
Obama Almost Certain Winner; MisterGay Guaranteed Loser!

Mark my words!


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, it seems like there is more hope for Obama. I watched part of MNF last night and they gave an incredible stat, assuming it is true. If the Redskins lose, then the Democrats win the Presidency or something like that. Anyway, it has been correct in 17 out of 17 elections supposedly. That means President Obama the No. 1 MUSLIM (if only it were true that he was a MUSLIM; well, I can dream. :) )

    As it stands, I wouldn't be unhappy with a McCain victory or an Obama victory. However, I definitely want supposed "conservatives," those who worship big government types, to get completely clobbered in the Congress. Heck, it wouldn't be much of a loss to see small government Republicans swept from office they're so few in number and so ineffectual. Even Ron Paul can hit the dust cause he is wasting his life in government.

    So here is looking forward to a new dominance for Democrats. :)

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "Obama wins in earliest vote in tiny NH town

    DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. – Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, N.H., where tradition of having the first Election Day ballots tallied lives on.

    Democrat Obama defeated Republican John McCain by a count of 15 to 6 in Dixville Notch, where a loud whoop accompanied the announcement in Tuesday's first minutes. The town of Hart's Location reported 17 votes for Obama, 10 for McCain and two for write-in Ron Paul." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081104/ap_o…

    It is noteworthy, imo, that this is traditional Republican territory rarely voting for the Democratic presidential candidate.

    You know these illegal immigrants from Mexico? You think they just come to America to earn some dollars? LOL! So innocent and trusting. Here is the real scoop hot off the press. Amongst the 20 million or so illegal immigrants from Mexico there is a group of at least 20 who plan to kill, that's right KILL, 300 million Americans. Fortunately a measley $1 trillion dollars might thwart these mad dog wannabe killers. You might be thinking $1 trillion dollars is measely? Yep, it is the new math they teach in government run schools. $1 trillion is only around $3.33 per person. That is less than the price of a Whopper in most areas!

    And, you know the beauty of this new math? ALL government programs are dirt cheap when looking at thru the prism of the big government's new math. :) That means universal health care! Real homes for everyone! Endless Foodstamps for every American so they can afford the best and healthiest foods on the market! Hot hoes? Hey, it is only $3.33 per person so hot hoes for everyone on the government's tab. Tax cuts? Too cheap. At $3.33 per person tax cuts for everyone except those earning over $100,000 per year. President Obama was too lenient and generous with the wealthy. You want the big money Mr. High Income? Well you gonna have to contribute to federal coffers and pay your fair share!

    Democratic Dominance and everyone parties except a handful of high earners-----and even those selfish clowns will be better off because of all the new freebies. :)

    BTW, why do these 20 plus mad dogs want to kill innocent Americans. Simple: They're jealous of our freedoms!!! Wave those flags!!!!!!!! LOL!

  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    At the end of the day, the outcome doesn't really matter *that* much.

    Rich people are rich because they're smart, know how to make money, and know how to keep it. Poor people are poor because, while they might well be smart and know how to make money, they don't know how to hold onto it.

    All income redistribution does is delay money winding up in the pockets of the rich by a few more days - but it winds up there eventually.

    How to get rich under Obama? Investing in Philip Morris, McDonalds, maybe Seagrams (or whoever the holding company is) - if there's one thing the welfare class will do it will be to smoke, eat Big Macs and booze it up with the boys.

    It could be a good time to invest in a convenience or liquor store... for the lottery machines. After a good smoke and a Bud, most poor folks' spare change goes to their retirement plan - lottery tickets.

    Money knows its way home.

  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    Yes, which is why the Senate race is *very* crucial today...

  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    The President is MOST important due to their federal judge nominations. Of course the Senate has to confirm, unless an Executive Order is used. Remember, these are lifetime appointment! Judges/judge can screw up a lot more over a lifetime then can a President and Congress in four years
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Clubber is right. Probably the most important single thing Obama will do is select the Supreme Court justice (or justices)and submit them to the Senate to confirm. Recent history shows that if the President uses some common sense in the selection, it will get confirmed. The only Supreme I can recall NOT getting confirmed was Bork, and he screwed up big-time in his nomination hearings -- said some really stupid things about how being on the Supreme Court would be an intellectual feast, etc., etc.

    By selecting a democrat to be president for the next four years, the voters have insured that the Supreme Court will not become a Bastion of Conservative Thinking during the next four years. I expect to see Obama appoint two supreme court justices. We will have to wait a while to see if that is correct.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    What a Justice believes, SHOULD be unimportant. What is written in the Constitution in plain English is what is important. Problem is, liberals do not know the meaning of many words, besides "is".
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