
Figure this one out...

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:18 PM
Dancer "B" tells me that dancer "A" had a baby 2 months ago. I had fucked dancer A 6 times in the two previous months and could not buy that and I know that they know each other well. We have even done a 3 some ITC. Dancer "C" confirms what I already knew. "No she did not have a baby" So I asked dancer "D", who I totally trust "WTF is up with that? She replied "I have been thinking about and the only thing I came up with is dancer "B" is trying to increase her earnings by telling you that dancer "A" is not available" BTW dancer "D" has replaced Dancer "A" at the top of my favorites list. snowtime knows why.


  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    The company where I work as a manager is 82% female. My boss, the chief manager, fosters an environment of what I call "drama and trauma". Every single day is another adventure of accusations and ugliness. If the male population of the planet was accidentally wiped and reproduction was asexual, females would have wars that would make World War 2 look like an extremely minor misunderstanding. I'm talking genocide and scorched earth, with salt sowed into the soil so that nothing would ever grow there-ever.
  • DickJohnson
    16 years ago
    I have got it figured out...these are strippers, not much too figure out here. Move on.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    Thanks Shadowcat. You have just confirmed my reason for having only one favorite dancer in each club that I go to...
  • elemental23
    16 years ago
    there you go thinking with your big head again...sheesh. What does it matter as long as you are getting your needs met LOL. These girls have to have constant DRAMA or they cant function day to day.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    elemental23: I am glad to have TUSCL buddies like you to bring me back to reality. Strange part was that snowtime was with me and baffled too. Dancer "D" has become my top favorite. She is only the 3rd that has gotten the real me. We swapped phone numbers, snail mail addresses, email addresses and TUSCL. She may post on TUSCL. I won't run her off.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    how will we know it is her? Will she post under the handle "Dancer D" ?
  • Anna
    16 years ago
    A lot of girls at Platinum Plus used to tell customers I was dating the DJ so they would go ahead and dance with them and not wait for me...this proved to be especially hilarious when told to some of his friends one night when they came in to hang out. The dancer was told...no sweetie, I am the DJ's best friend and that is not his girlfriend. I make it a rule not to put other dancers down or talk about their personal/club business...it keeps me out of DRAMA. I have come to notice customers don't have a good time when there is a catfight going on or someone bitching at them like the wife they came to the club to avoid.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    missfrankiexxx, To me, if I see a bit of drama in a club, that is a plus! Why, because it it usually over some trivial BS and in any case, I am not involved, but still funny.
  • Anna
    16 years ago
    I mean, if there are two girls sitting with you that break out in an argument and drag you into the BS it seems like that would be a buzz kill...just saying.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    missfrankiexxx: Are you talking about the Columbia SC Platinum Plus? If so, do you know the candy man?
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    missfrankiexxx, What you state, "...if there are two girls sitting with you that break out in an argument and drag you into the BS...", would not happen, as I would not get involved. Rather I would sit back and enjoy the cat fight. I know this isn't the "Ask missfrankiexxx" post, but BTW, is that your picture? If so, wonderful!
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I have seen some cat fights. Some involving my favorite dancers but none were involving me. Usually it is some drunk that starts it. I can remember a time when I was sitting with 6 dancers on a slow day. They were just discussing family life. No fighting.Costumes for Halloween, how old before they talked,walked etc. I pointed out the first time they slept all night. I felt like a member of the group and they treated me that way. Yeah, it is all about the money.
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