
Comments by casualguy (page 70)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is there a list of strip clubs with the square footage of the club?
    Would you believe I think this is the first time I went to that web site. Maybe I did before but didn't remember it. I found it a bit odd that one of my favorite clubs Nepals is rated highest in South Carolina. Well I don't think it's that odd but it's smaller and a lot less people visit that club than say the much bigger Platinum Plus clubs in the state. I would like to combine some of what both clubs have. Nepals doesn't play their music deafening loud and has a friendly sort of local bar atmosphere. In Platinum Plus, it sometimes feels like you're at a rock concert and have to shout to everyone to hear them and be heard. However there are more dancers to look at and sample.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Federal criminal justic
    Society is messed up. As a newborn with very sensitive skin, doctors routinely or at least it used to be routine for all males to take a knife to their genitals and cut away causing immense pain. Part of the reasoning was that it's routine, nothing to worry about, they won't remember anything. A few years later, a woman might have sucked on that part of the kid. Punishment for this terrible crime that didn't even cause any pain for the kid, life in prison. The kid doesn't even remember it. Now who did the terrible crime? I'm not advocating sex with kids but simply stating that society goes to extremes and doesn't take things in perspective. If society deemed blowjobs to be a routine part of turning 18 and had a ceremony for it and it was tradition, I bet hardly no one would be saying that's a crime. I've heard about many murderers not getting life in prison. Our laws don't always make sense to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    I don't hear a dancer asking me to smile too much. Fortunately for me, I hear more often that dancers like dancing for me because I look happy and have a big grin on my face.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    Unlike Bones, I try to stay away from trouble. However having fun and staying out of trouble can be difficult if you're not careful. Typically I just want to have fun. I try not to drink too much because it seems like some dancers almost always start to get frisky with me if I drink more than normal. (Yep, they are encouraging me to drink more). :) However they haven't gotten me in trouble so far. Now how many dancers like the name Trouble? I've met only 3 or 4. I could say that Trouble seems to find me. Lol, I just remembered the last lap dance I had, I think I was dodging milk. Bones, would you have drunk some and possibly freaked her out? I doubt that would freak out a dancer though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    I remember my first ATF encouraged me to try out contacts when I suggested I was thinking about trying them out. Actually I liked them a lot better than glasses the second time I tried them. It was getting annoying to me when I first went to strip clubs and dancers would keep taking my glasses off and rub them between their tits. I think one girl called me hot without my glasses around that time so I got encouraged more. My past favorite who I think I saw more OTC than inside because she liked spending time with me, made me want to get in better shape. Mainly because she was getting me tired but in a good way. Even though she was getting me tired, I thought I must be doing something right for her to what to spend so much time with me. Other non strip club influences have changed me even more though. I am getting in better shape now. Unless the holidays set me back.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    I think the strippers I talked to liked my alien story better. I told them I was abducted in a dream I had one night. (Notice as a disclaimer I said it was in a dream.) Anyway, the alien devices that are supposed to immobolize most humans didn't work on me. I don't remember now what the one alien did, but he/it ticked me off. I sucker punched him and knocked him out. Then I proceeded to attack the remaining aliens. Then I was hell bent on causing trouble on board their ship. I neutralized a lot of aliens. I traveled through different levels of their ship. I planned to take it over. However I discoved the ship was extremely large and I didn't know how to work the controls. For some reason I thought maybe they had emergency teleportation chambers. I remember chasing down a few terrifed aliens. I accidently got tricked and they emergency beamed me back to my sleeping body. I got the message that they were terrified of me and I am now black listed as far as future alien abductions go. I was thinking Darn, I wanted to take over their ship. Or I could tell the story of the 3 very hot looking blonde human looking aliens that took me aboard their ship. Actually I just remember a pleasant experience. I guess if you're really into it, you could ask a dancer, your planet or mine? The dream where I said I was watching an interstellar battle between two alien species far away from here didn't seem to get much interest. I said my dream became lucid and I got ticked off when one alien ship noticed me watching and fired on me. I was floating in space just watching. First with a thought, I annihilated their entire fleet with massive explosions wherever they had a ship. Then, with another thought, I wiped out their entire species on all their planets. The other species was real happy with me at that moment but the war would have dragged on. But then I went back in time and wiped out the one species from existence. I felt somehow still not satisfied as I saw time go back to now because the other species suddenly had no knowledge of me or what I did. Well I did say the dream was lucid. It's late, I'm rambling my thoughts. later.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Oh get this, the one officer made a comment saying I sounded quite a bit anxious. I'm thinking hell yeah, I didn't know if that unknown car racing down the road behind me was intent on hurting me or what. I wasn't used to anything like that and I was actually starting to speed to get away and then I see blue lights turn on instead. I don't know why the police think they can gun their engine and race down the road with no blue lights and not expect to alarm other drivers. The one officer may have been a total jerk or thought he was somehow wronged but I avoided making any remarks I would regret. Well I sorta made one. I believe after the second time he falsely said he smelled alcohol in my car, I said he was welcome to smell inside the car all he wanted to but I certainly didn't smell anything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    I just thought of something a bit amusing at least to me. The guy may have spent what he thought was a lot of tip money on the dancer he wanted to come over to dance for him. He was waiting then another dancer comes over (it may not have mattered who it was) and he just wanted to get rid of all other dancers. So he quickly says "hell no" to quickly get rid of whoever comes over. I remember one night in a busy strip club, I was sitting quietly in an out of the way spot in the club. One dancer spotted me and pushed some chairs aside right into another customer as if she didn't care while she was coming towards me. I didn't think that was a good sign. Then she came over and asked for a dance. I declined and she made some stupid remark that only irritated me. I wouldn't have gotten a dance from her at that point if she paid me. Then another nicer dancer came over just a few minutes later. She simply asked if I mind if she sits at my table. I immediately told her I didn't want any dances. She told me she didn't ask that question. I let up and she sat down at my table and we talked for a while. She told me the last guys she asked told her when she asked if she minds if she sat with them "go away bitch, we don't want any of your fucking dances!" I would call that rude. However I wasn't too happy after the one dancer took rejection quite rudely. A few dancers can turn a customer from being in a good mood to a bad one. I know it works the other way around as well. A few of these jerks would actually be happy if they thought they were able to bring someone to tears. Some jerks live for that moment. Fortunately here in the south, most drivers are generally nice. I thought one night when someone didn't turn on their turn signal and started to cut in front of me (almost hitting me before they readjusted back into their lane), I thought they were about to hit my car. I would have slowed down and let them in front of me if they had signaled. Anyway I turned and then saw a car coming down the road at high speed. I was nervous thinking, oh no, road rage and I don't know if there is a car full of rednecks with shotguns or what. Stupid jerks didn't signal and almost hit me and now they are chasing me down. Turned out the jerks were the police and they harassed me with their orders, telling me what to do, then making false accusations which I totally denied. I pretended it was like a bear attack where the best thing to do is play dead. Eventually they figured out I hadn't done anything wrong or were satisfied at their harassment and let me go.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    I think at some local clubs, mainly one chain, the dancers can pay more to not do stage dancing. If there are plenty of customers and there usually is, they can make more money doing dances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    Just thought of another first. I told the lady at Wendy's I wanted a coke and she gave me a big cup of ice tea. Wasn't bad but I was wondering why she did that. People were acting weird last night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    Just thought of another first last night. I live in a small town. I met a dancer and got a dance from her and she says she lives here too. Never met a dancer currently living in the same small town as me before.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    FONDL, I'll agree with you that people seem friendlier here in the South than up north in general. However I have encounted a number of friendly people from up north. Several years ago at one time at one no touch all air club, I do remember lots of hot 10's in the club. I even remember seeing a couple of 10's every once in a while in my local area. Now most dancers I see just look good but don't really get my heart pumping to any great degree unless they're getting a bit wild with me with some acrobatic stage tipping.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    I heard a dancer telling me this last night. That she is selective. I'm thinking yeah, I have money and there aren't a lot of people left in the club. Well I guess we all fuck up sometime. I once intended to call one dancer the next day (just met her on vacation)by memorizing her number. We talked about eating lunch and she said she wanted to see me naked. After drinking a few beers and leaving the club (I may have not written it down until I slept). I transposed two digits in her phone number and thought at first she gave me a bad number. I saw her again that night at her club and found out I made the mistake. All you can say is Oh well. She didn't seem that happy either. I heard she waited an hour by the phone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    In my experiences with a**holes and jerks, it's best just to stay out of their way. You could come up with a snappy retort or something to get even in your own mind but being a true a**hole, they may try to get back at you. For instance in the case above, the a**hole or jerk (maybe he just had a bad day and isn't that bad) could start rumors or inform the police that dancer x was giving BJ's in the parking lot and would have given him one if he hadn't turned her down for a dance first. I believe being a jerk or a**hole that life will return to them what they give out to everyone. Their friends may not really be friends unless they are paying them or a similiar company of jerks. Unfortunately the corporate world has a number of jerks or a**holes. If they are in a position of power, they may enjoy putting other people down. I've seen this in one manager on one job I had. It was best to stay out of his way. He seemed to enjoy bringing others to tears. One supervisor made a comment saying that if that guy was on fire, he wouldn't even pee on him to put it out. Someone told me if I could survive at work with him around, I could survive about anything at work. I just wanted to let you know strip clubs aren't the only places with jerks. Some of these guys are like that all the time. One dancer who has confided in me said she doesn't think of me as a customer and told me I was one of the nice guys in the strip clubs. There are a lot of jerks and mean people everywhere. If I heard "hell no", I wouldn't even think he was being mean spirited. Just another form of no thanks. Lol, I was laughing with a dancer who was squirting breast milk in my face. I was holding my hand up to deflect the milk. For some reason her milk just started coming out. It didn't help when she tried to squirt me. I was getting ready to leave the club anyway and planning on washing my clothes so I wasn't upset in the least. Some guys probably would have been ticked off. I was in a pretty good mood. A few times I may not be if another dancer got me upset. I have to say that's a first for me, dodging breast milk during a lap dance. She had a baby 5 or 6 months ago. I guess I was an easy target last night since I wasn't alone for more than a few minutes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    I used to see dollar dances take place in some of the clubs I visited. It was a way for most of the dancers to quickly get some tips. I mean it's only a dollar and most guys were willing to pony up a dollar. It could add up though if you had several dancers coming over to you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The WAR between dancers will soon begin
    The only real passive dancers I've met who are afraid to ask for dances are new dancers that seem to lack confidence. I have seen such new dancers seem more willing to sit with one or two guys rather than risk rejection and go around the club talking to lots of people and asking for dances because she might get rejected a lot. I don't know, maybe the new dancer doesn't realize it's not a pick up bar, it's a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    No, I haven't noticed that. If anything I seem to be finding more and more dancers. I guess they must be leaving FONDL'S area and moving south closer to me. Lol, just joking. :) I could make the same argument about pizza. I hadn't ordered any pizza from one outlet in over 2 years. It seemed like the quality of order out pizza was declining. The pizza place I didn't order from went out of business or closed down in my town. One important detail I left out of all of that was that a competitor pizza outlet had run a blitz of special pizza coupons all across town with people actually buying the coupon books to get pizzas from them at a much bigger than normal discount. Apparently they did enough damage to the competitor that it drove the competitor out of business. Oh well, similiar story but I have noticed some big strip clubs driving down the business at smaller strip clubs. The dancers go to where they can make the money at. I think of the Platinum Plus clubs in the strip club world as similiar to the Walmart store. They get lots of people and offer discounted dances and make big money in the process and destroy competitors in the process. The dancers and people stop visiting the dying businesses as much. However if you like Walmart and saving money or the equivalent in the strip club business, it's good for the consumer. I have like an upscale version of Walmart in the strip club business. There are some very hot girls working but they like to charge more. They give me discounts because I'm a regular or repeat customer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Ok, one more suggestion. Once or twice a night, I wouldn't mind if clubs brought back the one dollar table dance. Basically it's announced ahead of time, bouncers ask guys to raise their hands if they need some ones. Then the guys are instructed to hold a dollar in their hand if they want a dancer and the dancers go around the club doing a table dance for about one minute until the DJ changes the song, and then the dancer moves on. This goes on for 7 to 10 minutes from what I remember. I thought it was a good way to sample the dancers since some dancers acted like it was a cross between a table dance and a lap dance, all for one dollar. Dancers could consider it more like giving the guys a sample of what their lap dances might be like. Guys like spending only a dollar on the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    I got the DJ at one club figured out. Ever since he played the song stating "The DJ is the Devil" or something like that, it all makes sense, the endless talking, the super loud ear deafening noises, cutting songs short. Yep it all makes sense. The DJ thinks he rules over hell and the strip club is his domain. Unless we had a different DJ, because the music didn't seem to be as bad once or twice. I could still hear my car radio when I left those times. Not completely deaf yet. Maybe the regular DJ was taking a break. A strip club suggestion, DJ's should limit their talking to no more than 5 to 15 seconds per song, no more than 2 interruptions per song, not cut songs short, and should be typically quite during a song unless they are announcing the next dancer or dancer rotation. Of course what can you expect if the DJ is the devil? I guess you're already in hell and you just didn't know it yet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did you remember to set your locks back?
    I did stay at one club longer than I ever have. That club typically stops all stage dancing around 15 till or 10 till 2 AM. I noticed I was still there at a bit past 2 AM and stage dancing was still going on. I guess the correct time was 1:10 AM on the new time. I didn't stay longer because I was club hopping. The other club stays open until 6 AM and I haven't ever stayed that long.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Maybe I need to email Walmart and tell them they need to fix the wheels or casters on their shopping carts. Most seem to have problems on their new metal shopping carts. I don't know of too many people who want to struggle with a hard to push cart. It usually only takes a minute or two to find an ok cart but makes the store seem cheaper continuing to use messed up equipment with broken or crooked or hard to turn wheels. hmmm, they did implement other suggestions I emailed but I thought maybe it was coincidence. I really do believe sometimes the people higher up in an organization don't really know what's going in the local areas unless someone lets them know.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Thanks for that link jablake. Just goes to show we only know what we read or hear about. I guess it's safe to say that the main thing the leader of Pakistan is interested in is his own well being and/or power. I'm wondering if there is anyone who can lead the country over there and not be pro-Taliban. By the way, I believe I have been influential in other ways on different web sites. Anyone can be influential though. I just try to blend in and become one with the crowd. Lol, I'm thinking yeah right, I'm often the first one to do something different than the rest of the crowd.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    Founder gives us freebies if we report back about "hot blonde chick spotted in aisle 5". Well he does demand we put it in a review format first. I guess everybody has their rules.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If they had only played music compatible with Metallica or a similiar group, I would have watched. Hearing country music irritates me like crazy. My father used to like it though. I always thought it sounded like someone was dying or drunk or trying to make a deal with the devil. I guess I can see how that caught on a long time ago.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SEX with the stripper
    I guess I'm thinking about one pretty dancer who came over and hugged me the other night. She hasn't danced for me in weeks and I had just arrived at the club. Why she came over to me and hugged me, I had no earthly idea. I'll keep an eye out for a clone. Maybe someone looks like me. Maybe I discovered time travel in the future and still don't know about it yet. I have no idea why some dancers act the way they do on occasion. I do know that they are female.