
How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?

Atlanta suburb
Monday, August 4, 2008 10:32 PM
I don't mean just ITC but with civilians as well. For me, too many times. I do better ITC because I have expectations and limit my drinking. With civilians, I have no expectations. I just want to have fun. Even with the help of VIAGRA, I have disappointed many women.


  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I hate that. But then I dont recall my honeymoon nite but my husband was smiling
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck? I don't mean just ITC but with civilians as well. For me, too many times. I do better ITC because I have expectations and limit my drinking. With civilians, I have no expectations. I just want to have fun. Even with the help of VIAGRA, I have disappointed many women.” -------------------------------------------------------------- Shadowcat, As much as this post just begs me to rip on you, and this one is like a gift from God, I’m going to take the high road here and offer some advice instead. Stop drinking! You don’t need it and it is impeding your forward social progress. Stop using paid sex as your normal outlet. Develop some real relationships that are not founded on money. Stop whoring yourself out for attention by posting your approval seeking “poor me” garbage. It is old and pathetic. Do you need the approval of a bunch of strangers? Stop with all the racist, sexist, homophobic comments. Stop with the flag waving. The Archie Bunker character wasn’t cool or funny when it was created in the seventies. What makes you think that shit is acceptable today? Try being a part of the group instead of trying to be the group leader. This includes not emailing the female posters with your hateful crap. I’d be willing to bet that if you were a nice guy that people would respond in kind.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Parodyman, you crack me up. I am finally convinced you have a crush on Shadowcat. Talk about wanting attention -- WOW
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    parody, this post was just written to inflame you. It worked. By her own addmission I did not drive her off here but rather my followers Did. What a bunch of bull shit. My followers are much more gentle than me and would never do that.I am more a part of the group than you will ever be.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    whoa im not steping into this argument again
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    shadowcat to parodyman: "My dick is bigger than yours" tsk, tsk. Actually, I'm a teetotaler. I've never enjoyed drinking, and the five times in my life that I imbibed, I stopped after one drink. Personally, I don't see the lure of alcohol, or cigarettes, or "recreational drugs".
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    parody is just a stupid little faggot try to cruise for some action. parody could easily "have" MisterGay anytime and he knows it, but likes SC because he plays harder to get.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    So lets answer the original question then. And has it ruined it for you if the girl was excessively (like sloppy gross) drunk?
  • how
    16 years ago
    Answering the original question: Excessive alcohol on my part: never, don't drink. On her part: Once. Got going and then realized she had drunk way too much. Made me regret it. Almost.
  • clubman2
    16 years ago
    Since I drink very little, at least now, it never messed me up. I try to avoid women who are too drunk to fully participate so only once or twice. Whata mistake.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    I don't drink before sex. Alcohol pretty much counteracts the Viagra. You are just wasting your money.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Alcohol's not my cup of tea. Now other drugs. That's a different story. And, yeah, it often has been Viagra to the rescue.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Easy solution. Don't drink and ... fill in the blank whether that is drive or fuck or try to remember some girl's phone number.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    At the risk of disappointing shadowcat and his monkey-boy bobbyl... "parody, this post was just written to inflame you. It worked." No it didn't. My rectal ring is at full pucker. Thank you for your concern.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Only twice, that I can recall. Neither time did I have "expectations" of anything happening. Since I know alcohol can effect sexual performance, if there are "expectations", I limit my intake.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Could start my own topic and call it: "How many times has Shadowcat's repetitive self serving themes fucked up a thread? Any thoughts on this?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Yes. :) What are your rules, if any, on kicking a skunk when he is down?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    There are no rules. And if he is truly down and not just attention seeking, he brought that on himself.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I have no idea what he is actually feeling. He might be laughing his ass off or he might be having a nervous breakdown. Reminds me of a story that I think was in The Wall Street Journal some years ago. This Ebay seller was just a crook and an asshole. The party that got ripped off apparently became enraged by the crooked seller's taunting and or lying----just simple theft may not have been enough to send him over the edge. How far over? He sent a mail bomb that blew up the crooked seller's home with him and his grandmother still inside! If he had actually met the crooked seller in person, then the whole game might have been changed to one of compassion. The crooked seller was a 13 year old boy with a pretty pathetic lifestory that with the bombing got even more pathetic. Point is someone may have "brought that on himself," but depending on individual circumstances there should still be room for compassion.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    jablake, I get the point but shadowcat is not a 13 year old boy, bobbyl is, he needs to take responsibility for the things he does and says. I do have a limited amount of compassion for him. I am sorry he is a drunk and am also sorry he isn’t smart enough to crawl out of that Archie Bunker personality that he is so proud of. With that said my compassion ends when he is calling for his “followers” to ignore me. My compassion ends when he and his “followers” begin a campaign of email harassment against the female posters because he has a problem with women.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    parodyman: What evidence do you offer that Shadowcat has an Archie Bunker attitude? I do agree with you on one thing-his spelling is pathetic most of the time but have you ever typed something in a hurry? I know I have and when I go back & read it, it looks like a 6th grader wrote it. Jethro Bodine was flattered by such a comment but I'm not. Shadowcat's responses to my pointing out his errors have usually been "'Grammar' was his mother's mother." Most of the time you stray from the thread to blast Shadowcat so you're just as responsibl for fucking up a thread as he may be.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Is that faggot parodyman commenting on threads again? parody doesn't need evidence for anything. He just trolls and lives to flame. Which would be fine I suppose if he had even a smattering of intelligence, or was funny from time to time. As it stands the more non-sensical his claims the better. Being the "ultimate troll" is his identity I suppose. But, hell, he isn't good at it. I mean how just look at how obsessed he is with homosexuality and how he loves to go into graphic detail about it. As if his lack of intelligence and general lack of any true wit weren't bad enough, for a self-styled satirist, the "man" is truly a gutless little piece of shit. You will notice that he only attacks people when he thinks it is safe to do so here. He won't go first he is just a follower. When he rarely articulate his actual position on anything (rather than just attack others) it is just whatever he considers the safest position. So bottom line on faggotman-->: mindless, gutless, follower, and, worst of all, not even funny. The board deserves a better troll.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shrek, "parodyman: What evidence do you offer that Shadowcat has an Archie Bunker attitude?" Come on, have you missed his posts about "Jewing dancers down?" What about his attitudes toward women? His constant flag waving? Any of this ring a bell? ----------------------------------------- On a seperate note I see bobbyl spewing his "faggot" insults again. And he thinks I have nothing to say in my posts. Bobbyl being the court jester for king shadowcat makes your words worth their weight in shit.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    parodyman-You gonna bring up "Jewing dancers down" as evidence of an Archie Bunker attitude? Obviously where you live in IL you don't hear the expression very much. It's widely used by older people in the South & there's no racial slur meant by it. Get over it! I used the expression around Jewish friends when in grammar school but would not use it today in this age of political correctness around them. As for the comment about his flag waving-if you're referring to the American flag what is wrong with that? Are you not proud of the American flag? What about his attitude toward women? When he feels he's been mistreated by a dancer he lets you know about it-what's wrong with that? Have you never been mistreated by a dancer? I know I have. Been shorted on the # of dances, giving shitty dances, etc. Even had one dancer spit in my face because I caught her short changing me. I call them out in my posts like Shadowcat as a warning to other customers so they can avoid the ROB's. As far as the dustup with wondergrl5 I still haven't figured out what that's about but as far as her saying she started receving hateful emails, I highly doubt if they were sent as Shadowcat's urging. I know I got no such request from him.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shrek, You’ve said quite a lot there in defense of your “leader.” I will do my best to respond point by point. Be proud of yourself you’ve defended your king to the best of your limited abilities. “parodyman-You gonna bring up "Jewing dancers down" as evidence of an Archie Bunker attitude?” – That particular phrase is one small facet of his overall attitude. Are you “gonna” buy a dictionary so you can learn that “gonna” isn’t a word? “Obviously where you live in IL you don't hear the expression very much.” – I’ve heard it plenty. The town I grew up in is notoriously racist. “It's widely used by older people in the South & there's no racial slur meant by it.” – If it is not a slur then what is it? Perhaps it is a compliment on the cheapness of an entire people? No racism there. “Get over it!” -- Why should I? Wrong is wrong and not speaking out against such a blatantly racist attitude does not sit well with me. “I used the expression around Jewish friends when in grammar school but would not use it today in this age of political correctness around them.” – Your reluctance to use that expression in front of your “Jewish friends” is evidence that you don’t think it is OK or harmless. “As for the comment about his flag waving-if you're referring to the American flag what is wrong with that?” – It is a knee-jerk response that is used by people who are too lazy to try to improve the things that are wrong with this country. “Are you not proud of the American flag?” -- No, not really. It is just a piece of cloth. It is used as a tool to invoke certain sentiments which again I find to be the product of laziness. Also people like yourself and shadowcat use it as a symbol of what you perceive as your entitlement. “What about his attitude toward women?” – That’s easy, his attitude toward women sucks. I understand that he is bitter because life has kicked him in the balls so many times. But that is not an excuse for his disturbing behavior. “When he feels he's been mistreated by a dancer he lets you know about it-what's wrong with that?” – By its self nothing. But he has established a pattern of denigrating nearly every woman he writes about. He has a pathological need to make himself feel superior to the women he interacts with. “Have you never been mistreated by a dancer? I know I have.” – No I can honestly say I’ve never been mistreated by a dancer. To me this is just entertainment not life so I do not spend my out of the club time over analizing every word and action. I carry on with the rest of my life. “Been shorted on the # of dances, giving shitty dances, etc. Even had one dancer spit in my face because I caught her short changing me.” – You must be quite the imposing figure if people actually spit in your face. “I call them out in my posts like Shadowcat as a warning to other customers so they can avoid the ROB's.” – Well that right there makes you and shadowcat two fine Americans! “As far as the dustup with wondergrl5 I still haven't figured out what that's about but as far as her saying she started receving hateful emails, I highly doubt if they were sent as Shadowcat's urging.” – You don’t seem like a very smart man Shrek so let me see if I can help you connect the dots in your logic. You admit that you have no idea what the problem between Wondergrl5 and shadowcat is, yet you have already decided to believe that your “leader” can do no wrong. Do you see how your objectivity is compromised and any credibility you may have had is worth shit now. “I know I got no such request from him.” – Perhaps shadowcat will press you into the service of the crown along with the rest of the douche bags on his “B” list when he decides to resume harassing Wondergrl5. I’m sure you are chomping at the bit to be of service to your “master.”
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    Again, fuck you, parodyman. Shadowcat is NOT my leader. He must be yours because everytimes he posts to the discussion board your posts LEAD right to him! I guess you don't find a problem with burning the American flag you fucking piece of anti patriotic human debris as it's only a piece of cloth. That "piece of cloth" is what makes it possible for your sorry ass to live in this country. If this country is so fucking bad, get the hell out of it! I'm sure many posters, counting myself among them, will be glad to donate to a one-way plane ticket or better yet steerage passage on a freighter to Iraq, Iran, China or some other dictator-run country as it seems you don't like democracy but sure take advantage of it whenever you can by lamblasting Shadowcat & anyone who knows him. You are a piece of garbage of the worst kind. Why don't you volunteer to go to Guantanamo so you can help your Al quada brothers down there? BTW I bet you've "Jewed" people down, haven't you? Every time you drive a bragain that's exactly what you are doing whether you want to call it that or not. If you've heard the expression in your racist community, what did you do about it? Did you lead a protest or just keep your cowardly mouth shut about it? I'm betting on the latter! Since you're so smart why don't you explain to me & others exactly what the problem was beween Shadowcat & wondergrl5. I'm dying to know, not literally-I'll reserve that for you, you sorry bastard! Why do you think your posts have credibility? Do you know Shadowcat or me? Why don't you come to South Carolina & let's meet. If you do not know what "gonna" means, look it the fuck up in a dictionary, you stupid idiot!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    It isn't even an attractive piece of cloth. Now, perhaps if the bars were aligned vertically instead horizonally and if they went thru the "stars" then that might be a little more honesty in advertising.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "Most and Least Livable Countries: UN Human Development Index, 2006 . . . 'Most Livable' Countries, 2006 1. Norway 2. Iceland 3. Australia 4. Ireland 5. Sweden 6. Canada 7. Japan 8. United States 9. Switzerland 10. Netherlands 11. Finland " [view link] It is amazing the U.S. is so high on the list, but above Swizterland and Finland? That just seems quacked! :)
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Jablake- Can you repost the link it didnt work for me
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    [view link] That's interesting because I highlighted the link (turn it blue by dragging the cursor over it) then press ctrl+c to copy. Then in the address bar I used ctrl+v to paste. Hit enter and bingo the link worked. Maybe it was your ISP or the infoplease server? I hope the link is working for you now.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    GOt it!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “Again, fuck you, parodyman.” – A cheerful and intelligent way to begin a dialogue! “ Shadowcat is NOT my leader. He must be yours because everytimes he posts to the discussion board your posts LEAD right to him!” – “Everytimes?” “Everytimes” you post you embarrass yourself with your poor spelling. Who can take you seriously? I think “everytimes” you post you should make use of the spell checker available in your word processor. “I guess you don't find a problem with burning the American flag you fucking piece of anti patriotic human debris as it's only a piece of cloth.” – In practice I find the burning of the flag to be a distasteful act. In theory (legally) it is necessary to have that option of political expression. I believe it is disrespectful to our veterans to try to outlaw the right of free expression. You should be embarrassed by what you post Shrek. I think it is a lot more patriotic to work for positive change than to wave around a piece of cloth uttering stupid platitudes. “That "piece of cloth" is what makes it possible for your sorry ass to live in this country.” – Funny, I thought just being born here made it possible for me to live here. (Bill of Rights? Natural Citizen?) I didn’t know that I had to wrap myself in the flag and say a pledge of allegiance just to belong. Or maybe that piece of cloth is the symbol of what protects me from fascists like yourself who’s stock answer is “love it or leave it.” “If this country is so fucking bad, get the hell out of it!” – No thank you. I’ll stay right here and do what I can to make the United States a better place. BTW: wasn’t “love it or leave it” one of Archie Bunker’s favorite expressions? “I'm sure many posters, counting myself among them, will be glad to donate to a one-way plane ticket or better yet steerage passage on a freighter to Iraq, Iran, China or some other dictator-run country as it seems you don't like democracy but sure take advantage of it whenever you can by lamblasting Shadowcat & anyone who knows him.” – Keep your money. In fact you should use any spare change you can find to bolster your education. If you were just a little smarter I wouldn’t feel the need to lambast you in a public forum. And for the record I love the idea of a Democracy. It gives you a vehicle to effect change when something needs improvement. “You are a piece of garbage of the worst kind.” -- Am I? Cool! I’m even worse than medical waste mixed with the contents of a port-a-john and some nuclear byproducts? My mom will be so proud! “Why don't you volunteer to go to Guantanamo so you can help your Al quada brothers down there? “ -- Do you mean Al Qaeda? Although I definitely do not approve of torture, I don’t go help them mainly because I am not a part of their international alliance of militant Islamist organizations. In fact I am an atheist and that automatically makes me an enemy to those who subscribe to the Islamic faith. “BTW I bet you've "Jewed" people down, haven't you?” – No. “Every time you drive a bragain that's exactly what you are doing whether you want to call it that or not.” – I drive a car not a “bragain.” But if you meant bargain, there is nothing wrong with frugality. Assigning that or any other trait to an entire race with the purpose of casting them in a negative light is what I find offensive. “If you've heard the expression in your racist community, what did you do about it?” – I have publicly called out racists and had them address their ugliness just as I do to people like you and shadowcat here. “Did you lead a protest or just keep your cowardly mouth shut about it? I'm betting on the latter! “ – No I didn’t lead a protest. What is your fixation with leaders and followers all about? I spoke up as an individual because I felt it was the right thing to do. “Since you're so smart why don't you explain to me & others exactly what the problem was beween Shadowcat & wondergrl5. I'm dying to know, not literally-I'll reserve that for you, you sorry bastard!” – The problem is scat is a psychotic hater of women. Your wishing me dead will not change that fact. “Why do you think your posts have credibility?” – Because I wrote them! “Do you know Shadowcat or me?” – Sadly I know the type. “Why don't you come to South Carolina & let's meet.” – Because I’ve seen the movie “deliverance” and want no part of your culture sir. “If you do not know what "gonna" means, look it the fuck up in a dictionary, you stupid idiot!” – Oxford lists “gonna” as an informal contraction, this does not mean it is a proper word. Your usage of it betrays your level of sophistication.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "Although I definitely do not approve of torture," Damn that is extreme and uncaring. Your U.S. citizenship should be stripped ex post facto from birth and more importantly your stripclub privileges should be torn asunder. Just remember that flag fought for your freedoms and kept your freedoms safe and comfy, so you could chow down on Burger King and other delicacies.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Is Shrek done flipping out?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Is Shrek done flipping out?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Anyone else want to flip out?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Anyone else want to flip out?
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    jablake-You can join your sick fucking borther parodyman in some gulag-you both do not belong in the United States of America. parodyman-you don't have the nerve to come south so we dumb hicks could kick your ass back to IL! As for being an aethist, p-man, don't you miss all the holidays?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Shekitout, I wish you'd have visited real Southerners here in Miami e.g. Angels and the surrounding areas back in the day. You'd have learnt right quick the value placed on the United States of America. My bet is you'd mind your manners and keep on moving before tempers flared even a smite. And, boy you think our police would be babysitting you assuming you was still breathing? Times was mucho different in the "good" old days. Heck, *supposedly* The Trap was Klan and if true you'd best mind your manners there as well, but yeah that was a far more civilized and upscale club.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I remember shooting the breeze with my good buddy Jerome at the bookstore and I said that I appreciate it if he could continue the conversation we were enjoying at a later date. He asked why 'cause the store was dead with just me, him, and the young lady employee. I said, my people are coming for a visit in about an hour and I'd like to avoid any trouble if possible. He says he wants to meet my people. The employee blurts out JEROME! you don't want to be meeting Joe's people. They's plain nasty and crazy. Jerome says what!? Your his people and you're very sweet. She says Jerome just cause we looks a like don't mean we are even slightly related---my people are very kind and generous. His people you don't want to meet. Hell, I'm leaving when they come. Now, Jerome says you're leaving? She says I'm planning on keeping Joe company another 45 minutes or so and then I'll be gone till their gone. Suddenly, and actually surprising Jerome decided he wanted to go. It was a surprise because he loved being a pain in the ass and saying he didn't believe me about nothing. So, they both left, Jerome first and later the employee, and that was something positive---I just didn't want any trouble and wished to avoid confrontation. Sure enough, when they showed they was nasty as ever----that ain't all bad-----but, it is best that they stay with they own.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “jablake-You can join your sick fucking borther parodyman in some gulag-you both do not belong in the United States of America.” – This run on sentence confuses me. What is a “borther?” Who died and made Shrek the Pope of deciding who is and is not eligible for U.S. citizenship? And why do either of us belong in a gulag? Why can’t we be partying it up in Amsterdam or something? “parodyman-you don't have the nerve to come south so we dumb hicks could kick your ass back to IL!” – I have plenty of nerve. I also have more class then to visit a minor state like SC. What would be the payoff? “As for being an aethist, p-man, don't you miss all the holidays?” – No, I celebrate many holidays; just not the religious ones. To me they do not exist so how could I miss them?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    There are a few things that I do love about America. At the top of list would be apparently lax enforcement of immigration laws that allows millions of "illegals" into the country. Based on the illegals that I meet and can communicate with (most can't speak English and I don't speak Spanish) I'd love to see 20 times the number. Another thing that is wonderful by-and-large are the traffic courts. You pay your attorney some piddling sum and your problems are over. At 10 times the current fees traffic attorneys would be bargain. Gambling dancer got a ticket for some nonsense and ignored it so it was turned over to a private collection agency and the cost of the ticket more than doubled (I believe) to around $300 and her license was suspended. I insisted that she call a traffic ticket lawyer: First traffic ticket attorney that she called told her NOTHING could be done so she refused to call anymore lawyers. She says you ain't NO LAWYER and if a lawyer says nothing can be done, then nothing can be done. I told her the lawyer was full of shit and that the next lawyer she called would most likely GUARANTEE results, but the cost would be more than if she hadn't sat on her ass. She declares: Nope, lawyer says nothing can be done it is end of discussion. I told her you need to learn lawyers don't always agree with each other and the one you spoke with was full of shit. I added that I believe a good traffic attorney would charge $150 to $250 to fix the mess e.g. get rid of the fine and points. On my first call the secretary says yes it can be fixed, but it is going to cost $$$. I'm getting scared thinking $1,000 to 2,500. Nope a measley $120 (plus about $70 in court costs). So, Gambling dancer got her license unsuspended and got rid of the points and the fine and it was done FAST!!! Like within 10 days FAST!!! She says you ain't NO lawyer how did you know it could be fixed. I said I'm an old man and besides you just need check the Rules of Civil Procedure. Did she really learn anything? Maybe or maybe not. My guess is NO because that just isn't too important to her. She just wanted her license back and was going to pay the $300 plus and keep the points against her license. Mainly she was just upset that the "fine" had increased so drastically without an explanation. The law did provide for the ticket increase so that the private collection agency could get some $$$.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    P-man: Sorry about the misspelling of "brother". Guess that makes up for your most recent post's misspelling/ What holidays do you celebrate? What do you do on the religious holidays? By all rights you should not take the day off if you're working as it's not really a holiday in your mind so keep working! What does IL offer as your incentive for living there?-more Muslims, illegals and minorities, more cold weather, snow & ice, more traffic, higher living costs, more crowded living conditions? It's unbelievable that obviously someone with your liberal bent would be in favor of arming teachers in the classroom. I'm flabergasted at your stance. Seeing that you have a CCW I can understand that living conditions in IL must be what wonderful!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    "P-man... What holidays do you celebrate?" parody celebrates gay pride days. dresses up in his best drag and marches in defiance of the flag waving archie bunker types
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “P-man: Sorry about the misspelling of "brother". “ -- I’m sure it was just a typo. But all the same it goes to show your character. “Guess that makes up for your most recent post's misspelling/” – What will make up for your post’s punctuation? “What holidays do you celebrate?” -- New Years, Fourth of July and even though it is a touch hypocritical Halloween. Those are my favorite holidays. “What do you do on the religious holidays?” -- I go about my normal business as best I can. Christmas sucks because so many things close down. “By all rights you should not take the day off if you're working as it's not really a holiday in your mind so keep working!” -- When I worked a traditional 40-70 hour work week at a single company I would volunteer to work ant religious holidays that we didn’t close down for. That way someone else could have the time off to spend with family. “What does IL offer as your incentive for living there?-more Muslims, illegals and minorities, more cold weather, snow & ice, more traffic, higher living costs, more crowded living conditions?” – More jobs in my field, higher salaries, better housing, culture, diversity and a better overall atmosphere than SC. “It's unbelievable that obviously someone with your liberal bent would be in favor of arming teachers in the classroom.” -- I am neither liberal nor conservative; I examine each issue on its own merits. I believe that guns have a place in an ordered society. “I'm flabergasted at your stance.” – I’m flabbergasted at the way at the way you spelled flabbergasted! And something tells me you are easily flabbergasted by just about anything. I bet you spend most of your life in a state of flabbergastification. (made up word but it fits...) “Seeing that you have a CCW I can understand that living conditions in IL must be what wonderful!” – Where I live the neighborhood is nice and quiet. Twenty minutes down the street it is a different story. And past that is the west side of Chicago. However I suppose I should explain to you that there is no legal CCW in the state of Illinois. My permit is issued through Utah and with reciprocity laws is good in over twenty six states. I carry when I travel. I’ve never had to draw my weapon on another person and I hope that I never do. But it is a nice little piece of insurance that if there is real trouble I don’t just have to sit there and be a victim. My carry pistol is a 5” Springfield XD in .45. It holds 13 rounds per magazine and has trijicon night sights. Were someone to threaten the lives or safety of either my wife or myself they would have a very bad day to say the least.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    SHOULD READ: "I would volunteer to work any religious holidays that we didn’t close down for."
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    now shrek has nothing to say?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shrek where are you? I'm sure you have some kind of retarded retort to the above post.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    So is your CCW permit from Utah good in IL or are you breaking IL law? If you are breaking the law, it would be my civic duty to turn you in. I will do my best to find out your address so I can do just that. Be prepared for a knock on your door when you least expect it! You said when you worked, does that mean you don't work now and are a parasite on the backs of those that do work? Or are you using your CCW to rob people to support your sorry ass? I know the difference between you and a bucket of shit is the handle!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    PM: “Shrek where are you? I'm sure you have some kind of retarded retort to the above post.” Boy was I ever right about this. Look at his reply. I think he is sinking into a psychotic fugue. SHREK: “So is your CCW permit from Utah good in IL or are you breaking IL law?” PM: If you read and understood my previous post you would know that the Utah CCW permit is not honored in Illinois. You would also know that concealed carry in Illinois is not legal. Unfortunately this forces me and other law abiding citizens to go without. I comply with all of my state and local laws even if they are retarded and oppressive like you. SHREK: “If you are breaking the law, it would be my civic duty to turn you in.” PM: I’m glad you see being a nosy vindictive prick as civic duty. Someone has got to do it. SHREK: “I will do my best to find out your address so I can do just that.” PM: Aren’t there internet stalking laws on the books? SHREK: “Be prepared for a knock on your door when you least expect it!” PM: Why? Are you planning to visit? SHREK: “You said when you worked, does that mean you don't work now and are a parasite on the backs of those that do work?” PM: I said I no longer work in a traditional shift position. I work from home. I find it much more likely that an oldster like you is the parasite. I bet you never leave home without your fist full of discount cards and coupons. SHREK: “Or are you using your CCW to rob people to support your sorry ass?” PM: I never tried that. Do you think it would be possible to rob people with a card? SHREK: “I know the difference between you and a bucket of shit is the handle!” PM: The difference between you and I is you have that whole backward ass hick thing going for you. This is good, it gives you an excuse for your extremely limited intelligence.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Topic Change: How many times has excessive Shreking fucked up a thread?
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