
Comments by herbtcat (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Tilted Kilt
    Never saw that happen in any of the Tilted Kilt locations I visited in So Cal. Too bad.. it might have brought in enough business to keep them open.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    And this is why i dont sleep with younger men...smh...
    What I learned from this post: poledancer83 puts out to older guys like me. So that elevates her even higher in my "Must meet list!" I'll go warm up the SugarDaddy Sled, Pole. You down, Love?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Guess he had COVId and tripped
    It's bad enough that they shoved him. We don't know what he said to the officers when he approached them, but they don't appear to be threatened by him. So if they want to claim they were defending themselves, that pretty weak. Any one of the officers, who are supposed to be well-trained in community relations and in de-escalating civil tension, could have guided him to the side and asked him what he wanted. But after he fell, at least one officer started to go to him to potentially render aid, as he was already bleeding. And that's when this went from simply a poor way to handle an old man with a question to reprehensible behavior. Because as the officer started to offer help, the others pulled him back in line and the rest of the formation just stepped over him and kept going. That is NOT excusable. That is not protecting and serving. That is callous and at best, negligence. At worst, it's criminal assault.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    SJG Update
    I am not in direct contact with him, but as of May 30, 2020 he is working through some technical issues complicated by recent global impacts to every society. Give him some time to work through his biz... I'm fairly sure he will be back - eventually.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    "The following statement is true." "The previous statement is false"
    I was just going to say that, but then I found out I already did. Or did I?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Stop Hijacking Threads to Bicker
    Advice I once got from a former boss/mentor: Never say anything that you wouldn't want to repeat in front of your mother, or in court. Saved my ass many, many times.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    SJG and a backdoor
    Not aware of his security issues, but if you want him here, I have no problems with him. Can you create an alternate set of credentials for him to use? Maye he just needs a free or cheap VPN client? I use NordVPN. Excellent app.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Does Dallas have any clubs that do extras?
    Skip Dallas and try Houston. Bring big bills, lots of them.
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    How old is this girl?
    I don't know how old the girl is, but her tits look about 42.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Today is National Honesty Day
    Honesty Day is a lie. Trust me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club in Oregon brings burlesque to coronavirus carry-out
    "Bouncers are enforcing social distancing rules"... That's funny.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Social Networks
    Nice. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    The politics forum
    Completely uninterested in reading political posts here. So if you keep it, I won't have to see them in non-political forums. But let's call it the "Kids Table" though as it's full of childish brats who just want to argue.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Broke Tenants say landlords are asking for sex
    "I thought this only happened in bad pornos." To be fair, it happens in good pornos, too. Just saying...
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    National haiku day
    A Passover Haiku: Lacking fins and tail The gefilte fish swims with Great difficulty
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Quarantine Gentlemen's Club (virtual strip club)
    I joined the group a few days ago. It is stupid. Thank you for reading.
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    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Dealing With a Mouthful of Splooge
    I cannot possibly sanction your suggestion, Mr. RHB! You just can't seriously suggest Macallan or Laphroaig for this activity. Everyone I've ever met in Edinburgh or throughout the UK has steadfastly believed that only the 1977 Glenrothes is a suitable mixer for splooge. To be fair, a few have suggested Walker Blue if you are in a pinch. But that's a blend (although a rather good blend), so I don't really credit them for being "manly." :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Tupperware Party Update - only one stripper showed up, but she was busy
    So does she take a shower before leaving each house, or when she gets to the next one...? :p
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip Tipz
    Won't work (or won't be allowed) in a well-managed club, unless they create a club-branded version for the club to deploy to it's hired or contracted dancers. That means club management will be (must be) able to monitor tips by dancer and can then do accurate tracking for reporting, taxes and dancer performance needs. Plus, most clubs I know have rules about PL's not using a phone on the floor to prevent unauthorized pics of naked dancers. So, it's an interesting idea and it's moving the industry forward to the inevitable death of cash. But they need to work out the use cases in much more detail. And they should be looking for a partner brand (Deja VU or Rhino?) to help develop it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wanting boyfriends to come in and “hang out” at the club
    My first problem with this is that he may actually be her pimp, That's bad from any angle. Even assuming he's actually a (non-pimp) BF or Hubby, it's still a bad idea. I've heard too many news stories, some at clubs local to me, of guys who assaulted or killed a PL in a club out of jealousy (real or imagined) or because he thought a guy was not treating his woman well. And violence aside, I don't want a dance, with or without extras, knowing that "he" is aware of and perhaps watching what I do with his girl. She may well be doing extras with his awareness and even approval, but I'm not going there as a PL. If she and he are REALLY into engaging in sexual behavior with strangers, there's a place for that called Swing Clubs. And, as others have mentioned, from the Club management POV, it's just bad for business. I guy sitting there for hours, presumably not buying dances from anyone, and taking space a paying customer could use. That's just deflating the clubs' margin due to lost revenue. Finally, I know it happens, probably more often than BF's or Hubs showing up, but strippers often date bouncers and club managers. I've seen that turn to shit real fast as well when there are conflicts between dancers at the club and the Bouncer/Manager intervenes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Satan's Female Sex Slaves , Story of O and Maria de Naglowska
    All I got from a quick read of this thread was: san_jose_guy knows some "Beloved Latina Escorts" who might want to fuck me. So I'm in. It's a 55 minute flight for me, SJG... so just sayin, I' can be there to support the cause in a jiffy! :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    House fees in Vegas clubs
    Appreciate the info. Thanks!
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    5 years ago
    Are raids more likely on a holiday like V-day?
    Cops, like any other salaried workers, hate to work on holidays or weekends. They would much rather spend that time with friends and family, just like everyone else (who has friends and/or family).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    2 on 1 VIP/Dance - worth the hype?
    Follow the Nancy Reagan model: Just say "no." I'll suggest that @Nidan111's experience was extremely rare. And this was due perhaps more to the "out in the styx" location than mainstream stripper encounters. I suppose if you have a prior extras experience with one of the dancers and she vouches for the other it might be worth exploring. But generally, as has been said, it's twice the price for half the value. Consider the typical non-extras club in a major metro area. Even if one dancer is doing extras on the DL, there's little chance she's going to out herself as a 'ho' in front of another dancer. Girls talk in the dressing room. And the talk they like the best is outting the "whores' in the club. (Note that I absolutely ADORE the whores in a club. It's what differentiates a strip club from a Hooters.). Last observation: Most of the times I've been offered a 2-4-1 VIP it was from a top-shelf hottie who's taking pity on her fugly friend who can't get any dances on her own. Don't be the guy who pays a "Pity Tax" for the extra dancer.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Hi, again!!
    Sounds like he's treating you like he treated his Ex-GF. And you know how that turned out... IMHO, No one under 25 should be looking for a committed relationship. He's still looking to see how often he can drop a load and how many places he can drop it. Give him a map to another strip club and move on. As for your part on this, I hope you can find a path forward where you instinctively know you deserve respect and honesty from everyone - whether you are fucking them or not. Once you get comfortable knowing that relationships (even fuck-toy relationships) require mutual respect, you will never even consider a guy like this again.