
Comments by casualguy (page 69)

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    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    When the girl acts like it is just foreplay, don't spoil the fun and say it was sex. After all if our former great leader President Clinton said he did not have sexual relations, it isn't the same thing. It's all in our minds anyway, well for some. I like where foreplay is going. Now the other question is, do you feel taken advantage of if a dancer starts foreplay on you without even telling you she was going to do that? Don't you just hate it when dancers get you drinking and then feel like they can take advantage of you? Maybe the friskiness of the dancer is related to how many drinks she had. Anyway if many people consider all forms of sucking actions to be foreplay, I don't want to change any minds.
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    17 years ago
    Good lies to tell strippers
    I think I've used the line "I'm about out of money." However it doesn't work real good if the dancer watches you during the night and sees you going in the back multiple times with other dancers. Sometimes though, the dancer will believe you and spread the word among other dancers. I've had a couple of dancers tell me I should be dancing for them but never gave much thought to making up a story saying I used to be a dancer. I guess I would have to figure out where I wanted to go with that story. I guess if someone is bored with the average strip club visit, just tell a lie and live a fantasy of being someone else. Of course if you return, you might have to deal with dancers who believed you.
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    17 years ago
    Still encountering firsts in strip clubs after visiting clubs for 10 years?
    I encountered another first last night. A dancer I just met and didn't even get a dance from came up to me and hugged me. Then told me goodbye, she was leaving the club for the night. I'm thinking, since when do dancers go around telling customers goodbye, they're leaving for the night? Then I had one of my favorite dancers from another club spot me (she was sitting at the table behind me) and said "traitor!" I gave a quick answer saying the other club closes earlier. I suppose I'm going to hear about that now from her. For some odd reason, she showed her tits to the DJ who quickly announced on the speaker system "hot girls in the house tonight!" I was wondering if she was trying to get a new job. She did ask me which club she should work at.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Marital Status and Mileage
    I wouldn't be surprised if some dancers thought I was lying in the first place when I say I'm not married. One dancer started talking to me about that last night. Saying "you look like a married type". I remember one drunk girl in a regular bar bugged me to death constantly asking me if I was married. I finally said I was just to get rid of her. Customers can lie the same as dancers but I guess they could look at your fingers, unless you haven't bothered to wear a ring and/or have no tan lines. What I get surprised about is a young dancer coming up to me and asking if I'm married and then if I have kids. I say no. She says she has one. I'm thinking "you do?" she only looks 23. hmmm, now that I think about their lines, it does sound more like a pick up bar rather than trying to get dances. I especially got surprised last night when she came back later and told me goodbye. She came up behind me and hugged me and said she was leaving for the night. Strange behavior for a dancer I just met. I don't think being married gives better mileage. Even if it did, you could just lie about it so it wouldn't matter.
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    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    I've had good times and bad times with feature entertainers. I think I enjoyed them much better in a nude club years ago since they always had the same dancers working there and a feature provided something different to look at. If the dancers are constantly changing in a club, I don't need feature entertainers. If the clubs in your area are somewhat dead, a feature entertainer can be a nice break to bring out a crowd of female dancers if you enjoy lots of dancers. Most feature entertainers I have never heard of despite a long list of credentials I often hear such as Men's magazine this or Men's magazine that, etc. etc. Playboy model etc. etc. I do enjoy hot girls who are nice to me though. I don't usually get any dances from a feature entertainer since they usually charge a lot more than I usually pay. That is if the girl is willing to dance in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers rating on their fellow dancers....
    I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the time, dancers try to ignore what others are doing unless they think it will get them in trouble. I'm familiar with that. I don't go out of my way to cause trouble if I don't think it's going to hurt me or people I know. I am willing to cause a little bit of trouble if I think it will prevent a whole lot more later on. There's probably a lot of dancers getting even for this or that in some clubs. I guess snitching or ratting would be one more reason for dancers to get even. I believe as others have said earlier, I believe in some clubs the management isn't that concerned about tiny little touching infractions as much as they are about the possibility of drug use or major violations that would get the club in trouble.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers With Sexual Problems?
    One big sexual problem many strippers and some non stripping females seem to have I have heard about is treating guys like an ATM machine. I believe many females wait to get married first but I've heard some strippers figured out a way to skip that process.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers With Sexual Problems?
    Everyone seems to have stereotypes when it comes to strippers but I have met a few that did not have any problems. One I remember even had a college degree but chose to dance as a stripper because it paid better than most other jobs out there. If you're young and pretty and can dance, stripping pays very well. College degree not required. Most dancers I do not ever find out about their background though. I'm not interested in the background of most dancers. I could argue that non stripping females have more sexual problems with being a bit of a prude or looking down on other females who strip.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    Lol, meant to say Jesse Jane above not Jesse James.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody make special effort to see features?
    I don't mind features if the cover charge stays the same. I've seen Jesse James many times in clubs in the carolinas. I've also seen a number of other features. I didn't necessarily go to the clubs to see them though. I was going anyway and they happened to be there. If the features put on a good show or made a club get full of dancers when it might have been a slow night, I enjoyed that. Some features today are good but others have been around awhile and since I saw them over 10 years ago when they looked a lot better, they aren't that appealing to me. I saw on tv where Jesse Jane was running a large successful business now. If a feature is smoking hot, is nice and people friendly, puts on an entertaining show and the cover charge doesn't increase, I do enjoy the feature. I once saw the tallest feature entertainer in the world put on a show with a large sword and fireworks. Seeing a tall dancer swinging a full size sword around on the stage definitely got my attention. That was entertaining. The Masters at Myrtle Beach has an annual Battle of the Masters show in the late summer. It's like an all night feature show Las Vegas style I believe. They film it for their DVD's and regular entertainers put on feature shows lasting about 15 minutes each. It's interesting if you're into that. I prefer regular strip club nights.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers rating on their fellow dancers....
    If shadowcat's favorite club didn't offer a bit higher mileage than any ordinary strip club, no one in their right mind would want to visit with the extremely loud music I've heard in that place in the past. I could have a better time at almost every other strip club with no mileage and without super loud music if the tiniest infraction was frowned upon.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers rating on their fellow dancers....
    Dancers rating other dancers may not be new, however ratting on them can turn off a number of customers. If that's true, soon the club may notice a big drop off in customers. Customers like it or not, like to feel like they are getting special treatment. Kind of like driving down the road where everyone drives occasionally a little bit over the limit. If a cop or someone rattled on them everytime they broke the law by the tiniest infraction and they were punished for it, almost everyone would think that is draconian and want to avoid the place if possible.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers With Sexual Problems?
    I remember another dancer who told me she found out her husband had cheated on her. She was recently divorced. Then she told me she would demand to have sex with anyone before they even considered getting married. I agreed with her reasoning. You don't want to get stuck in a permanent legal relationship without even trying things out to see if you're compatible. She told me all this when I first met her. I don't know. Maybe that is normal and nothing strange.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers With Sexual Problems?
    I remember one dancer seemed to have a problem. Some guys may say she didn't. She talked me into meeting her later claiming she knew me from years ago. She did know things but I was wondering why I couldn't remember her. Anyway I hooked up with her a couple of times. After that she was constantly harassing me and at times almost begging me to have sex all the time. It was weird like I was in some sort of weird role reversal. Nymphomaniacs aren't all that bad though. She did scare me when she said she'd slept with a lot of guys but she liked me the best. I was thinking just how many is a lot to a stripper? I remember a couple of times I was going to break things off with her. However as soon as we were alone, she distracted me by taking something out and sucking away. After that, I just thought, it's going to be hard to break things off with this girl. Lol, now if I can just find 2 or 3 more girls like her, I'll be too busy to visit any more strip clubs.
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    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    Bones, I believe I have the right to complain about smoking. I've never smoked anything myself, not a single cigarette or anything else in my entire life. However in my last job, they enacted a smoking ban in most places of the factory but not in the offices at first. I had a lot of computer work and that was a job requirement. However all the supervisors and a couple of the office workers took smoking breaks in our enclosed office space and there was a dense cloud of smoke in that office all day. I believe the second hand smoke I was exposed to probably amounted to several packs of cigarettes a day. I developed a continuing cough which I never had before and some of my hair started turning gray. I complained but that didn't do much good. Finally due to some national law suits and possible legal trouble, a decision in most work places banned smoking in all factories that I have been in since. Within a year my cough disappeared. I guess some might make a quick comment saying, oh yeah, he could have just found a job somewhere else. However, when all the other places have smoke as well, it doesn't do any good. Fondl, I live in South Carolina as well. You might have missed it, but I think I said they are talking about smoking bans here as well. In fact the city of Greenville and many other cities have enacted smoking bans. I think one or two was overturned but senators in our state have been taking up the issue. I believe tobacco is becoming a smaller force compared to other industries in our state. However, if clubs and bars just had adequate ventilation during peak smoking times, it wouldn't bother me as much since I don't visit strip clubs that much. One reason is I don't like all the smoke. The other reason is super loud music and or bright lights in your eyes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can High Mileage and Low Mileage Clubs Exist in Harmony; if the Law Allows It?
    I've seen this within 30 miles of each other a lot of the time. One club may be high mileage while a 30 minute drive (sometimes a lot closer in a bigger city) there is a club with little to no mileage but the dancers look very nice and the customers just go to watch and talk to the dancers. I myself go one club and don't buy any lap dances in a low to no mileage club and just watch the dancers while less than 30 minutes away, my mileage may consist of dancers jumping up on my shoulders during a stage tip to who knows what.
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    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    What I really don't like is that the governments here in the Carolinas are helping to support terrorism by keeping our cigarette taxes much lower than the rest of the nation. I heard organized groups buy cigarettes in low tax states and sell them in high tax states for big profits (probably illegally) and then ship the profits overseas to support terrorism. Higher taxes on cigarettes could help cut down on terrorism. South Carolina is planning on raising the tax but it's so low compared to other states it's not enough in my opinion.
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    17 years ago
    Effect of No Smoking Laws
    The smoke from cigarettes has carcinogens that cause cancer and other harmful substances such as carbon monoxide and other toxins. I for one would be happy if I didn't have to inhale all of that second hand toxic smoke just to have fun in clubs and bars. However I did hear some talk about some dancers who smoke might decide to quit and move some where else so that they could continue to smoke. It's sad that the ventilation system in many clubs could eliminate a bad smoke problem but many clubs don't seem to bother to operate such systems unless you can hardly even see through the smoke. Maybe those systems just don't work good in a big smoking crowd. No smoking laws have been arriving here in South Carolina which is one of the big smoking states. My health improved dramatically within a few months after no smoking bans were enacted in the workplace. I actually knew someone who developed lung cancer and was sitting at a desk nearby where I used to work at. He had surgury and one of the guys sitting next to him asked "does it bother you if I smoke here?". He should have just said, nah, go ahead and smoke, I'm going to die from it within a few months anyway, you'll only kill me a few weeks faster. Instead he just said, don't worry about it. He died within a few months.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Music too loud! DJ's obnoxious....
    I bring the small foam ear plubs purchased at Walgreens or possibly other small drug company outlets or at Walmart (they say good for 30 decibels). I squeeze them, insert them all the way in so they aren't too noticeable especially in a dark strip club, then all the shouting and loud music noise is more tolerable. The last time I was at PP in Columbia, I didn't even think the music volume was that high. However the DJ in Greenville Platinum Plus played a song and I understand why they do that now. The DJ is the Devil. Maybe the song said the DJ is a Devil but the way I remember it makes more sense. I explain this to dancers and say that's why the DJ likes talking so much and playing the music so loud that it hurts your ears. I didn't think the music volume was that bad the last time I visited shadowcat's favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    Well I don't call a 30 year old dancer to be a young dancer. I consider her to be one of the older dancers. I call young to be around 18 and low to mid 20's though. The older dancers are around my age and sometimes I wonder if they are trying to hook up with me since I've encountered that in the past. That's not necessarily a bad thing but if I drink too much, I don't want necessarily want to wake up in bed with another dancer. I had a choice once between a young hot dancer and an older dancer who knew how to play with me to get me going. I thought I could have both. I had already agreed to get dances from the younger one but she had to go on stage or do something for a minute. Then the older dancer sat with me. I excused myself apparently too quickly from the older dancer and went and got lap dances from the younger dancer. That was the last time I saw the older dancer. Made me think she must have been pissed. My thoughts, oh well, her loss. I'm not married to any of the dancers. Now if the older dancer is giving me freebies that the younger one can't or won't match, all bets are off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    Actually I remember passing up lap dances from two very hot dancers because they wanted 25 per lap dance or 2 for $50. I haven't ever paid that much and wasn't about to. Apparently I wasn't the only one though, they didn't work there too much longer. I guess some of the more money hungry dancers may be trying to work where the guys are willing to spend more money. Northeastern US maybe? At least that used to be my impression.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    Part of the problem with the reasoning that a customer such as myself would buy three $30 dances instead of getting 9 of the 10 dollar dances or six 15 dollar lap dances is that customers especially some guys I believe, are very resistant to big price increases. One club I know of I would to get dances routinely when lap dances were 2 for $30. They raised the price to 2 for $40 as a once an hour special with normal prices fixed at $40. I just thought to myself forget it. They had other restrictions too. Even though they offered free DVD's, t-shirts, etc. with the dance special, I wasn't willing to pay that for years. I did finally crack one night but only one time for one dancer. When a customer goes from being a routine lap buying customer to not getting any lap dances for years, the dancers are no longer making much money from me and I'm not spending it there anymore. I was wondering if a couple of dancers asked me about another club I go to. I pay less per dance but I buy a number of lap dances sometimes from the same dancer. It's like ok, you won't get me to pay 30 bucks for a lap dance even if you're talking the hottest smoking dancer in the southeast but take a nice looking dancer charging half as much per dance, I may spend 30, or 60, or even 90 on her in a short amount of time if she's doing some good lap dances and I like her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Barter for lap dances?
    I trade pics of former presidents and that usually works. It helps if it has some green and white around the edges. I like the way one of my favorites asked me for lap dances the other night. She said "you want to play with me?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Market" says strippers overvalued - empty clubs prove it
    I'm actually paying less money for lap dances than I was in North Carolina many years ago. I once paid about 20 bucks for a single lap dance. Now I routinely pay only 10 to 15 per dance for most dancers. I may not be visiting as much but that's only because I've been very busy. I'm not couting free dances thrown in occasionally. I do enjoy free dances if the dancer isn't sure about the number of songs or would rather dance than talk. Some dancers do a terrific job of acting like they are really enjoying dancing for me. It seems like many strip clubs in my area that I visit are about as crowded as ever. I'm usually more concerned about not being able to find an empty table to sit at.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is there a list of strip clubs with the square footage of the club?
    Oh and thanks for the link. I got distracted as normal and didn't find the number of dancers listed yet.