
Be careful what you wish for or post on here

I don't know if anyone at one of my favorite clubs read this but I noticed last night that one of my favorites was dancing on stage and I've never seen her do that before. She had guys coming from all over the place to tip her. She said she was going to find me later but I think she was too busy. I didn't mind too much last night since I had another favorite I hadn't seen in several weeks find me.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    For everyone who forgot, I made a post some time ago about some dancers don't seem to ever dance on stage but I thought it would be nice if they did occasionally.
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    You are an influential guy!
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    Well....I think it might be more of a coincidence than TUSCL influence....
    I DO know a guy who got himself banned from a club in Providence years ago for what he posted on the club's TUSCL chat board.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Sorry to disagree yet again Yoda,

    but the power of TUSCL should never be doubted! EVER! Mention those initials to your favorite dancer and she should get her act together without further ado. She claims to not know the power or meaning or TUSCL? Revoke her dancing privileges or give her a nice spanking. ;)

    Hi casualguy, I remember reading that post from you. I thought he'll regret it if it comes to fruition, probably, maybe, possibly. :)

  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I personally have gone so far as to print ten spare business cards (I was doing a run of personal cards on my DeskJet, so it wasn't an expense at all) that state "The Ultimate Strip Club List / www.tuscl.com / the primary internet resource where men rate clubs and dancers" and just "happen" to leave them in places where dancers and managers will read them.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Coincidence no doubt. Economy has driven her to add her stage show.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'm thinking it might have been a rare occurence. I have seen a few dancers choose to do that one night and not other nights at the club I'm thinking about. I don't know, maybe they were short on dancers that night and she had to dance on stage. It's not too bad though, I somehow managed to spend most of the money I brought with me anyway. I think one of my favorites who found me got more dances from me than normal.

    The thread I started some time ago, shortly after I posted it, I concluded I didn't have much to gain if one of my favorites danced on stage unless I wasn't going to get dances from her in the first place.
    Then it would have been simply nice to see those nice tits of hers without paying for a dance. However I found out I do enjoy her dances.

    Influential? If I was that influential I could just tell congress and the president how to run things if I thought of a better way. For instance I could say it might be best to not put too much heat on Pakistan. If they were truly democratic, the people might not like the US too much and might support policies against us. I never thought they liked the US that much in Pakistan. Guess I'm off topic. Lol, watch a senator read this and get a brilliant idea to not put too much heat on Pakistan. I'm sure that would be coincidence though.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Casualguy isn't influential? Since I undoubtable have less influence than him that means my influence is on par with a tadpole! :(

    I can't believe you don't see democracy as a cure all. Give 'em the right to vote and first you get stripclubs YAY!!! and then wild enthusiastic love for America . . . I can just see them happily pledging alliance to the flag and our dear leader.

    So, senators may not listen to you in regards to Pakistan . . . but, on stripclubs they might be taking notes. :) You just never know.

  • chandler
    17 years ago
    IMO, there's a chance, albeit slim, that comments posted in club reviews naming dancers could get back to them. General opinions posted on the discussion board, however, have zero influence, I'd bet.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi casualguy,

    Here is a link for you regarding Pakistan: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/07/opinio… .

    According to the author Pakistan's president is actually pro-Taliban??? Of course, with free and fair elections their democratically elected leader might be pro-pro-pro-Taliban. :) Can't trust the media, but the Taliban might actually be pro-stripclubs. LOL! Supposedly, they like skimply clad dancing girls that dance with each other (can anyone anywhere resist cute young lesbians? :) )--I wish I had the link for you. It was about as credible as the 911 holy warriors enjoying a stripclub outing before their holy mission; or dear leader's claim they're jealous of our freedoms.

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Thanks for that link jablake. Just goes to show we only know what we read or hear about. I guess it's safe to say that the main thing the leader of Pakistan is interested in is his own well being and/or power. I'm wondering if there is anyone who can lead the country over there and not be pro-Taliban.

    By the way, I believe I have been influential in other ways on different web sites. Anyone can be influential though. I just try to blend in and become one with the crowd. Lol, I'm thinking yeah right, I'm often the first one to do something different than the rest of the crowd.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Maybe I need to email Walmart and tell them they need to fix the wheels or casters on their shopping carts. Most seem to have problems on their new metal shopping carts. I don't know of too many people who want to struggle with a hard to push cart. It usually only takes a minute or two to find an ok cart but makes the store seem cheaper continuing to use messed up equipment with broken or crooked or hard to turn wheels. hmmm, they did implement other suggestions I emailed but I thought maybe it was coincidence. I really do believe sometimes the people higher up in an organization don't really know what's going in the local areas unless someone lets them know.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi casualguy,

    Think stripclub suggestions. Like $5 lap dances, which unfortunately made Angels too popular. Given the current parking problems I would think something has to give. Prices go up. Customers get tired of the crowdedness. Police raids against customers.

    Well, supposedly the Taliban weren't the problem except they didn't wish to join the war on terror. Like dear leader said they're either with us or against us!

    Remember how dear leader got all bent out of shape when the leader of the Taliban requested proof that Bin Laden had done the criminal acts?

    It is very difficult to know what the truth is if you're relying on filters like the news media or the government or joe blow. There was a meeting about creating a new city. I went to the meeting and the place was PACKED with angry neighbors who didn't want that extra layer of government. The weasels kept trying to tell them more government reduces your taxes! :) Oh yeah, the old public safety filth was rolled out again and again. The Herald reporter assigned to the story wrote a whopping FRAUD saying the neighbors were evenly divided at the meeting. It was like she had been paid off to write a nice piece for the crooks. Anyway, unless you went to meeting saw how packed it was and how upset the neighbors were with plans to create yet another level of government you really couldn't know what happened. The newspaper sure as hell wasn't reporting anywhere near the truth.

    Besides $5 laps which help everyone, perhaps reduced noise or and elimination of DJs for your suggestions. :)

  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I got the DJ at one club figured out. Ever since he played the song stating "The DJ is the Devil" or something like that, it all makes sense, the endless talking, the super loud ear deafening noises, cutting songs short. Yep it all makes sense. The DJ thinks he rules over hell and the strip club is his domain. Unless we had a different DJ, because the music didn't seem to be as bad once or twice. I could still hear my car radio when I left those times. Not completely deaf yet. Maybe the regular DJ was taking a break.

    A strip club suggestion, DJ's should limit their talking to no more than 5 to 15 seconds per song, no more than 2 interruptions per song, not cut songs short, and should be typically quite during a song unless they are announcing the next dancer or dancer rotation. Of course what can you expect if the DJ is the devil? I guess you're already in hell and you just didn't know it yet.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Ok, one more suggestion. Once or twice a night, I wouldn't mind if clubs brought back the one dollar table dance. Basically it's announced ahead of time, bouncers ask guys to raise their hands if they need some ones. Then the guys are instructed to hold a dollar in their hand if they want a dancer and the dancers go around the club doing a table dance for about one minute until the DJ changes the song, and then the dancer moves on. This goes on for 7 to 10 minutes from what I remember. I thought it was a good way to sample the dancers since some dancers acted like it was a cross between a table dance and a lap dance, all for one dollar. Dancers could consider it more like giving the guys a sample of what their lap dances might be like. Guys like spending only a dollar on the dancer.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi casualguy,

    I like the dollar dance suggestion! :) Now, I feel like I'm overpaying at $5. At a dollar a dance I wouldn't even mind suffering through some blubber butts. :)

    It is excellent!!! Saves me money and saves me guilt. And, the ugly dancers would like it or should like it. The real hotties might go into hiding, but who knows some of them are pretty good sports. :)

    17 years ago
    I know a place (Pleasure Dome in PA) where dollar dances take place all evening long. Guys sit on high bar stools that line the perimiter of the room, and after their stage dances the girls circulate and give each guy a dance while standing in exchange for a dollar (the guys are practically standing too because of the high stools.) The dances are pretty high contact and the girls do their best to convince you to take them in back. It's a fun time because most of the girls are quite attractive.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I used to see dollar dances take place in some of the clubs I visited. It was a way for most of the dancers to quickly get some tips. I mean it's only a dollar and most guys were willing to pony up a dollar. It could add up though if you had several dancers coming over to you.
    17 years ago
    At Pleasure Dome, the girls all circulate constantly. But you aren't pestered very often because they spend awhile with each customer and are often successful at selling private dances (it's an LD factory and that's why everyone is there.) The only problem I've ever had with it is spotting a girl who I want, then having to wait a long time before she makes it around to where I am. The girls always seem to start at the same end of the room and those stools fill quickly.

    BTW, Casualguy, I don't think I've ever been in a club where some of the girls eschewed the stage dance, anywhere I've ever been they were always required to take their turn. Plus it's usually pretty profitable.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think at some local clubs, mainly one chain, the dancers can pay more to not do stage dancing. If there are plenty of customers and there usually is, they can make more money doing dances.
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