Going to Amsterdam for July. Wondering if anyone knows where the good internet information is. I've trolled around, and I'm pretty good at Google, but I haven't really found much helpful.
I want to know the latest info on the "gentrification" of the Walletjes / Oude Kerk region. I want to access some girl-specific and some brothel-specific reviews that are recent. I want some chat boards where mongers post current prices in Euros, for what level of service, and linked to what girl and her picture. I wouldn't have expected it to be that difficult.
Anyway, I'll be working over there, so I have to stay under cover for some of the time. Otherwise I'd just be free to experiment like hell. As it is, I kind of need to minimize my time expenditures by pre-travel research, in order to limit dead ends once I get there and dive right in, during the few free hours I will have.
And I don't like marijuana, by the way. Makes me bored and paranoid all at the same time. Getting my rocks off is much more fun to me.
So, anyone know anything?
last commentI've never been there but I've heard that the hookers hang out in store windows. Sorry I can't help.
I've been to Amsterdam. It's an example of liberal experimentation gone wrong. Beware the drug scene, but it sounds like that would not have tempted you anyway.
As for the ladies, you'll find them on prominent display in windowfronts, almost like mannequins. But discretion won't be possible, as curious tourists walk through the red light district constantly.
If you also choose some non-monger type activities, there are many amazing sites in Amsterdam. Enjoy!
Dear Book Guy
You are wise to collect your information in advance to save time & frustration after you arrive. Addresses, phone numbers, protocols.
Here are three web sites that might help you. The third one might not work if you do not have Firefox but if you enter "Amsterdam Red LIght District" in Internet Explorer you are bound to get something similar.
Good luck, and I hope you will give us a report when you return. I'm completely in agreement with you on the subject of marijuana.
OOPS - forgot to paste in my findings on Amsterdam red light district
My step daughter has a friend that is an OBGYN in Amsterdam. She has made several trips over there to see her and always stayed at her place. Before her last trip, she asked me if I wanted to go with her. I said "what for". She replied the girls(prostitutes). She has seen the red light district. I passed.
Side note: her friend went to high school with her here. Went back to Amsterdam for medical college. Then went to Cincinnati for post college training. She and 2 other Med students drove down to visit for 3 days. A guy from Kiev and another girl from India. They camped out in my living room. That was quite an experience. They were both hot chicks.
also check out
That is the link to the services-erotic-w4m board.
There is a lot of spam on craigslist, but you might be able to find a couple escorts to talk/email with before arriving.
I was in Amsterdam back in 1996 and 2000 before the major sex clubs were shut down over the past 2 years. The sex club is where we paid about $70 and that included 2-3 drinks and then there was basically an orgy party where everyone had sex in the same room. Most of the women there were paid by the establishment and then there were local women who wanted sex. Some ladies wanted to get gang banged which I had no stomach for. So it really just depended on how much stamina you had - could you go 1, 2, or 3 times.
I looked for some of internet sites that used to cover the sex clubs and they are no longer. It appears that many of these clubs (which were not located in Red Light District) have been forced to close. The Red Light District seemed so boring compared to these clubs.
I much prefer the sex night life here in St. Louis (east side) over what exists now in Amsterdam
What (little) I've learned, so far, from the internet, includes the following:
Yes, the red light districts still have window-shopping. There had been some moves by the city to "clean up" the main area near the Central Train Station ("Oude Kerk" or "de Wallen" or "Walletjes") because they'd gotten too seedy, but the official bohemians whom they moved in, even with free government rent, found they weren't making a go of it. So, half the windows closed, but the other half remain open and doing business. Definitely not discreet. And the other main window-shopping zones, de Pijp and something I can't remember, were never really touched. Only 20 or 30 windows each. "Only"? Heh ... Fuck-and-suck tends to go for $100 to $150, one pop allowed, and you'd better negotiate EVERYTHING before hand ("I want you to take your top off. I want you to engage in coitus with me. I want ...").
Window girls are the tourist version of Amsterdam mongering. It's like McDonald's. The "prive huis" is the thing to do there -- if you can find one that has a girl you like. It's essentially a small-stable brothel, where three to five girls work out of an apartment block. Prices roughly $150-$200 US per hour for girl-friend experience. Much more discreet. And outcall escorts are a good bet, too. But their prices to me would run roughly the same as in USA, after you factor in the exchange rate.
Some 'sex clubs' are still running. The orgy scene may be hard to get involved in, or maybe too expensive for me. If I could convince one or another of the more open-minded young women on my program to get involved (and, frankly, regardless of how hot she is, as long as she is do-able at a minimum) then I perhaps can get into this scene without really excessive expense. But, I ain't got game. Somehow, everyone thinks of me as their best friend and uncle, sexually inert but very convivial, so I don't know why I would think that I could land me a hot American girl in Amsterdam, where her paranoia about being sexually "exploited" would simply put her even more on guard than usual.
The best web resources that I've found are ignatzmice.com and internationalsexguide.info which are both of them rather thin. I was kind of hoping for more specifics. Number-ratings on girls and clubs and brothels, specifics on services per price. Maybe the fact that it's essentially a tourist activity means that the people who engage in it, don't then get heavily into writing about it on the internet. Both of them have FAQ documents that haven't been updated since roughly 2006, for example. And there's the international prostitution information network -- www.pic-amsterdam.com -- which has some fancy web pages, and some neglected web pages.
I guess people have better things to do, than sit around on a computer to write reviews all day about Amsterdam mongering, if they live and work in Amsterdam.
Oh ... forgot ...
You've gottne most of the jist here... Amsterdam is NOT what many people think it is. The have been slowly realizing that extreme liberal laws brings long term issues far beyond what anyone could have imagined. Basically, the red light district is about a square couple of miles of drug pimps whispering "charlie" and other such references to the hard drugs aren't legal. You can spend some time in a hash bar and smoke a joint if you like. Or, you can find a wealth of sex toys and dvds. You can do some window shopping (girls in the windows) and find plenty of 2's and 3's. Not many better than that. Place is slowly dying as a sex heaven. Most likely because of the drugs. Anyway, you can't find a lot of information because much of what Amsterdam used to be famous for is pretty much gone. And, what remains isn't worth advertising. If you have a choice, you shouldn't even stop there. There are so many other places which are much better for mongering if that is your thing.
This is of little help since the decision has already been made, but I was thinking along similar lines not too long ago. Had to make a quick trip into Europe, and was looking for a stopover town to unwind in on the way back stateside since I couldn't get a direct flight. One town was Zurich, the other town was Amsterdam. Picked Switzerland.
Not into drugs so I can't tell you anything about that scene, but for a little town the club scene was outrageous (if expensive). Like I said, little help to book guy but it's info nonetheless.
I remember why I thought about Zurich now on this thread...
When I was doing my reading online there was a lot of ink given to the revitalization of the red light district in Zurich. Supposedly the new night clubs and fresh faced youth were pushing out the old seediness and whatnot. Let's just say it's easier to write about than to actually do, because from where I was standing it looked like a stalemate at best.
The point? You won't know until you get to Amsterdam what the real deal is. Most people of the world aren't as obsessed with posting all of their dirty laundry for the world to see online like those in the U.S.
Book guy gives a great overview. I've been loads of times, Amsterdam is great but in many ways Prague is better for clubs. There is a club in Prague that is awesome and were it to be in the U.S. would be in the top three. Anyone wanting info please mail me.