
Comments by JC2003 (page 6)

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    19 years ago
    Kissing on the lips
    davids is delusional if he doesn't think his arguments are ad hominem. I don't think he is capable of rational judgment of his own actions, which is why he continues to be abusive and disrespectful to everyone else here. I don't favor banning people unless they specifically have broken rules. A part of me hopes that folks like RomanticLover and davids can change for the better or at least keep their unpleasantness in check enough to be civil, no matter how unlikely and farfetched that might seem.
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    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Favorite Large Scale Chain
    Does the Cheetah count as a chain? The Cheetah in Atlanta has some of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen stripping, the Cheetahs in South Florida are really good two-way lapdance clubs, and the Cheetah in Las Vegas is a mainstay of the hobby in Sin City.
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    19 years ago
    How would you have handled this?
    I didn't even consider drugs into the equation. I suppose that's possible. Some dancers tell me that some of the other dancers are doing drugs, getting drunk, etc. in the back. Not being experienced with drugs, it's difficult for me to recognize any subtle behavior patterns of people who partake. The obvious ones are easy to detect as otherwise unexplainable behavior. I have only recently become aware of some of the less obvious behavior patterns of drug use. I suppose that's a decent topic for discussion: if you were aware that a stripper whose services you favor did drugs, how did that affect your opinion of them? Did it affect your decision to get dances from them? I know that it definitely negatively affects my attitude towards a woman who isn't a dancer. Examples: I wouldn't want a woman (or any person, for that matter) that did drugs being a doctor or nurse, handling my money at a bank, or driving kids to school on a bus. I wonder if a woman being a dancer diminishes my negativity towards her about her drug use, as if being a dancer somehow made it more plausible or more excusable for them to do drugs. A few dancers claim that using drugs or getting drunk helps them to loosen up and do their job better even.
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    19 years ago
    Non-pseudanonymous stage names
    I used to joke to dancers how they should use their real name as their stage name, because everyone would assume it wasn't their real name. I guess that doesn't apply any more these days though. The times, they are a-changin'
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    19 years ago
    Non-pseudanonymous stage names
    The only time I have ever seen a stripper OTC was at the DMV of all places. Unintentionally, of course, and we didn't acknowledge each other's existence; actually, I doubt she even recognized me since I was new to town (and state) at that point. Everyone else there was practically somnambulant -- waiting in line at the DMV will do that to you -- so it wasn't like anyone was paying attention to what anyone else was doing.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper orgasms, fake or real?
    I've never orgasmed during a dance nor would I ever believe that a dancer could while dancing, at least for me. Now if you're doing "extras" kind of stuff, it might be possible, but then you would be in a better position to know whether it was fake or real.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What's the worst stripper name you ever heard.
    Exquisite is the worst stripper name I've ever heard.
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    19 years ago
    Taking the initiative for dances
    One of my favorites used to never ask me for dances though she had no problems asking other guys for dances. After asking her for dances, I asked her why. She said I had turned her down once before (true) and that it had upset her. I'm thinking that's clever stripper shit or maybe it's even true in the sense that dancer egos get bruised by rejection. It was a good enough answer to satisfy my curiosity.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Favorite Large Scale Chain
    minnow: there are more than six Cheetah's and they are in multiple states, but I suspected that they weren't all related. That's why I asked.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How do I stop being anxious to get back and see a dancer?
    jpac73: Easy come, easy go. I'm in a similar state to you, and it's a bit like being in love though not quite "regular in love" status because they're not taking advantage of you and draining your wallet since you're not seeing them. Pseudo-scientists call it "limerence." Advice here on this board (going to other clubs, getting dances from other dancers) helped. I'm to the point now where feelings still linger for the favorite, but I've got my eye on a couple other fine dancers in case she quits, changes, or whatever. Easy come, easy go. One of the nice things about strip clubs vs. relationships is that all your eggs don't have to be in one basket, so to speak.
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    19 years ago
    Taking the initiative for dances
    chandler: I had (or have) something similar happen to me. I enjoyed the dances of a particular dancer for a few months. Then the dancer had gotten pregnant instead of just putting on weight. I'm no fan of getting dances from pregnant ladies -- I found it creepy that she was still working actually. After she had her baby and a few months later, she got back into excellent shape, but now she acts like I don't exist though I would gladly get dances from her if she asked.
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    19 years ago
    Can We Somehow Vote to Make RomanticLover King?
    No doubt he's already royalty in his own mind.
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    19 years ago
    I got an idea if you want to hook up with dancers
    I don't think asking for specific information is a good idea ("what club do you like to hang out at?"), but canvassing the dancers about the sorts of things they do when they're not working is as good an approach as any to finding places where attractive, available women hang out for fun.
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    19 years ago
    Comments by a former "pimp" on Stripclubs
    I find it easier just to assume that they are all hustling and that the burden of proof that they are not hustling is on them, not you. After all, while they may or may not be skilled at hustling, all of them are at the club to make money.
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    19 years ago
    I got an idea if you want to hook up with dancers
    The best looking women I have seen outside the club have been at salons (nail and tanning) and at gyms. There's a tanning salon by where I get my hair cut. A few of the women coming out of there have been headturners dressed to kill. Not to mention the beaches where gorgeous women are out lying on their beach towels wearing less than some of the dancers do in the clubs.
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    19 years ago
    How should I handle this dancer
    Just say no. Dancers get the hint when you refuse to buy them a drink. You don't have to explain yourself.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Comments by a former "pimp" on Stripclubs
    If you want a little insight on how some strippers think, read the StripperWeb forums; the link's in the Other Items list on this site. The lengths that some dancers will go to hustle their customers are pretty far, and a few of the dancers are exceptionally candid about their attitude towards customers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever met a woman before she became a dancer?
    Really? Almost every woman you've met socially eventually started stripping and doing sex favors for money? Excuse me but that seems a little bit far-fetched. Some clarification?
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    19 years ago
    Ever met a woman before she became a dancer?
    Let's skip the "sex favors" bit for now and just focus on the dancing bit. I am talking about women who became professional strippers -- most if not all of their income comes from tips gotten while dancing for customers at strip clubs. Perhaps I was too vague in phrasing the question. I suppose that you could have misinterpreted my question to mean ballerinas and tap dancers, but I had hoped the context of the post would be enough to convey my meaning.
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    19 years ago
    How should I handle this dancer
    Just say no. Nobody will respect you if you won't stand up for yourself especially for trivial shit like this.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    "Wanna Dance?"
    "Wanna dance?" is a typical opener in the clubs I visit, especially from the dancers who've been working for a while. New girls will introduce themselves, because they don't have a hustle protocol worked out yet. Hustlers come at you from an angle -- touching you, letting you touch her, and getting you hot for her; talking to you and pretending to want to be your girlfriend; talking to you and pretending to share the inside scoop on how strip clubs and dancers operate; etc. All sorts of angles. I usually counter "Wanna dance?" with some variation of "No thanks" (if I'm not interested) and "How much are your dances?" (if I am). I never just say "yes."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Which option would you have chosen?
    First, just because a girl says she moves to a "non-strip club city" in Florida doesn't mean that she wasn't dancing. I'm not saying that your Brooke was dancing, but several girls drive in from out of town to work at clubs. Some even prefer it that way, because the risk of having someone they know meet them in the club is lower that way. Second, there are hardly any "non-strip club cities" in Florida. Every Florida metropolitan area has several clubs, and everywhere else in Florida is in driving range from them. Getting back to your question, I would have gone to the bar with her to find out what was what. Offer to get dances from her -- which is what you wanted -- if all she wanted was someone to kill time in the club with. There is no such thing as a "no hustle" zone in a strip club; what you're talking about is a "no obvious hustle" zone. A con artist is a hustler whose angle isn't obvious. They're playing on your hopes to get you to do things you wouldn't normally do given reasonable judgment.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    If the dancer/friend is too much of a dichotomy for you, stop getting dances from her and just see her as a friend outside the club. If she asks why, tell her. You could stop seeing her outside the club if you're more interested in the dancer side of her. Like you said, she already has a boyfriend. She hasn't expressed an interest in having sex with you so you can rule that out. It sounds to me like she may be using your feelings for her to guilt you into continuing to buy dances from her. You say that stopping that would "hurt her financially" so I assume you're spending lots of money on her. Then again, I'm a cynical bastard. My apologies -- I don't mean to offend you.
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    19 years ago
    Top clubs on your wish list?
    My to-go list here: Vegas, LA, SF, and Houston. I would have found out about Vegas and LA on my own, but I don't think I would have found out about SF and Houston without TUSCL. I've been to Seattle, South Florida, Tampa, Detroit, and South Carolina. All were as advertised here on TUSCL except South Carolina, but my time in South Carolina was long ago. Things must have changed between now and then.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    I agree with chandler though I believe that's travelingthrough's dilemma: he's having a hard time separating the two.