
Do You Like to Spank Strippers Hard and Pull Their Hair?

Monday, June 26, 2006 10:07 AM
Many strippers seem to find this to be a turn on.


  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids / Clifprick / FRUIT LIPS: Instead of trying to insult myself and others by making false claims about what you WISH our sexual orientation would be you should OPEN UP and COME OUT OF THE CLOSET YOURSELF! It is quite obvious to anyone who hasn't put you on ignore that you have a great disdain for strippers because you want the attention of the guys. DON'T FEEL BAD! YOU WERE BORN THIS WAY. EMBRACE YOUR GAYDOM. Just please stop trying to ruin this board for others. It just catapults you to new heights of PL'dom. I would suspect from your words and actions that besides being an embarassment to your family and comunity that you have some kind of sexual perversion record with the police. Am I right? Stop posting to TUSCL, get on the little yellow bus with RL and go get some help. Now off to the funny part --> davids what I find truly funny is not your attempt to SMOKE THE MOST POLES in the world. Nor your invention of COCKSUCKER MATHAMATICS. Not your blind faith in JUNK SCIENCE, your sad attempts at FORTUNE TELLING or HAIRY PALMISTRY not to mention NLP. The volumes of complete BULLSHIT that you choose to vomit up to this message board or any of the completely FAKE STATISTICS you constantly throw around. I don't even find the fact that you would actually challenge someone on the internet to a fight and then be the biggest ALL AROUND PUSSY MOTHERFUCKER and whimp out. What I do find truly funny is the fact that you are ever banished to the lowest ranks of PL'dom by your own words and actions. And even funnier still is the fact that I am getting the last word and then joining everyone else by putting uou on ignore. HA HA FUCK YOU, YOU GYPSY FORTUNE TELLING SEXUALLY CONFUSED SCARED LITTLE DOUCHE BAG. HOPE THE WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT GOED WELL FOR YOU. AFTER ALL YOU DESERVE ALL OF THE COCK YOU CAN GET!
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Speaking of retards davids I would ask you to explain yourself but... It is hard to understand you with the volume of COCK that you have constantly pistoning in and out of your mouth. I know you are trying to set the world record for most POLES SMOKED but please come up for air once and a while. -- HA HA FRUIT-LIPS (you can use FRUIT-LIPS for another alias no charge )
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids / Clifboner / Fruit Lips has to rate pretty high on the PL'dom scale.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    clif, you must have fallen off the turnip truck yesterday. I bet some stupid university promoted you to professor or something. I'm glad the really stupid are staying wherever you live at. It's no wonder our education system is going downhill. Or did you even get an education here? Sorry, that is really a dumb question asking if YOU got an education in something intelligent. By the way, if you say your name is dumbcliff or dumbdavids in a club in south carolina (or I bet several across the nation will join in), we'll tell the bouncer he needs to really smack it to you since you seem to enjoy promoting violence against strippers.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Sorry, parody, but the cat is out of the bag: Your boyfriend that you are cheating on (JC) was balling his eyes out about your unfaithfullness the other day. You really selfish not to have considered JC's feeling before you cheated on him with chandler. You jerk.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Sorry to disapoint you clif bar the answer is no. Maybe you can tell me if davids likes to spank his monkey and pull his one lonely pubic hair? I'm asking you because you seem to be his right hand so to speak.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Well I removed the ignore so I could read this after logging in. I witnessed what happens when a guy spanks a stripper or slaps her on the ass loud enough to easily hear across the bar. It was about 5 minutes till closing. The guy slapped the girl on her ass with a loud "smaack." She didn't look pleased. It must have really turned her on (sarcasm). Then for some reason she either came closer and then left again but he got another loud "smaack" on her ass. A big bouncer came over and quickly escorted the guy out of the club. This must only be a turn on in clubs out west. Any more turn ons?
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids - I heard you like to spank your monkey and pull your one lonely pubic hair. Be careful not to rip it out otherwise it will take you months to regain your manhood!
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Stripper spankers please come forward.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    davids / Clif-ballbag: Wouldn't you at some point in your life had to have some actual physical {SEXUAL} contact with an actual real woman to be able to speak to this? It sounds like more of your MADE UP BULLSHIT! Don't cry just keep beating off!
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