
Comments by FONDL (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    IMO there are three main causes of poverty: (1) students who voluntarily forgo current income for greater future income, (2) young girls having babies out of wedlock, and (3) drug and alcohol addiction. Our governments have spent trillions of dollars to end poverty without result. Why suc poor results? Because government programs don't address any of these three causes, they only address the resulting symptoms. Which subsidizes and institutionalizes poverty. And when you subsidize anything you get more of it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    a little off topic, what's your favorite youtube video?
    What's a youtube?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Why do we have poverty in America?
    We still have poverty in America because poor people keep having kids. And since the only thing these parents know how to do is behavior that characterizes poverty, that's how their kids learn to live.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    Yoda, I assume it's their short leg that they are trying to get up? You guys actually have conversations with other customers in a club? The only time I've ever done that it was a mistake. Never again unless it's a friend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    Shadowcat, my posts are usually pretty short too, except when someone misconstrues what I'm trying to say. Then a longer explanation is sometimes called for if I feel like it. And sometimes I like to do a little innocent kidding too when something tickles my funny bone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wedgewood Inn
    Wondergirl, any idea where it is? It's not unusual for rural BYOB clubs to have very limited hours, or rural bars to only have dancers only at certain limited times.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    There is one other costume, although I'm not sure that's the right name for it, that I like - a girl in a men's white dress shirt and nothing else. Don't think I've ever seen that in a club but I'd like to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are strip clubs in your area getting more crowded?
    I only have a sample of one club visit to comment on. But in my recent visit to Club Risque with Wondergirl during the early afternoon on a Thursday, the place was busier than my last couple of visits 3-4 years ago at that same time of day. It's a pretty inexpensive neighborhood place and my guess is that inexpensive places are doing fine while their more expensive cousins are losing business. And I think we'll see more of that if the economy tanks. Jay, George Will's most recent syndicated column describes Michigan as having a one-state recession, which he attributes to high taxes imposed by your governor.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fore play, the whole enchilada or none of the above?
    Happy B-day from me too. Hope you gusy have a great time. Don't spend too much. Shadowcat, I don't think I can answer your original question here (what do you want ...?) other than to say that I want to be pleasantly surprised. I don't usually go looking for anything specific, just a good time. And that can take many different forms. I can have fun just talking if I find a girl who is interesting to talk too. I can have fun just watching if there are attractive dancers worth watching on stage. Or I can have fun playing in an LD room if I find a girl worth spending money on. I try not to go with any specific expectations and just go with the flow.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible Bad News for fans of BBF
    My last regular hangout was Gentlemen's Gold Club in Baltimore. When they raised VIP room prices (which were already too high) I stopped buying VIP's, so I actually spent less on subsequent trips. Eventually I got tired of the high price environment and stopped going at all. Those high prices may make some sense on Friday and Saturday nights, but I used to go on days shift during the week and almost nobody ever bought VIPs. I don't get it, what's the point of setting prices so high that nobody buys? GGC would be one of the best clubs in the country if they weren't so over priced. Even their regular LDs are $30 for no-touch with tops on. Nobody buys those either. And they do very little business, at least during the day No surprise there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    I seriously doubt that there are many strippers who average taking home more than $100 an hour over the course of a year. In fact I'd bet lots of them average less than half that. Seems to me the whole reason Tessie asked her question in the first place is because she isn't making very much right now. So $200 an hour ought to sound pretty attractive.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible Bad News for fans of BBF
    The irony of this is that the club may actually make more (at least in the short term) if the decline in volume is less than the increase in prices. But the dancers will probably make less, since the club's share is increasing. Customers will no doubt be hearing more compaining about the weak economy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I can remember years ago guy used to joke that the best costume was 2 Bandaids and a cork. Can't say that I've ever actually seen that though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    One of the things I've always enjoyed about the whole strip club experience is that, for me, it's a totally different and private life. I enjoy stepping out of the usual fray once in awhile and allowing myself to be someone totally different from who I naormally am. So for me secrecy is important. That has nothing to do with trust, I just like having a secret life. So please forgive me if I'm reluctant to share too much of my "normal" life here - that's that other guy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    MIDancer, as I said before the proper price is the highest number that will still allow her to do the volume of business that she desires, assuming that price and volume are inversely proportional as they usually are. I have no idea what that number is in her area but my guess is that it's well below $500. But one can get a clue from web sites such as Eros, which lists girls offering similar services for $150-220 per hour in my area.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    AN, I have the same problem, I'm always amazed when guys here take me seriously when I'm being sarcastic or talking with tongue firmly planted in cheek. So, much as I dislike them, I too now sometimes resort to an "LOL" or emoticon. And I also note with considerable humor that the person who started this thread recently started another that is completely off topic. So I guess off-topic posts are OK as long as we avoid any mention of politics or economics. (Sarcasm alert.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    MisterGuy, I think she's referring to her boobs when she says "the girls ..." She was wearing a low-cut top when she got her lap dance so who knows what happened then. I was too busy playing with my own dancer to spend time watching. Boob fondling is standard practice in that particualr club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Jay, how come you know so much about her boobs? Is she cheating on me?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    AN, I agree. I don't think there's a single long-term regular poster here who hasn't made some comments that weren't strip-club related. We're all guilty. So how can anyone complain about it? This is like the term "special interests" in politics. The term is meaningless because all interests are special. The only ones people complain about are the ones they don't agree with. It's silly.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible Bad News for fans of BBF
    Is there any way to comment? I just checked their web site and didn't see any. If they follow through with this BBF will become just another average club - customers will stay away or avoid the VIP room or those who do use it will expect more contact, dancers will be pissed because they're making less money or having to do more, the party atmosphere that makes the place so special will be gone. This sort of thing is killing the industry. How can managers and owners be so dumb? Forget about the economy, this is the sort of thing that's driving customers away from strip clubs. They're pricing themselves out of the market. They forget that they're competing with escorts and massage parlors and a whole lot of other adult activities, most of which are already cheaper.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot strippers could flood the business - if economy kicks down
    Chipitin, I think you'r partly right. Your time frame is probably a little too short, the high contact has been pretty common for a lot more than 10 years. I don't think girls have been driven out of the business, just to different clubs - there are still a lot of clubs with little or no contact, aprticularly at the fancier end of the spectrum, and I think they are getting an increasing share of the most attractive girls. The high contact clubs are probably getting less attractive girls to fill the void. Here's another possibility - maybe as the economy weakens more and more girls will turn to escorting and erotic massage, which may be less sensitive to economic conditions because it's cheaper.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot strippers could flood the business - if economy kicks down
    I think one of the things that has been happening is that there's a wider range in dancer quality then there used to be. And as a result there are more dancers who aren't making very much. And they're the ones doing all the comlaining. It's a trend that's been going on for a long time. Maybe I'm wrong but I seriously doubt that the top 25% are hurting in many clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wondergirl, keep in mind when asking questions here that we are not typical customers. You pretty much have to try different things and see what works best for you in any specific club. Go with what you're most comfortable with and your comfort level will make you more positive and self confident, both of which make you more desirable. There's no one look that's right for everyone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spinoff from : A question for you married guys
    Parodyman, I think the point is that it's a health issue for everyone but it's also much more than that if you're married and would like to stay that way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    Tessie, I agree that dancing skills aren't important. But how she relates to customers and her overall attitude while on stage do matter to me. A girl who seems bored or doesn't appear to be having any fun isn't going to get attention.