
Experience with strippers/strip clubs tainting real life encounters?

Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:16 AM
Do any of the rest of you occasionally have to restrain yourself from treating people in "real life" like people you meet in strip clubs? I just had lunch at a little cafe across the street from my office. The waitress brought me a drink made of carbonated water and flavored syrup. When she put it on the table in from of me, she said," you'll have to blow in the straw to mix it up." I just caught myself as I was about to say, "Why don't you just blow it for me?" That is the type of thing I would not think twice about saying to a waitress in a sc, but hardly appropriate under the circumstances. The waitress in question is a little "spinner-type" who struggles along financially, but could probably make a lot of money as a dancer. I'm sure that I was thinking about her as a dancer, and this brought me to state of mind I was in when I almost made the remark that I was thinking about. Good heavens.


  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    FONDL: These girls where about 16 from a local dance studio. I know you like young girls but not this young! I've worked with a few enetertainers who danced to make ends meet - both male and female. Most of them are actors and the corporate work is just another role. The girls you see working trade show booths and the auto shows are another story....one of my favorite escorts is a model at trade shows.
    18 years ago
    JC, I'm sure you're right, but I bet we're better at it. Yoda, what do you mean, "someday"? Where do you think the people who do these corporate events (and I've done a million of them) do their recruiting?
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I was working a corporate event this morning and the show opened with three girls dressed in white cotton dresses going to the floor dancing to steel drums in traditional polynesian style. Me to co-worker: "Whadya think of that cute one on the end" Co-worker: "she's cute, and she's got the "boobie shake" thing down!" Me: "Yeah she' ll make a good stripper some day" Does this answer your question?
  • tropicalH2O
    18 years ago
    My ex-husband remarried a nice woman with beautiful piercing blue eyes. She and my ex were struggling financially with their mortgage payment of a big house in Orange County. I told her how much money I had made the previous weekend and suggested that she get a part time job as a dancer. Whoops!! Within 90 days they moved several hundred miles further away. I get along well with my ex and forget that some people are way more serious and conservative than I am. (I met my ex in a topless bar). She was offended by my suggestion, but in my state of thinking it was a compliment.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I think this might be the "customer damage" thread. Z-Bone did one a few years back that was funny. There is also the stripper damage meme. One dancer admitted she cautght herself fluffing her breasts in the grocery store after a few long shifts. The worst I've ever caught myself doing is staring a little too obviously.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    You don't have to worry much about staring at a woman too long or imagining her naked. Men who have never gone to a strip club do that all the time to women. Heck, it isn't out of the norm for men to grope women in regular clubs if they think they can get away with it.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    You guys have just covered the types of things I became concerned about with the waitress...
    18 years ago
    I remember one from an old thread that I thought was especially funny for strippers: when you're shopping at Walmart at 3 am and pay with all singles.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    AN: I don't know if this is the kind of stuff you're referring to from Z Bone. I've seen a lot of versions over the years of "You know you've spent too much time in titty bars when...". Most of them are obvious and not very funny. One of the first variations, and the subtlest, and still the funniest for my money, was started by a friend of Z Bone about 10 years ago, titled "You Know You're in Trouble When..." I just dug up a few that I contributed, that still hold up pretty well: For customers, you know you're in trouble when... - You ask your date if touching is allowed. - When a girl tells you where she works, you ask her it it's "all nude". - You slip the Denny's hostess a tip and ask if they don't have a table in a dark corner. - Taking a seat at a conference table, you slap a buck down in front of you. - At the singles bar, you wonder why all the pretty girls are "just hanging out with their regulars". - As you feel up your girlfriend you think, "I gotta post a review on this." For strippers, you know you're in trouble when... - At a wedding, you refer to the bride as the "feature act". - You check for bouncers before grabbing your boyfriend's dick. - When a waitress asks your date if you'd like a drink, you nudge him and tell him he doesn't have to buy one. - You "tip out" as you leave the dance club.
    18 years ago
    I have often noticed that when I've been to a strip club recently I look at attractive women differently, wondering what they'd look like naked on stage. I consider that part of the afterglow. Call me an insensitive dinosaur but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But then nobody has ever accused me of being politically correct.
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