over again - Not! (Pun intended): "Newsom orders California to shut down indoor activities, all bar operations" https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/507085-newsom-orders-california-to-shut-down-indoor-activities-all-bar So don't expect any California clubs to reopen anytime soon, maybe not at all before 2021. Wear a mask and buy extra lube. It's gonna get lonely around here.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    OT: The cost of my home made burger
    I like burgers. If In-n-Out made decent fries I'd be all over that place. So my #1 go to is Fatburger.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    1. This post belongs in the Political Discourse Room. 2. Please don't conflate the two events into one issue. there are two: A. Cops should not use chokeholds on anyone. And there is a decades-long history in the US of chokeholds being used a disproportionately high number of times on black people. That's why BLM is concerned. B. No one should use violence against anyone, especially as an expression of hate. The US has seen a significant increase in presumed violent hate crimes against LGQBT groups as well as Muslims and Jews in the last 3 years. And with the COVID-19 outbreak, there is also an increase in presumed violent hate crimes targeted at Asians as well. Take whatever side of these issues you will, or take none at all. But don't try to excuse one unacceptable behavior because the "victim" may have committed another unacceptable behavior.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    @IfIGottaBeDamned, Thank you for your report. I'm not an expert on Block clubs, having only visited a few times on business trips back in the 2000's. But I do recall a rather heavy uniformed police presence even back then. When I first visited and saw at least 8 Uni's walking around, I was rather dubious about entering any club, given the Block's reputation for copious extras (which was why I was there). But upon entering my first club there, I was pleasantly surprised to get my 1st infamous "Baltimore Handshake" from a dancer who sat next to me at the bar - while a cop was literally standing 6 feet away from me talking to the bartender! No reaction from the dancer to the cop, and no reaction from the cop to the dancer, who's hand was obviously inside my pants. Gotta love me some Baltimore.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    I don't want to fuck a Hershey bar. (No double entendre intended, you sick fucks, :p)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Masks are bullshit
    You might want to take another look at your link: "Editor's Note (June 2 at 11:30 a.m.): A paper discussed below has been retracted by the journal the Annals of Internal Medicine. The authors wrote that their statistical methods could not determine whether the findings were reliable, making the results of the small study "uninterpretable." The study had found that surgical and cotton masks do not effectively contain viral droplets containing SARS-CoV-2. Subsequent research has suggested that face masks are an effective method for containing the spread of the virus, used along with staying six feet apart from other people."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    giving advice on giving head...
    Three additions: 1. It's a good idea to ask for feedback a time or two. Is that deep enough? Do you want me to suck harder? Etc. 2. Sincere moans and compliments are good. "mmm love the taste of your dick" "it fits my mouth so well" Etc. 3. If she's willing, or better yet anxious, to swallow on her first BJ with him, she will own his soul, cock and wallet forever.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Hot farm girl driving ‘57 Chevy! Would you get a dance from her?
    She may be 50, but those boobs are no more than 10 years old.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    In the wind
    The data is in: men are too fragile to wear Covid-19 masks
    Joe Rogan is not the Official SpokesPERSON (see what I did there? :P) for masculinity. He may be the spokesperson for comedians who lack talent - I've seen his act, and IMO he's never been remotely funny, just bitter and sad. If I owned a business and a visiting dignitary refused to protect my staff and customers by wearing a mask, I'd kick his/her ass out of my store and tell him/her to get off my property before I have him/her arrested for trespassing. Don't care who it is, Trump, Pence, Biden, or Playboy's Miss July. I suspect Fauci's only agenda is protecting the health and safety of people in the USA. Reading subtext into a sports logo on his mask is merely a fantasy ginned up by idiots who like to scream.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Another message from SJG - Not necessarily my opinions. Just passing it along.
    @Eve, no. Just doing him a solid. @justinTolook, fair request. And this will be that thread. Bless your heart. LOL :p @IceyLoco, I have no idea other than what others have suggested/reported - SJG is unable to access the TUSCL site. I have not asked him why or what his status is. I don't really care - it's not my business. He and I have had some cordial discussions in public and in private in the past about strip club and related topics of mutual interest. That's all I can tell you, because that's all I know.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How do I get a cosplay sugar baby?
    Getting an SB at a strip club is possible - I've done it - but it's a low percentage of success and high allowance environment. I'd suggest using the best known Sugar Daddy site (pm for info) and mention cosplay in your profile. Then use "cosplay" as a filter when searching the site to find women in your area who area who are interested in cosplay. Talk to them - DO NOT OFFER MONEY FOR SEX ON THE SITE - then exchange cell numbers and explore in more detail offline. If you live in a medium to large metro area, you should be able to find dozens of women nearby on the site who are interested.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    And the Gov of California today ordered shut down of all kinds of businesses today in 18 counties, including bars, restaurants, clubs, and more. We won't see any SC opening in the next 3 months. Have to rely on my Sugar Baby rotation to keep me happy for a while. Yay!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    @Jascoi, prostitution is legal in Australia. Pimping is not. Sydney is an amazing city... Beautiful area, ocean side with a bay, beaches, famous architecture & bridges, wine & beer, friendly people and wonderous flora and fauna... plus legal hookers. And I mean really HAWT hookers! Too bad right now non-Australians probably cannot enter the country.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    Sydney, Australia: A TOUCH MORE CLASS IS GETTING READY TO OPEN - WEDNESDAY JULY 1ST AT 7:00AM! Full email message check out the section on RECORD KEEPING near the bottom): Dear Valued Client, The management, receptionists & ladies are delighted in welcoming you back to A Touch More Class. It's been a long time and we have missed you! Over the last few weeks we have developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan to help create and maintain a safe environment for all our valued clients, ladies & support staff. These procedures are in place to reassure you that you may visit our premises 24 hours per day, 7 days per week without concern or worry. We have strictly followed all current COVID-19 Public Health Orders and also minimised all risks in accordance with existing work, health & safety laws. We have imposed the following requirements to keep everyone safe while visiting our premises and we hope you can respect this. We have displayed conditions of entry at our reception. Any client, lady or support staff who is unwell is not permitted to enter the premises. Any client, lady or support staff who has returned from overseas within 14 days is not permitted to enter the premises. Our ladies and support staff have been provided with information and training on COVID-19 including physical distancing & extensive cleaning. Our capacity cannot exceed one client per 4 square metres. We will reduce crowding wherever possible and promote physical distancing with markers on the floor in areas where people are asked to queue. Where possible we will ensure our support staff maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing at all times. We will ensure that seating in waiting rooms complies with physical distancing. Unfortunately you may no longer be able to sit together with your friend. Physical barriers such as plexiglass will be installed around areas of high volume interactions between yourself and our support staff. No gatherings of clients may occur immediately outside the premises. HYGIENE & CLEANING We have adopted all recommended hygiene practices. We will provide hand sanitiser at multiple locations throughout the premises. We will maintain disinfectant solutions at an appropriate strength and in accordance with manufacturers instructions. We will clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day with a disinfectant solution or wipe. All surfaces touched will be cleaned with a 100% hospital grade disinfectant solution between each client. All towels and bed sheets will be laundered in boiling hot water between each client. We will ensure all bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels and have posters with instructions on how to wash hands. We will provide disinfectant surface wipes to clean equipment such as monitors, phones, keyboards, ATM terminals etc. We will remove non disposable alcohol from public access. RECORD KEEPING We will keep a record of just the first name and contact number or e-mail address for all our clients, ladies & support staff for a period of 28 days before disposing of it. This is just an additional safety precaution for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and will be stored confidentially and securely. We will make everyone aware of the COVID-19 Safe app and its benefits to support contact tracing if required. We care about our valued clients and ladies, and so nowhere else in Sydney will you get a more safer, cleaner & hygienic environment. We have taken every single safety precaution possible to keep you and our ladies safe. So when is the best time to come?... Now with all our ladies returning & plenty of new ones arriving daily! Let's be kind to each other With utmost kindness and respect, Ellie, support staff & all our ladies Phone: (02) 9212 4455 Escorts 24 hours, 7 days per week You are receiving this email because you signed up via https://www.atouchofclass.net.au or https://www.thegoldenapple.com.au
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What would you name Your Strip Club?
    Here's a few possibilities: Turgid Bones Taco Palace Mitzies Titzies Ankle Fashion Theatre Head & Boulders Wiggles and Giggles Freckles for Shekels Desperation Depot Chateau Lick & Stick Handy's Happy House All names (C) HerbTCat., 2020. Unauthorized use forbidden.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    In the wind
    Not Only In Floriduh: Supercut of Anti Maskers in Florida
    Just sad that would-be rational people can be led to their own ruin by memes and rants from politically motivated ne'er-do-wells (yes, I said that :p) whose arguments prey on base fears and emotions until it overpowers logic. I really want a lap dance. And I desperately need to slooginate a hottie in a VIP. But I don't want anyone to die because I refused to wear a mask in a pandemic with no vaccine available.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Clubs Open Announcements
    "Palomino in North Las Vegas Reopens as a Bar and Lounge. Ladies return as well." Reopened on Monday, 6/22. Full story behind link: https://vegas.eater.com/2020/6/24/21301840/gentlemens-club-palomino-club-north-las-vegas-reopens-bar-lounge-coronavirus-pandemic
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Do you really have to leave or do you guys run out of money?
    PL's lie. Strippers lie. Everybody lies. Except when the truth works better. I have "run out of money" in a club. Which meant I had spent my budget for that visit. I have "had to leave" a club. Which meant I wanted to leave. I have not been ready for a dance. Which meant I was not ready for a dance from HER. Was I lying?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Times you weren't quite prepared to leave VIP
    That, my friend, is called the "Walk of Shame." I've done it more times that I can remember... and it's why I only wear dark colors in a club. :p It usually goes from the VIP booth to the men's room, but sure, why not go to a table by the stage?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Happily married me, how do you deal
    Not married and this is why. (Well TBH, there are probably many other reasons why... :p) \ But if you can't live up to your commitment to be monogamous, then perhaps you should consider either telling her and risk that she may not accept your decisions and leave you, or pull the trigger yourself and break it off now. As I see it, your real question is not "how do I cheat?" You already know how to do this since you've already splooged in a number of mouths. You question might be "why am I married if I cannot adhere to my agreement with my wife?"
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Every dancer’s favorite- cause they told me so
    Strippers in movies
    Go see these: Industrial Strip Dancing At The Blue Iguana You will thank me and ask to shake my hand. Just wash up first, please.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Attire at the club
    Many have posted about this numerous times. Easy to search. My summary recommendations: 1. Jock strap & ass-less chaps 2. Leather Choker Collar over Sleeveless Pleather Vest 3. Black Vinyl Boots with Diamond Studs 4. Condom behind your ear 5. Cash in your waist strap Hmmm.. that could be for a different type of clubs... I'll have to get back to you later. :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Rhode Island Clubs Reopening
    So basically, RI clubs are all going to be Hooters.