Your longest time without going to a strip club?

avatar for chandler
What's the longest time you've gone without visiting a strip club? Why was it? Was there ever a point you thought you'd given up clubs for good? Why did you return?

Mine was a little over a year in 2000-2001. In fact, I stayed away from clubs from 2000 to 2004 except for a few interruptions. It was because I was committed to a girlfriend (two over that period, actually). Burnout was certainly a factor. I really never thought much about whether I would return to clubs. I didn't miss them. I returned after we broke up.


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avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
All I know is that lies, evasiveness, laundered money & Febreeze are the glue that holds my marriage together.

BTW - Febreeze is a spray that you use on clothes or fabrics to rid them of stinky/unwanted smells. It masks the stinky smell with a more perfumey smell. If misused, it can actually get you into more trouble than the original perfume smell that you were trying to disguise would have, so go easy with the stuff.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
What is "Fabreze", anyway?

As previously explained on this board, another aspect of my life that makes my hobby easier is that my wife has no interest in money, and as long as the ATM card gets her the cash she asks for, she has no idea how much money we have or don't have. Therefore, I have the luxury of being exempt from some of the ruses that some denizens of this board have shared (not telling your wife about a bonus check and using it for sc visits; getting a little extra cash when making purchases by check, and squirreling away that money for sc visits, etc).
avatar for GooberMan
19 years ago
I only go when my wife goes out of town. That varies from three months to a year. I could not afford to go more often, anyway. Perhaps put more bluntly: I could not justify spending more money on strippers based on my personal values. I have my own bank accounts and do all the household books, so my wife would not notice the money being spent. So that is not an issue. I just do not value strip clubs with nearly the zeal of others here.

Chitown, are you still married? What does your wife say about this if she knows? If she does not know, how do you keep it from her when you visit a club in town? I keep a bottle of Febreze in my car to kill the smell of cigarette smoke and perfume on my person after leaving a club on those rare occasions when I visit a club while my wife is home.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
Longest was 10 months about 5 years ago. I've never gone more than 3 months since I started clubbing early 1970's. Normally I go every 2 to 3 weeks. Sometimes hard to wait for the weekend after a busy week.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
"I don't have to bring an extra set of clothes or some
smelly stuff to cover up the other smelly stuff"

That's what I always wonder about Fabreze. Great, you don't have to explain the telltale smokey smell. Now, how do you explain the telltale Fabreze smell?
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
Yes, I am married. My wife does not see part of her role as being akin to that of a prison warden. I am self-employed, and I think that she interprets occasional evening absences as professional demands. I would not lie to her if she asked directly, but she does not ask directly, so I am not called upon to tell her. Because I run my own office, I have the freedom to go during the business day from time to time, and since I am about a half an hour away from clubs, I can make a reasonable strip club visit in a long "lunch hour." Also, I frequently have to travel locally for work, and my travels often take me past strip clubs--so if I have some problem with the steering on my car that causes me to drive into the parking lot of a strip club, the only extra time I incur for the trip is the actual time-in-club.

With respect to the "smell", it has long been part of my normal evening routine to shower in the evening before bed, so if I come home and immediately shower, there is no reason for any suspicion. If I know I am going to be at a strip club, I make a point of wearing a suit that day that is on its 4-5 wearing, and is therefore due for a trip to the dry cleaners.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
Ohhh, I guess I haven't gone since 2005(thats 24 hr. clock, not calendar).
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I can't really recall, but I know there have been several breaks of 3 or 4 months, plus one or two longer ones. If I had to guess I'd say probably right after 9/11 for about 8-10 months.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
How about nearly two years from late 2003 to late 2005. Money was something of a small factor as well as trying to find myself in a certain way (I kind of withdrew as my level of discontentment rose). Since I am now totally disillusioned with few misgivings about anything I feel good enough to venture out and spend $$$.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
When I first started going, I only went to out of town clubs, as business permitted. This period, from 1994 to 2001, sometime involved 4-5 months between visits. Then 9/11 came along, and the bottom fell out of business travel. I started to take "strip club field trips," specifically to go to certain clubs (mostly my favorite in Indy.) I spaced the trips at quarterly intervals, an example of self-discipline and restraint that, in retrospect, amazes me. Business travel is back up again over the past couple of years, and I have started to go to local clubs, so my frequency is much greater the six months, i doubt I've gone longer than ten days, at most.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Not too long after moving to South Carolina, I went to a few clubs and started losing interest in strip clubs. I was going to regular bars and clubs though. Then I heard on the local evening news about many attempts to shut down a number of strip clubs in South Carolina. Some were shut down. I started going since it seemed like you have to use it or face losing it. There was another stretch where I believe I didn't set foot in a strip club for a few months simply because I was too busy.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
I started going to clubs in 1996, stopped from 1997 - 2002, and resumed in late 2002.
Since late 2002, I think the longest I've refrained has been a month or so, but normally I start twitching if I go more than 2 weeks between visits.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
Since I started going 10 years ago or so, probably a good portion of 2002, from February to October. All my local clubs sucked and I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to always go to Kansas for whatever nudie bar fix I could get. Eventually, I ended up on vacation, visiting friends in Illinois, and rediscovered my favorite Illinois club from my time when I lived there. That might have been the end of it there, but then I found my favorite club. I rarely have missed out for more than a month since. Even a couple of my old favorites improved. And they built a new club within 10 miles of me 2 years ago.
avatar for T-Bone
19 years ago
These days a month.

Anything longer and my balls hurt.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
I'd say the longest I've gone without visiting a club since I started in the early eighties is maybe two months. That seemed like a lifetime when I was clubbing once or twice a week. For the last couple of years I only visit clubs once or twice a month so a gap of a few months doesn't phase me-though it is unusual.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
I started going back in 1977. Guess that dates me lol First experience was with a group of 6 that included 3 women. I stopped going when my wife became pregnant and didnt' go again for 6 years. My wife died in a car accident when my daughter was 5 and I started a consulting firm and traveled all the time. With the travel came the clubs as a something to do to entertain clients and pass time on the road. Name a club I've probably been there lol Had a few periods of burnout, but hung in there. Now having it again for a different reason.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I haven't been to a club since last August, and that's probably the longest time for me in at least 10 years. Reasons are many although cost is probably the biggest factor. As I've said eslewhere, I've discovered that I enjoy getting massages regularly just as much because the things I like most about clubbing are also mostly present in a massage and it's much cheaper. Also my ATF spoiled clubbing for me - it just isn't as much fun with anyone else. I'll probably try a club again sometime but so far I'm not in any hurry.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Since I started going regularly (about 15 years ago), I would say a month or two is about the longest without a visit. That said, my normal visit is nothing more than having a few beers and looking at nude women. For advanced activities, the gap would be closer to a year.
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