Comments by casualguy (page 171)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever had a waitess kick your ass?
    I see someone invisible has posted. Someone's probably disappointed I'm not posting stories about how some strippers want me to spank their ass. I seem to be doing back massages as well on occasion.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you believe a dancer when she says how much she usually charges?
    I'll agree. I believe some people have money to burn. I personally like to save a little bit. Of course if they got money to burn and have fun doing it, I'm certainly not stopping them. It takes a lot of people and/or money to support all the strippers I see in the strip clubs and I don't mind seeing additional eye candy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever had a waitess kick your ass?
    I think you're right. As far as kicking my ass went, if I have to wonder if she really kicked my ass, then she didn't bump me very hard. She did look good. It was more of a small friendly neighborhood type bar/club instead of really large strip club. That is one club where I am starting to wonder, what would I do if I won the motorcycle they are giving away? I think you need a license for that. Then there are taxes and explaining to everyone how you got it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tan or Pale?
    A tan looks better to me than pale white as if you just came from Canada.
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    18 years ago
    Why don't pretty girls smile?
    I haven't noticed the prettiest girls smiling more or less than other girls. Of course a smile can make someone look a bit better than someone who is not smiling.
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    18 years ago
    Which clubs ar friendliest to female patrons?
    If you ever vacation in South Carolina, Platinum Plus in Greenville has their amateur contest every Saturday night.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Which clubs ar friendliest to female patrons?
    I happen to see that fairly often. I like seeing hot female customers go up on stage and the stripper pulls her top up. The DJ's often seem to encourage it in clubs I go to. I remember once a hot bar tender flashed me after I guess I was flirting with her a bit. She looked better than the dancers in the club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you believe a dancer when she says how much she usually charges?
    Actually I do get some lap dances for $15 and some for $10 but I buy more than one. A new dancer would be the best one to try that out on. If you want to get lower prices, you might want to try a price that doesn't sound too low for the club and possibly name a dancer that doesn't work there. If you get caught, you could say well I thought she worked here. If it's a big club with a lot of turnover and new dancers, I don't think you'll have a problem. It helps if the dancers are walking around a lot instead of finding guys who want to pay for the dances.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever gotten physically abused in a club?
    I've had dancers mistakingly think I like it rough and then go wild. I remember one club in a military town where apparently one or more of the soldiers talked the dancers into biting a lot. They kept biting sometimes a bit too hard for weeks afterwards. What I noticed was, you didn't really notice it too much and might even feel good if you were drinking and they didn't bite too hard. I wasn't really looking forward to have the strippers bite me though. When every single stripper in a club starts biting, I start wondering what's going on? Generally I try to avoid dancers who look like they want to knock your lights out by jumping on top of you violently and gyrate on your shoulders like you are a pogo stick or something.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you believe a dancer when she says how much she usually charges?
    I don't really consider my asking the dance price or stating what I usually pay as negotiation. I sometimes ask or state that when a dancer doesn't tell me. If a dancer comes right out and tells me her dance price and it sounds high, I'll typically say "no thanks." Of course that may be the reason a number of dancers don't give a price up front since they want to say whatever sounds reasonable to me and her. I always ask for the dance price first since that is just a way to get burned by a dancer by not asking. It might be cheaper to go some other guy's route and just go out with a dancer but then you face the possibility of getting into her personal issues and that takes the fun away if you still want a strip club experience.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What I Did While TUSCL Was Down
    I didn't notice. I was probably working or visiting relatives.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How much would this hurt a stripper's "feelings"?
    I wouldn't be surprised if getting the kind of dance you want is similiar to training a pet. Say what you like instead of criticizing what you don't like (unless something hurts of course). Accept lap dances to reward her when she seems more agreeable and refuse dances if she doesn't. Instead of saying "I don't like it when I see your back facing me." Say instead "I really enjoy your dances a lot more when you face towards me." Don't try to teach too much at one time or if your pet isn't learning, forget her and get a different pet.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What I Did While TUSCL Was Down
    I read somewhere that strippers are often bored. I believe that and it explains why some strippers keep asking me so many questions. Of course that may just be a female thing. I had two females at work today who were both about to talk to me almost collide and then they started talking to each other asking questions and on and on and on. I went back to work and tried to ignore their conversation.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you do when you Finally Figure out that you need to give up the Clubs
    I've felt burned out on strip clubs before. However, after a few days of other activities, it seems like an eternity has passed since I have been in a strip club. When you're really busy, something that happened yesterday morning can seem like ages ago. Last night though, I had one girl ready to give me a massage but I declined due to seeing her big bottle of lotion which I didn't want on me. Then strangely I had a guy tell me a dancer wanted to do something with me. I didn't know what he was talking about and figured it had something to do with her boyfriend trying to talk me into getting a dance from her. A bit strange. At another club a lot of the dancers with nice tits were all wearing fishnets over their boobs and I liked the look. One wanted to hug me tight and was joking about squeezing me so tight. I didn't know what brought that on but it was fun. I joked with another dancer saying she caught some big ones (in her fishnet). :) I'm ready for a strip club break now.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do You Like to Spank Strippers Hard and Pull Their Hair?
    Well I removed the ignore so I could read this after logging in. I witnessed what happens when a guy spanks a stripper or slaps her on the ass loud enough to easily hear across the bar. It was about 5 minutes till closing. The guy slapped the girl on her ass with a loud "smaack." She didn't look pleased. It must have really turned her on (sarcasm). Then for some reason she either came closer and then left again but he got another loud "smaack" on her ass. A big bouncer came over and quickly escorted the guy out of the club. This must only be a turn on in clubs out west. Any more turn ons?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do You Like to Spank Strippers Hard and Pull Their Hair?
    clif, you must have fallen off the turnip truck yesterday. I bet some stupid university promoted you to professor or something. I'm glad the really stupid are staying wherever you live at. It's no wonder our education system is going downhill. Or did you even get an education here? Sorry, that is really a dumb question asking if YOU got an education in something intelligent. By the way, if you say your name is dumbcliff or dumbdavids in a club in south carolina (or I bet several across the nation will join in), we'll tell the bouncer he needs to really smack it to you since you seem to enjoy promoting violence against strippers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Tipping After a Lap Dance
    The best way I know to tip is to buy more dances at the club that night or on another visit. If I don't like her dances, I'm not going to buy any more from her. I might tip a dancer if she gives an exceptionally good dance but that rarely happens. If I tipped and bought dances from every single dancer that seemed good looking, I'd have to be pretty darn rich. Now if a dancer asks for a tip and all she did was sit there beside me for a minute and then ask for a dance, I might wonder what part of the country she came from because I think that is a bit rude especially when I didn't ask her to sit beside me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Tipping After a Lap Dance
    Generally speaking, if I encounter dancers that expect tips, I'll just tell them no thanks and have nothing to do with them. I tip at the stage and pay for dances but that's usually it. I believe about 95 to 98 percent of the guys in the clubs I go to don't even tip at the stage.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your longest time without going to a strip club?
    Not too long after moving to South Carolina, I went to a few clubs and started losing interest in strip clubs. I was going to regular bars and clubs though. Then I heard on the local evening news about many attempts to shut down a number of strip clubs in South Carolina. Some were shut down. I started going since it seemed like you have to use it or face losing it. There was another stretch where I believe I didn't set foot in a strip club for a few months simply because I was too busy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Tipping After a Lap Dance
    yes, I agree shadowcat. Tipping at the stage can be rewarding. That's why it seems surprising so many just sit back like a frog on a log. Of course in one club I believe I knew why. There seemed to be more dancers than customers and the girls were sitting beside or on customers laps as soon as they sat back in a chair. After I sat in a chair for a few minutes, I was approached by a few dancers. It seems strange when there are more dancers than customers. It was relatively early in the evening though. maybe 9 pm.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you do when you Finally Figure out that you need to give up the Clubs
    I remember visiting my mother in another town and picking her up from a massage therapist. I really liked the way the massage therapist looked even though I only saw her for a few seconds. A few months too late, I was told that she was asking about me saying she was looking for a new boyfriend etc etc. Then I was told since I lived out of town, she hooked back up with her old boyfriend. I was thinking that story doesn't do anything but make me feel like I missed out. I was thinking getting massages from different massage therapists could become a new hobby. I have yet to start that hobby though. Everything takes time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever been threatened/harassed by a strippers husband/bf?
    I don't recall this. I may get dances in a club from a variety of dancers who I don't know if they are married or have serious boyfriends. However I would hope that they wouldn't pursue a relationship with me if they are married or still have a serious boyfriend. I wouldn't want to get involved. However strippers do lie so you may never know. I did have one stripper try to harass me one time. I forget what she wanted from me but she threatened to call my parents and friends and everyone else I knew and tell them that I was seeing a stripper (her). I smiled because I thought that was really funny. I wasn't married and a young guy so it really did seem funny. She may have even threatened to show up at my parents house and introduce herself. I just smiled more because my father probably would have thought it was funny as well. Of course she didn't bother. That had to be one of the most amusing threats I heard of though. Lol, my father probably would have been talking about it at work if a hot looking dancer showed up at his door.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Thanks to all of the relatively recently enforced restrictions against strip clubs like 1000 feet or more away from all kinds of things, more clubs were closed down using the law. If a club has been operating relatively peacefully for years in a location, I didn't see a problem with it continuing to operate. In some places in the south (actually many), there is a church, school or something restricted on every street corner. Since churches and strip clubs don't usually operate at the same time of day, I didn't see what the problem was if a low key club parking lot was located across the street from a church. However the club I'm thinking about got closed down thanks to the law. It was a religious group trying to enforce their belief on everyone else using the law to shut down a club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    as far as the degrading to women goes, they haven't really studied the situation. It's the men who are getting taken advantage of. The men get charged left and right for almost everything in a strip club. Paying a girl 10, 20, 30 or even 40 dollars for 3 or 4 minutes of dancing must be so degrading that hundreds or thousands of girls have decided to do it. Of course for the stubborn, you can't seem to change what's in their heads.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I didn't even realize tying up a dancer for an hour could make you be considered a whale. I've done so a few times but I thought it was more likely the dancer wanted to talk a bit when the club is usually slow. I don't usually spend that much during an hour. I remember one dancer decided to spend over 3 hours talking to me and I only spent $30 on her (bought 1 $10 table dance an hour). It's no wonder someone may have asked if I was her boyfriend on a subsequent visit. It can be a bit surprising when one of your favorites at the time seems to want to spend your entire time in the club just talking to you. I told her I would like to get some dances from other girls before the club closed. Otherwise I did enjoy that at that time.