
Stripper: I must have been drunk.

Atlanta suburb
I have gotten this a lot recently. Dancers that had previously done a lot more in the couch room have cooled it. I have tried to remind them of what we had done it the past and this is what I get. I don't get upset. I just wait for the next time they get fucked up. I have one favorite that sometimes comes to the club with her husband. I love it. He becomes the designated driver and she drinks till the end. When she is like this, anything short of FS is possible.


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “I have gotten this a lot recently. Dancers that had previously done a lot more in the couch room have cooled it. I have tried to remind them of what we had done it the past and this is what I get. I don't get upset. I just wait for the next time they get fucked up. I have one favorite that sometimes comes to the club with her husband. I love it. He becomes the designated driver and she drinks till the end. When she is like this, anything short of FS is possible.”

    Now all of the recent hollering you have done about having a glossary makes sense. Shadowcat you have become the very definition of PATHETIC LOSER! Congratulations! Now even the economically depressed dancers of SC find you so disgusting that they can’t bear to touch you unless they are shit-faced. You must be so proud. Guess the only full service you’ll be getting is from your pal clubber.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    Ever notice how ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman has this infatuation with you and I? We talk about strip clubs and dancers, and he talks about GUYS!
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    clubber: Jealousy brings out the worst in people.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    That parody's quite the little faggot isn't he?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Where to start… where to start… I guess that I am having the misfortune of being involved in a post with the three biggest degenerates on TUSCL. Even at three to one they are clearly at a disadvantage.

    Before anyone gets upset, I didn’t mean to infer that clubber and shadowcat are gay. Far from it. Along with bobbyl they are true homophobes. What I did say was that clubber provides full service to shadowcat. Does this make them gay? Fuck no. Their arrangement is more of a maximum security prison type of thing. Their gratification by man is a result of necessity due to the fact that shadowcat disgusts women. Clubber wanting only shadowcat’s guidance and admiration has fallen into the role of the jailhouse bitch. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that clubber hand washes shadowcat’s infamous pervert pants. (Those silk shorts he is always prattling on about.)

    Apparently bobbyl is offended by this. He dug down deep folks and hit me with the best insult he could think of. “That parody's quite the little faggot isn't he?” Wow bobbyl I can’t even begin to tell you how deeply wounded by this I am. Although you have shown formidable wit coming up with something like that I am going to do you a favor and explain something to you. Words like “faggot” are only insulting to someone who has issues with homosexuality. Personally I don’t care about another’s sexual orientation. This makes your words impotent, which is probably a recurring problem in your life.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    What's the line from Shakespeare? "I fear he doth protest too much?"

    I'm likely paraphrasing.

    I doubt parodyman is gay, but it is DAMNED creepy the way he shadows any comment made by shadowcat. The replies are really quick too, which means he must be checking posts all day long, several times per hour. Now THAT is pretty odd.

  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Unless shadowcat IS ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman!!! And again, he comes on and talks about guys!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Henceforth, I will refer to parodyman--> as fagman-->.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    p.s. he is probably "friends" with MisterGay.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    As you can see, I have my own "name" for him. The best thing is, he acknowledges my name as being himself, poor pathetic "man" that he is.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Ozzymandias, your reading skills rival those of bobbyl. This means you are a moron. Shadowtwat posted this thread at: 07/20/08 7:22 PM. My reply came on 07/21/08 4:58 AM. I log onto this discussion board when I feel like it. I am not shadowing anyone. Can I be hels accountable if no one else is willing to reply to his self serving bullshit?
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    While I am probably one of the first people here to enjoy the spectator sport of watching shadowcat and parodyman trade their insults, I also find it rather pathetic that the name calling so quickly devolves into references to sexuality. (And, yes, parodyman is clearly using homosexuality as his main trope for insulting shadowcat.) Surely you folks have the maturity and wit to come up with a better insult than calling each other "faggot." Or is panic about sexuality still a male's most vulnerable spot?
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    njscfan: It can't be much of a sport. When was the last time you saw me respond directly to any of his insults? I have learned that it is not worth the effort.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman says YOU can't read, when there is proof in his reply that he is the one that can't read! You CLEARLY state, "The replies are really quick too...".

    Anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence would clearly see you were NOT talking about this one specific incident, yet he uses this one specific incident to try and make a point that can not be made.

    I did a quick search of his replies to shadowcat's messages, and most all are within minutes of shadowcats post.

    The above said, you hit the nail right on the head!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    I agree that insults regarding sexual orientation are lame. In the case of shadowcat, he has stated time and again how gays repulse him. I think he is keerping some feelings closeted and since it really bothers him I mske an exception.

    Another thing I find funny is that clubber has the balls to even mention the word "intelligence". Although morons need their aspirations too.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    So what are your aspirations, other then getting shadowcat to bend over?
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    parodyman: It would be interesting to see how you & shadowcat would fare in a spelling contest although shadowcat's spelling seems to have gotten better lately while yours is rapidly going downhill based on some of your recent posts. BTW save your venom for a blog and stay the hell off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "BTW save your venom for a blog and stay the hell off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers!"

    Can someone tell me if shekitout is just expelling his venom towards me or does his above post have something at all to do with the topic? Perhaps he should document his hatred for me in a blog and stay off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers? Or maybe he thinks himself more important than the rest of us.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "BTW save your venom for a blog and stay the hell off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers!"

    Can someone tell me if shekitout is just expelling his venom towards me or does his above post have something at all to do with the topic? Perhaps he should document his hatred for me in a blog and stay off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers? Or maybe he thinks himself more important than the rest of us.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Is that little homo parody still flapping his trap?
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    He can't even post correctly! I can't count how many times he has posted the EXACT SAME MESSAGE twice. Also, he fails to respond when he is caught in an outright fabrication, as he posted about ozymandias' post.

    I must give him credit for one thing, however. He certainly makes me happy I have a rather normal life and am not bitter about it.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    clubber: psychologists have technical terms for parody's problem. Technically he is a "shit for brains" and a "homosexual".
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I have a suggestion for Shadowcat, the Original Poster who started this thread. Work with two different screen names. When you want an interesting discussion on a topic, use the "other" one. When you want to see the thread quickly degenerate into an amusing but silly series of rants and diatribes, use "Shadowcat": Parodyman will jump in with "his usual stuff" and we're off to the races !!! Notice that NOBODY after Shadowcat's OP(including me) has posted on the original topic, which is (I think) about the behavior of strippers who have had too much to drink.

    But hey -- I realize this suggestion is not much different than pissing into the wind. For one thing, if Shadowcat actually took my suggestion to heart, I would never know it !!!
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Two examples of what can happen when a stripper gets drunk:

    1. (copied from a fellow TUSCLer's year-old review) D*****y would swear she would never do anything naughty but catch her late and after she had too much liquor in her and she could be a lot of fun. I often had DATY and and several HJs from her and one memorable saturday night in 2003 when she was so drunk she could hardly walk up the steps to the dance area, got a BJ.

    2. Back in the 90s I was in the long-since-closed Chris's Tap. There was a hot girl named Stephanie. I had had some good but not outrageous dances from her before. This time, she was so eager for a private dance, she specified "NO money before, during, or after the dance" She was happy to have my fingers in her pussy (very rare for that club), and gave me a nice HJ to completion. She held her liquor very well but she was well lit-up. Never did figure out why she didn't want money. Perhaps this was her last day as a stripper because I don't recall ever seeing her again.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    An excellent suggestion! And yes, I have had to much to drink, at times.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    arbeeguy: You are correct. 25 responses but your last was the only one about the original topic. I guess nobody has had experiences with drunk strippers.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    “I guess nobody has had experiences with drunk strippers.”

    I’m sure we all have. I think the point was no one cared to feed into your ego by making much of a serious attempt at sharing their experiences with you. In the future you should consider less bashing of the strippers and feeding of your own ego when posting. You may get better responses.
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