
Comments by casualguy (page 71)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SEX with the stripper
    I thought maybe the question was asked by someone who has never been to a strip club. I remember before I went to one, I was thinking probably nothing much went on in them. However I still wondered if things like BJ's etc. were common. I found out the answer was no, not in the area I lived in. However it is common for dancers to talk to you and try to get some of your money. They may even wiggle around in front of you and sometimes touch you and then expect payment for their wiggling around. They'll claim that was a song or lap dance. If you're unlucky, they'll stand 6 feet away and claim that was a table dance after the song is over and demand payment. A few won't even bother to hardly look at you and may be scouting out the next victim while supposedly dancing for you. The strange thing is with some dancers like that is that they may do the same thing with other guys and be looking towards you while they are dancing for someone else. Some dancers are strange.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    Just tell her an excuse like "I'm waiting on another dancer." etc. etc. If she keeps coming back and doesn't get the polite message, you could tell her you need some space away from her. Perhaps another way to send a message is to tell her "I'm out of money." When she leaves and you go get a dance from another dancer, if she has a brain, she should get the message. If she doesn't have a brain, tell her to leave you alone. I remember one dancer kept pestering me for a dance, after we both argued for several minutes and got a bit upset and she still didn't leave my table, I left and went and tipped a dancer at the stage. She finally got up and left the table I had been sitting at. Never bugged me after that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SEX with the stripper
    Is this a trick question or have you ever been to a strip club? Most strip clubs don't have any sex going on and many have strict rules about no touching allowed by the customer. The original question could be intrepreted as "can a girl have sex with you?" The answer to that question should be obvious.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Serious Subject: High Heat Grilled Chicken or Turkey Acts Like Viagra?
    Either that or those chickens and turkeys are full of it. Full of what I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Serious Subject: High Heat Grilled Chicken or Turkey Acts Like Viagra?
    I can come up with a theory. Nitric oxide is necessary to have a good time in strip clubs. Being young and eating foods that aren't high in fat or taking supplements could improve the production of nitric oxide in your body. When you eat lots of fatty foods or foods that counter the effects or destroy nitric oxide, your strip club experience may not be as fun. I remember a week or two ago I was eating a lot of grilled chicken and not too much fat and taking L-Arginine supplements every day. The first dancer I encountered in a strip club on one night who I didn't even think looked that great got a reaction from part of me I wasn't expecting. Taking L-Arginine has a beneficial effect on your arteries over time I believe. Exercise probably helped as well. Just eating well and exercising creates creates nitric oxide and makes for a better strip club experience. That's my theory.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    I'm thinking it might have been a rare occurence. I have seen a few dancers choose to do that one night and not other nights at the club I'm thinking about. I don't know, maybe they were short on dancers that night and she had to dance on stage. It's not too bad though, I somehow managed to spend most of the money I brought with me anyway. I think one of my favorites who found me got more dances from me than normal. The thread I started some time ago, shortly after I posted it, I concluded I didn't have much to gain if one of my favorites danced on stage unless I wasn't going to get dances from her in the first place. Then it would have been simply nice to see those nice tits of hers without paying for a dance. However I found out I do enjoy her dances. Influential? If I was that influential I could just tell congress and the president how to run things if I thought of a better way. For instance I could say it might be best to not put too much heat on Pakistan. If they were truly democratic, the people might not like the US too much and might support policies against us. I never thought they liked the US that much in Pakistan. Guess I'm off topic. Lol, watch a senator read this and get a brilliant idea to not put too much heat on Pakistan. I'm sure that would be coincidence though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    If we're helping his site make money, we get to use the site for free and he gets more income, a win win. Founder seems to be a reasonable guy. hmmm, I wonder if google would rank his site higher if he set up the ability to have pic links. I'm not sure what site Google uses for free pic hosting though. I believe yahoo uses flickr.com
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    I thought I read a survey that said crime actually went down around strip clubs. I guess if the club is poorly managed and is not a private club and allows any riff raff in the door, it could attract a bad crowd. I guess the same thing applies to any bar or club though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    I noticed some dancers told me last night, haven't seen you in a while. The economy at least from my perspective seems to be a lot busier now than it was a month ago. Last night I saw several guys raining money and tossing it around like leaves falling off a tree. Some of those guys looked young and college age so I don't expect to see them doing that too much. Could have been the one guys first time in a strip club the way he looked. He might have been in High School since I think he was under 21. I guess that's legal in a club where they don't sell beer. In another club, one of my favorites was dancing on stage and had guys from all over the place tipping her. Apparently she was too busy to get to me that night. The housing market never exploded here so maybe the economy is better here. The volume of sales at work is still down though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    I don't think I'm being rude if I answer the question "am I too big?" with a yes since she was asking for it. However if I was being a bit nice, I might just say my type of girl is more fit than she is and she's not my type. A dancer doesn't necessarily have to be small in frame but fit and looking good. The farther she is from that, the less interested I will be in her. On the other extreme, I'm not into female body builders but that is an extreme I don't think I have to worry about seeing in strip clubs. I don't pay money to go to strip clubs to see the everyday fat girl. Guys who like fat girls have it made because they are all over the place and don't even have to go to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    For everyone who forgot, I made a post some time ago about some dancers don't seem to ever dance on stage but I thought it would be nice if they did occasionally.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did you remember to set your locks back?
    I just set some clocks back. I haven't ever set any LOCKS back. I didn't even know shadowcat was getting into the hair stylist business. It used to be a lot easier before they started messing with the normal Daylight Saving Time yearly changes. The last time it changed, I had to manually turn off all the automatic changes. Well my atomic wall clock changes itself ok.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper on the Run - Wanted for Murder
    Maybe my pc is too old or it requires software I don't have working properly. Oh well. Is this girl? (mug shot at link below) http://www.graffnews.com/?p=573
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    The last time I posted specific information about what a dancer asked me, the club was raided within 2 or 3 weeks. Restrictions were in place for quite some time afterwards and the club wasn't that much fun for a while. Actually several clubs were raided so maybe it was just a coincidence. Still, I wondered what spurred all the raids. Besides if a club is already crowded and a particular dancer is popular, what does it gain me by telling anyone that she gives great dances? Now as a guy, I might talk about her if she's really hot even if I never had a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hot TV Anchors
    I got 9 out of 10 and I didn't recognize any. Well one looked like one I thought maybe I saw on Fox. I would have been 10 for 10 if I just looked at their looks and decided whether or not I thought she had a slight business look to her. The trashy or very pretty ones were porn stars in all the cases I looked at. I'm better than I thought.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    I'm thinking the next time a girl or dancer insists I must be married, I'm going to think they are drunk. Either that or tell her I'm willing to cheat with her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper on the Run - Wanted for Murder
    The link didn't work for me. Guess she can get away if I spot her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    So, I guess if number 7 is true, the dancers should be afraid of me in the strip clubs. Maybe the next time a stripper is arguing with me about why I should get a dance from her after I already told her no, I should tell her about the web site so that she'll know better.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who dances for you?
    As long as the dancers look somewhat fit and sexy, it all depends on how much money I have and how horny the dancers are making me. Of course I won't pay more than a set amount per dance either, I can easily spend all my money on dancers willing to dance on my set amount or less.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Sexiest Hallowe'en Costume
    One dancer said I would make a good Dracula. The next time I see her, I'll ask if she wants me to bite her. I remember one dancer once bit me. I must have looked a bit tense because she said, "don't worry, I won't draw blood."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Cop shot at Dunkin Donits
    It's a terrible tragedy that someone was shot down in the line of a favorite pasttime, donut eating. Hopefully whoever did this will suffer the worst fate possible, I can't decide if that's an abusive situation in hell or a date with Roseanne Bar.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next convention?
    April huh? I guess I need to get my taxes done with early this coming year.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next convention?
    Nasty winter, lol. My mother was worrying that Atlanta may try to steal our water. I'm thinking, well if it's temporary and they pay for it and pay for our taxes as well, it might be a good deal for us. On the other hand if a percentage of Atlanta moved to my location, we could just open up new strip clubs here. Ok, I'm think I'm ranting, must be the beer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next convention?
    Even though I typically visit at least one Platinum Plus club every weekend, it's probably a good thing I don't live too close or I'd be broke. Either that or I'd have a dancer girlfriend and/or massage girlfriend. I was thinking of one hot blond girl that gave my mother a massage because I found out later that she was asking about me and looking for a new boyfriend. I only saw her for a few seconds. If I wasn't so busy I would have gone by there already. Oh well. I think I must have a beer buzz. I decided to drink a few tonight just to improve my health. Nasty winter? What are you talking about shadowcat? It hasn't snowed here in ages. At least nothing that has stayed around longer than a few hours. not counting ice storms that knocked out power to half of the upstate of South Carolina. Although it was fun driving through intersections with no traffic lights. You have to live dangerously to have fun sometimes. It's pretty easy too if you don't see the intersection in the dark.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    Bones, I thought you guys were long gone on Saturday or I would have spared a few minutes to stop by. As it was though, I was a little bit pressed for time or I would have stopped by. I just didn't know if the club would be interesting that early in the day though. As far as weekend visits go, I often prefer the sister club in Greenville since it is much bigger and doesn't have a seating problem since there is a whole lot more room. However the best looking dancers like to charge more for dances than the Columbia club. There's also a few very nice looking dancers at Nepals I like to watch and/or visit with.