
Game Over . . .

Saturday, July 26, 2008 5:29 PM
Gambling dancer came over earlier this morning and I told her that I didn't like the situation and didn't like her comming over or even calling. I told her the fact that I actually care about her has little importance because I could actually care about my lawyer. She didn't show any emotion and even if she had she is an excellent actress. She has told me it is 100% about the money and that seems positive except that she stopped selling to me. At first, I didn't see any harm in her *just* visiting or calling. But, unless this is a paid relationship it is a bad deal. She has customers who actually have $$$ to spend freely and even when she was charging me it didn't make any financial sense because I'm just much poorer than her other customers. I said not only am I reducing your income, but your costing me opportunities to find a replacement and that is what I'm going to focus on. I asked her to please NOT call or visit in the future and that I don't want any future business with her. She needs to move on to where the money is because it is all about the money. That was that. People's needs change and when it isn't a good deal for both parties it is time to move on. So she drove off and hopefully that is the last chapter.


  • DickJohnson
    16 years ago
    good for you...trust me it is really no loss on your part.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi DickJohnson, It is a big loss---well, it would have been a big loss if she had been willing to keep selling. These relationships have to be kept commercial---at least for my needs they have to be kept commercial. The worst thing besides losing a long term business relationship is that under the current environment and based on my unusual needs the reality is there will not be a replacement. Thinking that there would be is just fooling myself. Now one miracle that would change that bleak assessment is if suddenly the government decided that stripclubs in a certain locale nearby are fine and dandy. Little clubs sprouting up means diversity. Diversity means that I could find a cheap quiet club to relax in and have plenty of time to chat with different dancers. The conversation, imo, would be the key to replacing Gambling dancer. When I first met her around 7 years ago we could talk for hours and hours during off peak hours. The club was quiet and had comfortable couches. THANK YOU for the thumbs up. :) It is appreciated.
  • how
    16 years ago
    Seems ironic that you cannot presently afford what you want, and you had it for free but gave that up. Whatever is best for you, of course.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, I can afford if she sells at the prices she has always charged me. I can afford the $5 dances, but the government has created numerous problems by shutting down the little clubs along W. Dixie along with not allowing new clubs to open and threatening existing ones to extort payoffs. "Free" is a sucker's game; especially with her. Just because I like her and have known her since she was a teenager (18) and have spent hundreds of hours talking with her and have watched her grow into a young lady (actually a young gangsta) doesn't mean I've closed my eyes. :) She is an expert when it comes to conning men---and I don't even think they need to be customers. :)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    If you insist on paying and she insists on free then compromise. Pay her exactly $1.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi Bobbyl, That is an excellent suggestion. ;) Years back with Baby Doll, I'd been happily paying $5 per song and she would throw in freebies. Then I did her a small favor and the game changed radically----surprisingly for the better. Normally, I expect a favor to a stripper (or many people for that matter) to cause more demands and less appreciation. So as far as the new improved Baby Doll who I had previously considered perfect, things got even better. The management of the Baby Dolls stripclub got into a nasty public battle with its dancers and attempted to go white; killing the club. :( Anyway, Baby Doll went to work for a white club as I'd always been advising her----she could pass for white often. Anyway, the new price was $20. :( I couldn't afford it. She says well I've alwasy offered you FREE dances---- she did *after* I did the tiny favor she wanted to eliminate any money going from me to her. She explained that she wasn't getting to keep the money so she didn't really care. Her pimp would just have to learn to live with less----not smart thinking if she wanted to keep from getting beaten, but good. Now, this is where she was different. Normally, ime, when a dancer offers FREE it isn't a choice. She is telling you not only doesn't she want your money she will NOT accept it! When I explained that I needed to continue to pay, she said well I did try and I'll try again, but it is your loss. She also said she was very serious and wasn't joking about giving me all the FREE dances that I wanted and she didn't want money from me period. So, I think well what is the problem with just charging me $5 instead of $20? She says OH NO!!! She ain't going back to the measly $5. She wants white girl money. And, most customers consider her a white girl. She says you want FREE that is NO problem. You can have as many FREE dances as you want. The $5 days over forever! That ended our relationship. :( Then I ran into her at Club Diamonds and WOW, I couldn't believe how happy she was to see me with plenty of hugs and kisses. I even joked that her friends were watching and she wasn't acting like a white girl. She changes her behaviour radically and then breaks out laughing and says was that better? I say definitely. She says being white is real work, but she is a lot richer and a lot happier and would never be black again. I said what about your pimp? She says after she became a white girl she gained the strength to get rid of him--it wasn't easy, but she did it. She got fired that same night and I never saw her again. :(
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    One other "problem" that I had with Baby Doll is that she told me that I'd never see her as a white girl (this was when she was still at Baby Dolls). I said why is that negative? She says because she wants to become a white girl and wants her friends to think she is a white girl. I tell her that she is perfect. She says yes, but you'll never see me as white. I tell her that is true, but she shouldn't see it as a negative. The way she dropped her head told me that wasn't good enough. :(
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I use to go to local restaurant and was a regular until the government kept it closed for a little over 3 years. The owner shockingly remember me. :) Worse, she remember my name. :) If she offered me FREE meals, then should I think OH WONDERFUL I'm gonna be saving the $$$s? I would hope people on this board would scoff at the idea of taking the owner up on a generous offer like that. Now, free garlic rolls? We's rock'n baby. :) That is the type o free I'm into. BTW, the Canton in Coral Gables attempted to insist that all my meals should be FREE. :) I wouldn't expect anyone to believe that, but it is the truth. And, there was a very good reason for the generous offer. Did I accept? Of course, not. There is an old scam where people are offered something too good to be true and like morons they bite. Anyone know the name of the scam? It comes in a variety of forms and people actually do want something for nothing. Before someone claims that is what I seek e.g. FREE garlic rolls, etc., I just don't see that as being free in the least. It is just nice good business and it makes me feel good. :) I sure hell don't want meal after meal free---even a single free meal can be stressful unless there is an EXCELLENT reason i.e. a promotion, coupon, etc.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Well, in my books, this is the all time greatest TUSCL quote: jablake: "'Free' is a sucker's game"
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    A variation of Jablake's gem as quoted by BobbyL -- "There is no such thing as a free lunch" If you disagree, just stop and think about it for a little while. You will probably change your mind.
  • pop
    16 years ago
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, in choosing a "gem" consider Occam's Razor. ;) No, I ain'ts a proponent of such parsimony.
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    jablake changed his name to Kyle1111.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Tune in tomorrow afternoon for the next episode of "As the Stripper Pole-spins".
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