Do you really have to leave or do you guys run out of money?

avatar for WavvyCain
I’m asking this questions because the shit confuses me every time I read a review on here or some shit. Guys are sitting around the club all night, then when a hot girl comes up to them all of a sudden they make the “oh I can’t stay I have to leave” excuse. Is this because you don’t want dances and really gotta go? Or did u run out of money?


last comment
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I’m guessing ‘run out of money’...
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I don't really hangout in clubs. I go in for a purpose. Fulfill that purpose, then leave. OR see that there is no one there worth spending money on, then leave. I'd say my average time inside a club is maybe an hour per visit. Those 30 minute / ain't nothing here visits shorten that average.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
My average is probably eight or 10 hours now in one club. I blame Tijuana for this.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
but then again it could be one hour and 10 clubs.
Can I blame the booze?
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
I can tip girls on the stage $10 or $20 alllllll day, Breh!
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
PL's lie. Strippers lie. Everybody lies. Except when the truth works better.

I have "run out of money" in a club. Which meant I had spent my budget for that visit.
I have "had to leave" a club. Which meant I wanted to leave.
I have not been ready for a dance. Which meant I was not ready for a dance from HER.

Was I lying?
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
When I was married, sometimes I'd have to leave at a particular time lest I arouse suspicion. Today, no such worry, but I do sometimes get tired, and/or have commitments after the club. One of my favorite things on the weekend: strip club in the afternoon, get together with buddies to watch the fights at night.

For me, if I'm leaving it's almost never because I've run out of money -- I usually pick one girl and spend all my money on her, then leave when it's gone. So if I'm sitting there alone at the end of my trip, it means I haven't met my "one girl", and probably haven't bought anything but drinks
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i usually wait until I have done a VIP with a girl and she breaks my fucking wallet...
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I'm like Warrior and my visits are either 30 min and out because the talent isn't what I am looking for or it's 1-2 hrs finding the right girl to get a VIP room with and leave after I am satisfied. I don't go to a club if I have some place I have to be afterwards and I haven't run myself out of money in a clubs since I was in my twenties and foolish.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
Honestly this question makes you sound like a dancer
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Ok I understand and appreciate the feedback. I just always wondered because guys say they see a bunch of hideous girls, then when a hot one comes up to them for vip, all of a sudden they have to leave. Thank you my Og’s, idk what I would do without y’all.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I don’t go into a club without a decent amount of money. Very rare I run out of money, at least not before I’ve had my fun. Even then, if something that really strikes my fancy shows up, I’ll go to the club ATM and take out more money. I don’t buy the BS rule to leave the CC cards and ATM card at home.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I'm sure there are PLs (often inexperienced SCers) that can't really afford SCing but still wanna SC, and may run out of the club when confronted by a hot-girl and he doesn't wanna be discovered as a broke PL.

As for me - I leave once I'm satisfied or if the club is not satisfactory - if I'm having a good-time it's rare I'll stop b/c I hit some $$$-limit I put on myself - there might have been a time or two in the past that I bailed on a hot chick b/c I was feeling a bit guilty I had already spent too-much and I didn't wanna keep on spending but that has been rare in my PL-career.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
He's actually asking something that's pretty funny. It didn't really occur to me, but now that he's mentioned it, he's totally right -- seems like there's a lot of reviews where guys had a ho-hum time for hours, then the hot chick comes up to him right when he has to leave... conveniently. It's a thing! I think sometimes a guy needs to go, but if he's had a bad trip he really really wants to see if it will turn around... when the hot stripper finally takes pity on him and comes over, he gets his little endorphin reward and dips
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
What Warrior said. I might stay until the stage lineup rotates through once, maybe a test drive dance or two, but I'm not going to linger in case so and so shows up or gets away from her regular.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
If running out of money was a serious concern in the first place I wouldn't be in the club. Like others here, I take plenty to ensure that I can have a good time, but I can't be out in a club all night anymore. Shit I remember when I had both the stamina and schedule flexibility to party in a club until the wee hours in places like Dallas or NYC and then finish the night with a sunrise fuck and suck in my hotel, but those days are long behind me now.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I don't usually run out of money but as others have said, I run out of money for that night and the particular girls that are there. That's not to say that I haven't been around in a club late after a long day/night of drinking and tried something I wouldn't normally try.

I have found some hidden gems this way. Some I will repeat with some other night and some I go back to again.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
For me - once I'm done spending, I'm usually done clubbing for that visit (w/ rare exceptions)
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
For me it’s always been a time issue. There have been a few times I had spent just about all my cash but that has been rare. I usually have an emergency stash locked in car just in case I spent what I brought and then some goddess appears that really needs me. I think I have only had to use the emergency funds once.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
It’s definitely possible the guy ran out of money. Or he’s married and he’s already been in the club too long.

I’m not sure this has happened to others - but just when you are ready to leave - the perfect dancer hits the stage. She’s got all the attributes you are looking for - and you really need to leave - and you are running out of money.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I don’t usually go without knowing which dancer I’m going to hang out with and after an hour or two I’ve had enough usually
But never have I ran out of money
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I leave when I feel like leaving. Five minutes, five hours, who knows.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
I have ran out of the cash I budgeted for the evening but, by that time I SHOULD be leaving anyway.....🍺🍻😜😝😛💃😍💃💘😵(O-face)😊🚬🚬😴
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
"but just when you are ready to leave - the perfect dancer hits the stage. She’s got all the attributes you are looking for - and you really need to leave - and you are running out of money."
you up to the stage and ask her when she's going to be around again. after that she's never to be seen again.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Rattdog - that’s the sad truth. You will likely never see her again. She’s like the yeti of strippers - there are sightings - but no additional evidence to confirm her existence!
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I only ran out of money once but I knew it ahead of time. I was half way through my 35 mile drive to Follies when I realized that I had left my strip club bank roll at home. To go back and get it would have meant giving up a good seat at Follies. So I continued with the money I had on me (about $200). I was able to enjoy myself for about 3 hours on that $200 just getting high mileage dances. I did have my credit cards with me but didn't see anybody that I wanted to take to VIP. So I didn't get ripped off by the ATM.
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
I've never run out of money in the club. But I have gone, seen that there is no one worth taking to VIP and decided to leave after finishing my way too expensive drink. In cases like that, there are times when I will get up and leave just as some dancer I have no interest in approaches. I can't say that I've noticed the behavior you describe, but I don't spend much time watching the customers.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
I will have a set amount of cash heading into the club. I never use the ATM or bring credit cards. When I feel like leaving or my budget is tapped out its normally a night. But, if I was walking out and saw that extra hot girl just before I may go back to the car and top off again from my hidden stack (or just get her number and leave).
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
It means not interested, go away but don't want to bluntly say that.

For the first hour the customer can say "just got here not ready for dances," the next hour or two, "maybe later," after a couple hours "I'm sorry I about ready to leave" and hope the dancer doesn't notice you still haven't left an hour later.

Yes it would be better to just say "sorry not interested" but you're at the club to relax and a few dancers can be outright rude when rejected and give attitude. Also most men don't have the practice saying no to women the way women learn to do to guys from the time they hit puberty on. In the real world most men don't get hit on much so they don't develop the skills of rejecting someone.

They should be able to be a man and say "not interrested" but again they go to the club to relax and avoid unpleasant situations.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
Usually when I run out of money and I’m too lazy to run to an ATM I’ll still hang around and watch the stage show. most these girls know me. they know I have a certain breaking point financially. But up to that point they usually offer me heaven. and they know they stand a good chance with my next visit.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
most remember I drive a long distance to come see them.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
I never run out of money but I run out of time.

I have told girls I am not interested in that I just finished a few dances, so not now. Never had a problem with that line.

I will sometimes tell a girl I am getting ready to leave if she pitches VIP. I may then "change my mind" and go VIP with another dancer. One time I tried that line with a fugly that sat down and she asked if I had time for a quick blowjob. Little head was not interested.
avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
It’s not a matter of running out of money but I do hit my budget. I also generally leave after I have gotten what I came for and sometimes I leave when I would have taken them up earlier. I try to have a good time but the hobby is not sustainable if you don’t set limits.
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
It's usually how much money I got left and the quality of the talents in the club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... most men don't have the practice saying no to women the way women learn to do to guys from the time they hit puberty on. In the real world most men don't get hit on much so they don't develop the skills of rejecting someone ... They should be able to be a man and say "not interrested" but again they go to the club to relax and avoid unpleasant situations ..."

Good comment - and probably applies to many a PL - in general most people try to not be rude and avoid flat out just saying "no" even if they can; and this is often used by salespeople and telemarketers to their advantage, as well as dancers (since dancers are pretty-much salespeople in sexy outfits).
avatar for CrimsonCaravan
5 years ago
Either the man is out of money or he is exercising a great deal of self control that will allow him to be able to leave the club with some cash leftover
avatar for BAngus
5 years ago
If I'm visiting during dayshift, usually there is a time I have to leave by so that wouldn't be an excuse on those visits. If I'm in for the nightshift usually I'm staying until closing so "I can't stay I have to leave" would usually indicate for me that I'm having a crappy time and I need to move on to the next club. I'm usually carrying enough cash for nightshift visits that running out hasn't been an issue.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
It can either be I ran out of money, the previous dancer drained me of all my cum, and won't be able to get it up, or I don't want to get a dance from you, and no one else here appeals to me so I am leaving.

Usually when I run out of money, I am done for the day, however there has been two occasions where I left the club and went to the nearest ATM to get some more money. Both cases I was out of town, and the dancer was entirely my type and smoking hot, and in both cases the dances were fine, but nothing to really brag about.

A few times I have came back the next day when a sexy naughty dancer caught me eye and asked for a dance, but the previous dancer drained me both of money and cum, and I came back later specifically to see her. Only twice was it worth it, and both times it was the next day, and unfortunately both times I never saw the dancer again, the next time I was in town.
avatar for orionsmith
5 years ago
It means I'm out of money. I would never lie to a stripper.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Yea I can’t lie to no bitch that ain’t mine. If she come up I’ll be like nah I don’t feel like hitting the atm aka I ain’t got it.
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
If a hot girl approaches I find the time or money, if a not so hot girl stops by I’d rather say I don’t have the time then say the real reason I don’t have time (i.e. she’s not attractive).
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I only leave when the club has to close or when I get bored. I never run out of money.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I think a lot of guys have a problem saying no so they say things like that instead. Could be lack of money or just lack of interest
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