Clubs Open Announcements

avatar for herbtcat
For users to post and read announcements of clubs re-openings.

It should not be used for unrelated topics - only posts/comments about clubs that announce, or have reopened.


last comment
avatar for theDirkDiggler
5 years ago
Illinois is reopening clubs this Friday. That's all i know. In terms of guidelines, lap dances, mask requirements, drink minimums, valet, bathroom troll is TBD...
avatar for TommyMoney
5 years ago
According to its FB page, Pleasure Dome in White Haven, Pa opened last Friday night.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
4 out of 5 clubs in Eugene/Springfield area open. Number 5 club, Sweet Illusions website says open this Friday.

I've been two in afternoon, slow, did reviews.
avatar for chimera422
5 years ago
Philly area clubs that I know of

19th Hole in Glenside. June26
Outer Space/La Pearl in Philly-July 30
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
when I make it back to the East Coast... Philadelphia definitely on my ‘to do’ list.
avatar for aharris1
5 years ago
....any word on any in Jersey ?
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
cali LA / san berdo /san diego county’s still closed as far as i can determine.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
and Tijuana clubs are still closed. but alternate opportunities exist. and in some cases are truly good. just keep a low profile.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... any word on any in Jersey ..."

Cheerleaders in Gloucester, and Daily Planet in Oak Ridge, are "open" (or at least were not sure the latest) - but no dances - one could only hang out in the outdoor deck and talk to the girls and drink with them.
avatar for ArtCollege
5 years ago
Portland is open. All the clubs I've driven past have cars in the lot.
avatar for Playademan
5 years ago
Re jersey

Johnny a’s hitching post is also “open” per their website, unclear how back to normal it is though, seem less similar to cheerleaders and daily planet in that aspect

Pleasure dome and dream girls in PA are also both open, they seem to be back to more normal operations
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
I guess The very lame San Diego County is open.
avatar for BuckMcNutter
5 years ago
@Playa : seems like Johnny A’s in NJ , a fav of mine, is only open for food as there are no dancers on the schedule ?
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
Texas is closing bars again.…
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
All 64 counties in the state of
Florida DBPR
Effective immediately, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is suspending on premises consumption of alcohol at bars statewide.

11:13 AM - Jun 26, 2020
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
That is a tweet on the Florida Department of Professional Regulation some of the bars in Florida started to reopen a week and a half ago but this probably closed many of them back down
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
I would guess that would mean that a strip club in FL should still be able to operate without alcohol. Maybe not as profitably, or safely, but it shouldn't shut them down.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
We’re watching if I see anything relevant I’ll post it here
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
Toronto-area erotic massage parlors and escort agencies opened this past Wednesday. But it's only good if you live in Canada since the border remains closed until at least late July.
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
Concepts in Lawrenceburg Ind, Spinners in New Albany Ind and Cowboys in Lexington KY are open and back to pre-China virus status.
avatar for Sgrayeff
5 years ago
Erotic Cafe has "patio" open now (weather permiting). Opening inside next week. Just posted a review!
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Denver is still mostly open. Players got shut down and their liquor license revoked tho 😭 hope they recover. I also heard gossip that Shotgun Willie’s is under scrutiny because of girls not wearing masks last week. Mask wearing is definitely being enforced more. Hope it stays open through the summer
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
most ( maybe all) sc in cali close again.
avatar for crazyjoe
5 years ago
Nicespice said, "Denver is still mostly open. Players got shut down and their liquor license revoked tho 😭 hope they recover. I also heard gossip that Shotgun Willie’s is under scrutiny because of girls not wearing masks last week. Mask wearing is definitely being enforced more. Hope it stays open through the summer"

Randommember must have been a little bitch and complained
avatar for chimera422
5 years ago
Update on OSC/ La Pearl in Philly

July 3 NOT July 30

update via text from a dancer at OSC by way of another TUSCL member

I must have heard him wrong through his mask and my crappy hearing.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
"Palomino in North Las Vegas Reopens as a Bar and Lounge. Ladies return as well."

Reopened on Monday, 6/22. Full story behind link:…

avatar for UKfan
5 years ago
Cheeks and Diamonds are open in Dayton Ohio
avatar for rrrr
5 years ago
Are any clubs/areas now recording customer names for the purpose of contact tracing?
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
@aharris1 - Hitching Post in Paterson NJ - on their site it says they're open "outdoors" under tents Tues-Friday from 12 - 8 PM. Weird they're not doing it on weekends. I'm surprised Breathless in Rahway isn't doing something like that, they have such a huge parking lot, plus it's so isolated down at the end of a dead end street, industrial area. Would be perfect.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
^ Yes, RIDolls.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Correction- Breathless has a small ad on their site that says "We are Outside 4pm today". You have to scroll down to see it. I assume that means 7 days a week? Really not much info. It's only 15 min from me so I'll try and check it out later.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Sweet Illusions in Springfield, OR opened on Friday. Happened by (it's on a main street) Fri and Saturday, looked slow. They repaved parking lot during shut down, so it's got the best marked parking in town.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Louisville clubs open Monday the 29th. The girls have to wear masks but I haven’t heard anything about customers. Somebody also said temps will be taken but I didn’t hear who.
avatar for monty39
5 years ago
On Johnny A's Hitching Post ( Paterson,NJ ) site

We are now open!
We will be open for inside Dining with DANCERS on Thursday, July 2nd, from 11:30 am to 2:30 am! *At 25% Occupancy*
Operating hours will be back to normal from July 2nd forward…
7 Days a Week!
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
Sydney, Australia:

Full email message check out the section on RECORD KEEPING near the bottom):

Dear Valued Client,

The management, receptionists & ladies are delighted in welcoming you back to A Touch More Class.

It's been a long time and we have missed you!

Over the last few weeks we have developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan to help create and maintain a safe environment for all our valued clients, ladies & support staff. These procedures are in place to reassure you that you may visit our premises 24 hours per day, 7 days per week without concern or worry. We have strictly followed all current COVID-19 Public Health Orders and also minimised all risks in accordance with existing work, health & safety laws.

We have imposed the following requirements to keep everyone safe while visiting our premises and we hope you can respect this.

We have displayed conditions of entry at our reception. Any client, lady or support staff who is unwell is not permitted to enter the premises. Any client, lady or support staff who has returned from overseas within 14 days is not permitted to enter the premises. Our ladies and support staff have been provided with information and training on COVID-19 including physical distancing & extensive cleaning.

Our capacity cannot exceed one client per 4 square metres. We will reduce crowding wherever possible and promote physical distancing with markers on the floor in areas where people are asked to queue. Where possible we will ensure our support staff maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing at all times. We will ensure that seating in waiting rooms complies with physical distancing. Unfortunately you may no longer be able to sit together with your friend. Physical barriers such as plexiglass will be installed around areas of high volume interactions between yourself and our support staff. No gatherings of clients may occur immediately outside the premises.

We have adopted all recommended hygiene practices. We will provide hand sanitiser at multiple locations throughout the premises. We will maintain disinfectant solutions at an appropriate strength and in accordance with manufacturers instructions. We will clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day with a disinfectant solution or wipe. All surfaces touched will be cleaned with a 100% hospital grade disinfectant solution between each client. All towels and bed sheets will be laundered in boiling hot water between each client. We will ensure all bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels and have posters with instructions on how to wash hands. We will provide disinfectant surface wipes to clean equipment such as monitors, phones, keyboards, ATM terminals etc. We will remove non disposable alcohol from public access.

We will keep a record of just the first name and contact number or e-mail address for all our clients, ladies & support staff for a period of 28 days before disposing of it. This is just an additional safety precaution for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and will be stored confidentially and securely. We will make everyone aware of the COVID-19 Safe app and its benefits to support contact tracing if required.

We care about our valued clients and ladies, and so nowhere else in Sydney will you get a more safer, cleaner & hygienic environment.

We have taken every single safety precaution possible to keep you and our ladies safe.

So when is the best time to come?... Now with all our ladies returning & plenty of new ones arriving daily!

Let's be kind to each other

With utmost kindness and respect,
Ellie, support staff & all our ladies

Phone: (02) 9212 4455
Escorts 24 hours, 7 days per week

You are receiving this email because you signed up via… or…
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago

Not long ago Australia announced they would in all likelihood keep their borders closed to all foreigners all the way through 2021.

However over the past week they have been in discussions about possibly opening between NZ and perhaps some other “bubble” countries such as Vietnam. I wouldn’t hold your breath that the U.S. is going to make that list anytime soon but you never know.
avatar for latinalover69
5 years ago
I see that TJs Showgirls in Stanton (Anaheim area) Orange County is open. Since the fam is away on vacay Daddy gonna check it out tonight. I'll post a review later...
avatar for Shortie44
5 years ago
Savannah’s on Hanna in Harrisburg PA planned opening Thursday July 9.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
bedsheets ? ( in regards to Australia.) this this a place I would like because of reference to bedsheets ??! what have I been missing ??!
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
How coincidental. I just heard from someone in Australia. Word there among the peons is that they will not be allowed to leave the country until at least mid-2021 and possibly not until 2022. If true they won’t be letting horny Yanks in would be my guess. Fucking Chinese and their flu have fucked up the whole world.
avatar for GivenToFly
5 years ago
Oasis, Cheerleaders, Risqué, and most other Philadelphia clubs look to be opening on July 3rd. Have a feeling it doesn’t last very long, but there’s a window at least.
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
@Jascoi, prostitution is legal in Australia. Pimping is not. Sydney is an amazing city...

Beautiful area, ocean side with a bay, beaches, famous architecture & bridges, wine & beer, friendly people and wonderous flora and fauna... plus legal hookers. And I mean really HAWT hookers!

Too bad right now non-Australians probably cannot enter the country.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Today, Kansas Gov. Kelly [D] ordered Kansans [again] to use masks in public spaces, setting stage for another fight with the Republican-dominated KS legislature. Order, if it stands, would potentially affect all KS clubs statewide

Missouri - No statewide order but cities allowed to impose restrictions. A few days ago KC mayor re-instituted mandated mask use in public spaces. This directly affects three clubs located downtown:
Bazookas - which had not yet re-opened since original lockdown in March; rumored re-open in July [postpone again??]
Temptations - which has re-opened w/ reported lax enforcement of distancing
Shady Lady [topless bar] - which had re-opened

Not sure about nearby MO-side clubs outside KC jurisdiction.
avatar for irishbob
5 years ago
Sammy's Ft. Walton Beach just shut down again. Too many new cases in Florida
avatar for bullzeye
5 years ago
Heard one of the clubs in CT might close for good. Just a rumor at this point
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
And the Gov of California today ordered shut down of all kinds of businesses today in 18 counties, including bars, restaurants, clubs, and more. We won't see any SC opening in the next 3 months.

Have to rely on my Sugar Baby rotation to keep me happy for a while. Yay!
avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
Divas Mens Club in Austin TX is open.
Only club in Austin that is open as far as I know. All others closed 26 June.
I'll write a review with details, when I get some time.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
A bit of good news from Bangkok. Bars are back open, no known Covid 19 cases for 37 days.…

You just gotta love this quote: “I’m glad that I can come back to work in a job that I’m good at.”

Better than nothing but ever since the AIDs shit there are more and more rules where there were none before.

“All customers have their temperature taken. They must give a name and telephone number. Inside, everybody must sit at least one metre (yard) apart and two metres from the stage.”

Save me a seat Tilac...
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Can I add a club closed? The Landing Strip, located near the Detroit Airport, announced today that it is closing until further notice due to the upsurge in Covid-19 cases. The virus does not like PLs.

avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
All 4 Austin TX nude clubs have re-opened now.
Bare & Foxys don't open until 8PM.
Divas & XTC open during the day as well.
Covid Safety rules apply - temp check, face covering, 6 ft separation for customers not coming in together.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Two clubs in Ft. Myers were closed for sanitizing and deep cleaning after girl from OZ near Tampa danced in them before testing positive. This is fucking crazy, LOL.
avatar for xedin5436
5 years ago
Following up on jackslash - lots of clubs in Michigan are closed again after the reopening phase for the lower part of the state (lower part of lower Michigan peninsula - where most clubs and people are) has seen a large surge in cases. One bar in Lansing (note: not a strip club) has over 150 cases tracked to it.
avatar for Darkblue999
5 years ago
Club Risque , Philadelphia is open now
Delilahs and Cheerleaders not open yet
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
UPDATE: Go-Go bars in Pattaya Thailand are beginning to open again. You just can't keep Thai girls' legs closed forever. It ain't natural.
avatar for DOLLAR_BILL
5 years ago
Club 15 in Northwest NJ is open with an outdoor area. They fenced in behind the building and put up a large tent (w/o sides) and also have more tables in an adjacent open area. No lap dances. It wasn’t open when I stopped by so no other details. They did have a food and drink menu posted on the wall. I think masks are required to go inside and use the bathroom.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
A friend who lives in Thailand reports that Thailand has had 3200 Covid-19 cases and 58 deaths in a population of 70 million. That's why their Go-Go bars can reopen. If only the USA could do as well.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
Well Jack it has been a very curious virus, medically that is. It seems to explode in some populations yet almost leave others untouched. Vietnam has still had no deaths at all to the best of my knowledge. Both Vietnam and Thailand had huge numbers of visiting Chinese from Wuhan but no crisis per se. Yet other SEA nations have not been so lucky. One of the purported claims about the virus is that type O blood is much less susceptible to catching the virus yet type O is rare in SEA (almost non-existent in the Philippines for instance). So what’s up with that?

Thailand never locked people up in a mass quarantine the same way many places in the USA did though they did close down many businesses and large scale gatherings while the new king hid out with his concubines in Germany ( a real shame that). So what is behind the numbers is still a mystery.

Unfortunately the country still has restrictions as far as travelling there (14 day quarantine upon arrival but Thai hotels are offering government approved luxury quarantine packages… ). Cambodia OTOH is wide open and a better venue anyways IMHO. Getting there is the challenge.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
5 years ago
I hear that almost all of the strip clubs in Chicagoland have been shut down again, just one week after opening, due to not following social distancing. Strange how the two that are still open, Atlantis and Club 390 are the only two UHM clubs, although neither are UHM any longer due to mask wearing being enforced during dances by cameras, bouncers, and the dancers themselves. Even some PLs. At Atlantis, PLs AND dancers are both required to sanitize their hands AND wear vinyl gloves during the dance. Very unsexy.

I'm just waiting to hear the report of dozens of infections coming from these clubs as well. Everyone that visits a strip club should seriously think about self-quarantining for a week or two after the visit, or at least social distancing much more vigilantly, as well as the dancers themselves, but good luck with that...
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
Concepts is going strong in Lawrenceburg IN.
Diva's in Lexington KY is open but I have no report on activities.
avatar for chimera422
5 years ago
According to a dancer, purple orchid in Philly has NOT reopened yet
avatar for kpeace88
5 years ago
I heard a rumor that Baltimore Clubs have reopened? Any truth to that?
avatar for chimera422
5 years ago
Now hearing Aug 1 for Purple Orchid
avatar for philsfan
5 years ago
Club risque Philadelphia has NOT reopened yet. Front doors are covered with plywood.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
@kpeace88: Almost all clubs in Baltimore have reopened.
avatar for Garfield84
5 years ago
Does that mean Norma Jeans is open?? I heard that place has zero Mileage anyway
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Well Players in Denver got its liquor license back. Tho the club now has a 25 foot rule 😳 Six feet is already tough enough...
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
@Garfield84: I’m afraid I don’t have any specific info on Norma Jean’s.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
For you New Jersey mongers I added a review of Breathless in Rahway yesterday. Don't get too excited though.
avatar for ToppsDonrussFleer
5 years ago
How was it?
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
Due to some of the interest in the status of the clubs in Baltimore, I decided to take a drive for the team. I plotted a “great circle” route so that I could drive past almost all of the clubs on this Friday night and ascertain the current status of the clubs.

Millstream: Skipped since its on the western edge and already has post-shutdown reviews/reports.

Goddess: Vestibule door open and lights on. Presumed open.

Hustler: Fully lit with current messages on the marquee; obviously open.

Norma Jean’s: “Mask Required” posted on door. Presumed open.

Indulge: No obvious sign of life. But since it’s only a doorway to basement stairs, it’s hard to tell. Status uncertain.

Other “Block“ Clubs: Wasn’t able to conduct a true census. Signs were lit and there were many barkers, dancers and custies on the sidewalk. So most, if not all, are open. Note: There is a heavier police than usual uniformed police presence on the Block and Baltimore Street between Gay St. and President St. is barricaded & guarded by police. Not sure why. Perhaps due to previous BLM protests in the area a few weeks ago? IDK.

Penthouse: Lit and several security guys out front. Presumed open.

Ritz: Doorway arch was lit and they had the red velvet ropes on the sidewalk. Presumed open.

Desire: Vestibule doors open and lit. Presumed open.

Tony’s: Lit and cars in parking lot. Also stopped in last week for a drink. Open.

Haven Place: Re-Opening this Saturday night.

Club Adore: No sign of life. But I also tried to stop by several times during the six months prior to the COVID shutdown but it wasn’t open. I’ll give it another month or so before giving it the ten-count and submitting an update to Founder. Presumed closed.

Gentlemen’s Gold Club: Clearly open. Addl info on their website.

Players Club: Lit, cars in lot and saw guys walk in and out. Clearly open.

Excape: Stopped in for a brief drink. Open.

Christina’s: Open. See my review from several weeks ago.

McDougal’s: Open. Stopped in for a while.

Fantasies: Lit and many cars in the parking lot. Dancers & custies smoking outside front door. Clearly open.

avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago

Thank you for your report. I'm not an expert on Block clubs, having only visited a few times on business trips back in the 2000's. But I do recall a rather heavy uniformed police presence even back then. When I first visited and saw at least 8 Uni's walking around, I was rather dubious about entering any club, given the Block's reputation for copious extras (which was why I was there). But upon entering my first club there, I was pleasantly surprised to get my 1st infamous "Baltimore Handshake" from a dancer who sat next to me at the bar - while a cop was literally standing 6 feet away from me talking to the bartender! No reaction from the dancer to the cop, and no reaction from the cop to the dancer, who's hand was obviously inside my pants.

Gotta love me some Baltimore.
avatar for Scotthall
5 years ago
Are there any clubs open in S Florida?
avatar for herbtcat
5 years ago
Deja Vu all over again - Not! (Pun intended):

"Newsom orders California to shut down indoor activities, all bar operations"…

So don't expect any California clubs to reopen anytime soon, maybe not at all before 2021.

Wear a mask and buy extra lube. It's gonna get lonely around here.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Are there any clubs open in S Florida ..."

Nope (AFAIK)
avatar for Garfield84
5 years ago

Thx for the B-more rundown. There’s s couple of particular dancers I’m trying to see and some others in DC.

And this “Baltimore handshake “ hmmm . It interests me. I didn’t know they get down like that up there

@herbtcat sad to hear about California.
avatar for Garfield84
5 years ago
@herbtcat I’ll be in California next month after stopping in Vegas . So we’ll see what the scene is looking like on the west coast then . I got some contacts , maybe some OTC action is a chance

While I’m there I’m gonna check out what’s going on at the border in TJ

@papichulo. Because all the south Florida clubs are closed , it’s been a rash of S. Florida girls up here in Atlanta clubs. I met a trio of Cubans from spearmint rhino (west palm) in club wax. I also there were these super bad ass Latin girls at Diamond club on northside. They’re home club was booby trap on the river.

I’ve done quite a bit of SCing since the clubs open on June 1 (more than I should especially since follies is still not open) . And they’ve been decent. All the reports regarding TTs and platinum have me curious a bit. Sounds that’s where the Follies girls have went to. I need to check it out
avatar for Locutusbrg
5 years ago
Little Rhode Island had a thriving red light district on the interstate 95 corridor between Boston and new York.
The states doing well with covid.
The clubs just can't seem to get the girls to work and make money under the restrictions. One is open the rest either stayed closed or reopened and shut down again.
avatar for FTS
5 years ago
I think PA clubs are closing again.... at least, Club Risque in Bristol is closing.
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
Concepts in Lawrenceburg Ind is going strong, good contact LD's, seven girls, 6 to 9, sexy stage dances with tits in face. Temperature check at the door, no masks. This was 1 to 4 pm yesterday, they said is has been busy with more girls at night.
avatar for SonofaPreacherMan
5 years ago
A dancer from Bucks Cabaret in Fort Worth said they are opening today. They have changed the VIP section and it is not as private as before. Lap dance bench has been replaced with cabanas that have an extra charge to use.
avatar for GivenToFly
5 years ago
All Pennsylvania clubs closed as of today. It was nice while it lasted.
avatar for topmandd
5 years ago
Comment last month from TX ATF - club opened up - but 'lap' dances had to maintain distance. You could only have drink delivered to you at a table - and that table had to have it's distance maintained. Way to keep killing the business. Then again - my fav kind of showing that the religious nuts may get their wishes because not many want to return to a business model like that.
avatar for Darkblue999
5 years ago
Club Risque in Philadelphia is still open
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
let MY people GO!
avatar for bluebayou
5 years ago
Mynx in Groton, Connecticut is reopening Monday.
avatar for TommyMoney
5 years ago
^ Mynx in Hartford, Ct is also reopening on Monday
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
The Playhouse on Middlebelt Road by the Detroit airport announced it will reopen on Monday, July 20.
avatar for monty39
5 years ago
Just heard from a dancer I know. Said she worked at Blush in South Hackensack NJ today. She said she worked outside. She said she wore a mask and so did customers. No lap dances.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Goldentime, the FKK club in Vienna, has reopened. Now if the US gets the pandemic under control, Americans will be allowed to travel to the EU.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
Looks like Baltimore city SCs will be closed for two weeks starting this Friday.…

I anticipate surrounding Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County will enact similar measures.

I guess a couple of clubs with temporary outdoor seating may stay open with drinking only.

avatar for jakelongny
5 years ago
Privileged in Queen's NY opened today with outdoor food and slushees ( true story ). No word on dances but doubt it's even close to an option for NYC just yet :…
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
better than nothing
avatar for Darkblue999
5 years ago
In Baltimore, only indoor dining is banned for 2 weeks not the clubs.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
@Darkblue999: Sorry, but Baltimore City clubs are definitely closed for a least two weeks. I drove past five closed clubs in the Pulaski Hwy. corridor Saturday evening on my way to a Baltimore County club.
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
Louisville clubs closed again until August 11th. Some of them might remain open if they serve food.
avatar for Electronman
5 years ago

Was the Playhouse linked to a small COVID outbreak? It will be interesting to see if they can attract customers.

Any update on the other Detroit Metro clubs such as Flight Club, Landing Strip, BT's. I heard rumors that they would be closed also.
avatar for tdigital
5 years ago
Portland's exotic magazine just put out their new August issue. Their last issue was in March. It has ads for many clubs in PDX and is distributed for free in every PDX club. Check it out
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