
Comments by casualguy (page 6)

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    15 years ago
    SC's and Natural Disasters
    I imagine the bigger clubs in my area would stay open if they still had power and people were visiting. There have been bad ice storms that knocked out power to whole cities in years past. Trees down across roads, pitch black roads, ice, etc. keeps a lot of people home and not too many even think about visiting a strip club. I believe losing power will close down just about every strip club I've visited unless it's only a temporary outage. If it's just snow, yeah the strip clubs will likely still be open. However if they are even predicting snow or frozen precipitation that night, many people will stay home so the clubs may be almost dead or with vastly reduced crowds. I will stay home if I think the roads are going to be bad. I have an hour drive if the roads are good.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper rituals
    I'd ask the dancer to do different things if you want variety but like the dancer. Many dancers are agreeable. If they don't want to change, there are always others.
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    15 years ago
    Opening night at a strip club?
    It wasn't a grand opening but simply my first visit to one club. To prove you don't know what you're walking into when first visiting a club, I saw a packed club. I stood up for several minutes not seeing any empty seats. One dancer helped me out by getting a chair from some other people at a table and pulled it up to the stage and sat in my lap. They were doing special stage shows Las Vegas style they announced. I thought I saw tv cameras which seemed odd along with the bright lights. Months later, I became friends with a dancer from that club closer to where I live and she told me I was on a DVD they made. All I wanted was a normal less busy visit. I typically like to avoid standing room only crowds and being recorded by tv cameras. It was my first visit to the club and I didn't know what I was getting into.
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    15 years ago
    Opening night at a strip club?
    I was surprised a dancer remembered me from so long ago and even knew of a picture of me at a club I once visited.
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    15 years ago
    Opening night at a strip club?
    I was a regular at one club which closed down and then reopened in a new location not too far away in the same town with a different name. They were taking pictures to put under their extensive bar glass under the long table tops. They did this during the opening week or two. I thought I wasn't in any of the pictures until within the last few years when a dancer I did not remember told me there was a picture of me there. They were taking pictures mostly of the dancers I thought. It might be interesting to go back and see how many pics of dancers I still remember and see if I find myself.
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    15 years ago
    dollar dollar bill y'all - ever pay for a dance in ones?
    I remember paying a dancer in ones. I told her right away that I was almost out of money but she still wanted to dance for me. She didn't care if I had twenty one's or a twenty.
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    15 years ago
    Novelty penis
    I think money works better than anything to get a dancers attention. I never heard about anyone bringing some fake member into a club to fool the dancers. I don't know what the point would be.
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    15 years ago
    saturday night dead ?
    If the weather is good and people just got paid, I usually see crowds on Saturday night. Unless there is a major sports event on that is not televised in the club. If it's in between pay periods, crowds are smaller. I would say weekend crowds are smallest near the end of the month when the last pay period hasn't been paid yet. For example when the last day of the month falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday (probably Monday as well but not always). Without the end of the month pay check, crowds are smaller. Some people get paid bi-monthly, some are paid monthly, either way with so many living paycheck to paycheck, they won't have as much extra cash at that time.
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    15 years ago
    Anyone with special facebook pages?
    I think I'm going to have to create a facebook profile just to suit one of my relatives. Apparently I can not view pics without being a member. This means I probably need two different accounts in case a dancer finds one but I only want her using a different one. I do not want my relatives asking who is this girl and why does she call herself the name of a car, etc. etc.
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    15 years ago
    PL's As Advisors to TSA
    I remember at one strip club, they once did routine pat downs. One time there was only a girl at the front to pat me down. One time when it was only me and her there, she told me I needed to strip. She sounded serious too. She was joking. I think at least. I can't remember if someone else showed up within seconds after that or not but it's very possible somebody else did show up. Hopefully we never get to the point where some girl has to squeeze everyone's dick to make sure it's real and not a fake package. However if it was a hot girl doing it, I can imagine some guys might like that. I think I'd rather be screened instead of being felt up by anyone other than a hot girl.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ooops, while rereading I see I mistyped that a dancer pulled off my pants. She did not. She only pulled off my belt.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I can say dancers have gotten away with doing a lot of things in the main room but I don't remember trying to do that much in the main room. At one time in one club, I thought a group of dancers confused my dick for my hand when they come up to greet me. I was wearing pants. While tipping a dancer a dollar at a stage, I had one dancer on more than one occasion grab my hands and put them up on her boobs in one club. That was a rare event. Another dancer while waiting to tip her a dollar at the stage got on her knees and went up to my belt buckle, grabbed it with her teeth and pulled off my pants. Definitely worth a dollar tip. I've had two or 3 dancers show me their pussy on the main stage in a crowded topless only club. I believe they may have been fired since they left early. They showed their pussy to everyone and not just me. One dancer while I was sitting at the main stage slid her hands under my shorts all the way up. I've had a lot of dancers put their pussy in my face but they were wearing bikinis. If they make that a press fit between her pussy and my nose and/or mouth, I just hope they don't smell. I always tip them a dollar at the stage.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do the strippers know that you post on here?
    I would not ever post a dancers real name. I doubt most people in a club would even know most dancers real name since they go by nicknames and stage names so much. I believe this applies to dancers and not just customers. Some smaller clubs may be different especially if the turnover is not high. I believe when there are lots of dancers working a club and lots of turnover, many dancers just don't know the names of a lot of the other dancers.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do the strippers know that you post on here?
    I'll have to agree with shadowcat on many strippers in South Carolina not using computers that much. I remember one stripper even was somewhat hostile when I even mentioned something about the pc. She said she hated computers. Now when it comes to cell phones though, a lot or almost everyone seems to have one. Maybe there are a lot more poorer strippers here who aren't into pc's that much. They have their cell phones and whatever else they want. Now I have met a few dancers who had their own web site as well. I remember years ago one dancer even had a public web cam. She didn't want me to tell anyone but she said a few people already knew. I had a few dancers give me a web site to go and see pics of the dancer. I rarely mention TUSCL to anyone in a club. Most dancers I talk to have never heard about it whenever I do bring up the subject. PP in Columbia dancers seem to be most aware of the site compared to dancers in other clubs. I suspect someone there may be talking to dancers about it. :) Once or twice I mentioned something about posting reviews about a dancers club online and said I could mention a dancers name if she wanted. That just raised all kinds of fear in the dancer. I said I would not to calm her down. Oh, I just thought if the dancer is treating me special with prices or in other ways, she might not want me posting that information. As if others don't already know.
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    15 years ago
    14 nabbed for prostitution under new R.I. law — ‘Pat Patriot' among them
    It's ok if you enter a legal agreement where you give the girl basically half of everything you own and then have sex. Give her something less without that legal agreement then the others cry foul and pass laws against them and call it immoral. Of course the same people probably are thinking the only way those guys get something for free is sort of like a trial basis before they get the legal agreement. Of course they have their proper morals to uphold. It's all about control and the people in power exerting control over others.
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    15 years ago
    Concerns remain in EU over 'nude' airport scanners
    They could set up training programs for safe flyers, ie. those that have been preselected as green passengers with very low terrorist risks, been working over 10 years here in the US, no affiliations with any countries overseas and nothing else in their records. Give them 15 minutes of training and put it on their record that they can direct passengers with the assistance of the flight crew in the event that a plane needs to evacuate after 3 hours or less. That would be a lot better than nothing and leaving everyone on board for hours and hours. I have 15 minutes to spare a lot of the time at an airport when I'm traveling. Basically the pilot and crew would be directing things but they would have the green passenger assistance if needed to help people get off the plane after 3 hours. I think security officials worry too much about terrorist risks instead of the hostage passengers trapped onboard an airline for hours and hours with stinking toilets that don't work. If it's the holidays, people are off from work and even airports may be understaffed like everything else seems to be. The idea I have above for airport assistance would be a passenger volunteer program. I'd be willing to volunteer for help if I was selected and already flying and was stuck onboard myself.
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    15 years ago
    Porn's Tech Frontier: 3D and Peripherals
    I know of someone who claimed that he invented the first visor with a heads up display inside it. True or not??? He was kind of weird. When I was talking to him on one occasion he claimed he figured out how to make a large size 3D tv where the people would be as large as anyone in real life. Just one problem, the lasers would be so powerful they would slice you if you came into contact with them. He appeared to be very smart but a bit weird.
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    15 years ago
    Porn's Tech Frontier: 3D and Peripherals
    I saw Avatar in Real3D. There was a spring break preview in 3D that really got my attention when those boobs popped out from the screen. I'd rather have lightweight wrap around glasses that feel more like lightweight sunglasses rather than the bulky glasses I got with the film. Anyway I do see the possibility of 3D taking off. I remember playing a video game that consisted of holograms. Now that did not require 3D glasses. I could actually move my hand through the images. If they can could just make that much larger they may have it. That technology was around over a decade ago and it would be nice if we had 3D without glasses.
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    15 years ago
    Top US States For Online Pornography
    I see most of the top states only had 3 people out of one thousand broadband users. That explains why I used to get so much spam mail.
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    15 years ago
    Happy New Year!
    I don't make resolutions. I figure if it's worth doing, why wait?
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    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    female in strip club "I want to take you home and let you do whatever you want to me!" me from across the room "WHAT?" "what did you say?" she repeats up closer. Then I passed her up as I suddenly felt a beer buzz and she said she wanted to leave right now. smart? stupid? who was she? a dancer? Beats the hell out of me. I can't even remember what she looked like anymore. Am I addicted to strip clubs because I wanted the comfort of staying in a predictable situation and not go off drunk with a total stranger? Maybe I wasn't drunk. I did just down a few beers because they cut you off early several hours before the club closes. I don't remember hardly any random girls coming up to me out of the blue asking to go home with them as the first question they ask. However I do remember a couple of dancers did one night but they made it easy to say no because they said they wanted money too. I might try spending some time at a regular sports bar.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What happened to them?
    Sometimes life keeps you too busy so you may stop visiting strip clubs for a while. Other times things happen that just seem to encourage you to do something. Sometimes it seems eerie how events happen to encourage you to do something. I've been spending more time thinking about pc power rather than tits. Ooops, I think I'm acting like Obama. I lied. Spent more time here than checking out pc's.
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    15 years ago
    Deputy gets probation for Tasering man in strip club
    It's terrible that someone would get tasered in the back when he wasn't even attacking anyone.
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    15 years ago
    Deputy gets probation for Tasering man in strip club
    I wonder whatever became of the method that allowed someone to forget? There was some chemical I believe that acted on the brain and was successful even in treating traumatic stress so that people forget. I guess our government doesn't want to spend extra money on a possible expensive treatment. I don't know if it is or not though.
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    15 years ago
    Concerns remain in EU over 'nude' airport scanners
    Scanners won't ever make up for a lack of security. What happens with no security and they start hiding explosive devices inside their body cavities? I doubt the public will consent to cavity searches to board an airplane. Explosive detectors in airplane restrooms next? If someone is willing to commit suicide there are easier ways to blow up a plane especially if a lack of security lets anyone get on a plane regardless if someone got scanned. I can imagine some of these scanners getting secretly wired up to a bosses office or other place and high resolution color images taken of the better looking female passengers. That's not exactly a threat to a country unless it were deemed a threat to implementation of some other security measure. I heard the would be bomber or terrorist was depressed and lonely. Isn't that just sad? (sarcasm) Maybe the president and the UN should impose new laws to reduce depression as a matter of national security. Blowjobs legal everywhere. Then instruct females how swallowing can provide important nutrients. This measure might cut down the terrorist threat more than new scanners in airports. Of course I don't think this will happen but can you imagine if a dancer wants to give you a free BJ in a strip club to warm you up for a lap dance but she's a fugly and you're trying to figure out how to tell her no thanks. It could be a blessing or curse if you went into a strip club and instead of just a 2 drink minimum sign posted, it said 2 drink minimum and you must let one stripper give you a BJ. New national happiness law. I think strip clubs would have to hire some girl just for that. Hey, it's late at night, my mind is running wild.