
Comments by arbeeguy (page 4)

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    14 years ago
    G-string, thong, panties, bikini bottom, booty shorts?
    The best deal is definitely a g-string. In a couple of clubs I frequent, the g-string is so tiny that the pussy lips fan out around it when she spreads her legs on stage. And as How so eloquently stated, it is easy to push it aside for a little finger fucking or cock fucking. G-strings Are The Best -- but many topless places do not allow them.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    The Hotel Question
    I agree with How. It could be either of the two motivations you mentioned, or it could also be just conversation. I recommend not telling a girl your hotel ROOM but I don't see anything wrong with giving out the hotel name & just see where the conversation goes.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Shit? Really ?
    Nice post. Now cut and paste and make it an Article.
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    14 years ago
    Leftist = enemy of the United States? Where in the ***%%%*** did this come from? In order to have a right, you must have a left. They are both part of the same United States. Nixon built up a great list of "enemies" in the sixties. But he NEVER claimed they were enemies of the United States. Only that they were enemies of HIM and his cohorts. Enemies of the United States are people/organizations opposed to our constitution or our assets. Most (certainly not all) leftists work WITHIN the constitution. A few leftists (communists, Maoists) would like to forcibly redistribute our assets. My guess is they would constitute no more than 1% of the leftists. I am a rightist, and hang out with both rightists and leftists. I don't personally know a single leftist who wants to subvert the constitution of the US or forcibly redistribute the assets of the US.
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    14 years ago
    So now we suddenly get a nice picture of F_D - which is great - THANKS - but it is turned SIDEWAYS -- kinda FUNNY. But I can turn my laptop computer sideways to view it straight-up. (Another advantage of Laptop over Desktop.) Regarding the money for "just conversation". I am an old guy, with plenty of money to spend on things I think are worthwhile. I have done the same thing that F_D mentioned - give a girl money "just for conversation". I seldom did that before age 70, but "you can't take it with you", and I figure when she's talking to me, she can't make money giving lap dances to other guys. If a girl asked me for money for conversation, I would just laugh at her and tell her to get lost, but if she can carry on an intelligent conversation with a little flirting and maybe some G-rated touching on the side, she's well worth a VOLUNTARY DONATION on my part.
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    14 years ago
    Best Thread Ever Published on This Board. Where do we go from here? F_D you must come up with another provccative topic and then inject some incisive comments where appropriate. I used to think that discussing financial matters and politics was "off-topic" but now I'm not so sure. Like Doctor Darby, I would welcome a lap dance with F_D on F_D's terms. Unfortunately I live a long ways from Indianapolis, so it probably won't happen. Hey, has anybody reading this thread ever met F_D? Some of you have met Shadowcat, some of you have met JudyJudy. I think F_D can continue to play a positive role in TUSCL and in our hobby. Hope to see more reviews and more discussion involving this person. AND PHOTOS ARE UNNECESSARY.
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    14 years ago
    Would like to post a review of the Ft. Lauderdale club I visited over the weeken
    How in the heck can they be ft lauderdale clubs if they are located in pompano beach
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    14 years ago
    North Iowa
    I had one scary experience with a smart and aggressive dancer who wanted me to be her friend on MySpace, not Facebook. I agreed, got really nervous, and broke it off with her by telling her that her influence on my had helped me patch things up with my wife, and that we should thusly break off contact with each other. She agreed, and we parted friends. Haven't heard a peep from her for over six months, and that's good. For me personally, the best connections with strippers are the anonymous ones in the club, and it never goes beyond that. I can see some Facebook advantages for others with a different life style.
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    15 years ago
    Hi CTQWERTY -- I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the congressman to stop accepting the generosity of lobbyists. Don't think we are going to see prosecutions for lack of self-regulating in the financial industry, either. Failing to self-regulate is not a crime, so what's to prosecute. Failing to obey regulations may be a crime, but that is not what you referred to. I think fetish_dancer is JUST FINE working in the financial industry, as are at least 99.9% of all those in low- and middle-level positions. I hope she brings her strong sense of ethics with her and contributes to the upgrading of the financial industry. GOOD LUCK TO YOU FETISH DANCE. Please keep us informed of your experiences and your viewpoint. You are a breath of fresh air on this discussion board.
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    15 years ago
    I'm a bit mystified. There is no strip club named Jersey Shore. Is there a picture of Snook posted somewhere I can see it?
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    15 years ago
    RickDugan and Fetish_Dancer, I tip my hat to both of you. This is one of the most interesting and enlightening threads I have ever read on TUSCL or anywhere else. F_D - I have a question I hope you will answer. Where did you get your education? I am betting it was not in the United States. F_D - just a comment about the following quote from one of your very fine posts: "if you're going to be a whore, stand on the street corner. Get a pimp. Don't compete against actual workers for the same wages." My comment is, "whore", like "extra" can mean a lot of different things. I fully support your desire to not be a whore, not be mis-identified as a whore, and not associate with whores. But what, exactly IS A WHORE? Is there an actual line that can be drawn? For instance, a few years ago, a sweet young thing was sitting on my lap grinding hard, and for some reason decided it would be fun to get me off (we had not discussed this idea, let alone negotiated a price.) Did the heavy grinding that ensued make her a WHORE? When I didn't come she had an inspiration - totally unexpected by me - and slipped her hand down my pants, and then I came. Is she a WHORE yet? Neither of us propositioned the other to go any farther. But going a little further down the path toward "Extras", even if a girl does do extras in the club, do you feel she should therefore be labeled as a "WHORE" and forced to go out on the sidewalk and hire a pimp? This is very hypothetical of course, because part of the strip club game for many of us is doing stuff that the club does not allow. And sometimes that stuff is nothing caressing a girl's breat or a guy's groin, through clothing. And if it is not allowed, it is extra. So my point, I guess is, all generalizations are false, including this one.
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    15 years ago
    new acronym: SCS
    Samsung you never fail to provide interesting information. Thanks for posting so much good stuff. As for the TUSCL card, it would have to start with Founder and a few top clubs. Don't see exactly how it would stop SCS (I favor adding SCS to the Glossary) but it would be great if a TUSCL card took hold. I don't think it will, because the number of people who would meet the criteria, AND would step up to the plate to get such a card, is probably small. For instance, I would not want to have my wife see a TUSCL card and ask "what's that, honey?"
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Mayor of Washington Park, Illinois Killed
    Detroit and Washington Park do have some things in common. Both have seriously lost manufacturing jobs over the past few decaades, and both governments are in disarray. We need some bright investigative reporter to come to Washington Park and do an in-depth story, like a gal did on the Bunny Ranch in Nevada a few years ago. I have often wondered just how the economy of Washington Park really works. Does anybody know how much of the city's revenue comes from strip clubs? There are nine strip clubs in Washington Park, and two of them (Hollywood, Hustler) are major Gentleman's Clubs. It is terribly sad that the mayor of Washington Park was murdered, and it must have been somehow related to the major industry of the town. (Is there ANY OTHER industry in Washington Park that draws dollars from outside the community?) My condolences to those who loved and depended on John Thornton. And I sincerely hope his killer(s) is/are brought to justice.
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    15 years ago
    Rauchiest strip clubs in Detroit!
    Clarification of last post: I meant to say I need info like this, BECAUSE I need to plan ahead when I go to Detroit on an infrequent visit and know exactly which clubs to visit and how to get there. I won't have time to drive around hit-or-miss sampling the wares.
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    15 years ago
    Rauchiest strip clubs in Detroit!
    Not living in the Detroit area, I need info like this. From what I have read on this site, Detroit is currently low-mileage. None of the three clubs mentioned by Kprince are in Detroit. Detroit AREA: Inkster, Southgate. So - should we just expand the discussion to the Detroit AREA or stick to the topic as titled? There are A LOT OF STRIP CLUBS IN DETROIT PROPER. What are the raunchiest, highest-mileage strip clubs in Detroit? Dare we tell the truth???
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    15 years ago
    What type of dancer do you think is most aggressive?
    Definitions and nuances -- Aggressive has a negative connotation of unwelcome force being used. Assertive is aggressive but with politeness and consideration. Pro-active means taking the initiative, and in a constructive way. Of the three choices, I definitely prefer the pro-active stripper.
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    15 years ago
    Iceland bans strip clubs
    If the law says "no profit allowed" then it is time to set up a NON-PROFIT - like a credit union or a food co-op. The PL's organize (NOT TOO LIKELY I ADMIT), elect a board of directors, etc. etc. Mr. Guy What the heck difference does it make if somebody already discussed it? I don't recall ever discussing it. New guys read this discussion board every day of the year.
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    15 years ago
    The Ultimate PL
    I would give his probability of collecting any money from her as somewhere between slim and none.
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    15 years ago
    Nobody with any brains likes being smothered. You can die of smotherification. Push the bitch away from you and tell her (sweetly) to learn a new trick. Incidentally, smotherification is a game some teenagers DO PLAY to get a high - and some of them DO DIE.
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    15 years ago
    Child Prodigy, 13, Claims UConn Age Bias
    Since he is in college can he enjoy the pleasures of strip clubs? He could do an anthropological study - instead of frittering away his valuable time and brainpower in South Africa. Boy needs some good advice from a good PL.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club books
    Wow - if you can order a book on Kindle and get your money back by returning it in seven days that's just like checking it out at the public library except you never have to even get up from your computer. "Buy" a book, read it in six days, pay nothing. Sounds too good to be true.
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    15 years ago
    Pointless Lies
    Well this whole thread just reinforces my opinion that OTC sucks. I'm sure guys with more nerve and brains than I have can make OTC a fun experience. To me it just seems to open up ALL KINDS of opportunities for lying, robbing, possibly even getting beaten up by the thug partner of the stripper-whore. I get all the risk I can tolerate ITC. Yes, some girls just like to lie for the fun of it. Not all, but enough to get strippers a bad rep. HEY SAMSUNG1 -- how bout giving us a few choice quotes from PINK SITE some time. You are always giving great news releases. Just want you to know your efforts are appreciated, SAMSUNG1. Well OK, signing of, I got off topic again. Phooey.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What cities have the best stip clubs with extras available?
    More on Pasco County. It is one of the fastest growing counties in America. Mostly rural and small towns, many unincorporated. There are nine TUSCL-listed clubs on or very close to Route 19. It is approximately 20 miles from the most northerly (Players) to the most southerly (Bare Assets). One of the clubs is actually a massage parlor - that would be Dusk til Dawn in Holiday. That place seems to be a sure thing for extras. The rest have potential, but I doubt there are as many extras in Pasco County as in the East Saint Louis area. I must admit I have never personally gotten extras in Pasco County. I still think it is a good location, and all nine clubs are easy to drive to, up and down Route 19.
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    15 years ago
    What cities have the best stip clubs with extras available?
    Pasco County Florida seems like a good location. Not a city, but in some sense you could say that Route 19 through Pasco County forms a linear city with around five good clubs, all of which have good mileage and some have extras as THE NORM. If I can get my act together I will put another post in here on the clubs in this "linear city" and their highlights. I have been an afficiondo of Pasco County for over ten years. It's a nice alternative to the also-very-good Tampa strip club scene. Wish I didn't live so far away -- hard to get there anymore.
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    15 years ago
    2nd visit total opposite of 1st?
    Hey DandyDan, I think we all agree that about 90% of the clubs are fairly stable from one night to another -- for those that have more than one shift, a little less so from one shift to another. It's the other ten percent that makes strip clubbing so interesting -- the unpredictability. To me, strip clubbing is a little like gambling, and everybody (I THINK) knows that the Great Appeal of gambling is not the chance to win, over the long haul. It is the unpredictability. Most people in their heart-of-hearts know they probably aren't going to walk away from the Friendly Casino richer than they walked in. But there is that unpredictability factor that can be so alluring, so addictive. Yes I have had the experience of "night and day difference" in the same club on different days. One that comes immediately to mind is Temptation (Temptations?) In downtown Kansas City. The difference may have been due to whoever was in charge of the girls. If the girls knew that the supervisor (house-mom, bouncer) couldn't care less what happened on stage or in the Private area, they would loosen up & have a good time, & so would I the Customer. And Vice Versa of course.