Comments by casualguy (page 170)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customers who MANIPULATE strippers and take advantage of them
    Ok I will confess, many eons ago, I used some secret black ops hypnosis and strippers would take me out back and give me BBBJ's all for free and then demand we meet OTC for even more. I stopped doing it because it seemed really strange having so many girls demanding that I have sex with them OTC and I just had to start telling them no, no, no because they were wearing me out. I'm carefree now and no longer manipulating strippers anymore. :) :) I'm even paying for lap dances as well. Times have really changed. I do miss those old manipulation days though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you care how much goes to the girl vs. the club?
    The main reason I would care is because I feel like the time and exact dance count is probably strictly enforced if the club is getting a cut for every dance and/or song. I tend to avoid getting dances in those kinds of clubs. I like it when a dancer can drop the dance price down to get more dances from me. She makes more money by not walking around looking for someone who wants a dance and I get cheaper priced dances. Clubs forcing dance prices up by charging per dance is a lose lose proposition I believe.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubs and organized crime
    I'm wondering what is the difference between organized crime and our government system? We are forced to pay money to our government. They give us something back but so do strip clubs. The leader of our nation or leader of our government depends on how much money and organized connections of powerful people they have. Your average Joe without money or powerful connections is not going to get elected. We now have the Patriot Act so that our government can now treat us like we are all potential criminals and monitor everything. Strip club owners seem like small fry compared to what goes on with our government system. It doesn't bother me to think of dancers working for criminals since I feel like we are all working for a similiar system. Our government system even has payoffs for groups that help them get in power. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of similarities. I once thought that maybe Clinton appeared to run things well as president because he might have had some secret underground mafia connections and already knew how the system worked. I guess he did have a secret intern connection. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Nude no-alcohol clubs
    I believe every strip club I know about charges an admission fee. The nude clubs seems to have an extra high fee. The nudes clubs I know about though let you bring in your own beer for an extra $3 fee at the door (I suppose they say they are paying for the ice and a cooler for you). I suppose some clubs may charge higher fees than others.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    strippers who like really like you..or are they just acting??
    Some dancers I meet either do a fantastic acting job or seem to like me. I suppose clues might be when you get more mileage while just talking to a dancer than some guys get while getting a lap dance. There are a lot of body clues to tell whether someone is faking it or is doing a really good acting job or seems to like you. It's nice to have people be friendly whether they are acting or are genuine. I usually don't worry about it too much unless I'm wondering if they are planning on doing something dirty behind your back.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever felt like a new stripper interviewed you?
    Perhaps I'm just not used to very many questions since one club is too noisy to talk very much and the other club is like a small neighborhood bar where many dancers already seem to know you if you live in the area. Perhaps she was paying attention to me but noticed that I kept looking at other dancers. I take her approach as automatic pilot going haywire. Felt like I was taking some kind of phone dating survey for a minute and I usually say no thanks to survey questions and hang up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever felt like a new stripper interviewed you?
    I don't remember her asking if I was there to see another dancer but she did ask what brought me to the club. I believe I truthfully answered I took a detour. Well, there was some road construction near the club and the sign said detour. The way I said it though made it sound like I was driving all over the place. I was probably confusing her which I may have taken some amusement from. :) Her approach was probably turning me off since if I don't like too many questions (feels like an interview). She must have noticed and decided it was time to leave.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    strippers who like really like you..or are they just acting??
    It seems like many dancers don't bother acting where I live at. Either they seem to like you or they will just ignore you. I've seen one in particular I remember that pretended to like me by blinking her eye at me and it seemed like she was doing such a poor acting job. She didn't even know me so I don't know how she could like me. A few dancers are very good at stringing a whole lot of guys along.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I once heard a story about a guy buying a girl a drink and the next thing you know he is in the back getting a two for one dance special. She apparently got thirsty and decided to take matters into her own hands. The slightly drunk guy was just thinking, "what's that in her mouth?" The girl suddenly started dancing again and a bouncer suddenly showed up. The guy paid her for the dance but she complained. She said she wanted to get a taste. I heard this is a story of what could happen if you buy a dancer a drink. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any new people here? Welcome.
    Welcome again. I thought everyone was ignoring this thread for a while. ...and if Founder is reading this, Thanks again for the ignore feature. I really like not seeing any more juvenile comments from davids or all the same ol same ol old threads about strippers from romanticlover aka RL.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers giving less "RESPECT" to customers spending less
    Keira, most regular posters have clicked on the new "ignore" feature shown right besides davids and romanticlover aka RL. It eliminates a vast majority of the juvenile posts on here. I tend to agree with what you stated which is why I didn't respond and most regular posters probably never even saw your post since they have RL on ignore and he started this thread. Just for your information.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any new people here? Welcome.
    Hi Ironcat. I see you've been going to one of the same clubs as me but apparently on the day shift. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a totally different club at that time with totally different dancers and atmosphere. I could be wrong though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any new people here? Welcome.
    Sorry to hear that Jack. I've seen a few strippers who have problems. I believe you did the right thing. There are thousands or millions of people with problems and you can't possibly hope to help them all when you may have to save money for a rainy day yourself. I may donate to charity and help a friend in time of trouble but I don't believe you should let everyone else's problem become yours as well if you can help it. Maybe I should write to congressmen that a high school course on finances and spending and staying out of senseless debt should be mandatory in high school. Many people seem to need it. (I'm not implying this was the problem but just thought of it.)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New forum comments
    I like the map and improvements but I have a question. If you want to locate a particular city and the clubs in it, is there still a place to just type in the city or club you are looking for?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New forum comments
    Thanks, that really helps.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New forum comments
    I like the google satellite option on the map section as well. Seeing the physical street roads helps if the map isn't too clear about exits and entrances. The section that lists all nearby clubs and club ratings, miles away, etc. is great. Thumbs up here.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Telling a stripper who has given you a fake phone number to get lost
    RL, I really can't remember getting any fake phone numbers. Maybe you are getting the wrong vibes from girls you are asking. It might be that they aren't really interested in you and only want to work as strippers in a strip club and make money. Perhaps you should visit a regular night club and get some help recognizing signs someone likes you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I guess I'm not getting tongue
    I'd try to stay safe as well. Unless you know her sexual history and if she is clean or not, I wouldn't want to go down that road (pun intended).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The amount of money I spent on strippers over the years
    85k in credit cards? That's a lot. I remember for a few months I once didn't completely pay off my credit card. It's nice to pay something off and forget about it. Finishing up your last payment on a car or something else is nice. I've heard of several people spending thousands of dollars each year on hobbies such as golf. That would easily amount to $100,000 after 10 to 20 years. I guess you have to pay to play as the saying goes.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customers COMPLAINING about strippers attitudes towards them
    In your case RL, I think there might still be hope. For one other poster who claims he is not a nice person and seems to enjoy fighting, complaining, being rude etc., it's a lost cause. If a stripper complains, he would probably smile and think of it as a compliment.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you think of strippers who tell a FAKE "REAL NAME"
    They can tell me their real name or a fake name but I promise to forget about 95 percent of all the names I hear. I thought about using a fake name as well but I wasn't too worried about any strippers stalking me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customers COMPLAINING about strippers attitudes towards them
    I see the invisible poster must have posted. I'm assuming it's the usual take my bait post so we can start a flame war.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    I think we're all entitled to do something that is not the smartest thing in the world sometime in our life. It doesn't necessarily mean we are PL's, it just means we are human. Of course as far as the point goes in the previous post, I think that has been proven many times over.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    avids/clif is a joke. He claims people are not nice to him so it's ok for him to constantly attack whoever he wishes. The only way he thinks you are nice to him is if you agree 100 percent with every single little piece of crap uttered out of his mouth. Even then, I really don't believe he likes people to be nice to him. He would rather have flame wars left and right except of course when there would be an opportunity to unite to flame a new stripper posting on here unaware of the wolves waiting to pounce on her. I'd rather be chatting with sexy strippers and not have some rude guy always trying to start a flame war. If he put us all on ignore except for RL, I might stop posting my brilliant commentaries on RL's threads.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does anyone enjoy closing their eyes during a lapdance?
    The only time I close my eyes is usually when I tip a girl and she wants to smother my face in her tits. If she has big tits and she goes above my nose, I need to close my eyes for my own protection. Otherwise, I like to look at the dancers. I would probably prefer to keep my eyes open all the time but haven't felt like complaining about their tits being in my face. :)