
Comments by FONDL (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot strippers could flood the business - if economy kicks down
    Keep in mind that we've only had 2 recessions in the past 25 years and both were fairly mild and didn't lst very long. And that in a typical recession the unemployment rate increases at the most about 5%. Which means that only a fairly small percentage of people are directly effected by it. It's hard to see a 2008 recession, if there is one, having much effect on strip clubs. People are resilient, they adjust. Don't look for much change.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    Shadowcat, I don't think you are in the minority here, I think I am. I was always taught to treat women with respect, which means I don't kiss and tell. I know that seems old fashioned today but I'm an old fashioned guy and I plan to stay that way. I enjoy your comments about your club and your visits and your favorites there. I just don't have much interest in the explicit details about what you do in VIP. But other guys here probably do. So post what you want to and if I'm not interested I just won't read it. Which is what everyone should do when topics don't interest them. And I'm glad you have that kind of open relationship with your kids if that's what you want. I don't, nor do I especially want to. I prefer to keep some things private.
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    17 years ago
    A question for you married guys
    Chipitin, I understand what you are saying. I'm glad I never got the opportunity to see how far I would go with my ATF. She's the only one who might have been a problem for me. And we're way beyond that now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Topless Secret"--any good?
    Lopaw, you're wrong - the publisher benefits too (LOL). I think they're sold to the same guys who buy all the penis enlargers and other junk that I see advertised in the back of my "Men's Fitness" magazines. Hard to believe that anyone actually buys that kind of stuff but I guess there are some really sick guys out there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Two different favorites of mine (not my ATF) regularly dressed the same - a long low-cut white filmy loose-fitting gown. Both girls were drop-dead gorgeous and very graceful and feminine with beautiful long hair, and I used to love to see them slip out of that gown in the LD room with just a pair of skimpy panties underneath. It's the only stripper costume I've ever found sexy although some baby-doll nighties aren't bad (I like white.) Other than that I prefer dancers to wear as little as possible. Someday I'd love to see a girl come out barefoot in jeans and T-shirt (no bra) and take them off. That would be better than any costume for me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    CasualGuy and DougS, I think you have hit close to my problem here (if you want to call it that.) I was taught that you don't ever talk about what you did with a woman and that the guys who do talk about it are usually full of shit. As a result I could be banging a dozen strippers a week and I'd never mention it here or anywhere else. I just don't understand the compulsion some guys have of talking about it - if you enjoy having sex with strippers and can find some girls who are willing, by all means do it, but why does anyone need to talk about it in detail? Makes no sense to me. Maybe I'm in the minority here but I'm not interested in hearing the clinical details.
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    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    I don't care if they dance or not either, as long a they interact with the customers, smile and look like they're having fun. If they act bored or stuck up, I don't care how good looking they are, I'm not interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Stripper Had To Spit
    Wondergirl, thanks for clearing that up. I'll add it to the list of tings that I don't want to experience (LOL).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    Wondergirl, I think you saw a different side of the business - the girls can be really catty in most clubs, it reminds a lot of us of Jr. High. There's also a lot of jealousy especially toward a new girl. How are you at cat fights - those north Philly girls can be tough (LOL). Just remember, eye contact and smile - most girls do neither because it requires effort, so doing them really sets you apart. And I think they both come naturally to you because you're interested in people. Was your friend who gave you the lap dance there? Better watch out, I think she has the hots for you (LOL).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for you married guys
    DougS, the problem with your thinking is that by the time you discover that you caught something you will have already given it to your wife. I don't know about you but that would end life as I know it. Even if I didn't have the moral issue that be enough to would dissuade me from doing any of that stuff. But then doing that stuff with a sgtranger never appealed to me in the first place, so maybe I'm lucky.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Topless Secret"--any good?
    Chitown, just a point of clarification - if you're referring to me as one of those people who look to strippers for friendship, you're incorrect. I sometimes have tried to become club buddies and if I could extend that to include some OTC, that was fine. But I've never gone to a club looking for real friendship, that just sorta happened and it only ever happened once. And we were both very surprised by it. Now we just take it for granted. I agree with you that most strippers aren't what I look for in friends, but having said that I do enjoy variety. I don't want a bunch of friends who are all just like me. You can't learn anything from people like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for you married guys
    Glad to see tht I'm not alone in setting limits for myself, I was beginning to think that I was. It would appear that our life situation has some bearing on what we look for when we go clubbing. Not surprising but I was beginning to think otherwise. I also find it interesting that Shadowcat and prehaps Bones, two of our most outspoken advocates of sex with strippers, didn't do any clubbing at all while they were married.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    I'd enjoy meeting many of the people here too including you, Shadowcat. To me trust isn't a yes or no thing, it's a question of degree. I trust many of the people here with some stuff, a few of you with a lot of stuff, and my ATF with everything. I also think how much you are willing to trust someone you haven't met is in part a function of your life situation - some of us would probably suffer much greater injury than would others if their participation and opinions expressed here became widely known in their community. So some of us have to be more careful than do others. And I don't mind discussions about sex, I just think that other topics are of interest too, and that we shouldn't put people down because they enjoy discussing things here that don't interest everyone. One of the things I really enjoy about this site is the fact that our discussions often cover a wide variety of topics. I see no need to restrict that. After all we're all free to read or not read whatever topics we choose. If Book Guy, AN, David and I sometimes ramble off over the horizon, why should anyone else care? If it doesn't interest you don't read it. Heaven knows I don't read everything posted here. I doubt if anyone does.
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    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    I think anyone new, male or female, who comes here and comes on a little strong on a subject is likely to be harrassed. But if they persevere for a little bit so that others can get to know them, they are likely to be accepted. It seems to be sort of like an initiation. Wondergirl seems to have cleared that hurdle. Don't know if Tessie will choose to do so or not but I hope she does. I for one would like to hear more about her private dancing and how she goes about finding customers (or how they find her.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Back in the game
    I think Wondergirl is just looking to try a new experience and have some fun doing it. I think there are a lot of dancers like that. And I agree with Pop, they're the best ones, they're the ones I look for. My ATF was like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    I think analysis of an individual stripper's behavior is largely a waste of time because most of them are neither rational nor calculating. For the most part they just do what they feel like doing without much thought at any given moment. We flatter ourselves when we think otherwise, we're rarely that important to them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Topless Secret"--any good?
    Horny, there has been a lot of talk about this subject, but it's scattered here and there, there hasn't been a topic that focused on it. And if I may summarize, there are probably 3 main ways: (1) ovewhelm them with your good looks/wonderful personality (which leaves out most of us here), (2) give them lots of money, (3) get to know them and build trust. Several of us here including Shadowcat have found the third approach to be effective.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for you married guys
    Shadowcat, if I were in your situation I'd probably be doing exactly what you and Bones do. But since I'm not (and most of the time I'm glad of that) all I want to do is watch, talk and fondle. I'm with Jay on this one. But I'm curious, Cat, what did you and Bones do when you were married, did you do a lot of clubbing?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    "This site is about strippers/strip clubs/sex." Did I miss something? Who decided that? I was under the impression it was about strippers and strip clubs. Where did the sex come from? Seems to me an awful lot of things effect strippers and strip clubs, including economics and politics. IMO that's as relevant here and maybe more so than discussions about sexual conquests, even if the girl is also a stripper. Seems to me that the only relevant criteria for what's appropriate here is whether or not people are interested in the topic. If they are it continues; if not it dies - after all no one is required to read a topic that doesn't interest them. Isn't that the way a board like this is supposed to work? So what's the problem?
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Sex Industry Slaves
    Bones, I've been to several clubs (eg. Partners Tavern) where you book private dances through a manager and the dancer has no say in the matter. But that's not slavery, that's just how the clubs work. Phony studies aren't limited to the sex arena, they're common throughout the political spectrum. Don't mean to go off topic but global warming and second-hand smoke are two obvious examples where politics poses as science. Manufacturing or distorting data to support one's point of view is a common political preactice. When someone quotes a "study" look to see who did the study, and if they have a vested interest in the outcome ignore it. You wouldn't believe a study done by the oil industry or the tobacco industry, so why believe a study done by some other group that has a financial or other vested interest in the outcome? Just because the media loves these "studies" doesn't mean we have to be that stupid.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    I don't really think it's bad boys' badness that women are attracted to, it's their apparent self-confidence (which is often an act to cover up the opposite.) The trouble that a lot of nice guys have is that they often lack self-confidence, or at least appear to. And that's a real turnoff for women. Guys wth self-confidence - guys who know who they are and are comfortable with that knowledge - get all the women they want.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    Book Guy, unfortunately for us average-looking guys, it's a fact of life that like tends to attract like - good looking girls prefer good looking guys etc. The only exceptions are the guys who have super personalities or super bank accounts. If you don't fit one of those 3 categories (good looking, super personality, rich) forget about bedding super hot women, it ain't gonna happen. Learn to appreciate average looking women, they usually have better personalities and are more fun to be around anyway. I too tend to get on a soap box here about things that annoy me (like political correctness, which I define as the opposite of independent thought; and big government limiting people's rights - those are probably my two biggies), as do many other people here. But you probably already know that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Back in the game
    Just to update you all, Wondergirl had a minor car accident slipping on some ice yesterday. Fortunately no one was injured, but she wasn't able to make it to the tryout today. She's going to try to make it tomorrow. I believe tryouts are 5-7 pm if anyone is interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    Book Guy I was kidding you, I hope you didn't take offense, none was meant. I enjoy most of your posts but sometimes you come across as being awfully negative. I hope for your sake you aren't really like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Back in the game
    Jay, I'm sorry to say that I can't make it. You'll have to cover for me. Bigdawg, I'd love to meet you but I don't do Gentlemen's Clubs, just joints.