
Anyone Go to Regular Night Clubs Regularly?

Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:17 PM
Who here goes to regular night clubs regularly? Do you find the women there to be more or less friendly than strippers are? Anyone scared to go because they think they are too old or fear rejection for other reasons?


  • davids
    18 years ago
    Who here is too old for regular night clubs?
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Stumped cockmaster? Nothing to say?
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids do you put a dress and lipstick on your right hand? Or does "she" just come up to you naked and let you score?
  • davids
    18 years ago
    JC: You are totally clueless. You think the way to get women in clubs to like you is to buy them drinks and get them drunk? I can see why you have had no success and hate women and have to pay for it strip clubs. I would never buy a woman in a club a drink unless she had bought me one first, or in various other exceptional situations. That's just a test they do to see how much of a chump you are. (And to pre-empt any lame rebuttals: yeah, if your Brad Pitt or similar you can probably do anything up to and including murder and it's not going to matter.)
  • davids
    18 years ago
    I go a couple of times a week (sometimes less if work is busy). I find the women there just as nice as strippers, on average. There's the answer to your "where to meet women" question you asked on SW, JC.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Do you go? Somehow I doubt it, or else you wouldn't be back here posting again. I'm thinking that maybe you tried and got shot down so bad that you came crawling back here where you can make yourself feel like a man by attacking us. Or maybe you never tried at all and came back here anyway, because you're my bitch and can't leave unless I say so.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Uh huh, sure you do! Tell us about your clubbing exploits, or is that too much fiction to create on the spur of the moment? Does it involve talking to strange women, buying them enough drinks to get them drunk, and hoping that they are desperate and horny enough to go back to your place and fuck? It's funny. I posted about regular clubs a while back on a total fucking lark, and ever since then, you've been on this "why not go to regular clubs?" schitck. It's sad how you can't even come up with your material but have to use mine, like when you riffed on "talking to women is like chess gambits" after I posted that totally off the wall and completely inaccurate expression here. It's nice that you enjoyed my posts on StripperWeb. Your "let go" shit was getting kinda old so I figured you needed more fodder to abuse me with. You and me, we're peas in a fucking pod, and I'm taking you down to hell with me, motherfucker. Welcome to the shit.
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