
An answer to a stupid question from a stupid man named Shadowcat.


Although I have explained my reasons for disliking you to you before, on more than one occasion, I guess I will have to make one final attempt on educating you.

Like the attention seeker that you are you could not address me one on one. Instead you choose to make this a public issue to further solidify your “poor victim status.”

From the feeble mind of Shadowcat we are treated to the following:

“dude, I do not have the least idea what I ever did to you to warrant your constant put downs. My buddies on here and yes there are lots of them have asked me what your problem is. I always answer "I don't know. It must be jealousy". Every time you post one of your snot nosed remarks it just convinces the rest of the posters of what an ass hole you are. You promised Jester to behave, if the rest of us let you alone. Well that didn't last a week before you were taking shots at me again.

I have friends on here. Good ones. You have only your sour grapes. Get a life!”

Let's start with how you address me. “Dude” just sounds pathetic coming from a 66 year old man. You are not now, and I suspect never were, cool or on the cutting edge of anything.

As far as what you have done to warrant my constant put downs… Jesus Christ look at the tons of idiotic posts you generate. You stand up for the backward ass hick's point of view and then if someone calls you on it you say that you were merely seeking a reaction. On top of that you are a racist, a homophobe and you seem to have a problem with women too if you aren't paying them.

Your buddies consist of Bobbyl, his alter-ego dougster, and Shekitout. Maybe a couple of other closed minded folks. My dislike of you is driven by your disgusting behavior not any form of jealousy.

Let's look at what I might have to be jealous of:
1. Age? 40 vs 66, I win
2. Education? Please. Just having to read your RAPE of the English language and SODIMIZATION of basic grammar makes my eyes bleed.
3. Life in general? I have many things going on while TUSCL is your one and only place to feel any accomplishment.
4. Marriage? Mine is fine. I am truly happy with every aspect of my marriage. Can an old man whose wife was so repulsed by him she left say the same?

You will not find me too concerned on who in your merry band of retards thinks I'm an asshole. That holds no meaning for me.

To finish this off I don't recall promising Jester anything other than I'd let things slide until you started with your stupid shit again. If that took you less than a week to destroy, that is on you. Why do you care so much? It's not like I'd ever want to be a part of your little band of butt-weasels. I have too much self respect for that. Bottom line I do not like you or a lot of the things you stand for. I think as far as human beings go you have absolutely no worth.


  • Dougster
    16 years ago
    Notice how the faggot parodyman-->, out of all the words (other than acronyms) in his post decided to all-capitalize "RAPE" and "SODMIZATION".

    Absolutely conclusive proof for our assertion that many of his problems originate from the fact that he was anally butt-raped by five Archie Bunker like flag wavers when he was a little retard growing up in his racist hometown.

    parodyman-->? parody? Yo, dude! Time to move on already!

    parody do you even have a job yet? Or are you still "working from your trailer home" at your get rich quick mail-order pyramid schemes? Is this the source of your jealous? Or are you jealous of anyone who is a hetrosexual?

    parody, How about you just fuck off once and for all, you little faggot!

    parody: "I have friends on here. Good ones. "

    Yeah, your fellow short bus rider MisterGay.

  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    It figures. The first reply is from the little boy who lives in Shadowcat's bowels. Bobbyl/Dougster you tape-worm piece of shit go start trouble elsewhere.
  • Dougster
    16 years ago
    You're old news parodyman-->. We figured out all your troll tactics, and published the algorithm on how to neutralize you. Since then you've been mighty quiet.

    The only fan you have left is MisterGay. Now you join the likes of njcsfan as just another busted troll.

    Onto the rubbish heap of TUSCL for you, loser!
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Amusing that both Parodyman and Dougster misspell a fairly simple word,


    especially Parodyman since he is always harping on Shadowcat's language errors.

    BTW - I am all for the use of metaphor, but how exactly are a language and its grammar "sodomized" ?? especially after it has been raped? Can't quite decide if that characterization is hilarious or just lame. Either way, it is quite useless.

    Parodyman, nice to have you back. (written tongue-in-cheek)
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    I'm getting closer and closer to wishing both of you, and your "supporters" were gone.

    Or just fucking ignore each other. I mean really.

    Parody, you do have a level of wit and I often laugh when I read yor comments. Can't you focus it a little more around the board, and avoid posts centered strictly on how much Shadowcat sucks?

    Shadow, you have plenty of experience and you start a lot of topics I enjoy. Can't you ignore Parody's barbs and jokes and avoide posts directly related to him?

    Really, it's just getting fucking old and this comes from someone who appreciates a lot of what you each write.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "Can't you focus it a little more around the board, and avoid posts centered strictly on how much Shadowcat sucks?"

    I think he's already done that recently...I agree that the line-by-line "rebuttals" of scat's obvious ignornace were getting kind of old. It's like kicking around a dead, dumb dog at this point...with dueling banjos as background noise...
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I have made a serious attempt to avoid confrontations with certain persons on here. I have avoided rebuttals. Those 20 or so that know me do not get into it on here. I do not expect it or want it. We communicate by PM's or email or in person.

    I try to keep the board active by my sometimes stupid topics about food but stay away from politics, economics and religion. I want to keep it fun. John...
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    parodyman: What makes you think you have worth?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Guys it's simple:

    - parodyman--> was born a fucking faggot;
    - parodyman--> is a fucking faggot;
    - parodyman--> will always be a fucking faggot.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Remember folks, this topic was in response to Shadowcat’s mystification as to why I dislike him.

    Now Shrek wants to know, “parodyman: What makes you think you have worth?”

    I could give a flip answer like the contents of my wallet or my bank account but in the spirit of participation and honesty how’s this? I measure my worth by the things that I do. (Or don’t do.) So when I look at someone like Shadowcat and see that I have absolutely nothing in common with him I know that I am on the right track.

    Now let me pose the same question to you Shrek: What makes you think you have worth?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I cleared my ignore list just to see if Bobbyl had calmed down.

    My bad.

    It appears that Bobbyl wants to suck my dick in a bad way. He can't make a post without a faggot parody this or mister gay that reference. I'd like to thank him for the offer of his extensive oral talents yet remind him again that I am married and do not swing that way.

  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    parody are just mad because the anti-gay marriage laws failed so now you and MisterGay will just have to continue dating?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Prove my point bobbyl. You are so fixated on your fantasy of me being gay it is easily referenced in half of your posts.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Sorry that you are jealous of anyone who is a heterosexual, parody. You really oughta just get over it.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    You gotta love parody's model of reality here:

    In his mind it not possible that more than one person has independently come to the conclusion that he is a worthless little piece of shit. Oh, no! How could that be? In parody's enfeebled mind only one person, namely shadowcat, dislikes him, and the rest of us are just following orders from shadowcat.

    Sorry, parody, but anyone can see that you are a worthless moron with nothing to add to the discussions here. Heck, you never even talk about strippers. All you do post your lame flames, and, once in a while, when you think it is safe, delve a bit into politics.

    It's not just shadowcat who hates you parody. Many are able to see what a loser you are independently and that's the real reason they hate you.
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