
Comments by JC2003 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Experience with strippers/strip clubs tainting real life encounters?
    You don't have to worry much about staring at a woman too long or imagining her naked. Men who have never gone to a strip club do that all the time to women. Heck, it isn't out of the norm for men to grope women in regular clubs if they think they can get away with it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Has Strip Club Junkiness Affected Your Relations with Non Stripper Women?
    Why don't you answer your own questions first? Or are you too afraid of the truth? Pussy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Strippers for Sex?
    Welcome back, RomanticLover. Or is your RomanticLover personality dead to you now?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Do You Feel After You Have Paid A Stripper For Sex?
    Why don't you pay a stripper for sex and tell us how it feels? Oh yeah, wait, you've never had sex with a woman before so I guess your input wouldn't be helpful in this thread of discussion.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Has Becoming A Strip Club Junkie Affected the Rest of Your Life?
    Why not you? Or are you too much of a woman to handle the notion that you're a strip club junkie like us?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone Go to Regular Night Clubs Regularly?
    Uh huh, sure you do! Tell us about your clubbing exploits, or is that too much fiction to create on the spur of the moment? Does it involve talking to strange women, buying them enough drinks to get them drunk, and hoping that they are desperate and horny enough to go back to your place and fuck? It's funny. I posted about regular clubs a while back on a total fucking lark, and ever since then, you've been on this "why not go to regular clubs?" schitck. It's sad how you can't even come up with your material but have to use mine, like when you riffed on "talking to women is like chess gambits" after I posted that totally off the wall and completely inaccurate expression here. It's nice that you enjoyed my posts on StripperWeb. Your "let go" shit was getting kinda old so I figured you needed more fodder to abuse me with. You and me, we're peas in a fucking pod, and I'm taking you down to hell with me, motherfucker. Welcome to the shit.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Young Dancers
    davids, you're more of a misogynist than I am, and you're a terrible liar. I'm certain you haven't had sex with a woman in months, maybe years. What kind of guy getting laid on a regular basis has to qualify his sexual experiences as unpaid? Give me a fucking break. With regards to your question about paying for sex from strippers, it's easy: try asking them. You don't need advice from the fellas here on how to do that. It's not fucking rocket science, dude. You don't need fastseduction.com or books on how to pick up strippers to figure it out. Coincidentally, women call guys who rely on tired pickup lines and mind games like that "players," and they're really, really fucking sick of your shit. So lay off it already.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    casualguy, I know what you mean about cheerleaders. Back when I was in school, I played ball in a gym where the cheerleaders would practice their routines. These girls were wearing tight-fitting sweats instead of their normal cheerleader outfits, which somehow made it even sexier. Another great sport to watch is women's tennis. Barely legal athletic women wearing short skirts, glistening in perspiration, running around making grunting noises. Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova anyone? Hell, I like the hijacked subject better than the original one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    I ran into a deer once on my way back home in SC. My car totaled, deer died and flew off to the side of the road, I can't believe it didn't fly up and hit the windshield. Lucky to be alive.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Most Top 40 Clubs Visited
    I've been to 3 of the Bottom 40 clubs. All 3 deserve to be in that ignominious list.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would be your prices for dances
    This is what I consider standard pricing for a lapdance club: $10 table or air dance $20 lapdance with 1-way contact $25 lapdance with 2-way contact (clothed) $30 lapdance with 2-way contact (skin to skin) Everything else beyond that would be negotiable, because she is risking STD's, arrest for misdemeanor, and losing her job at the club at that point. Take items off the standard list if they violate club rules and file them as negotiable.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Counterfiet money at Stripclubs?
    Generally, stores report counterfeit money to the police. They also report theft, if something was purchased with the counterfeit money (usually the case). It might depend on how well a strip club gets along with local law enforcement if they would report it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    More cowbell
    More cowbell. OK, not really, but I wanted to top this post because of the latest outbreak of RLitis.
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    19 years ago
    HJ initiation
    You don't have to ask verbally. Try moving her hand in the general direction if it's close down there.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Most Top 40 Clubs Visited
    I've been to a few clubs that have dropped out of the Top 40. Cheetah III, Nepal's, and the Landing Strip in Romulus, MI come to mind.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Totally non-stripping topic that might be interesting.
    Topping this non-RL topic...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    Good topic. Putting more dirt on the graves of RL threads.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    LA Clubs
    zbone.com is still the place to go for LA strip club info though much of the content is slowly but surely getting out of date. The discussion forums are still relatively active.
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    19 years ago
    Lamest Hustles
    What's your opinion of hustling in general?
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    19 years ago
    Celebrities You'd Like to See Strip
    One thing I would like to see more of is celebrities stripping on TV or cable. Make it more mainstream. Howard Stern routinely featured strippers on his E! show before he went pay per view with his show. There was even small segments featuring strippers on shows like Smallville and Charmed to try to get some Nielsen ratings during sweeps.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who would you give it all up for?
    I have a hard time grasping being happily married and spending time at strip clubs without your wife's knowledge. I understand the "because I don't want to lose half in a divorce" reason. Is it about independence, not having marriage dictate your lifestyle, or something else?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    Women's soccer and field hockey are also good eye candy sports though you're unlikely to see such sporting events outside a university town.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would be your prices for dances
    What I listed is standard pricing for a strip club. shadowcat, you know that the prices you get at your favorite club are not standard. I think it's great that you can get those sorts of bargains, but it gets a little creepy how you mention it in several of the posts you make (and all of your PP reviews).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would be your prices for dances
    jpac, $5 may be all an air dance is worth to you, but I am positive most dancers won't do an air dance for $5. The minimum I have seen charged for dances anywhere in the past 10 years is $10. If you don't like paying $10 or more per dance, there are some places around the country where the dancers will do $1 mini dance specials where they will go from customer to customer and give each one a 60 second dance. $5 dances is something from the 70's or 80's when the dollar was worth something. The US dollar ain't worth shit these days.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Best book titles
    A guy who can't get laid in Thailand. So this is fiction, I'm guessing? Heh heh.