
Not Only In Floriduh: Supercut of Anti Maskers in Florida

In the wind
Man, there are some really, really crazy mother-fuckers in Palm Beach County



  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    There are some real crazy motherfuckers everywhere on both sides of an issue. They don't define the norm.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Masks are not a political statement they’re more like an IQ test
  • grand1511
    4 years ago
    Is there a tinfoil shortage in Florida?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Jacksonville is easily the worst.
  • herbtcat
    4 years ago
    Just sad that would-be rational people can be led to their own ruin by memes and rants from politically motivated ne'er-do-wells (yes, I said that :p) whose arguments prey on base fears and emotions until it overpowers logic.

    I really want a lap dance. And I desperately need to slooginate a hottie in a VIP. But I don't want anyone to die because I refused to wear a mask in a pandemic with no vaccine available.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    'There are some real crazy motherfuckers everywhere on both sides of an issue. They don't define the norm.'

    As the title states: 'Not Only In Floriduh' , you can dip your toe in any Public Clown [aka Republican Party v2020] county in any state and find true wackos.


    "It has long been true that political parties have quietly ignored wacky candidates within their ranks running for unwinnable seats. But as the Republican Party has gotten progressively more meshugganah under Donald Trump, its candidates have blossomed into a virtual cornucopia of the worst, basest nature of the party. From QAnon nutters to car thieves to white supremacists, these Republican congressional candidates are some of America’s worst selves.

    Trump no longer carries the same weight in GOP congressional races that he once did. In at least three recent primaries, Republican voters have gone against the candidate Trump endorsed, The Washington Post reports. But even if Trump’s hold is ebbing ever so slightly, Trumpism—that state of having insane racist moron candidates running for something they’re completely unqualified for—is alive and well.

    There's the George Floyd truther, and the woman who was part of an auto-theft ring. Oh yeah, and the stone-cold racist. Has to be one of those."

    Reality bites!

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