
Counterfiet money at Stripclubs?

Saturday, December 10, 2005 7:04 AM
I was just wondering that all other businesses have problems with counterfiet money(Department stores, Grocerystores etc..) wouldn't it be possible to have problems with it in Stripclubs? I was at at local diner this morning and one of the cashiers told me that they have to mark all bills because people are even counterfieting 1's, 5's and 10dollar bills. I am pretty sure that most of the dancers don't look at the money hard when the customer hands it to them. I just wonder has the manager on duty later found some money that was not real? I am not trying to encourage counterfeit money but I can see it happening.


  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I suppose it is encouraging if cops who know the insides of law enforcement get busted, the everyday person who tries to pass off counterfeit money is even more likely to get busted. I suppose if you want free room and board for the rest of your life and some good steel for your front door, copying some money might be a good idea. I'm certainly not tempted by it.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Trying to discourage anyone who even thinks about such a thing, I believe most if not all of the new copiers and printing equipment has traceable evidence at least with printers so that you can be tracked down to a specific printer if someone printed money on a color printer. Trying to print money and copying money would be difficult I believe now since digital equipment has built in software to prevent such things I believe. A little known fact is that all of the new color printers have traceable evidence on all of the printouts. To further discourage anyone, if I hear of any place or anyone using counterfeit money, I would report them immediately to authorities. I believe many people would feel this way. I don't think it's fair if I have to spend my own hard earned money at clubs and possibly end up with some of someone's else fake money and lose out or risk arrest if I happen to get and spend some of that fake money. Therefore I wouldn't hesitate to report anyone spending obvious counterfeit money. If your money is all the same color and glows brightly, it won't look good in a strip club. Strip clubs often have hidden cameras so you could be tracked by the secret service as well and convicted I believe after they investigate. I haven't knowingly spent any counterfeit money but I have wondered why sometimes a single dollar bill will glow brightly while all of the others are dull in the strip club black light.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    True story: A couple of Detroit area off duty cops got busted passing counterfiet money in a local SC.
  • phonehome
    19 years ago
    I have never knowingly spent any counterfeit money, have no idea where to obtain any or what the going "exchange rate might be. But at the same time if you knew you could get a grand or two of funny money for somewhere in the 100-200 dollar range who among us wouldn't be at least tempted to go that route to mitigate the impact of a SC trips on our bank accounts? On a related topic I remember a thread a while back having to do with "Funny Money" clubs, someone stated that fom what he saw that any one that wanted to print his own could with out too much trouble. All you would have to do is take a little home with you, if you had a flat bed scanner and a decent photo quality color laser printer and the right paper stock, probably available at your local Office Depot or Staples, you could make all you wanted. I have never been to a "funny Money' club, there are none around where I live so I don't know what iti looks like and can;t judge how easy or hard it may be to print your own SO I am wondering how SC's combat this? If you think about it even the girls could get in on the act, just have there boyfriend or whoever print some up ahead of time and take in a few extra hundred every night in there bag and cash it in.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I noticed the black lights used in strip clubs make the bar in the new money light up. If you view a new $20 in a black light, you'll know what I mean. I'm always suspicious of a bill that is glowing completely white in a strip club. However if it's a one dollar bill out of many that aren't glowing, no one seems to care or can tell if it's counterfeit or not. I don't know why someone would risk jail time over a few dollars though. I guess criminals tend to be stupid in the first place though. The secret service I believe gets involved if any counterfeit bills are found.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    Not to make it sound like strippers are stupid or anything, but considering money now has a yellow fluorescent stripe on the one side, I think it would be easy to spot counterfeit money, since most strip clubs are dark places.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Generally, stores report counterfeit money to the police. They also report theft, if something was purchased with the counterfeit money (usually the case). It might depend on how well a strip club gets along with local law enforcement if they would report it.
  • elemental23
    19 years ago
    i had one dancer tell me once that she don't care, they spend very easily at the local walmart. I was LMFAO
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    At most of the clubs I go to the bartenders check every $20 bill with a marker. The dancers are easy prey for this sort of thing since they aren't going to check for thissort of thing. Maybe Chitown can tell us if they are liable if they get caught passing it.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    I have always seen the cashiers use a black marker. Still that won't help the dancer if she is slipped a counterfiet for a dance. They will not discover it to the crook is long gone, and then they still won't know who it is. Do places that find counterfiet money notify the police? What procedures do they usually follow?
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    At Favorite Club, the bouncers mark any bill $20 and over with a magic marker, in whatever color will show a counterfeit bill. So, even if they haven't been passed counterfeit bills before, they seem to have some level of concern over it. Of course, I've also seen clerks at gas stations and convenience stores do the same thing.
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