
The data is in: men are too fragile to wear Covid-19 masks

In the wind
I found this funny Guardian article about wearing a mask as a fashion statement vs toxic masculinity. As the pandemic drags on we'll be confronted with more attempts to make virus-related news entertaining. 😁

"Last week, our social media feeds were flooded by the image of Dr Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious disease expert, telling US senators that the country was “going in the wrong direction”. The image had a vivid, layered power. Not only did it feel like a national death knell, but Fauci’s appearance – in an imperial-red face mask emblazoned with the insignia of baseball’s Washington Nationals – seemed to signal another culture war. Fauci was making a comment about how to maintain one’s masculinity while wearing a face mask.

Fauci apparently isn’t the only one anxious about face masks impeding his masculinity. The shock jock Joe Rogan, known for his massive following of male listeners, recently suggested that only “bitches” wear masks. Donald Trump Jr was photographed at a packed party in the Hamptons, like a baddie from a John Hughes film, conspicuously sans mask.

[...] It gets worse: not wearing a mask hasn’t just become toxic masculinity, it has become a form of weaponised masculinity. Donald Trump has said he is “choosing not to” wear a mask. When Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic, he ignored the safety protocols asking that he wear a face mask. And former pro baseball player and self-described “protector of toxic masculinity” Aubrey Huff tweeted: “I will no longer wear a mask inside any business. It’s unconstitutional to enforce. Let’s make this bullshit stop now! Who’s with me?”

This superspreader mindset seems to overlap with the eyeroll-inducing “OK, boomer” attitude epitomized by Boris Johnson’s decision to continue shaking hands as coronavirus spread, and the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro’s claim that his athleticism would prevent him from getting a virus. For men like this, ego itself has become a figurative – and, they seem to believe, literal – shield."


  • herbtcat
    4 years ago
    Joe Rogan is not the Official SpokesPERSON (see what I did there? :P) for masculinity. He may be the spokesperson for comedians who lack talent - I've seen his act, and IMO he's never been remotely funny, just bitter and sad.

    If I owned a business and a visiting dignitary refused to protect my staff and customers by wearing a mask, I'd kick his/her ass out of my store and tell him/her to get off my property before I have him/her arrested for trespassing. Don't care who it is, Trump, Pence, Biden, or Playboy's Miss July.

    I suspect Fauci's only agenda is protecting the health and safety of people in the USA. Reading subtext into a sports logo on his mask is merely a fantasy ginned up by idiots who like to scream.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    my hello kitty mask ain’t masculine?
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Trump blew it. Instead of proclaiming at that first press conference in March when Fauci recommended masks that he wouldn’t be wearing one, he should’ve come out every day in a bright red mask with embroidered MAGA, 🇺🇸, Trump 2020, etc. His campaign would’ve sold tens of millions of them as the Trump fans got one of each to match his daily mask. He could’ve even made one out of glittering gold like his apartment in Trump Tower. And the democrats couldn’t have said shit. Mr. Marketing Genius blew it.

    I suppose it was probably on purpose though. Besides him liking to look tough, he probably believes (correctly) that it inspires his base to fight with the left and be gooder at science than the scientists. I guess we’ll find out if his formula as a divider while motivating the far right will work again in 4 months.
  • OrangeClown
    4 years ago
    ^^We will lay waste to the Dems in November even if we have to drag our voters out of their ICU beds and wheel them to the polls!
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    People have been asking me to wear a mask in public for years.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ It might make you look like the Lone Ranger
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    “What monstrosities would walk the streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds.” - Eric Hoffer
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