Stripper rituals

avatar for steve229
Every time I get a lap dance from this one dancer she takes me to the exact same spot in the couch room. If someone else is there she'll ask if we can wait till they leave. When she takes her skirt off, she meticulously folds it several times until it forms a perfect square and then places it on top of her shoes. I complimented her once on her neatness, and she laughed and said she thinks she has a mild case of OCD.

So, have you observed any stripper "rituals"?


last comment
avatar for snowtime
15 years ago
Not so much rituals, but many of the dances I have gotten over the years tend to be a repeat performance from certain girls. While each dancer is unique in her dance the first time, I tend to get tired of the same routine on subsequent visits. Some dancers seem to follow a script and each move is very predictable after you have been with them several times. I suspect they do the exact same routine with virtually every customer. Even if the dance was extremely exciting/satisfying on the first trip I find it much less so on follow up visits. Part of the reason we visit these clubs in the first place is to experience variety and the duplicate performancs seem to defeat the purpose for me. I don't care how cute a dancer is, if her dance is exactly the same each visit, I will seek out another girl before I continue with the carbon copy dancer.
avatar for brewerfan
15 years ago
Steve, before I could read the rest on your topic, I was gonna say, that sounds like she has ocd written all over her. Does she fold her skirt in squares while a song you're paying for is playing? If so, it sounds like she's buying time. Or, perhaps, she does have ocd. I know about ocd, cuz i kinda have it myself. Now, as far as snowtime, yes, you are exactly right about repetition as far as their dances are. I noticed that in all girls that I've had repeat dances. Some are great and some are good. So, those dances don't mind continuing them with that particular dancer. And tip them even more than the last time. But for god's sake, don't do another dance with a dancer that gave you complete air, cuz she'll repeat that same type of dance.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I'd ask the dancer to do different things if you want variety but like the dancer. Many dancers are agreeable. If they don't want to change, there are always others.
avatar for whiffenpoof
15 years ago
I spent some time in Toulon France a number of years ago. There was a chain link enclosed dog run. Periodically I would watch the english setter run around this enclosure. He seemed to place his feet in the exact same spots every time he circled the run. His head would turn at precisely the same spot every time, he would even make an indentical little stumble at exactly the same spot each time around the track.... I wonder if there is any correlation???
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
I will agree they do seem to have a favorite "spot" to dance. Other then that, I've not noticed anything they do repetitively.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I have seem some dancers always bring a cloth up to their stage and wipe down the poles. I don't mind seeing it once in a while but doing it every time gives me the impression that they are not going to give extras. Only if they are a 9 or 10, would I waste money on a dance with them.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Yeah, Sam, at a local titty bar this one dancer spends half of the first song of her set just wiping down the pole. Maybe a phobia of germs? Now that I think of it, watching her bend over at the waist and stroke the pole up and down is sexier than her actual dances, ha-ha.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
At every club I go to, every dancer I've bought more than one dance from seems to have a favorite chair/room/couch/whatever. I have even gone to a private dance room where the dancer doesn't get her favorite chair at first, she does a dance, I decide I want another, her favorite chair opens up, and she begs to go there. I went along and it wasn't really different. What difference does the chair make? All the chairs are alike.

I also second samsung's idea of the dancer bringing the cloth up to the stage and cleaning the pole. At places where they go from stage to stage, they will do that at all the stages. And girls who don't do pole tricks will do that, too, which gets me.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Wiping the pole down is for removing sweat. They do not want to fall on their ass. Usually there is a towel at the back of the stage for this purpous. I have even seen the watresses cleaning the stage floor.

Repitition. There are only so many positions to get in. Unless, of course she gets nastier with time. Some will accomadate special requests as long as they do not exceed her limits. I recently asked one to rub my bare dick on her bare pussy, but no entry. She did. Others will not let you touch the pussy. They are not on my favorites list.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I've been told the wiping of the pole is for sweat and because some girls rub their pussies on the pole. Veteran stripper I know just FREAKS THE FCK out over that.
avatar for harrisemerald
15 years ago
Sometimes dancers pick certain spots because she can get away with more or it's out of the eyeline of the bouncer.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
My current favorite only dances in one booth, she says it is less visible to the bouncers. I don't agree, but we have a good time, so I go along with it
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
15 years ago
I like the girls who have pre-scoped the booths or chairs to determine which ones offer the best seclusion and privacy so they can "get away with" more. :)
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
Some spots in clubs are better than others. The dancers usually have their favorite spots I believe. The sofa may be softer, the light may be better, it may be not a direct line of sight where the customer sees the bouncer watching all the time. I don't like seeing some guy right behind the dancer when I'm only trying to watch the dancer. I like to be able to see the dancer and if the light is more on me than her, it's not a great spot. Unless you would rather have a dark spot so that others can't see you as good.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Mouth wash before and after VIP BJ.
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