Rauchiest strip clubs in Detroit!

avatar for Kprince
Henry 8th in southgate. Nuff said.

Anyone else have any other recommendations? It's surreal to walk into a strip club and know that extras are not only available, but expected! The quality here isnt that great but the service is refreshing! Bogarts and the Henry the 8th in inkster come in 2nd and 3rd in detroit. Anyone have any other recommendations for this crazy city?


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avatar for arbeeguy
15 years ago
Not living in the Detroit area, I need info like this. From what I have read on this site, Detroit is currently low-mileage. None of the three clubs mentioned by Kprince are in Detroit. Detroit AREA: Inkster, Southgate.

So - should we just expand the discussion to the Detroit AREA or stick to the topic as titled? There are A LOT OF STRIP CLUBS IN DETROIT PROPER. What are the raunchiest, highest-mileage strip clubs in Detroit? Dare we tell the truth???
avatar for arbeeguy
15 years ago
Clarification of last post: I meant to say I need info like this, BECAUSE I need to plan ahead when I go to Detroit on an infrequent visit and know exactly which clubs to visit and how to get there. I won't have time to drive around hit-or-miss sampling the wares.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Hey Kprince,

Check out the top 100 list on tuscl. The clubs on there are usually worth a visit.

avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Had a brief conversation with a dancer at a raunchy Detroit club about STDs. She said some girls get tested regularly BUT others don't because "they don't want to know." YIKES!!! Make sure to take along protection!!!
avatar for Dark_Knight
15 years ago
Dont tell me that some clubs offer FS
avatar for Jmoney007
15 years ago
detroit (the inner city that is) passed a new ordinance about a month ago
eliminating touching,lap dances and VIP rooms, however i have some info
that some of the clubs are "bending the rules" and everything is the same
as before, however i don't know how many clubs are "getting by" other
than the few i have visited, i still need to get out and check a few
others just to be sure, but i can say that the ones i have visited still
have available VIP rooms and 2 way touching and maybe "extras"
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
I am not in Detroit at the moment, so I can't say what the current situation, but from my past experience with this kind of restrictive law in Detroit in the past, the clubs will still continue to offer high mileage, carefully. Let's see what the guys say from Detroit
avatar for Jmoney007
15 years ago
FYI i am from detroit
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