
I have seen Strip Club Hell, and its name is Chicago

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For one of the major cities in the US, I can't believe how lame the clubs in the Chicago area are. I've been out there on business for a few weeks now. OK, technically I'm not in downtown Chicago - I'm working about 15 minutes southwest of O'Hare. Nevertheless, the clubs I've checked out so far (in Stone Park, McCook, Melrose Park and Elk Grove Village) have been among the worst I've ever been to. Only one, Heavenly Bodies, approached what I would consider to be a reasonable club.

I'm not looking for clubs like Scores - I can get those in NY or Vegas. I'm generally looking for 2nd tier clubs with a touch of the seedy factor (but not too sleazy). I've read some reviews about places down in Harvey, but I'm not sure how safe that area is.

So, am I missing something here? Are there actually some diamonds in the rough that I'm not aware of out here, or do I have to stick with a drive to Hammond, IN?

What other cities out there would you consider Strip Club Hell?


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Avatar for mreef

Boston. But thankfully we are close to Providence, RI for a bit more "excitement".

Avatar for aalexium

As a recent transplant to Chicago, I share your disbelief and observations. Try the clubs in Harvey (I recommend Club O). The girls are a bit standoffish to anyone new but great dances with attrative women can be had. And there is definitely some grime factor with this club - the parking lot entrance can make one's stomach turn the first time. Enjoy.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Isn't Chicago just around the corner from Gary Indiana and all the high-contact clubs in that region?

Avatar for arbeeguy

Strikes me Chicago is much like Saint Louis. Not much Strip Club fun to be had in St Louy, ya gotta drive East a ways. Same with Chicago - lousy SC in many respects, but it gets better if you drive East to Hammond, Harvey, Gary. I don't know that these areas are actually unsafe, but the neighborhoods the clubs in can certainly cause one to wonder. Doesn't really make sense but that's reality.

Avatar for dennyspade


Check out Heavenly Bodies; "sister club" - SKYBOX in Harvey which is a few minutes away from Club O. You can see dancers nude on-stage, get a full contact lapper from Black, Latino and a few Biker-type white dancers which may remind you of New Jersey gals with their grit. This area is right off the Interstate and patrolled heavily by local LE and private security. You and your car will be safe.

The clubs in the Chicago proper are designed to extract $$$ from traveling businessmen and college boy novices.

Avatar for DandyDan

My first strip club experiences were in the Chicago area (I went to high school in St. Charles and college at NIU in DeKalb) and usually go back every year to Chicago, but I never hit any of their strip clubs because frankly, they are lame and overpriced. I think they may also enforce a dress code of some kind as well. Usually, I make the drive down (or I suppose over, since I live in Nebraska, which is straight west on I-80) to Ottawa and see Lamplighter and Silver Slipper. (I say down because usually, I stay with a friend in DeKalb.) Of course, Ottawa is at least an hour and maybe two from Chicago, depending on traffic.

Avatar for JerseyJack

Thanks aalexium and dennyspade for the info on the Harvey clubs. I might try taking a ride down there to check 'em out.

I've been reluctant to head down to Gary, IN given that that city used to hold the #1 position on the list of Most Dangerous Cities in America (seriously!). There are limits to my quest for a great lap dance, and avoiding clubs/cities with gunplay is one of 'em! ;-)

Avatar for ddreksler


Another great "Chicago" club is Industrial Strip. In Hammond, IN, is it right off the Indiana Toll Road Exit 5 as you head east out of Chicago. Full contact lap dance club, they fixed it up a few years back, no alchohol, no that is not the draw here. $55 for 3 songs, great contact, and if you catch the right nights, some smokin hot women work here. No thug factor here and completely safe.

Avatar for JerseyJack

ddreksler - thanks. I visited Industrial Strip a few weeks ago and I agree with your assessment. It sounds like I'll need to drive down to either Harvey or Indiana to find anything really worthwhile. I appreciate everyone's feedback!

Avatar for MisterGuy

"What other cities out there would you consider Strip Club Hell?"

Cities? How about the entire state of NH or VT or even ME...lol... Albany, NY I hear is pretty lame as well.

Avatar for minnow

"Other Cities": Cincinnati, OH- Only club is Deja Vu (actually Mt. Carmel suburb)- nude, no/very minimal contact, or a few skank dives across the river in Newport, or Covington KY- some of which made Tuscl Bottom 40 list.

St. Louis itself has ZERO stripclubs, but PT's & Penthouse club is a virtual stones throw distance across the river in Sauget, IL.

Avatar for dennyspade

New Club (THE FACTORY)opening in Chicago April 24

In an oversaturated market and in a tough economy, some "Las Vegas" investors are opening a new upscale, alcohol-free, toplesss Gentleman's Club on the fars south side of Chicago:


I don't think they will get the traffic they planned for, although it can been seen from the Bishop Ford Expresway. The neighborhood is protesting its presence and the nearby Church has a Minister who is also a State Senator. "Zoning laws, freedom of speech, and Bullshit..."

Avatar for JunkYardDog

Has anyone here made in to this Factory club? I only go to full nude in your face stage clubs like Skybox. I hope it's not another lame topless like Shit Polkatz.

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