
Comments by JC2003 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top clubs on your wish list?
    I have been to the Platinum Plus in Columbia. It was one of the clubs I visited while in South Carolina. This was a decade ago so I am sure the place has changed a bit since those days.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    "Why not?"
    "I'm waiting for someone (else)," leaving out the else. That's the truth, more or less; I'm not interested in getting dances from her. The dancer-customer opening and response is like openings in chess; there are a bunch of standard inquiry-response pairs at the beginning which can lead, as shadowcat alluded, to more interesting conversations. It might be fun to classify these openings and give them quaint names like they do in chess books, heh.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top clubs on your wish list?
    Officer- They haven't raided the Mons or 2001 in years. Instead, they started raiding Pink Pony and Gold Rush, places where you could pay a stripper for sex in the VIP rooms. Both these places got shut down and have recently reopened under new, stricter management (now Crazy Horse and Gold Club, respectively).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    I think it's because they believe that the vast majority of customers are only interested in fucking them, not dating them, and women that look as good as strippers aren't desperately seeking men interested in fucking them.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Long To Spot a Future CF or ATF?
    Assuming there's one in the club, my decision is instantaneous upon sight so however long it takes for an entire crew of girls to work a stage rotation. I've been going to these clubs long enough to know what I like. If there's no one that fits the bill, I enjoy the sights on stage, finish my drink, and go.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Which Vegas Club Has the Best Conversationalists?
    I've had strippers offer up their real first names without me asking. I always assumed that it was stripper shit, but maybe it wasn't. I think that the real litmus test is if she gives you her real first and last name. If you get that and it's legit, that means that she trusts you enough not to become a stalker. I wouldn't recommend asking for that, of course, unless you enjoy getting restraining orders.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    I never said it was a misconception.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    When you fantasize about a stripper...
    I don't fantasize about strippers. You're pretty much living the dream when you buy a dance from one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    What kind of "exceptional" woman works at a strip club looking for someone to date? I mean, I've heard of women going to college for their Mrs. degree; women working as nurses to meet eligible doctors; women working as paralegals to meet eligible lawyers; etc., but working as a stripper to meet eligible horny men who enjoy paying women for sex? That's more exceptional than I'm willing to believe.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    chandler and davids, I used to teach at university. Lots of beautiful young coeds in my classes. I didn't approach them for dating, because if I had and someone had reported me, I would have been fired and lost my assistantship. Did I find them attractive? Yes. Did I act on those urges? No. Did I get a job teaching so I could date these young women? No. I was there to make money so I could go to school.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    It's not viewing the world as an excuse for failure. It's keeping it real. Try to put yourself in positions where success is likely. Don't make life and love hard on yourself by putting yourself in positions where success is unlikely. I suppose I could dump $10K on lottery tickets, but maybe it makes more sense to put it in a 12-month CD instead.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Top 10 Corniest Stage Dance Elements
    Ass jiggling makes me roll my eyes and not in a good way.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    1st club experience?
    My first club experience was in Key West. I was there on spring break with friends. They were back in the motel catching some Z's before our long drive back to campus. I was horny as hell from watching the girls at the wet tee shirt and bikini contest earlier that night. They were gyrating drunkenly and stripping to the raucous roaring chants of guys shouting "Take it off!" Teasers was within walking distance of our motel so I decided to walk over to check it out. After a couple minutes at the stage, a brunette named Carla approached me for a couple dances. Her lap dances were slow and sensual, and it felt so good. I knew about strip clubs but had never even heard of lap dancing until that night. I don't remember much about Teasers, Carla, or even the dances. The only things I remember about Carla was that she told me that she was a single mom and that she smelled absolutely wonderful. Thinking back, I must have looked and smelled like hell after a full night of drinking, partying, and walking up and down Duval Street. When I went back to the motel to go to bed -- actually the floor; there were 4 of us in a single -- one of the guys figured out where I had been from the smell of her perfume still on me. He asked me the next morning if I had gone. I didn't say a word.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hottest stripper ever
    The hottest stripper I have ever seen was at the Cheetah in Atlanta 9 years ago. She had flawless skin, a perfect body for my tastes, and could stop your heart at 100 paces with a look and a smile. The only girl I've considered getting VIP with at a no contact club ever. No joke. The kind of woman that makes other women think, "It's not fair. It's not fair, goddamit!"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do guys even bother asking questions on the pink site?
    The blue site is a bit better. Mostly full of guys like us shooting the shit, trading stories, etc., with the occasional blue-sympathetic pinkie dropping by too.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hypothetically Speaking...
    Nobody's in any position to dictate what fantasies are or aren't allowed at a strip club, and I'm not on anybody's "side." However, everyone's entitled to their opinion.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Thinking on this more, I realize it was a silly question. Envy and jealousy happen all the time and not just in strip clubs either. lopaw nailed it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do guys even bother asking questions on the pink site?
    The "blue" site aka Strip Club Junkie is a subsection of forums on the "pink" site. It's pretty much the same as this discussion board. There's some overlap between the two. I notice a few posters here post there as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    If davids wants to believe that he will date tons of strippers with his approach and if chandler thinks that if he had done things differently, he would have had sex with Brooke, who am I to argue with them? Reality is doing a better job of doing that than I ever could anyways.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Features, ever see a good one?
    While I've never gone out of my way to see a feature, I don't skip a club if there's a feature there. I saw Jenna Jameson do a feature a few years back at Diamond Dolls. Even with pasties, she put on a fine show to an appreciative crowd. She's the best I've ever seen.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are These Good Rules for Having Fun In Strip Clubs?
    Here's how I think the pink site would take this list: Rule 1 sucks. Strippers don't care if you spent more than you should have. Spend as much as money as you possibly can, even if it's more than what you should spend (greed is the predominant deadly sin on StripperWeb, not lust). Rule 2 is fantasy unless you consider buying drinks compensation for their time. Rules 3-5 suck for some dancers, because they make lots of money on extras and private shows. Some work outside the club for the big bucks. The prissy ones who have somehow managed to block out that they sell sexual fantasy for a living would wholeheartedly agree. Rules 6-8 are hilarious. They'd find 6 funny and 7 and 8, not so funny. Rule 9 is a no-brainer. Most customers don't want dancers they're not interested in getting dances from. Most dancers aren't interested in talking to guys who don't want to buy dances from them. Ever notice how quickly a dancer vanishes after you're done getting dances from them or after you've made it clear to them you don't want dances? Rules 10-15 are on this site under "Rules of the Road." I believe these rules are also known as "not being an asshole." Even the greediest stripper has standards even if they're only hygienic ones.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How to have fun in a strip club, the new rules.
    If that is how davids wants to spend his money (on strip club cover charges and overpriced drinks) and time (trying to befriend strippers for dating), so be it. I think he gets it by now that we think what he's trying is foolish.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How to have fun in a strip club, the new rules.
    Absolutely, AbbieNormal.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Might Strippers Find Men Who Regular Pay for LDs, etc. Attractive?
    davids, there's only so many ways you can write "I'm right, and you're wrong" before it gets dull. Why not tell us some of your success stories? That might actually do a better job of selling what you're trying to preach or be entertaining to read at least. Heck, tell us about some of your missteps and what you learned from them, if you have the balls to admit that you fail from time to time. I don't come here to be educated. I come here to be entertained.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Classifying clubs and dancers
    I've spent most of my club time in Florida, mostly in Tampa and South Florida. I prefer getting lapdances from really attractive young women to getting extras from strippers. The clubs tend to be less glitzy with emphasis on dances rather than ambiance.